View Full Version : maybe stupid question but .... about neighbours

11-27-11, 07:19 AM
I have been playing bakery story for days and enjoy it very much. I have only 1 neighbour who is someone I know.
What can be the risk to add someone I don't know ?????
please can someone answer me (or TL team) so I can enjoy the game even more ....
thanks !

11-27-11, 07:56 AM
I don't know what risks there might be, I haven't had any issues with neighbors so far but if you don't have neighbors, then u really can't continue to play the game after a certain point as you can't expand any more unless you want to pay 80 gems per expansion or build donut machines unless you want to pay 200gems per machine.

11-27-11, 08:11 AM
The risk???
Maybe they disturb u on ur wall.
Personal attack u on ur wall.
Spread rumours, defame u on ur wall.
Maybe more....

But the pros is u does need neighbours for expansion and to give u free parts for ur appliance.

Thus u have to decide whether pros outweigh cons or vice versa.

11-27-11, 08:53 AM
well, the risk is if you add them they can post bad things on your wall,(i know alot about this)
if you want more nbrs ask that person for people to add or go to people bakery and put please add ............
but you can add me it ID: pudstar
im 3 stars!

11-27-11, 07:06 PM
As long as you don't share personal information, then you should be safe in adding anyone as a neighbor. You may want to be careful who you add, because if they become disrespect and start violating the rules on your wall, you will need to send us an email in order for us to take care of the situation.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

11-27-11, 07:08 PM
As long as you don't share personal information, then you should be safe in adding anyone as a neighbor. You may want to be careful who you add, because if they become disrespect and start violating the rules on your wall, you will need to send us an email in order for us to take care of the situation.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

Read the persons wall to see if they cyberbully or are rude.This will give you a idea if you want to be neighbors.

11-29-11, 01:54 AM
Generally most people are not brats though if you are unfortunate to have someone trolling your wall, you just need to report the harassment.

Read the persons wall to see if they cyberbully or are rude.This will give you a idea if you want to be neighbors.
Eh i dont think bullys leave the mean notes on their own walls but the wall can be undicative of what type of people that are willing to be their neighbor. Otherwise walls of people whi left tips though my wall is full of newbie tips. Atleast in Nightclub story, it probably been pushed off BS n RS walls by now.

11-29-11, 02:19 AM
There's more advantage, I believe, to adding neighbors than not. I've mostly added people from the "add me" threads when I started out, and never had any issues with the people I added, or with those who added me.

11-29-11, 07:22 PM
How do you remove neighbors from either the invite list or neighbors list?

11-29-11, 07:25 PM
From the neighbors list - press the Edit button, and the visit/gift buttons will change to a delete button. Just be careful to press the Edit button when you're done, so you don't delete people you want to keep.

The pending invites don't currently have a way to delete.

01-19-12, 01:14 PM
Hi! my edit button is gone? I m sure I had one before :p Is this a known problem? i want to delete some inactive neighbors but I can not. :-(

01-19-12, 01:18 PM
Hi! my edit button is gone? I m sure I had one before :p Is this a known problem? i want to delete some inactive neighbors but I can not. :-(

Try restarting your device, also could try deleting the app and redownloading, don't worry your game is safe on TLs server. Please let us know if this continues, and which device, device version and game version played on, thanks.

01-19-12, 01:24 PM
If you are on Android, the Edit button went missing in Dec with the 1.3 release and was fixed later that week. It has been fixed, so if you go into the Android Market and update to the latest version, 1.3.5, it will return.