View Full Version : Suggestions (^-^)/

11-20-11, 06:41 AM
Hey TL i have some suggestions for the game
-First: Fixing the low resolution of some manequis on the catalog.
-Second: Adding moving cars and girls walking outisde of the boutique will make the game a bit more real
-Third: Make the water of all fountains flow(aquarius, artistic, merilion, etc)
-Fourth: Make a nude manequin so we can choose which cloths it will wear.
-Fifth: Add some extra moves to the girls that visit out boutiques its a little boring to see thems doing the same the whole time.
-Sixth: Add themes for the outisde so each player can choose one that fit with her boutique.
-Seventh: Lksten to the same music all the time is boring so adding new music will be great.
-Eighth: Fix the lag that some big big boutiques have when they have many items or likes.
-Ninth: Add a confirm option before clicking any purchase button.
-Last one: When someone is visiting all her neighbors, after visiting two the nb's list start loading and go back to the top and this is so annoying when we have tons of nb's.

Hope that like my suggestions if TL add some of this i'll be so happy

Bye Bye!

11-20-11, 06:43 AM
Darn the color text failed well ignore the color/ colorbla/blabla/ 

11-20-11, 06:47 AM
Also ignore the bad typed words

11-20-11, 07:19 AM
You need to name colours instead of RGB. Eg makes my text look like this:)


-Yes, definitely;
-Perhaps, though I would imagine that doing so would put even more strain on the memory of older devices.
-Again, this could cause considerable crashing and lag due to memory issues, though it'd be nice
-I like that idea-almost like an in-store avatar?
-Memory issues...again:p
-Another good idea; I know that a lot of people may prefer the Seasonal backgrouds etc. Also maybe the default could change depending on time of year?
-I think another memory constraint:rolleyes:
-This is probably due to the memory issues...so that's not great as it is...
-It would get in the way; an On-Off would be better
-Yes, that's requested a lot.

11-20-11, 07:58 AM
You need to name colours instead of RGB. Eg makes my text look like this:)


-Yes, definitely;
-Perhaps, though I would imagine that doing so would put even more strain on the memory of older devices.
-Again, this could cause considerable crashing and lag due to memory issues, though it'd be nice
-I like that idea-almost like an in-store avatar?
-Memory issues...again:p
-Another good idea; I know that a lot of people may prefer the Seasonal backgrouds etc. Also maybe the default could change depending on time of year?
-I think another memory constraint:rolleyes:
-This is probably due to the memory issues...so that's not great as it is...
-It would get in the way; an On-Off would be better
-Yes, that's requested a lot.

Ueah u're right but about adding flow to the fountains i dont mean like a 3d effect that will crah the game as hell xD with just 4 images diferent of water falling is ok ^^ that will make the fountains more nice

11-20-11, 07:59 AM
Yeah* hate my keyboard 

11-20-11, 08:41 AM
Well, they do have animated fish in Farm Story, does that crash the devices or lag the system? I think something like an animated .gif could be used instead. After all, we do not see the water in real 3D as there is a limited amount of rotation that it has.
But then again, I know nothing of coding for games so what do I know :P

11-20-11, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. We'll forward them to the development team.

TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
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11-20-11, 06:04 PM
What about a gift-all button? Makes sending gifts easier. The visiting nbr list should not always scroll back up to the top. If the list stayed where it was, it would be easier to visit all nbrs.