View Full Version : New slot

11-17-11, 06:21 PM
I thought a new slot costs 25 gems. I see it in my catalog as 30 gems.

11-17-11, 06:39 PM
Prices have gone up since last night for various services in all/most games. Here is one of the two popular threads today:


11-18-11, 04:58 AM
Thank you!!!

11-18-11, 08:30 AM
It is a shame the prices are going up, however we do get quite alot of slots as we advance though the game.
We also earn free gems, so it is possible to save gems for extra slots.If we purchase gems when a sale is on its considerably cheaper then.

11-18-11, 08:53 AM
Saving gems is how I purchase extra slots. But with the increase I don't have enough clothes to master to get another one.

11-18-11, 09:03 AM
Accidentally purchasing an extra slot in Fashion Story is probably the gem trap that most people waste their gems on. Yes, it is a gem trap and there has been no action by TL to do anything about it. And tapping the extra slot button has happened multiple times to some people. And with the price increases, it will cost players even more in wasted gems.

It really doesn't matter how many slots are made available as you level up or how many gems are awarded for free, when in one accidental click 30 gems are wasted.

11-18-11, 10:03 AM
Other fashion games are based on the same concept, I don't believe in gem traps but that's my personal opinion.
I do feel for players when gems are lost, I've lost many gems too and I hope it will be reviewed by TL.
I've always wasted gems because I have tapped too quickly, I'm well aware this is not the case in everyone.

11-18-11, 11:26 AM
I just realized it went up too! Weird. I feel like they keep saying its not a gem trap which I guess I believe, but they take absolutely no action to fix it! They didnt seem to have a problem changing it to 30 gems, so I'm sure it's not too tough to add a simple confirm button. I get that they are a 'business' and gotta make that $$ but c'mon.. Lol

11-18-11, 12:33 PM
I thought a new slot costs 25 gems. I see it in my catalog as 30 gems.
Hummm my new slot now is for 24G not for 25 or 30 xd idk why...

11-18-11, 04:08 PM
To buy a new slot for me is 20g. Maybe it's related to what level you are on??

11-19-11, 03:03 AM
for me I need 40 Gem!!! But I'm only on level 33...

11-19-11, 07:44 AM
I'm on level 31 and my new catalog slot will now cost me 50 GEMS?! What the heck!!? What is this based on? Why is everyone's different? I guess the good part is that I won't accidentally spend 50 gems if I click it 'cuz I don't have 50 gems!

kooky panda
11-19-11, 08:45 AM
I'm on level 31 and my new catalog slot will now cost me 50 GEMS?! What the heck!!? What is this based on? Why is everyone's different? I guess the good part is that I won't accidentally spend 50 gems if I click it 'cuz I don't have 50 gems!

I understand that everyone is not on board with the price increases. However, all of the things that have been increased (parts for constructables, expansions, additional appliances) can all be purchased with Coins, or gotten for free. Parts can be gifted from neighbors. Additional Appliance Slots or Order Slots are received on level up. And Expansions can be earned through adding neighbors and spending Coins. It is true that you can't add extra appliances or order slots beyond a certain limit, but these are still luxury features that do not hinder your ability to play the game (for free or otherwise).

That being said, I'll still continue to bring your feedback to the dev team's attention.

11-19-11, 08:55 AM
But why does it appear that the price for the extra catalog slot is not consistent? My extra slot will cost me 50 gems, while the player that posted on this thread before me will only be charged 40 gems for her slot and the player on the previous page of this thread will only be charged 30 gems? Can you explain the rationale behind that please?

11-19-11, 09:45 AM
I want to know as well, why I should have to pay 50 gems for an extra slot (and 70 gems for expansion) I have a sneaking suspicision they are targetting me cos i spend a lot on fashion. I have probably spent a few hundred on fashion and i never get anything for cheap, my closet items are always in the most expensive bracket.
This theory could probably be easily disproved but that would explain why my farm prices hv not changed, i hv spent hardly anything on that game.

11-19-11, 09:47 AM
My extra slot on fashion is 35 gems; I have spent a lot of money on that game.

11-19-11, 09:53 AM
Hmm... Haha, theory disproved... Guess I'm just unlucky then...

11-19-11, 10:05 AM
Hmm... Haha, theory disproved... Guess I'm just unlucky then...

Lol It costs me 50 gems to unlock another appliance on bakery .

11-19-11, 10:38 AM
I'm on Level 59 and they are charging me 50 Gems for a new slot.. :O

11-19-11, 10:52 AM
I want to know as well, why I should have to pay 50 gems for an extra slot (and 70 gems for expansion) I have a sneaking suspicision they are targetting me cos i spend a lot on fashion. I have probably spent a few hundred on fashion and i never get anything for cheap, my closet items are always in the most expensive bracket.
This theory could probably be easily disproved but that would explain why my farm prices hv not changed, i hv spent hardly anything on that game.

Now there's another inconsistency - My expansion will cost me 80 gems!

11-20-11, 11:31 AM
I am on Level 70, and a new slot for me is $40, I don't spend any cash on any games, but I have accidentally bought 2 slots in the past. Not happy with this new development, especially seeing the inconsistencies with the pricing for everyone. I understand prices do go up in this world, but why the differences between players?

11-20-11, 11:47 AM
A new slot is 35 gems for me >_<

11-20-11, 01:45 PM
my extra slot on fashion 35 gems . :( ewww

11-20-11, 01:52 PM
Mine is 40 gems! o. o

11-20-11, 05:36 PM
The different prices are randomly chosen by the systems. These prices are not assigned based on device, version of the app, user location, or previous purchases.

TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

11-20-11, 05:40 PM
The different prices are randomly chosen by the systems. These prices are not assigned based on device, version of the app, user location, or previous purchases.

TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

Again with the randomness -.-

11-20-11, 06:10 PM
Kind of glad my slot costs 40 gems. Less chance of me wasting 40 gems (more to earn before i accidentally spend it) but i have to be careful when i hit 40 gems. almost 2x 25 gems. o-o

11-21-11, 01:44 PM
Please note that different players will see different prices for these items. This is not based on previous purchases.

11-21-11, 01:46 PM
Please note that different players will see different prices for these items. This is not based on previous purchases.

I still don't understand why changes were made. "Don't fix what isn't broken", no?

Thank you though:).

11-21-11, 01:48 PM
To buy a new slot for me is 20g. Maybe it's related to what level you are on??

it depends on the level your on.A new slot for me cost 35 gems. when I started I think it was 20gems or 15gems. Anyway it Is a gem trap so don't bye it in the first place

11-21-11, 01:56 PM
it depends on the level your on.A new slot for me cost 35 gems. when I started I think it was 20gems or 15gems. [EDIT R98]

Is it? I don't think so...

Please note that different players will see different prices for these items. This is not based on previous purchases.

11-21-11, 02:51 PM
Is it? I don't think so...

i think so cuz on mu new account level 17 its 20g and my level 59 account 40... but im not siure...

11-21-11, 02:56 PM
The different prices are randomly chosen by the systems. These prices are not assigned based on device, version of the app, user location, or previous purchases.

TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

oh lol didnt see this post i was on the last pg wen i thought i was on the first oops lol
awww i dont like the randomness:( i dont get why they raise the catalog slot prices i mean if someone accidently buys them they lose theyre gems getting so upset they dont even want to buy anymore gems bcuz of the gem traps! i dont get why they dont put in a comformation button it cant be tht hard all it says is r u sure? also we already spent money on the gems if u make us happy we are going to buy more

11-21-11, 03:14 PM
That's probably true, happy players maybe buy more gems. Many players have asked for a confirmation button, so let's hope it's looked at as soon as is possible.

11-24-11, 07:54 AM
It is weird in mine. It used to cost 25 gems, but now it costs 20 gems. So I managed to buy two slots with the gems I saved from mastering catalog items :D

11-24-11, 09:21 AM
Accidentally purchasing an extra slot in Fashion Story is probably the gem trap that most people waste their gems on. Yes, it is a gem trap and there has been no action by TL to do anything about it. And tapping the extra slot button has happened multiple times to some people. And with the price increases, it will cost players even more in wasted gems.

It really doesn't matter how many slots are made available as you level up or how many gems are awarded for free, when in one accidental click 30 gems are wasted.

So agree with you there. I've been lucky (knock on wood) I haven't fallen into those gem traps though I have on completing drinks and contract a few times for five gems (not as bad as losing 30). I've now lost 5 on city and 10 on Nightclub due to gem traps.

11-24-11, 09:27 AM
I'd like to know why everyone has different prices and they r not the same like they should be. Of course that would make sense if everyone was charged the same price and everyone got the limited time offers etc.

11-24-11, 09:30 AM
Random prices, random offers. I don't know what to say.

02-16-12, 03:34 PM
When u buy an xtra slot,will u still be given the next one you would be normally scheduled for?is it a bonus slot or are just getting your next one faster?thanks for any help with this

kooky panda
02-16-12, 03:36 PM
When u buy an xtra slot,will u still be given the next one you would be normally scheduled for?is it a bonus slot or are just getting your next one faster?thanks for any help with this

You are suppose to be getting an extra one, it should not count towards your free ones that will be coming when you level up.

02-16-12, 04:03 PM
Thanks,I'm willing to buy a slot if it's xtra,not just opening up my next one early