View Full Version : Bakery Weekly Update 11-11

kooky panda
11-10-11, 05:03 PM
Updates are coming tomorrow!!! Question is, will we get our eclairs???? How about cute doggie???


Oodles of Poodles! :D


11-10-11, 11:17 PM
I must have that adorable doggy!!!!! It will be best friends with my little Bullseye cat.

11-11-11, 10:23 AM
I can't wait...I love the weekly updates!

11-11-11, 10:35 AM
That poodle is very cute.

kooky panda
11-11-11, 12:39 PM
http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af320/rakinsey99/59049f07.jpg http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af320/rakinsey99/f167ee1e.jpghttp://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af320/rakinsey99/8a65476f.jpg


11-11-11, 01:04 PM
We have eclairs, but they are not giving any mastery points. I haven't completed any yet since they take 6 hours, but in the initial steps they don't give any mastery points like they're supposed to.

11-11-11, 01:06 PM
We have eclairs, but they are not giving any mastery points. I haven't completed any yet since they take 6 hours, but in the initial steps they don't give any mastery points like they're supposed to.

Mastery points now show up when you serve the food, no longer when you start cooking http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?19446-mad-no-chefhats-mastery-for-cooking-ONLY-for-serving

11-11-11, 01:08 PM
Here is the picture with this weeks updates ;)


11-11-11, 01:42 PM
Love the eclairs and all the other awesome updates!!!!!!!!

11-11-11, 01:52 PM
Love the updates but why cant you offer something every update that you dont have to buy besides a food item. Would be nice to get some neat things you dont have to buy with gems.

11-11-11, 02:14 PM
I'm so bummed the cake wallpaper is for gems. ALL the cute food wallpaper is multiple gems for ONE panel. It's ridiculous! Do they expect people to panel their whole bakeries that way??

So many of the new things are for gems. And sometimes when a table or chair is for coins, the corresponding item is for gems. I have MILLIONS of coins and nothing to do with them.

11-11-11, 02:59 PM
I have MILLIONS of coins and nothing to do with them.

It'd be nice if they let us buy gems with coins at least. Even a ridiculous ratio of 100K coins for one gem would be awesome.

I realize every business needs to make money, but the gem thing is getting ridiculous. I bought the 'free offer with gem purchase' every week I was offered one because it felt like a deal. I could get some gems to buy a few silly things and got a freebie to boot, not to mention I was happy to support a game that I find really fun. But this new 'limited offer' thing has to go away. It just feels so greedy on TL's part. I refuse to support it and I'm not buying gems anymore. No matter how adorably cute that poodle is. And how much I really, really want it. /grumble

11-11-11, 04:34 PM
It'd be nice if they let us buy gems with coins at least. Even a ridiculous ratio of 100K coins for one gem would be awesome.

I realize every business needs to make money, but the gem thing is getting ridiculous. I bought the 'free offer with gem purchase' every week I was offered one because it felt like a deal. I could get some gems to buy a few silly things and got a freebie to boot, not to mention I was happy to support a game that I find really fun. But this new 'limited offer' thing has to go away. It just feels so greedy on TL's part. I refuse to support it and I'm not buying gems anymore. No matter how adorably cute that poodle is. And how much I really, really want it. /grumble

I totally agree with this. I'd even be happy to be able to trade in 1 million coins for 5 gems! And I liked the 'free offer with gem purchase' deals too.

As a business owner I understand the need for TL to make a profit, but I don't think they really understand their opportunity cost by choosing to be so greedy and stingy. Good customer care and perceived value goes a LONG way in ensuring a successful business - you give a little, gain a lot.

I don't know their figures but based on my own perceptions of their pricing strategies I'm willing to bet that they could vastly increase their revenues if they provided a better value. A LOT more people would be willing to buy gems if they felt they were getting their money's worth. Sure their per person sales would likely decrease, but the higher volume would more than make up for it.

Good customer service means a lot too. How many times have we heard on this forum stories of people with terrible experiences with TL support? I'm personally dealing with them about an issue they haven't resolved in over 2 months! If they were willing to offer me a few extra gems in apology, that would go a long way in smoothing things over, but as it stands I refuse to buy anymore gems.

11-11-11, 07:10 PM
Question: I got the poodle advertisement but nothing else. I only got a partial weekly update? I only see the poodle and no popup saying the weekly update is here. It's weird. I never get just partial weekly updates. I've gotten them whole or wait until Tuesday...

11-11-11, 07:26 PM
Nooooooo! I didn't get the poodle offer :' ( Bullseye cat will be very disappointed.

11-11-11, 07:34 PM
Question: I got the poodle advertisement but nothing else. I only got a partial weekly update? I only see the poodle and no popup saying the weekly update is here. It's weird. I never get just partial weekly updates. I've gotten them whole or wait until Tuesday...

Same here. Last week I also got the limited offer but no weekly popup on both Farm Story and Bakery Story. It means you need to wait until Tuesday until you get the weekly update.

11-11-11, 07:42 PM
At first I had the poodle offer and nothing else. In desperation for the eclairs I turned my iPad off waited a couple of seconds and then back on. Poof everything in the update was there. Don't know if it will work for you or not but it's worth a try. Last week I received the sofa offer but had to wait until Tuesday for everything else. It's so goofy!

11-11-11, 08:18 PM
Arent we supposed to talk about the update? o. o
Although the poodle is cute, i am not buying it and I wish I can give it to the people who actually wants to buy them. The updates are getting pinky, dont mind though! ;)

kooky panda
11-11-11, 08:30 PM
The limited offers and the acutally weekly updates are independent from each other. You may get the limited offer but not the update, or get the update and not the limited offer.
If you do not get the update today, you will get it by Tuesday. If you did not get the limited offer today, you will not get it later.

11-11-11, 09:34 PM
Nooooooo! I didn't get the poodle offer :' ( Bullseye cat will be very disappointed.

Did you get any of the weekly update? If so, I think they need to stop claiming these offers are part of the weekly update if they aren't going to give the limited-time offer items for everyone. It says it expires in 3 days which means Tuesday - which is when everyone should have the update by - is too far away and that isn't fair.

11-11-11, 10:06 PM
Did you get any of the weekly update? If so, I think they need to stop claiming these offers are part of the weekly update if they aren't going to give the limited-time offer items for everyone. It says it expires in 3 days which means Tuesday - which is when everyone should have the update by - is too far away and that isn't fair.
I'd have to agree with you. When some people see the teasers, they think they'll be able to (at least have the opportunity to) purchase the item, but that is not always the case.

11-11-11, 10:18 PM
I also agree. If its going to be a teaser, it should be available to everyone, not purchased through a random popup.

It didn't take long for me to realize most of the non-mastery items are for gems. So now when I see the teasers I assume they'll be for gems, and when they are for coins I'm happy. It beats felling let down when its not for coins.

11-11-11, 11:12 PM
I also agree. If its going to be a teaser, it should be available to everyone, not purchased through a random popup.

It didn't take long for me to realize most of the non-mastery items are for gems. So now when I see the teasers I assume they'll be for gems, and when they are for coins I'm happy. It beats felling let down when its not for coins.

Actually, the special popup offers are available for purchase - limited time - in the floor decor, you just have to scroll to find it. So it's not just for the popup but if you aren't getting the popup it's not fair.

As for all the decor items vs. recipes, I already knew they'd mostly be for gems - what else would TL do to make more money?

11-11-11, 11:13 PM
The limited offers and the acutally weekly updates are independent from each other. You may get the limited offer but not the update, or get the update and not the limited offer.
If you do not get the update today, you will get it by Tuesday. If you did not get the limited offer today, you will not get it later.

Ummm... you mention the poodle as PART of the weekly update, Kooky. If your interpretation is different from what you post, what else are we to think?

11-11-11, 11:40 PM
The limited offers and the acutally weekly updates are independent from each other. You may get the limited offer but not the update, or get the update and not the limited offer.
If you do not get the update today, you will get it by Tuesday. If you did not get the limited offer today, you will not get it later.
People assume they're one in the same, because you have people who post a thread about 'the great update' that is coming on Friday thru Tuesday. There is never one item that is told it's going to be a limited time offer.

11-11-11, 11:42 PM
Ummm... you mention the poodle as PART of the weekly update, Kooky. If your interpretation is different from what you post, what else are we to think?

If you're referring to the starting post, Kooky was referencing what GM had posted as teasers. The teasers don't have info about whether they will be free gift with purchase, limited time offers, or just regular items found in the design tab.

11-12-11, 01:12 AM
I wonder what would happen, if the gem stuff was less expensive. Maybe in the end TL would earn more. I think, if the dainty counter was only 3 or 5 gems, I would replace all my counters by those. But I dont want just two or three, so I dont get any!

11-12-11, 03:45 AM
I'm really grateful/excited that this game is getting a weekly infusion of refresh, regardless of cost or what these things look like. Sure, I don't like buying gems, but no one is holding a *** to my head to purchase them...My BS addiction has brought me to this point in my life where I find myself justifying a small gem purchase every few weeks. I'm happy just to have 1 or 2 of each thing. Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there that I LOVE the weekly updates & I look forward to them, even if I can't buy them it's good to know TL is trying to keep it fresh & keep us all engaged. It's working. I can't stop if I wanted to.

Thanks for finally adding a dog for us cat "haters" :) Keep it up TL!

11-12-11, 11:32 AM
I love BS and I usually don't mind spending gems on tables/chairs, but paying 3-5 gems for wallpaper is getting a bit ridiculous. And I don't understand why the dainty table cost gems and the chair doesn't.. Just doesn't seem fair. And 28 gems for a poodle lol, no thank you! I quit FS because it felt like nearly anything good on that game costed gems and I hope BS doesn't go down that route.

11-12-11, 05:01 PM
It doesn't help to complain about how much items cost. Gems only have the value WE put on them. If we think items cost too much we shouldn't buy them. Thats the only way prices will come down.
TeamLava controls gem prices in order to maximize their revenue and earn enough to pay their costs and make a profit. It's Business 101. If we refuse to EVER pay full price for gems we will get more and better discounts. They will increase incentives if we stop buying because they need to hit their revenue targets but we don't NEED new wallpaper. Remember, we're playing in a virtual world, whereas they are in business in the real world. Their goal is not to make us happy. It's to get us to spend dollars.

So vote with your wallet. If you make them work harder for your money you'll get better value.

11-12-11, 11:17 PM
I see others have eclairs but it appears I didnt get an update this week - what do we do if we don't get the update? (I've already restarted my device a few times...)

11-12-11, 11:18 PM
I see others have eclairs but it appears I didnt get an update this week - what do we do if we don't get the update? (I've already restarted my device a few times...)

You will get it by Tuesday http://forums.teamlava.com/announcement.php?f=22

11-15-11, 08:35 PM
Nice. Can't wait to cook the Eclaires ;D

11-15-11, 09:52 PM
Its 11:49pm EST Tues 11/15 and I havent gotten the wallpaper, the eclair, or the new counter... I do have access to buy the toy poodle.

Is this an isolated Android non release or are things just moving slower than the "if you lucked out on Friday, it will be available on Tueday" update?

*Scratching head*

11-15-11, 10:04 PM
You should have the weekly update. I am on Android and got it around 12:00 am PST last night, 21 hrs ago. You're not going to get a popup like if you got the update on Friday. Check your cookbook and Design tab.

For the toy poodle, that is a random offer. If you didn't get it on Friday, it won't be available to you.

11-15-11, 10:40 PM
poodle check
counter check
wall paper check

eclairs :( none to be made

11-15-11, 10:44 PM
poodle check
counter check
wall paper check

eclairs :( none to be made

Are you checking on the right appliance? They are on the oven, all the way on the right on the first page. Try restarting, or even deleting and reinstalling. If they're still not there, you will need to email support@teamlava.com Give them your ID, device and it's version, game and it's version, and what's occurring (or not occurring).

11-16-11, 10:29 AM
Woke up 7am EST Wed and Ta-dah it was there... Someone must have known about my sweet tooth and wantedme to suffer....lol