View Full Version : Bakery Halloween now in Itunes

kooky panda
10-21-11, 09:57 PM
I just saw bakery Halloween in the itunes application store.
I have not downloaded yet, I am waiting to see if any free gift offers will come tomorrow.
But I wanted everyone to know.


10-21-11, 10:03 PM
Yay! Many people will be very happy!

10-21-11, 10:15 PM
Thanks Kooky!!! You're so up-to-date!

10-21-11, 10:23 PM
Thank You Kooky for the Update!!

Doing my best Shawn Spencer from Psych imitation....I See a Pop Up annoying everyone sometime today to download every 50 seconds.

10-21-11, 10:27 PM
I am also very happy for all my ios using neighbors :) I'm now just waiting for my updates this week! Probably not until Tuesday!

10-21-11, 10:32 PM
Uh, I have a tiny question: can we use Bakery Halloween together with the usual Bakery Story? Or do I uninstall the other? Because when I used both the normal Story and the Valentine Story, I think I lost a few gems... And how long do we keep the Halloween Story?

10-21-11, 10:34 PM
Hmm...where did you see it? I couldn't find it.

10-21-11, 10:37 PM
Uh, I have a tiny question: can we use Bakery Halloween together with the usual Bakery Story? Or do I uninstall the other? Because when I used both the normal Story and the Valentine Story, I think I lost a few gems... And how long do we keep the Halloween Story?

Yes, you can run both, or only one. If you choice to do only one, then I would suggest the Halloween version, to have access to all items and foods/drinks. You can see them and serve them from the original, but you won't be ble to buy some things, or start cooking those items. I'm guessing here based on the Valentine's version - eventually everything will be brought into the original version, I just don't remember how long it was for that version.

If you lost gems, you would need to contact support@teamlava.com

10-21-11, 10:38 PM
im using iphone4 but not getting the halloween version of bakery story.. the only pop up i get is fashion story:halloween.. is there any update or anything i must do to get it??

10-21-11, 10:40 PM
I am new to Bakery Story, but I noticed my daughter has these three side quest that she gets and I have never had those. Could i have possibly downloaded an old version of the game? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

10-22-11, 12:00 AM
Thanks kooky! I searched for bakery story Halloween in iTunes and there it was! Downloading it now. Been so disappointed as I am on iPhone and have not received an update for 3 weeks.. Didn't get one on bakery yesterday but did finally get one for farm..

10-22-11, 12:20 AM
I am getting a pop up in normal bakery, but no free offer, anyone getting this or an offer?

10-22-11, 12:30 AM
I am getting a pop up in normal bakery, but no free offer, anyone getting this or an offer?

im getting the pop up too but no free offer either

10-22-11, 12:52 AM
no free offer either!

10-22-11, 02:28 AM
I got this...

10-22-11, 02:32 AM
Downloading right now :3 thanx kooky!

10-22-11, 03:16 AM
Yes i already took it, and post in my wall in game for my nbrs, also told here in bugs forum part, where is again thread that some games are down. But my bakery works, just other games are down, thx lot for HW version of bakery. I am already baking new recipes.

10-22-11, 03:18 AM
Which free offer are meaning all here?

10-22-11, 03:21 AM
Oh u mean pop up with free gifts, i think this week are not any, as i have no any in all games i play as i play all.

10-22-11, 04:57 AM
I think we might be getting candy macaroons next week with the pumpkin prridge on RS...


10-22-11, 04:57 AM
Ugh... sorry. Let me try that again.


10-22-11, 04:58 AM
Ok... well I apoliogize. I just can't get that to rotate.

10-22-11, 05:11 AM
Candy Corn Macaroons???

I was wondering what food item they were going to release next week in the regular version. Don't need to wait for the teasers now.

10-22-11, 05:21 AM
4500 candy corn macaroons - that's 378,000 when mastered. Based on my current daily sell rate per counter, that's 151 days (almost 5 months) on my counters.

10-22-11, 05:35 AM
Guess I owe GM that gem purchase now for their pizza lunch...lol. Well I've always been one good tomy word

10-22-11, 05:51 AM
oh wow those candy corn macaroons look cool and yummi :p
I hope i can master the pumpkin cookies and maybe the gravestone brownies this week, so I can dedicate all my ovens on the macaroons.

10-22-11, 06:25 AM
I don't understand why we need to download another app for play bakery story on halloween or st.valentine (and maybe in a couple months for christmas). It will be easy if our main bakery story or restaurant story app just update for seasons, this way we don't need to download a new app, it's crazy.
Since I "updated" my restaurant story and download the new halloween app push notifications stop working, and I spoiled lots of dishes since then. They start working again if I uninstall the app, and play with normal version, but I can't make halloween dishes with normal version.
With bakery it doesn't happen, push it's still working with both versions but with restaurant it's really, really annoying.
It will be great if you only need one app that keeps updating, like some other games do... you just need to update for halloween or christmass versions, not install a new app! (and popups are really, really, really, really annoying).

10-22-11, 06:38 AM
I wonder what free gift they offered to random people for downloading this one. Of course if they did yet again I didnt get it. I'm still irked lol 

10-22-11, 06:51 AM
Hmmmm, I have the brownies and new cookies but don't have the candy corn macaroons? iPad. Was there an issue pushing the content to everyone?

10-22-11, 06:53 AM
iOS users would most likely get it next weekend. I think it is only Android users who have it. As far as I know, we, iOS users, are week late with some of the Halloween updates.

10-22-11, 06:53 AM
Oh wait, I think I'm reading bawpotter got one of those flukey previews?

10-22-11, 06:54 AM
Halloween update at last. But no macaroons.

10-22-11, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the pics - love the candy corn macaroons and look forward to getting that hopefully next week. In the meantime, I've got the ovens cranking on the gravestone brownies and pumpkin cookies. Need to build more ice cream machines to master the pumpkin ice cream. I downloaded the Halloween version last night and didn't get a free offer but it doesn't sound like there was one?

kooky panda
10-22-11, 08:14 AM
I waited to download until this morning and just a pop up but no free offer here. I am just happy to have some new food to cook!!!

10-22-11, 08:27 AM
iOS users would most likely get it next weekend. I think it is only Android users who have it. As far as I know, we, iOS users, are week late with some of the Halloween updates.

I am an Android user. I do not have the Candy Corn Macaroons, as you can tell from my earlier post.

From Bawpotter's post I assumed it was released for iOS.

But I guess both Android and iOS will get it next week.

For months, Android users have been asking for Android and iOS releases to be at the same time. Sometimes posts make me wish differently.

kooky panda
10-22-11, 08:31 AM
I am on IOS and I do not have the candy Corn macaroons yet.

10-22-11, 09:03 AM
Yes, it's great:)

10-22-11, 10:03 AM
wait...so why dont i have those recipes in regular bakery? if i get mastery gems in halloween do they appear in regular version?

10-22-11, 10:52 AM
It's better than the normal Bakery Story. . 5 Stars.

10-22-11, 10:56 AM
wait...so why dont i have those recipes in regular bakery? if i get mastery gems in halloween do they appear in regular version?

Yes mastery gems as well as product prepared and placed on counters... and decorations purchased will show up in regular. You can only cook the new recipes in the new version tho.

10-22-11, 04:04 PM
QUESTIONS:will the halloween food you cook in the halloween version appear in the regular bakery story version??? and alsoo Will we be able to cook the halloween food later in the regular version???

10-22-11, 04:10 PM
QUESTIONS:will the halloween food you cook in the halloween version appear in the regular bakery story version??? and alsoo Will we be able to cook the halloween food later in the regular version???

It will appear, but you can't cook Hallowe'en food in the normal version yet:).

10-22-11, 04:45 PM
I'm on Android and cannot find it in the app store :(

10-22-11, 04:50 PM
It will appear, but you can't cook Hallowe'en food in the normal version yet:).

ohh okay thanks! and do you when we will be able to cook halloween food in the regular version/ when its gonna go back to normal??

10-22-11, 04:52 PM
I'm on Android and cannot find it in the app store :(

The app store is for iOS users, Android has the Market. There isn't a Halloween version for Android, but the items have been released weekly for Android users.

10-22-11, 05:27 PM
I downloaded bakery story Halloween, and I put down some gifts on the counters, but when I went to the original, the gifts were used but the stuff wasn't on the counter. Why isn't it showing up???

kooky panda
10-22-11, 06:25 PM
I downloaded bakery story Halloween, and I put down some gifts on the counters, but when I went to the original, the gifts were used but the stuff wasn't on the counter. Why isn't it showing up???

the two games run side by side. When you do something on Halloween then go directly to the regular game there is a delay. Go visit a nbr then come back and you will see the food you placed when you were in the halloween version.

10-22-11, 07:41 PM
I downloaded the bs Halloween version. But how cone no new receipt pumpkin ice cream? No new pumpkin table and chair?

kooky panda
10-22-11, 08:05 PM
I downloaded the bs Halloween version. But how cone no new receipt pumpkin ice cream? No new pumpkin table and chair?
updates roll out over days, you should have these new items by Tuesday.


10-23-11, 10:23 AM
I'm an android user and I don't see any halloween versions of any of the games in my Market. Are the halloween version only for other OS's? I can, however, cook most of the halloween foods in RS and BS, with the exception of mummy pizza, although, it was available for me a couple of days ago then disappeared. Any help you can give would be appreciated.

10-23-11, 10:33 AM
The Halloween versions are for iOS, not Android. The Halloween content is in our regular version.

I got mummy pizza on Friday also and its still there.

There's been cases of food going missing in the Android cookbook. Maybe we can add this one now. greygull is keeping track of what is missing in some tabs and what is missing totally.

kooky panda
10-23-11, 11:19 AM
I'm an android user and I don't see any halloween versions of any of the games in my Market. Are the halloween version only for other OS's? I can, however, cook most of the halloween foods in RS and BS, with the exception of mummy pizza, although, it was available for me a couple of days ago then disappeared. Any help you can give would be appreciated.

Do you currently have an oven placed in your store? You need an oven out to see the item in your cookbook

10-24-11, 02:41 AM
I downloaded bakery story valentine ages ago and. Is it doesn't work anymore! Please help!

10-24-11, 03:54 AM
I downloaded bakery story valentine ages ago and. Is it doesn't work anymore! Please help!

I read that version was discontinued. You can download regular or Halloween Bakery.

10-24-11, 04:53 AM
Good to know, thank you!

10-24-11, 09:01 AM
I have pumpkin ice cream in the regular BS, but not in the Halloween version. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?

kooky panda
10-24-11, 09:35 AM
I do not have pumpkin ice cream in the regular version only in Halloween.

It did show up in Bakery Valentine version last week, but whenever I tried to place it ,I went out of sync. The valentine version is being discontinued. If you have that one you should delete it and download the regular bakery story, or just play the halloween version to prevent out of sync issues.

10-24-11, 03:39 PM
How to delete Halloween bakery story???
Hi I just downloaded halloweeen bakery story app and now my original app is cancelling out when I open it and going back ipad home screen and so is the Halloween app!!!! When I clicked the cancel to delete Halloween bakery story it said "are you sure you want to delete bakery story" so imnot sure if it's referring to my original bakery story as well?!!!! Basically I just want to know how to delete/uninstall JUST the Halloween version

Oh and add me!!! I'm a four star gifted and tipper id: iwantyou13

10-24-11, 03:46 PM
How to delete Halloween bakery story???
Hi I just downloaded halloweeen bakery story app and now my original app is cancelling out when I open it and going back ipad home screen and so is the Halloween app!!!! When I clicked the cancel to delete Halloween bakery story it said "are you sure you want to delete bakery story" so imnot sure if it's referring to my original bakery story as well?!!!! Basically I just want to know how to delete/uninstall JUST the Halloween version

Oh and add me!!! I'm a four star gifted and tipper id: iwantyou13

There's an answer posted here for you http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?19269-How-to-delete-Halloween-bakery-story

10-24-11, 05:26 PM
Just to clarify. Is candy corn macaroons an update for october 21 or for October 28. Please let us know. Thank you.

10-25-11, 04:01 PM
Just curious, the Halloween items won't go away after the holiday right? The Valentine stuff is still available for example so just hoping the spooky things will stay since I'd like a full Halloween bakery (no matter what time of year) but can't buy it all at once.

Also, will the gem cost go down eventually for out of season items??? 5 gems for 1 table or 1 chair is pretty steep, especially for people who predominantly earn gems through recipes, which you can only master once. There haven't been any free gem offers lately either and I can only buy gems every once in a great while...

10-25-11, 04:57 PM
Just curious, the Halloween items won't go away after the holiday right? The Valentine stuff is still available for example so just hoping the spooky things will stay since I'd like a full Halloween bakery (no matter what time of year) but can't buy it all at once.

Also, will the gem cost go down eventually for out of season items??? 5 gems for 1 table or 1 chair is pretty steep, especially for people who predominantly earn gems through recipes, which you can only master once. There haven't been any free gem offers lately either and I can only buy gems every once in a great while...

I'm not so sure on the first part, though if the Valentine versions are to serve as an example, than yes they will eventually disappear on ios devices.

On the second part, I don't think it is going to change. It wouldn't be fair, wouldn't you say, for others to pay this price while others were offered a discounted price later on after the holiday season. Tl strives to be as fair as possible.

10-25-11, 08:56 PM
I don't see it as very different from when there are gem sales. What about people who buy gems at full price only to see them go on sale later that day? It's a snooze-you-loose situation essentially, so fair isn't much of a factor. If you wanted the items that bad you pay full price but if you're willing to wait (if the items stick around) then get a little break. Simple.

But what I meant was more in the line of thinking that once Halloween is over, drop the gem cost since most people aren't going to be as inclined to want Halloween things after the holiday, just like in RL retail.

I bought gems during the last sale and waited to use them for Halloween when the update finally hit. but didn't buy

10-25-11, 08:58 PM
I think a sale on out of season items is a great idea!

01-13-12, 01:37 PM
I wish Bakery Story: Halloween would come to android!!

01-13-12, 01:51 PM
This thread is old