View Full Version : Green floor, Orange walls, And all of my stuff is gone..

10-21-11, 12:11 AM
Two days ago i signed in onto my restaurant for the first time of the day and this is what i expected to see (see image 1, i took that the day before and actually had 2 more plus windows, 2 pine tables, 4 mahogany tables, and 4 red chairs more then in the picture as well as 200+ plus brown tiles that i had just put over the ENTIRE floor) but instead what i saw was this (see image 2), the floor was gone and blended in with the grass outside of the restaurant, and my walls were orange, all 6 of my windows and my one brown clock were gone, in addition, no customers were coming in at all, i could still make food but that was it, no customers, my floor and walls were gone.. today i got my floor back but it was only the bamboo pattern (im missing hundreds of brown tiles) and my walls were still orange.. one of my friends said i wasnt the only one of their friends with that problem.. so im just wondering if there is any way to get back all the stuff i lost? or atleast be reimbursed coin for it? my restaurant is in shambles <\3

I use an Iphone 4
version RS 1.3.2

10-21-11, 12:19 AM
The server had major issues and the people who were received with the bug had gotten 50 gems. More info about this story is in the news section.

If you did not receive the gems or it's not enough, you have to email the support team.

10-21-11, 12:20 AM
Could you confirm if all your items lost were coins or gem items.
Thanks, it must have been pretty upsetting to see your restaurant like that.
Are your customers coming in now?

10-21-11, 12:51 AM

This is the thread we have been using to get information on this problem. It will tell you to list what you lost, send your photos, ID & restaurant name to TL support. The email address is also in that thread.