View Full Version : how many ovens, etc do you have?

10-20-11, 06:30 PM
One of my neighbors on BS has twice as many ovens, drink makers, etc as I do, but we're on the same level. I asked her how she got so many and she said she bought them with gems. How is she doing this? Once I'm at the max amount allowed for that level, it locks me out of that design tab, so why is she able to get into it and buy as many machines as she wants? Is this a benefits TL is only offering to certain players? If so, its incredibly unfair. And she's not the only bakery I've seen with far more machines than is supposed to be allowed. Anyone know how this can be offered to everyone rather than a select few?

10-20-11, 06:36 PM
Extra appliances for gems are offered only to iOS users. If you are on Android you can still have at most 18 appliances on your floor at one time.

10-20-11, 06:58 PM
Extra appliances for gems are offered only to iOS users. If you are on Android you can still have at most 18 appliances on your floor at one time.

iOS users being iPhone/iPad I'm assuming. Can't say I'm surprised. Yet another benefit offered only to them.

10-20-11, 07:13 PM
iOS users being iPhone/iPad I'm assuming. Can't say I'm surprised. Yet another benefit offered only to them.

Yes, iPhone, iPad, iTouch.

10-21-11, 12:59 AM
I'm on level 70 and I have 17 in total.

10-21-11, 05:49 AM
Ya u can have as much as ovens u want when u buy them with gems and u are iOS user
Im lvl 44 and have 11 ovens lol