View Full Version : Free gems for bs story players without halloween update

10-20-11, 09:17 AM
Really frustrating to look at iTunes and not see an update nor Halloween BS version. I believe being a BS player who won't hesitate to spend gems to decorate my bakery. Would be nice to GET FREE GEMS FOR WEEKS OF NO UPDATES. Players without doors and floors were given 50 GEMS mind you. We should get the same amount or more. Please post your opinions about this. Thank you everyone.

10-20-11, 09:20 AM
So should android players get free gems for being MONTHS behind ios users in getting features? We still have no badges, collectibles, Halloween versions of any games, etc. Sounds fair to me

10-20-11, 09:25 AM
You should get them too. Absolutely. TL should keep us happy too. We spend money on these games and gems are not cheap. Five dollars everytime we click a box. Imagine. Sparing us a few gems is nothing to them. I absolutely agree with you.

10-20-11, 09:28 AM
People who got the 50 gems lost their walls and flooring.

The BS Halloween update seems to be taking a while, but you have been waiting for less than 2 weeks for it and it should be coming soon.

Many others are waiting longer for updates and have not asked for gems for the delay. Don't complain unless you have waited at least four months for a release that others have. Just work on your badges and collectables while you are waiting, and the wait won't feel as long.

10-20-11, 09:33 AM
Playing games for fun and entertainment. If I'm spending an average of fifty dollars every two weeks. Why can't I say something. I believe I should. Satisfaction versus Service. And a spending customer is entitled to verbalize option so long as I'm not disrespecting the thread. And I'm not. A lot of other plays I know agrees with me.

10-20-11, 09:43 AM
We will get our update, when TL is able to release it.
They can't just release it, it has to be ready and playable.
TL do work extremely hard and I'm sure their doing their best.
Some games by other developers never get updates and they are unplayable, that's part of the reason I love TL games because they are the best on the Market. I'd love my updates, everyone would, but sometimes you need to look objectively, their may be issues we don't know about.
They can't just keep giving gems away, it has to run as a business, otherwise we'd all lose our games, no one wants that.

10-20-11, 09:57 AM
How do we know if people responding to this thread works for TL. thanks.

10-20-11, 10:26 AM
How do we know if people responding to this thread works for TL. thanks.

You can view Forum Leaders here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showgroups.php). SuperMods and Admins work for TL (GroupMagma, DaojinWildfire and ButterPanda).
I'm sure they'll release it soon.

10-20-11, 10:36 AM
...... Players without doors and floors were given 50 GEMS mind you. We should get the same amount or more..... Sorry, but I do not agree with your suggestion. TL has not hurt me by not providing Halloween content. I have been able to decorate and play without issue (minus the problems yesterday, which greatly deserved the 50 gem apology). I think the delayed release of content/features only hurts TL with lower revenue and unhappy customers, but it doesn't impede my game play.

?.... Don't complain unless you have waited at least four months for a release that others have.... Perhaps, this came across as harsher than intended, but caljean should be afforded the same opportunities as you to speak his/her mind.

How do we know if people responding to this thread works for TL. thanks.
Check their profile, but no one that has posted so far is a TL employee, including myself.

10-20-11, 12:14 PM
Thanks felicitybliss. It was enlightening.

10-20-11, 12:53 PM
No, thank you caljean for offering your opinion and then asking for the opinions of others. The very best ideas come from these types of discussion, from my experience.

10-20-11, 01:47 PM
This is another perfect example of why TL needs to have all platforms at the exact same point. Android users are unhappy that iOS users have features that we are STILL waiting for weeks and months later. iOS users are unhappy they don't have halloween content like the droid users have had for weeks.

If they would just realize that equal customers are happier customers, we wouldn't be in this mess. It's hard to be upset about something if you don't know it exists. In other words: Have both platforms ready when you release stuff already!

10-20-11, 02:38 PM
This is another perfect example of why TL needs to have all platforms at the exact same point. Android users are unhappy that iOS users have features that we are STILL waiting for weeks and months later. iOS users are unhappy they don't have halloween content like the droid users have had for weeks.

If they would just realize that equal customers are happier customers, we wouldn't be in this mess. It's hard to be upset about something if you don't know it exists. In other words: Have both platforms ready when you release stuff already!

Take a look here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?18709-Android-Feature-Parity-Discussions) too:).

10-20-11, 02:45 PM
I am an iOS user for bs. I am not unhappy about the lack of Halloween content. I can (and have) downloaded other games to satisfy my gaming desires. I know that I am at level 80 and have almost all recipes completed. If the game does not evolve and add more content, features, and expansions soon, I will complete the game and move on. I do enjoy bs and hope the game continues to evolve.

I do not support the equality idea. Businesses commonly treat consumers differently. The concept of equlaity may actually backfire on both the consumer and TL. What if they find a bug in iOS that prohibits the release of a popcorn maker (for example)? Would an android user continue to support equality if they don't get regular updates due to an iOS concern? I would rather see TL work as hard as possible on both platforms and release whenever completed. This allows for a continued excitement, in my opinion. It also allows enough revenue generation to development the next big thing.......

10-20-11, 03:30 PM
So should android players get free gems for being MONTHS behind ios users in getting features? We still have no badges, collectibles, Halloween versions of any games, etc. Sounds fair to me

dear pinkster you sound a little bit frustrated or is it me:)

10-20-11, 03:32 PM
I am an iOS user for bs. I am not unhappy about the lack of Halloween content. I can (and have) downloaded other games to satisfy my gaming desires. I know that I am at level 80 and have almost all recipes completed. If the game does not evolve and add more content, features, and expansions soon, I will complete the game and move on. I do enjoy bs and hope the game continues to evolve.

I do not support the equality idea. Businesses commonly treat consumers differently. The concept of equlaity may actually backfire on both the consumer and TL. What if they find a bug in iOS that prohibits the release of a popcorn maker (for example)? Would an android user continue to support equality if they don't get regular updates due to an iOS concern? I would rather see TL work as hard as possible on both platforms and release whenever completed. This allows for a continued excitement, in my opinion. It also allows enough revenue generation to development the next big thing.......

I mostly actually agree with you. But that's really for this (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?18709-Android-Feature-Parity-Discussions) thread, I think:).

10-20-11, 03:40 PM
dear pinkster you sound a little bit frustrated or is it me:)

No sissy its not you. I've been waiting for all that stuff for a very long time :(

10-20-11, 03:46 PM
I mostly actually agree with you. But that's really for this (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?18709-Android-Feature-Parity-Discussions) thread, I think:).

I agree with that as well. Unfortunately, the issue seems to pop on most threads that discuss an iOS issue or just about anything else. Of course, the discussion is much needed. More importantly, action needs taken by TL for the android and iOS users to be able to discuss something other than platform disparities within most topics.

10-20-11, 03:53 PM
I'm sorry, but we aren't able to provide compensation for this issue. As others have mentioned, some users get access to new content and features at different rates. Some users don't have access to Quests/Tasks yet. Android users don't have Badges or Collectibles. iOS doesn't have a few content releases for Bakery (which should be changing soon, anyhow).

However, I'm stoked that you guys are excited for the new content.

10-20-11, 03:54 PM
I'm sorry, but we aren't able to provide compensation for this issue. As others have mentioned, some users get access to new content and features at different rates. Some users don't have access to Quests/Tasks yet. Android users don't have Badges or Collectibles. iOS doesn't have a few content releases for Bakery (which should be changing soon, anyhow).

However, I'm stoked that you guys are excited for the new content.

OOOO! I'm all a-flutter with excitement. I do LOOVE the Halloween editions. Personally I think they should be made permanent!
I'm not going to be able to sleep until it comes out!

10-20-11, 04:48 PM
Were excited. I think that verb will be useful for upcoming holidays. But not for Halloween. At least, not for me personally. I applaud your enthusiasm.

10-20-11, 06:11 PM
I mostly actually agree with you. But that's really for this (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?18709-Android-Feature-Parity-Discussions) thread, I think:).

I agree with that as well. Unfortunately, the issue seems to pop on most threads that discuss an iOS issue or just about anything else. Of course, the discussion is much needed. More importantly, action needs taken by TL for the android and iOS users to be able to discuss something other than platform disparities within most topics.

It is happening on threads in general where one group of people have something that another does not. Here is a thread opened by an android user missing graveyard brownies, which is because of the Friday/Tuesday releases, and most of the thread is from iOS users posting that they don't have the brownies yet or the any of the weekly updates. These discussions from iOS users have been in a lot of threads recently. Should they have been referred to an iOS feature parity discussion thread?

It is natural to want to post in the thread in which you are reading a similar issue, rather than go into a separate parity discussion thread and say, "hey, did you see the thread that said blah blah blah. Well I think blah blah blah."

Yes, I agree, it would be great if one day soon we could all discuss something other than platform disparities.

10-20-11, 06:27 PM
I believe that disparity between different deviceswas not the original intent of the discussion I started with this thread. But rather a polite request as a customer to TL. It may have deviated as idevices versus android. But I do believe that people who responded expressed themselves sincerely and should not be judged. I am grateful being heard and to the response I received from players and TL alike despite the results. It's always good to clarify things from the source. TL I'm sure will agree. Thanks again.

10-20-11, 09:51 PM
whats a halloween bs update ? when i read it sounds like bull **** lol .. ?

10-20-11, 10:03 PM
Ohh. It's the Halloween update for Bakery Story. New recipes. New decorations. New mastery for gems. Others had it about 3 weeks ago. We still don't. That's what the discussion it about. Thanks for the inquiry.

10-20-11, 10:32 PM
whats a halloween bs update ? when i read it sounds like bull **** lol .. ?

Ha ha I know. It's funny when people type "I love bs" or something like that. But around here it always means bakery story

10-21-11, 12:34 AM
I've got no halloween updates on BS.

10-21-11, 12:43 AM
I've got no halloween updates on BS.

If your an Idevice user,we will get them very soon.
I'm really glad my bakery is still in one piece, and so sorry for all those having problems.
Everybody has the right to express their views, and that should always be respected.

10-21-11, 01:08 AM
[QUOTE=nmishii;157846]It is happening on threads in general where one group of people have something that another does not. Here is a thread opened by an android user missing graveyard brownies, which is because of the Friday/Tuesday releases, and most of the thread is from iOS users posting that they don't have the brownies yet or the any of the weekly updates. These discussions from iOS users have been in a lot of threads recently. Should they have been referred to an iOS feature parity discussion thread?
All the players that posted on that thread did not have the gravestone brownies, so device did not matter in responding to that thread.
They all wanted advice, as to why they did not have them, surely anybody had the right to post in that thread.
We should all be helping each other out, the device you have doesn't matter, we all have different views.
I know android users are extremely upset, but I feel TL is addressing it, but that's my view point.

10-21-11, 01:47 AM
All the players that posted on that thread did not have the gravestone brownies, so device did not matter in responding to that thread.
They all wanted advice, as to why they did not have them, surely anybody had the right to post in that thread.
We should all be helping each other out, the device you have doesn't matter, we all have different views.
I know android users are extremely upset, but I feel TL is addressing it, but that's my view point.

Please stop this. It isn't fair to android users for you to single them out as being extremely upset. The most extremely upset people right now, by far, are the people who lost their walls and flooring, both Android and iOS. The iOS people who don't have their bakery updates are pretty upset right now also, I think at the moment more upset than Android users, based on the number and content of posts in the last couple of weeks. And I think we all have a right to be, that is my point of view, and that should always be respected.

It doesn't appear you understood the point I was trying to make. That is my point of view, and that should always be respected. I'm not trying to anger you, I'm just stating my view, yes my view, which should be respected.

10-21-11, 03:01 AM
If your an Idevice user,we will get them very soon.
I'm really glad my bakery is still in one piece, and so sorry for all those having problems.
Everybody has the right to express their views, and that should always be respected.When do we get these gems?

10-21-11, 03:25 AM
I'm really sorry if this is off thread, I'm really upset right now.
I've had enough of this, I don't single out anybody, I just stated my view.
It is personal, when every word I state is attacked/ twisted, perhaps it is better if I stay of the forum.
Am I not allowed to post my view,I do support other players, and it's not right to say I don't.
I know how upset players are that have lost bakeries, I have posted in support of them, many of my nbrs are in this situation.
Alot of my posts have been attacked, when I don't feel I've done anything to encourage that.
It seems I can't post anything right at all.
Thank you so much to all of you for advice though, I'm really grateful.
I'm sure you all know I'm so fed up of harassment I've suffered in game, so thanks this was the last thing I needed.
I won't be posting on this thread again, sorry but I've had enough, say whatever you like, I don't care anymore.
I'm really sorry I had to post this,I needed to respond back.

10-22-11, 12:15 AM
Unfortunately this site has become a no complain zone. I waited forever for ice cream machines and drink machines, and when I came here to blow off a little steam and hear from others that shared my pain, I got attacked instead. iOS users telling me I didn't have a right to complain, and that the features "were coming soon." So instead of feeling better, I got mad, like a lot of other Android users. So now, unfortunately, if it is a platform issue, no one longer has the right to complain or vent. And now it is really hard to sympathize with people not getting their halloween version because I know I'm not getting one. TL has worked hard to create social games, but they have become quite the anti-social games.

10-22-11, 04:54 AM
Unfortunately this site has become a no complain zone. I waited forever for ice cream machines and drink machines, and when I came here to blow off a little steam and hear from others that shared my pain, I got attacked instead. iOS users telling me I didn't have a right to complain, and that the features "were coming soon." So instead of feeling better, I got mad, like a lot of other Android users. So now, unfortunately, if it is a platform issue, no one longer has the right to complain or vent. And now it is really hard to sympathize with people not getting their halloween version because I know I'm not getting one. TL has worked hard to create social games, but they have become quite the anti-social games.

I play RS and BS, and I remember those discussions. They were pretty bad. Also being told to get an iDevice if we didn't like it, and that TL will always update iDevices first. Most of it was over a 3 day holiday. This was before moderators and TL took the holiday weekend off. Since then, the threads have gotten better as far as the attacks on Android users. But before those discussions, there really wasn't much concern in the forum and in-game over which device you used, and it was a lot more pleasant.