View Full Version : A little respect please !!!

10-19-11, 08:51 PM
Hi Developer, Team Lava,

Been playing RS for a couple of months now and reached level 89, been paying tons of reach hard cash on magic boxes that trick you into believing you will get your item next. Recently, TL started pushing other games right in-your-face by flashing tappable page in the middle of shifting items or cooking. This gotta STOP, Team Lava!! If you accidentally tap on the advertisement, it exits the game and loads the appstore. What is wrong with you people ?????!!!!! Why irritate people like that? It's come to a point where I about to give up. You will be loosing a paying customer BIG time!

10-19-11, 09:03 PM
Team Lava, I am disappointed. (RS) Too many crashes. This might sound stupid but oh well. When we spend gems, why can't we sell it and then receive how many gems we spent on it? Why do I always receive things I already have? When I sell my mermaid statue, and I get more gems and touch the mystery box, Wht do I keep getting it??? What happened to my floors, walls, and golden utensils?

10-19-11, 09:14 PM
I agree! Too many advertisements!

10-19-11, 09:31 PM
maybe for the paying customers no advertisments!!!

10-19-11, 09:43 PM
Could not agree more. I'll be tipping or cooking and all of the sudden BAM! Another unwanted trip to the app store. Your games are the only reason I've had to turn off the in app purchase option on my I Pod and I Phone. If you have a sale going on we can all see that right on our screens. Right under the gem with a little sale tag under it that says "sale". Cut it out! I'm already a paying customer btw.

10-20-11, 06:04 AM
i have a question. As a player only playing with coins, will there EVER be anything new made available that only costs coins??

And to the rest of you "Paying customers" don't be so righteous. It doesn't make you "Better" and undeserving of the pops up..just because you choose to waste your money. None of us deserve all these pop ups. They're annoying to everyone. So, hey TL..no more pop ups for those of us "smarter" customers who don't waste our money on these games.

10-20-11, 06:14 AM
i have a question. As a player only playing with coins, will there EVER be anything new made available that only costs coins??

And to the rest of you "Paying customers" don't be so righteous. It doesn't make you "Better" and undeserving of the pops up..just because you choose to waste your money. None of us deserve all these pop ups. They're annoying to everyone. So, hey TL..no more pop ups for those of us "smarter" customers who don't waste our money on these games.

I assume that they'll continue bringing out coin items:).

10-20-11, 06:34 AM
maybe for the paying customers no advertisments!!!

Paying customer, or have been. We still get the pop ups too
Or are you suggesting paying customers shouldn't get the pop ups? Gee, then how do they try and get you to pay more? Lol

I understand these folks need to make a living, I just wish their timing of pop ups was better. Perhaps once only, when a player enters a game. Not continuing throughout play, annoying people or causing crashes

10-20-11, 06:36 AM
i have a question. As a player only playing with coins, will there EVER be anything new made available that only costs coins??

And to the rest of you "Paying customers" don't be so righteous. It doesn't make you "Better" and undeserving of the pops up..just because you choose to waste your money. None of us deserve all these pop ups. They're annoying to everyone. So, hey TL..no more pop ups for those of us "smarter" customers who don't waste our money on these games.

You're actually the one sounding a tad sanctimonious, i wouldnt qualify that as "smarter". Paying customers get the pop ups too. And yes they're annoying as they seem to be the culprit for crashes in many cases.

10-20-11, 07:28 AM
..no more pop ups for those of us "smarter" customers who don't waste our money on these games.

Uh, I don't know that I would call that "smarter" rather than someone who doesn't spend anything to support something they're getting for free but costs the company something to produce. It's a common business model for customers to pay for a "free" service in exchange for not getting ads. Ads are what makes the company revenue as opposed to charging customers a fee to use their product or service but if customers are willing to pay that fee, companies often preclude them from being served ads.

I agree about the pop up ads being really annoying and disincents people to keep playing the game for a long time. I don't mind if it comes up when you first log in but once you close out of it, the pop up shouldn't appear again until the next time you log in. If I didn't want to install Fashion Story Halloween the first time, I'm not going to want to install in the next 99 times either.

10-20-11, 07:20 PM
wow...you all missed my point. my point was that "paying customers" don't deserve special or better treatment than us "non paying customers". It was a *** for tat. like me saying i'm "smarter" for not paying money to play these games.

10-20-11, 08:21 PM
ok guys and gals, let's give each other a little respect. Everyone agrees that TL is annoying paying and non-paying customers with their inconsiderate pop ups causing inconveniences when the game hangs (the Oh Darn picture) or wasted trip to the app store. Customers are smart enough to make well informed choices which game they want to play.

I can bear with TL for the occasional late pushing out of new items, recipes, and even the unfair promotions to players (not everyone was offered the raven tree! me included!) I can understand sometimes the servers are overloaded and it's very hard to load balance. But the practice of pushing adverts to our faces got to stop. A good computer programmer/designer should think of the end users. We all know revenue is important to everyone. But if you loose sight of your customers, people can tell and they will turn away. Once lost, they won't come back. Think about it, TL. A little respect goes a long way.

10-20-11, 08:42 PM
It's Marketing too. From what I see Traffic, ie. #of DL's, # of Gaming Sessions and # of minutes played are very important to these developers. And frankly and I've seen it posted here, alot of people just get fed up with the constant popups or ad placed over the menu and Download the game. Maybe they keep it or just DL , open it and then delete it. Even if only 7 outta 10 do this it gives Storm8/TeamLava the numbers. Just look at app store, Both the Halloween Versions of Fashion and Restaurant are ranked in top 200 at 32 and 129. Farm was the first week out too. So even the Holiday editions serve a purpose. To Get new customers. If the Originals are off the grid, and frankly how many people search the app store but just look at the Top 200 unless looking for something in particular, Then The Holiday editions and Popups put the game back into the public eye.

10-20-11, 08:48 PM
Corporate greed -->. Occupy TL movement :mad::mad::mad:

10-20-11, 09:22 PM
It's Marketing too. From what I see Traffic, ie. #of DL's, # of Gaming Sessions and # of minutes played are very important to these developers. And frankly and I've seen it posted here, alot of people just get fed up with the constant popups or ad placed over the menu and Download the game. Maybe they keep it or just DL , open it and then delete it. Even if only 7 outta 10 do this it gives Storm8/TeamLava the numbers. Just look at app store, Both the Halloween Versions of Fashion and Restaurant are ranked in top 200 at 32 and 129. Farm was the first week out too. So even the Holiday editions serve a purpose. To Get new customers. If the Originals are off the grid, and frankly how many people search the app store but just look at the Top 200 unless looking for something in particular, Then The Holiday editions and Popups put the game back into the public eye.

I am one of the people who just downloaded the games then deleted them because I couldn't handle the pop up harassment. (And it is harassment due to amount and frequency). I don't like that it deceptively raises TL's download statistics but I just couldn't take it.

10-20-11, 09:55 PM
Gotta agree with what pastry chef said. Once on start up is fine but it does cause crashes and it is frustrating.

10-21-11, 01:24 AM
I never pay for anything. Put my id up for the list for the accounts that not need any popups. as long as they keep cming they only waste yrs and my bandwith. Let only the paying customers deal with these adds instead. They like 20% off and free stuff when paying for gems. i couldnt care less...