View Full Version : Attention: Norman i need help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-17-10, 07:28 AM
i want to change my storm8 id because it keep saying my id is inapporiate but i dont know how to change it . can anyone please help me please. thanks in advance.

my storm id is shortand****.

if u cant help me, can u please tell me how i can cancel out the game cause i dont want a game i cant enjoy.
once again thank .

10-17-10, 12:49 PM
Small children play games not just adults your I'd is inappropriate get over it and find another one and leave Norman alone

10-17-10, 03:47 PM
first of all thats what im trying to do " change my id" so if ur not the person whom i directed this question to i suggest u dont comment on my post and move on.

10-17-10, 07:11 PM
I bet you're actually tall and fugly. Just sayin'.

10-17-10, 08:04 PM
I bet you're actually tall and fugly. Just sayin'.

if thats what u want to think b my guess. im not going to go back & forth with u. i just want to know how to reset my id so i can change it. so have a great & bless day.

05-23-14, 07:17 PM
Just Give Norman a Private Message.

05-23-14, 07:34 PM
Closing as this thread is years old