View Full Version : Push Notifications for In House games

10-18-11, 12:11 PM
I get that you want to raise your ranking in the Apple store by having everyone download your Halloween games.

You could have approached this two ways:
1. Offer a reward ? a small amount of gems (5-7). Result- all your customers are happy, everyone downloads the game, they have a few pennies to buy your halloween stuff (you haven?t given them enough for 1 item) maybe enough to push them to buy something they would not normally have because it is perceived as cheaper. You go up in ratings. Its WIN-WIN.
2. Set your push notifications for every 5 minutes. Offer nothing but constant harassment until everyone downloads your game. Result:
a. Those who would have anyway, download your game and like it. WIN
b. Those who have a low tolerance download it soon after the notifications start just to stop them. They are irritated but glad they have stopped the constant interruptions. LOSE
c. Those that don?t download quickly are irritated. They notice the game crashes about ? the time that the push notifications come up. BIGGER LOSE
d. People who cannot due to time or space or simply do not want to because they do not like the game you are pushing, get past irritated to darn-right angry and plant longer plants, stop watering and complain about you on line. FAIL.
e. People in c+d also rank you 1 star in the store. FAIL

So why didn?t you do #1??

I have no idea why any company would seek out to irritate, ?harass?, as much as possible the customers they have in hand. If you don?t think you have a huge problem with this, then just come read my wall in the 24 hours since I told all my neighbors and visitors that I am going down to watering every other day due to all the pop ups. I had over 85 push notifications for restaurant story last weekend alone. I have so many posts on my wall, that already at least 20 of them have fallen off due to space. At least half the people who visit my farm are in the FED UP category.

What you are doing is one of the oddest business decisions I have ever seen.

10-18-11, 01:23 PM
Those type of cross promotions are not available on iOS devices, sorry. But I'll note and pass along your feedback.

10-18-11, 01:34 PM
Those type of cross promotions are not available on iOS devices, sorry. But I'll note and pass along your feedback.

Is that because Apple says that you're not allowed? I am, of course, assuming that you're not just doing it to be mean:p!
Also, I will second the feedback (though I'm such a big fan that I'll rate 5* and give a glowing review to any Storm8/TeamLava game no matter what I think of it, because that's what the forums are for;)).

10-18-11, 04:46 PM
So why didn?t you do #1??

I believe it has something to do with this: http://www.insidemobileapps.com/2011/04/19/apps-apple-rejected-pay-per-install/

You can find more coverage on the issue by Googling "Apple ban pay-per-install" or "Apple ban incentivized installs"

10-18-11, 05:51 PM
Maybe that's why android doesn't get Halloween versions of anything. TL would have to pay out the gem incentive for downloading it. Hmmm

10-18-11, 06:03 PM
This game *** bros on the app store has different promotions weekly:

10-18-11, 06:53 PM
I am so annoyed by the constant popups that I am not going to buy any more gems until they cease. As a paying customer I am constantly being harangued during game play to the point that this is no longer a pleasurable way to pass my time. Once an hour, maybe...but this is ridiculous. If the popup doesn't go, I will!

10-18-11, 07:01 PM
I am so annoyed by the constant popups that I am not going to buy any more gems until they cease. As a paying customer I am constantly being harangued during game play to the point that this is no longer a pleasurable way to pass my time. Once an hour, maybe...but this is ridiculous. If the popup doesn't go, I will!

I agree that the constant pop up for the Halloween games is irriating me to the max. Im am on an ipod and really want these stopped.

10-19-11, 05:05 AM
I'm sure some people like some of the pop ups, ie new games or gem sales. But I totally understand what you are saying, they could be reduced, or is their a way players could turn the pop ups off, and those that want them keep them. I don't know if that's possible, just an idea.

kooky panda
10-19-11, 05:08 AM
Someone suggested an box to check on the pop up "do not show this message again". I think this is a good suggestion.

10-19-11, 05:08 AM
The pop ups seem to have gone today but so have the collectibles!!!! LOL TL really are the pits despite what Rachel aboce says!!!

10-19-11, 05:26 AM
The pop ups seem to have gone today but so have the collectibles!!!! LOL TL really are the pits despite what Rachel aboce says!!!

Other players have views to, please respect them.
Yes sometimes their are issues, but I feel TL does work hard to correct quickly.They even say sorry, which is rare these days and they do release regular updates of the ongoing situation. They do listen to our feedback, and they should be respected because of that.

10-19-11, 07:33 AM
Other players have views to, please respect them.
Yes sometimes their are issues, but I feel TL does work hard to correct quickly.They even say sorry, which is rare these days and they do release regular updates of the ongoing situation. They do listen to our feedback, and they should be respected because of that.

CaptainMike is expressing his views, please respect that.

kooky panda
10-19-11, 07:59 AM
Someone suggested an box to check on the pop up "do not show this message again". I think this is a good suggestion.

Okay back to this suggestion, I have sent this over as a suggestion for the pop up issue.

10-19-11, 08:02 AM
I installed everything I could then deleted them. I don't receive pop ups anymore. I don't think I should have to do that, and it also falsely raises TL's download statistics, but it works

10-20-11, 01:23 AM
After you install the app, rate it 1 star to show our disapproval of this intrusive advertising.

10-20-11, 06:54 AM
Seems to me that this is just another form of incentivized install: Install this app or we will keep harassing you.