View Full Version : Gifting Items in your "collection"

10-15-11, 09:57 AM
I'm rabidly purchasing the Halloween Chest items and am getting a ton of 3rd & 4th place items, (which I'm fine with--look, I'm going to spend the money to get the monster kitchen) but I wish there was a way to gift some of my excess box items to my neighbors! I think it would be fantastic for us to be able to swap items we've purchased with other neighbors, or gift them. Like if a nbr needs some ornate tables-- and I have a TON of them, why couldn't we gift? Even food items-- how great would it be to share the wealth with a nbr with a lower level than you who can't access cherry pie? Anybody else think this is a great idea or am I crazy? Well, I know I'm crazy...:cool:

10-18-11, 06:09 AM
Omg !!! I kno right i must b crazy too than but i thought about the same thing for a while now ! No has nothing to lose so why wouldnt this b such a great idea!!!! Im in !! I vote yessssssss(: