View Full Version : Please update avatars

10-08-11, 12:31 AM
I am not new to the game but I am new to forum. HELLO ALL. I love to play restaurant story and I play BK and Fashion Story. In BK and RS story I would like to see new avatars. I don't know if this has been talked about but this would be a nice feature. If it can be done in fashion story it can be done in the others. The two options we have aren't a true representation of everyone that plays the*game. The point of these games are to design each story with our personal touch. Im sorry but the avatars provided take away from that. If you look through fashion story you see diversity. In restaurant and bakery you see a white female chef and a white male chef by every ones name. This is nothing against white people, but I am not a white woman or man, before anyone says it doesn't matter it is just a game stop. It does matter even though it is a game because if it did not then, *why aren't all the avatars women? Or all men? Why didnt they make them look like an Asian woman and man? , *or a Hispanic woman and man , or a black woman and man? Exactly. It does matter. All of our money and time spends the same and we should all be represented. As a matter of fact I demand it. Please.

10-08-11, 01:16 AM
Lol....babe they are talking about it and RS & BS will somehow someway by the All Mighty change all of that in either the near or distant future.....I know I need me a brown~sugared baby....plus I no think they ment to leave that part out...they were trying their at the market....CEOz have changed....hmmm we gotta see what kind of ride we on with him....looking kinda up from here....

And No Haterz........it's a simple question asked in innocence

10-08-11, 04:45 AM
 I have e-mailed support a few times. I'm not being messy
or trying to start a debate, it's only right

10-08-11, 01:32 PM
It's been suggested before, but I'm not sure if serious consideration has been taken in regard to this. I honestly would love more diversity not only with the customers, but with the avatar customization. It'd be great to change my caucasian avatar in restaurant/bakery/farm/city story to something that more resembled my likeness.

10-13-11, 12:39 AM
I would really like to see this happen, and at minimum honestly considered.