View Full Version : New Fashion Poll 10/5

kooky panda
10-05-11, 07:59 AM
Please vote for items you would like to see come to Fashion Story.
You can vote more than once.

10-05-11, 08:45 AM
Oh, you have just got to get a Victorian collection. A taste of Britain:)!

10-05-11, 11:18 AM
No surprise about the fountain, since the time TL was offering it for a free gift purchase, everyone kept regretting for not buying it. I even want 1..

10-05-11, 12:41 PM
when are we getting the 40% gems purchase back. I think we should also have a 50% of sale of items for the holiday season spirit.

10-05-11, 01:00 PM
Victorian Catalog would be so awesome!!!!! New hair would be just as awesome!!!!

10-05-11, 01:41 PM
I'd like anything except a fountain :) :) There NEEDS to be a winter catalog!!! I'd love 3 hour outfit, we dont have enough of those ;D

10-05-11, 01:52 PM
Fountain and victorain catalogue will be nice <3

10-05-11, 04:18 PM
Any catalog with long sleeves and pants sounds good to me! Just looking through the catalog now makes me chilly

10-06-11, 11:05 PM
Would love a winter catalog...or two..I love winter..Best time of the year :)

10-10-11, 06:49 PM
Would be nice to get a real gift without purchase for Christmas maybe on a game download of some sorts. Will get players excited. And will buy more gems to acquire more stuff. A win-win on TL-story players relation. Thanks

10-11-11, 03:32 PM
1 hour items plz!!!! or 12 hour. or 30 min. would be nice. but NOT 6 or 8 hrs pls most inconvenient times for me. Hair sounds nice... wait actually ALL sound really nice! Ya if not 50% gem sale... what about 40%off AND free gift!? I would totally buy either one!

10-14-11, 12:24 AM
What about a better jewelry display? those boxes are fug - there needs to be a better jewelry display like am armoire in decor where you can display beautiful pieces on top , different armoires like a mirrored one or an asian chinosseire sp? one etc. FS is getting pretty boring. I have gems to spend and money to burn but I have everything and nothing excites me.

kooky panda
10-19-11, 07:41 AM
Thanks for voting. I have sent this results over.
Please come vote on the new winter/holiday poll.
