View Full Version : Problem with construction using gifts :(

10-02-11, 08:45 PM
Hey, I have been receiving construction parts and they show up in 'My Gifts' but they dont add up in my construction why is this happening? :S please help!! :(

10-03-11, 12:40 AM
When you are looking at the number of parts in the cardboard box, it is displaying what is in My Gifts. They are the same parts. So if you have 2 gears in My Gifts, it will show up as 2 gears in the cardboard box.

10-14-11, 07:58 AM
Due to the new updates you can now see how many parts you have in the My Gifts section just like food.

01-11-12, 07:38 AM
Some of the parts in my gifts section are the same parts I need for constructing something. How can I use these?

01-11-12, 07:40 AM
Some of the parts in my gifts section are the same parts I need for constructing something. How can I use these?

By clicking on manage on the appliance your building it will show you how many parts you need. In my gifts you will see parts that you have and when selecting the appliance your building it shows you the ones you can you that are in your gift section.

01-11-12, 08:25 AM
Some of the parts in my gifts section are the same parts I need for constructing something. How can I use these?

Thanks to Sehana we now have this chart of items needed to complete each of the constructable appliance. Once you have purchased the appliance you wish to construct you click on it, "manage appliance" and you will see which parts you must acquire. You will have to ask your neighbours to send you those outstanding parts. You can select which neighbours you wish to request which which part from. So if you have 20 neighbours and you need 10 fuses, 5 springs and 5 gears you can select 10 neighbours to ask for fuses and then go back and ask 5 for springs and then go back and ask 5 for gears.

Once you have all the required parts you will see completed under each part and then you can finish building the appliance. There are several threads in the forum dealing with easy ovens, building appliances, etc. Have a look through those threads as well.

Here's a very helpful one : http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?15812-Easy-Appliance-How-To&highlight=Easy+ovens

01-11-12, 08:26 AM
Thanks to Sehana we now have this chart of items needed to complete each of the constructable appliance. Once you have purchased the appliance you wish to construct you click on it, "manage appliance" and you will see which parts you must acquire. You will have to ask your neighbours to send you those outstanding parts. You can select which neighbours you wish to request which which part from. So if you have 20 neighbours and you need 10 fuses, 5 springs and 5 gears you can select 10 neighbours to ask for fuses and then go back and ask 5 for springs and then go back and ask 5 for gears.

Once you have all the required parts you will see completed under each part and then you can finish building the appliance. There are several threads in the forum dealing with easy ovens, building appliances, etc. Have a look through those threads as well.

Here's a very helpful one : http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?15812-Easy-Appliance-How-To&highlight=Easy+ovens

Here is the chart i forgot to attach :

01-11-12, 08:27 AM