View Full Version : too much food!

09-26-11, 08:58 AM
For the past two days,my food has not been goin down. I hav lots of counters,and they are all full of food. Usually,every time I go on the game there are about 10 free counters minimums that I can then cook new food for. However,I hav been unable to cook anything now for two days as the food is just not shifting. Add to that the fact that I cannot gift,or receive gifts from,about 30 of my neighbours and I am getting seriously fed up now. My best friend sends me material requests every day but I hav not received any of them for 6 days now. What is goin on? X

09-26-11, 09:00 AM
I'm not sure why nothing's selling; is there anything blocking the way to the Host Table, or chairs etc.? Also, try uninstalling and reinstalling the game (your progress is saved).
Regarding gifting, it's a bug right now-TL need to get it quickly:).

09-26-11, 09:08 AM
If you have the same food on multiple counters, or cook food that exists on a counter, you can still cook food. If you don't have a free counter, the chef will combine all like food on a single counter and place you food on one of the counters he emptied.

Is the food not selling at all, or not as fast as you want to cook? If people are still eating the food and you are receiving coins from them eating, then you may just have more food on your counters than can be eaten in a day. If your customers are leaving unhappy and your happiness rating at the top is dropping, something may be blocking your customers from reaching the register.

09-26-11, 09:22 AM
Thanx guys. All my doors are clear etc.the food just doesn't seem to b selling as quickly. For example,I used to earn about 100 thousand coins over night,and now I am lucky if I earn 6 thousand. I am still earning coins,albeit at a slower rate,but I used to log on to many clear counters every morning and now there are none lol. I will try uninstalling and see if that works. X

09-26-11, 09:36 PM
I know your problem and i bet everyone has that problem. Count your customers when they came through the door. 28 - 29 is the maximum. It never happened before and now all my food became like a stock pile. I email this issue to teamlava a month ago and has not fix yet. It's so annoying.

09-26-11, 11:10 PM
I have also posted about a hundred times about this, but nothing has been done. I have 500,000 plates on restaurant and over 1,000,000 on bakery. I used to have COMPLETELY CLEAR counters every morning. It's really annoying and we should have an option to speed up sales, or AT LEAST get them sped up as we level up. I'm level 82, and my food sells at the same rate as a player level 10 who can't afford as many dishes. It makes no sense.