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09-06-11, 06:31 AM
Which dishes do you find particularly attractive? *Which do you think are ugly or weird? *I think TL's artists overall do a brilliant job, but there's a few foods I don't like.

I love the look of those fat turkeys and hams. *Bento box is very attractive on the counter and on plates, but looks weird on the stove. *Trifle is pretty. *Mango Delight and Chicken Tenders are ugly. *In every way.

What do YOU think?

09-06-11, 06:51 AM
(I don't know how those asterisks got in my post. I composed it with Notepad. They just showed up after I posted.)

09-06-11, 07:08 AM
I absolutely hate the look of the glazed ham, I think it looks disgusting, same for the burritos. Generally I like all the drinks, they are presented beautifully, and many of the deserts. The Bento Box is beautiful, especially on the counter.

09-06-11, 09:38 AM
The oysters are ugly on the counters, but they look pretty good on the oven.

09-06-11, 10:02 AM
The chicken tenders just need a little more pizazz, saimin noodles should be dropped more into the bowl,its a tad bit overflowing and the bento box should be served and plated within a bento box but overall everything is good in my eyes.

09-06-11, 10:41 AM
The chicken tenders just need a little more pizazz, saimin noodles should be dropped more into the bowl,its a tad bit overflowing and the bento box should be served and plated within a bento box but overall everything is good in my eyes.

Someone on here said the noodles look like an old beehive hairdo!

09-06-11, 10:52 AM
Someone on here said the noodles look like an old beehive hairdo!
Lol somewhat but if your accustomed to noodle houses.....that's what it looks like when being fished out of it's brothy goodness from the cooking pot...lol.....but when plated for serving no...especially saimin.....the soup would overflow from the noodles settling in the bowl..

09-06-11, 12:45 PM
I can't remember what all the dishes look like, but I like the cheeseburgers and corn. I always had a hard time recognizing the burrito was a burrito. And Hawaiianmomma is right (except its called ramen since its a theme from the Asian countries, not saimin from Hawaii), the noodles aren't served correctly and bento boxes are eaten out of the box.

09-06-11, 12:48 PM
True but it's the same smelllol something foreigners brought to us Hawaiians

09-06-11, 12:49 PM
Saimin....two Chinese words that make up noodle

09-06-11, 12:50 PM
Editthin noodle....

09-06-11, 01:02 PM
Yeah, I could never tell the difference. I know they serve ramen in Japan and just figured the people in Hawaii changed the name but didn't why. So is saimin the Chinese translation for ramen?

09-06-11, 01:05 PM
Mango delight and tiramisu look awesome!!!!

09-06-11, 01:06 PM
Saimin is two words......in chinese......thin noodle

09-06-11, 01:09 PM
Saimin is a compound of two Chinese words 細麵: 細 (pinyin: x?, Cantonese: sai), meaning thin, and 麵 (mi?n, mein), meaning noodle

09-06-11, 01:46 PM
So is ramen the japanese translation for those two chinese characters?

09-06-11, 01:53 PM
Ramen is of Chinese origin, however it is unclear when ramen was introduced to Japan. Even the etymology of the word ramen is a topic of debate. One theory is that ramen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese 拉麺 (la mian), meaning "hand-pulled noodles." A second theory proposes 老麺 (laomian, "old noodles") as the original form, while another states that ramen was initially 鹵麺 (lǔmi?n), noodles cooked in a thick, starchy sauce. A fourth theory is that the word derives from 撈麵 (lāomi?n, "lo mein"), which in Cantonese 撈 means to "stir", and the name refers to the method of preparation by stirring the noodles with a sauce.
Until the 1950s, ramen was called shina soba (支那そば, literally "Chinese buckwheat noodle") but today chūka soba (中華そば, also meaning "Chinese buckwheat noodle") or just Ramen (ラーメン) are more common, as the word "支那" (shina, meaning "China") is considered offensive by many.

09-06-11, 01:55 PM
Thank you, hawaiianmomma

09-06-11, 06:05 PM
Wow...im chinese but i didnt know that!! Lol...thanks for ur sharing of knowledge :)

Btw, i dont like the burito and the spaghetti...i think the burito is too big and spaghetti would looks better on a plate, not that big bowl...imho...

09-08-11, 12:18 AM
The pork bun. That's one ugly item on your counter. I love all the grill items and the drinks are gorgeous.