View Full Version : If I buy a new phne do I have to start over on the game

09-04-11, 02:02 PM
Soo tell me bcuz I order a new phne but idk if I can contine frm where I lft off at

09-04-11, 02:05 PM
Soo tell me bcuz I order a new phne but idk if I can contine frm where I lft off at

Hi Soomarvelous -

You should not have to start your games over. As long as you are purchasing another device that is compatible with the TL games you can do a transfer to get your games on your new device. Below are a couple of links to help you with that, you can also email TeamLava Support (support@teamlava.com) for transfer assistance.

PLEASE READ: How to Transfer to a New Device (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11887-PLEASE-READ-How-to-Transfer-to-a-New-Device) - Using TeamLava Site

Have a New Device? How To Transfer Your Existing Account (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?347-Have-a-New-Device-How-To-Transfer-Your-Existing-Account) - Using Storm8 game (you can transfer from any approved supported device to another approved supported device using this method). You may need to level to level 7 in order to complete a transfer this process.