View Full Version : Appliance limitations?

09-03-11, 04:00 PM
Why are there appliance limitations? I have 18 appliances, I also have one oven in storage that I can't access without spending gems. We should be able to spend the coins on something. If not appliances then trade them in for gems instead. I see some of my friends have way more then 18 appliances. So how can this be? They certainly didn't spend the gems on them. Any help is appreciated. I assume this'll also apply for Bakery Story as well. Thanks a bunch! Happy holiday weekend folks!!

09-03-11, 04:03 PM
There are limitations on appliances, so that people who are rich in the game wouldn't be able to buy a thousand stoves cooking and stockpiling millions of dishes. The reason why some have more then 18 appliances is because they've spent 24 Gems or $5.00 for an extra.

09-03-11, 04:04 PM
I want a holiday weekend:mad::p.
Anyway, I'm not sure how your friend can have more than the set amount for the relevant level right now without having spent gems.
Whilst coins-for-gems probably wouldn't be feasible (gems are TL's income), I like the coins-for-appliance slots idea. It could be like expansion costs? Gem or coin? Eg. Extra appliance costs 30 gems or 1,500,000 coins?