View Full Version : Start updating weekly, or I'm going back to We Rule

New Crobuzon
10-09-10, 02:27 PM
We Rule & We Farm update their content every week. You will lose customers soon if you do not keep up. Ngmoco (the developers of We Rule, We Farm, & We City) also have forums. However, members of their teams are very responsive--answering our questions quickly. We are also allowed to vote on new ideas, and many of those ideas that have gained the most support are eventually implemented.

No, Ngmoco is not perfect, but compared to TeamLava's lack of response to their committed players (hey, no casual players are commenting on your forums guys--we are most likely to be the people buying stuff with real $), they are the gold standard.

I'm not interested in playing a game made by a company that ignores its customers so blatantly, and shows little interest in enhancing our play experience.

Please take this criticism in the spirit it is given. I've enjoyed City Story enormously, but you must put out more new content AND respond to your customers, or we will go elsewhere to spend our time and money.

10-09-10, 03:48 PM
I couldn't have put it better myself!!! This "forum" is a travesty. You're listening to us Team Lava? It seems you are only listening for the sound of money jingling in your pockets. I refuse to play this game until I hear that things have changed dramatically!

10-09-10, 05:20 PM
Well, I won't make any threats, but I wish there were some updates in the last couple of weeks too. It's starting to get a little monotoneous.

Hopefully you guys are working on it and it will be released soon.

10-09-10, 11:40 PM
Totally agree. Ngmoco's newest game We City is turning out to be really fun, with the stuff people here have been asking for - cars and moving people. AND NEW CONTENT! Sometimes more than once a week!
For now, I'm still going into City Story to clean my neighbours' cities once in a while, but it's getting boring with no new content. Yawn.

A level 60 player
10-09-10, 11:45 PM
Yeah, been playing for about 8 weeks... and also spent $50 real cash for city cash.

From my neighbor list; I would put the inactive players at roughly 5% and growing.

Do TeamLava expecting the players to simply clean and collect for 2 weeks without any new items?

I for one is getting tired at this as well.
When there were tons of posts and there is virtually little or no response from teamlava...
I fail to understand the meaning for the discussion and feedback threads.

If Norman is still "listening", then at least answer some of the questions/concerns.


10-10-10, 02:00 AM
I agree. I have noticed the amount of cleaning/watering going down on both CS and FS. It amazes me that developers don't listen to their clients. Such a shame - I really was enjoying CS for a while and even spent about $100 buying City Cash. Might take a look at that other game people are talking about.

10-10-10, 03:24 AM
Do any of you whiny people realise how long it could take to make decent graphics required for updates? Did any of you whiny people consider that you spent real money on this app because you enjoyed it? You made that choice. Doesn't mean you can rant and rage and threaten the developers like little children. Some apps don't get ANY updates. Be patient. And quit whining.

New Crobuzon
10-10-10, 05:38 AM
Do any of you whiny people realise how long it could take to make decent graphics required for updates? Did any of you whiny people consider that you spent real money on this app because you enjoyed it? You made that choice. Doesn't mean you can rant and rage and threaten the developers like little children. Some apps don't get ANY updates. Be patient. And quit whining.

Hi, one of the "whiny people" here.

LOL. I think this is what aggravates me about TeamLava so much. I am a graphic designer who works on software for the iPhone and iPad. I've managed graphic design teams and worked as a freelance graphic designer for the web, client apps (software that installs directly on your computer) and other mobile OS's for over 13 yrs.

It would not take your average graphic designer more that 15 minutes to rotate a hedge, color it to have a consistent light source, and hand off the assets to the development team. The latter will have (I guarantee you) a pain-free way to add additional graphic content. That would have been built into the dev specs.

The only two buildings that would have taken considerable graphic design effort are the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty. Organic and/or intricate shapes take time. But most of our buildings are based on boxes. Very easy.

No one is asking for EVERYTHING that has been suggested. Or monster updates in content each week. If I just got one (non-city cash new building a week, I would be happy.

So while I might come off as whiny and threatening, it is at least coming from an informed point of view.

Hey TeamLava--need some freaking new buildings? I'll make you some this weekend, free of charge. ID: bytErrant

Older & Wiser
10-10-10, 09:08 AM
Do any of you whiny people realise how long it could take to make decent graphics required for updates? Did any of you whiny people consider that you spent real money on this app because you enjoyed it? You made that choice. Doesn't mean you can rant and rage and threaten the developers like little children. Some apps don't get ANY updates. Be patient. And quit whining.

Well, trust me .... Patience is there, but losing it everyday!

TeamLava stated that there will be WEEKLY updates; check their iTune store descriptions.
So when something is promised by a "business" entity, consumer do have a RIGHT to launch complaints when the sales condition was not satisfied.

We are just advising TeamLava about how a successful business should be run.
If you can't take the heat, then get out off the kitchen (software gaming industry).

A concerned city builder

Not whiny--dissatisfied
10-10-10, 10:29 AM
Do any of you whiny people realise how long it could take to make decent graphics required for updates? Did any of you whiny people consider that you spent real money on this app because you enjoyed it? You made that choice. Doesn't mean you can rant and rage and threaten the developers like little children. Some apps don't get ANY updates. Be patient. And quit whining.

So do you work for the company that makes City Story or something? People have tried every possible way of communicating with these people, but nothing seems to get a response. I've read polite, rude, and pleading posts. Compliments followed respectfully by suggestions (not demands). Nothing seems to wake them up. Perhaps if we remind them that their competitors are currently smoking them, they will take notice.

Sheesh. I hate to see a perfectly great game with tons of potential and an enthusiastic user base fizzle due to poor management.

10-10-10, 11:27 AM
I have to say that having played both - I prefer the graphics from City Story. After a while those wandering people get annoying.. So I remain a devoted City Story fan regardless of the lack of updates. I estimate that in past two weeks I have seen a 90% drop in cleaning, so guess many have given up and moved to We City. It just seems such a shame that a game with such potential and such devoted players is losing it's appeal. I hope TeamLava wake up their ideas before their City Story becomes Pity Story.

10-10-10, 02:23 PM
Wow, reading how much you guys spend on city cash, I think I have an idea why the Lava team has been so silent... They MUST be on a very loooong and luxurious vacation.
But who's to blame? All you can do is stop spending real dollars.
Too bad Team Lava hasn't discovered the joy of GIVING. Eventually though, there won't be anything to take for them.
I won't spend a single penny on City Story, and it's getting boring indeed...
Have fun, guys, and thank you for cleaning :)

10-10-10, 03:42 PM
Wow, reading how much you guys spend on city cash, I think I have an idea why the Lava team has been so silent... They MUST be on a very loooong and luxurious vacation.
But who's to blame? All you can do is stop spending real dollars.
Too bad Team Lava hasn't discovered the joy of GIVING. Eventually though, there won't be anything to take for them.
I won't spend a single penny on City Story, and it's getting boring indeed...
Have fun, guys, and thank you for cleaning :)

I see that City Story is rated #6 in the top grossing iPad apps, so it will probably take more than some complaints on their message boards to make them mend their ways. I spent real money (not a ton, but some), because I do that when I enjoy free games to show my support.

They'll see no more $ from me until I see some decent FREE content issued on a regular basis, however. There are enough other games out there to enjoy without continuing to get bored or ticked off at these greedy idiots!

Rant over. :) off to play a nice $.99 game with no premium content. What a concept!!

Thanks everyone for putting into words my frustrations with City Story!!

10-10-10, 03:58 PM
Ok, LMAO. Wondering what the odds are that this thread will even exist once the TeamLava people get around to looking at it?

Or... if it continues to exist, but remains up without an official response, is that a true confirmation that they really don't give a ****?

Like we didn't know that already.

Sorry for the negative energy. Guess reading the thread is just opening my eyes to what I'd been feeling about these pseudo free games for a while. Well, no more sucker here. Bye bye City Story, We "blah blah" and the like. :D

Concerned CS player
10-11-10, 05:26 AM
I'm only partially joking here. A lot of valid concerns were raised during the weekend. Norman If you and you team are really listening, I think it is time to be a more active listener.

Concerned CS and also FS player. Long-time storm8 game player.

10-11-10, 07:58 AM


New Crobuzon
10-11-10, 08:25 AM
I'm only partially joking here. A lot of valid concerns were raised during the weekend. Norman If you and you team are really listening, I think it is time to be a more active listener.

Concerned CS and also FS player. Long-time storm8 game player.

Thanks so much to everyone willing to speak up. I think this poster summed up my feelings this morning.

Today I'm including a picture in hopes to jog TeamLava's collective memories. Remember us--your customers? Just in case you don't, this is a picture of what we look like.

(p.s. So sorry you can't rotate us.)


Older & Wiser
10-11-10, 12:00 PM
We should all try out other iPhone apps, such as MyTown, SimCity, We City and We Rule.

If every one stop playing City Story for a whole month, then I bet my house (or city cash ) that there will be more updates from TeamLava.

We can always vote with our !

10-11-10, 12:40 PM
Is it difficult to add a section under HELP/FAQ?

Let call it ---> What's New

Then on a weekly basis, just go and write a couple of sentenses, tell us what's going on.
If there is no City Story, just said so and let players know.

Example: We are working on some new items/features, but they were delayed. So no updates in the next 2 weeks, but we will release them in about 14-20 days.

 Now, TeamLava/Norman .. how difficult is that?
Oh, you just have to spend 10 minutes of your time.

10-11-10, 08:12 PM
I just tried We City at the suggestion of another poster and I can say that City Story is far nicer. We City has a horrible interface with so much clutter. The graphics also look super jaggy on my iphone4. The only thing that is nice is that it automatically upates without the force quit that City Story needs.

10-12-10, 04:37 AM
Well, trust me .... Patience is there, but losing it everyday!

TeamLava stated that there will be WEEKLY updates; check their iTune store descriptions.
So when something is promised by a "business" entity, consumer do have a RIGHT to launch complaints when the sales condition was not satisfied.

We are just advising TeamLava about how a successful business should be run.
If you can't take the heat, then get out off the kitchen (software gaming industry).

A concerned city builder

Agree. If TeamLava isn't actually a profit-making business, or if they were doing this entirely for free, I wouldn't say anything. They might have a day job to go back to and updates take time. But with all the money they're making from this app (with so many people here saying they're spending hundreds of dollars), I doubt that's the case. And I think they've been thoroughly unprofessional and tardy with their work.

Also, why promise weekly updates when they obviously can't keep up? I think a lot of people here would be satisfied even if weekly updates meant 1 measly building per week, as opposed to the mass update every few weeks they've been doing. If the latter is the strategy they're going for, then say so, and don't promise "weekly updates". People will accept that.

10-12-10, 06:46 AM
Until I see some changes and updates to City Story, I'm only going to be playing. We City. There is more variety of things to do, ways to earn money, including collecting rent! Come be my friend on We Story!

10-12-10, 09:21 AM
I just tried We City at the suggestion of another poster and I can say that City Story is far nicer. We City has a horrible interface with so much clutter. The graphics also look super jaggy on my iphone4. The only thing that is nice is that it automatically upates without the force quit that City Story needs.

Checked into both We City and We Rule this weekend. I agree with the poster above about the graphics in We City not being all that hot. But We Rule is awesome!!! I wish I'd discovered it ages ago. Am completely hooked, and love drooling over the kingdoms people have made. There's a really good fan site too, where players talk about the game, have spreadsheets with all the most profitable businesses to buy, and a gallery of cool cities sorry, kingdoms people have created. And you just add their names to a friend list to visit. No need for this back and forth I'd sharing. Any way, if you don't mind the idea of a medieval city with some magical elements thrown in, give it a shot. :D That's where I'll be.

Oh and the people & some buildings MOVE and people talk when you click on them!!

New Crobuzon
10-13-10, 02:42 PM
Ok, LMAO. Wondering what the odds are that this thread will even exist once the TeamLava people get around to looking at it?

Or... if it continues to exist, but remains up without an official response, is that a true confirmation that they really don't give a ****?

Like we didn't know that already.

It seems the poster was correct. No thread deletion and no reply from TeamLava--even with 3 pages of comments and over 700 views.

Are you guys just waiting around for a lucrative buyout deal from a Japanese company like ngmoco?

10-14-10, 12:48 AM
Updates!! Good stuff! All is forgiven...

New Crobuzon
10-14-10, 04:38 AM
Just to show that I am not always a bitter ranting crazy person, I will note 3 very nice things to the new updates:

1) grocery store -- wow, very nice, and much needed! While it is pricey 500k I think, it was at least not game cash--Score!!
2) middle school (I think that is what it is called)--much more school-like looking than the other one-room school house. I think that one belonged to some rural town w/a population of about 200. ;)
3) OMG -- the hedges rotate!!!

10-14-10, 04:53 AM
also the pasta restaurant roxx ! and the hallowen case gives very very nice items !
we do need another expansion as a lot of items are 4 slots large !
congratulations for this expansion

10-14-10, 05:01 AM
Is it difficult to add a section under HELP/FAQ?

Let call it ---> What's New

Then on a weekly basis, just go and write a couple of sentenses, tell us what's going on.
If there is no City Story, just said so and let players know.

Example: We are working on some new items/features, but they were delayed. So no updates in the next 2 weeks, but we will release them in about 14-20 days.

 Now, TeamLava/Norman .. how difficult is that?
Oh, you just have to spend 10 minutes of your time.

Yeah. I think most of the reasonable users would settle for just a weekly post on the forum. This is 15 minutes work, tops, and would do wonders. Most of my neighbours are not watering / planting anymore, and I have 90. As I said many times elsewhere, I wouldn't mind Farm Story turning into a paid app, IF some substantial gaming mechanics were added in the process, with the guarantee of monthly updates (other than adding a rabbit or other close to useless decorations)

10-15-10, 09:34 AM
I just started this game a while ago and i have no complaints about it. After reading every post on this thread I thought about my neighbors. I have 397 neighbors (I had a bus from MN to PA so I had some time to advertise my Storm8 ID) From 397 neighbors you'd think my city is always fully cleaned right? Nope. Not really. At first i thought "well im probably 1 in 100 neighbors and they probably didn't clean me today. Now I realize that They don't play often. i have multiple friends that are level 60 and up (like 40 friends at that level) And their cities collect dust. i can't clean them ever because they never play it and collect their money.

really I LOVE the game, but it looks like I'm one in a few that are still addicted to this game. Really the only game I play by ngmoco is Godfinger (awesome by the way) and City and Farm Story beat it by far.

Also guys if you want a building a week ok they give that to you. they just came out with like 9 buildings in 4 weeks maybe not even that long. So give em a break they're doing what you asked.

Friend me if you like and maybe I'll break 400!
ID= NewPhilly
City Name= New Philly
Thanks for everything TeamLava!

11-06-10, 05:13 AM
^^ Bump ^^

11-06-10, 03:43 PM
Teamlava is getting lazy some of the building almost look alike example condos and Eco condos. Office building and tech office the four mobile home look totally the same except different in color

11-07-10, 12:41 PM
Please update more.

11-07-10, 02:25 PM
I'm bored of this game. Cleaning other people's cities has become a chore. Quitting, good luck to you all.

11-08-10, 02:25 PM
C'mon lava people!!! Do you want to lose us all?

11-09-10, 12:07 AM
If TL can't handle the updates just for Farm & City... Why brother with pushing out Restaurant & Empire???

Make no sense at all.

chvchv & chvchv2
11-09-10, 08:38 AM
In the AppStore they say: "FREE updates ... EVERY WEEK"

Which calendar do they use? I think they mean the length of a week on the planet Venus. Venus's day lasts 243.02 earth days. So a Venus week lasts 1701.14 earth days, that's a little more than 4.5 earth years.

So they still keep their promise of a "weekly" update. TL just forgot to tell us that the live on Venus.

Music ♫
11-09-10, 09:47 AM
I thought that I saw in the description of City Story that TL makes updates every week, but obviously they're not. I'm not as entertained by it as I used to be. TeamLava, please make a new update. So many people have posted great ideas on this Fourum, and yet we get no response or a new update. Seriously, I am not happy about how you're treating your loyal customers.