View Full Version : updated -- when does the tutorial end? Hate it!!! Lost gems, too

08-27-11, 03:34 AM
I am on level 21. I updated and saw the tutorial and it said "for one gem, skip," etc. I thought I would get a gem if I skipped. I ended up "spending" 13 gems for nothing. I am wondering when the stupid tutorial will stop, if ever. I already have too many friends and it wants me to add more; it wants me to buy a grill and I am a vegetarian; it wants me to buy red and yellow hay bales and that's not part of my design.

Does it ever stop? Can I make it stop or disappear?

Thanks, and sorry if this has already been discussed.

08-27-11, 04:19 AM
It does end eventually. I never thought about the double meaning of "for one gem, skip" - however, the complaint won't extend to the other 12 you spent. Corn fertilisation is the only unavoidable one - 5 gems. The rest you can get through with coins and time except - as you say - the new neighbours bit. All I can say is you wouldn't be the first to invite new nbr's and then ignore them. Good luck :)

08-27-11, 04:45 AM
Thank you for the reply. I REALLY regret updating. The jumping water drops are awful, and the game opens in too much of a closeup. I have written to the developers to try to get my 13 gems back, I was saving them up for something fun and I am really annoyed.

08-28-11, 07:58 AM
Thank you for the reply. I REALLY regret updating. The jumping water drops are awful, and the game opens in too much of a closeup. I have written to the developers to try to get my 13 gems back, I was saving them up for something fun and I am really annoyed.

Are you on an iDevice ? If so, when did you last sync ? You might be able to re-install the previous version if the jumping drops are really getting to you. That's not a perfect solution but it's an instant one. They may put in an off switch into prefs - they may not. If you have overwritten the previous version and you're on Time Machine or something similar yuo might be able to get it back. If you know your business around these things, fine. If not, be very careful - plenty of scope for the error of losing a lot of other stuff in these retro steps :)