View Full Version : Suggestions for Restaurant

08-26-11, 01:11 PM
Starting a new suggestions thread. Please feel free to post any suggestions you have, and copy or repeat any suggestions you see. I based the polls on the most popular suggestion, and then submit the polls to GM.

Just letting everyone know - the polls will consist of new items and decor, but not game features. We are keeping a list of all game features suggested, so please keep adding to it. And don't forget, it does take time to implement new items and features. I'm looking forward to all the new suggestions! And keep adding to the theme thread as well!

08-26-11, 01:17 PM
Definately Pavlova would be awesome!!

08-26-11, 10:01 PM
castle box - suits of armor , sword racks , crossed sword over shield for wall , throne , jester , cool candle sticks , merlins lab , sleeping dragon ...
to go with castle box - stone table and chairs , iron fence (wall sections ) for gem purchase .

08-26-11, 10:06 PM
Scenic wall papers, scenic tiles, themed counters like in NS.

08-26-11, 10:52 PM
I always think we need more variety of recipes for some of the shorter timeframes
sometimes getting sick of looking at the french toast, omelette, etc haha

anywho for the more concrete food ideas:

Mapo tofu
Fried Rice
Mushroom Risotto
Miso Soup
Have actually got Sushi platter?

Stuffed Pepper
Frnech onion soup
Chicken Parmagiana
Tandoori chicken
Piripiri Chicken

Korean Hotplate (also known as korean bbq)
Grilled Squid
Grilled Watermelon (I'm not joking, google it...)

Drink machine:
Orange Juice
Frozen Cola
Iced Coffee
Ginger Ale
Bubble Tea

08-26-11, 11:10 PM
err not sure why I listed miso soup there o.o It's coming isnt it?

08-26-11, 11:16 PM
Miso soup is now available. It's an 8 hour item.

08-27-11, 07:36 AM
I like this idea too

08-27-11, 08:39 AM
Ribs for the Grill but please make it an 8-hour item
Strawberry daiquiri for the drink machine (12 hours)
Offer another 1-minute item and get rid of French Toast - maybe make it Rice Krispie treats

08-27-11, 03:11 PM
Ribs for the Grill but please make it an 8-hour item
Strawberry daiquiri for the drink machine (12 hours)
Offer another 1-minute item and get rid of French Toast - maybe make it Rice Krispie treats

If that happens we won't have french toast to gift!

Stove: Hawaiian Chicken for dinner
Lemon scallops
Fried rice
Filet Mingion
Tuna patties
Chile sausage pasta
Sloppy Joe's

08-28-11, 07:33 AM
I would love to see some gold stuff...i LOVE gold! Hahaha
Maybe something like these:
Gold counter,appliances,table and chair
Gold tiles
White wallpaper w/ gold trim
Gold statues

Choco cake w/ gold decor
Champagne w/ gold leaves

08-28-11, 09:06 AM
If that happens we won't have french toast to gift!

Perhaps I'm in the minority but I never give French Toast and I always decline it when someone does gift it to me. It's 200 plates = 200 coins but takes up one of the 20-gift limit allowed per day whereas a gift of Stew is worth 750 coins. I'd rather give and accept gifts of higher value if I'm limited on how many gifts I can accept per day.

08-29-11, 05:51 AM
This has been on my mind for quite some time now and while everything listed so far has been great (new food, decorative items), I for my part would really, really appreciate some racial diversity in the restaurant guests and host in an update in the foreseeable future.

08-29-11, 06:37 AM
Thipse, this has been mentioned to GM and before him, Norman, but I do not know where TL stands on this. I would reccomend PMing GM, and asking him.

08-29-11, 04:11 PM
Hmmm. How about some more desserts? I second any desert idea. Definitely a new drink item. And as for decor I would just like a bowl of mints on a table that I can place next to my register. I think it Would help me in my desperate attempt to get my restaurant as real as possible. Now if only you could make a counter special for drinks to complete my bar area... But I can wait.

09-02-11, 02:24 PM
When you want to send gifts to all your neighbors, you have to select one by one... please, give us an option to send the same gift to all neighbors at once!
Thank you.

09-02-11, 02:26 PM
Another suggestion, in the invite friends tab (social), put an Edit button like neighbors has to remove an invitation to a new neighbors. I have some invitations since i start to play this game and they never accept me, so, i want to delete this invitation in that tab.
Thank you.

09-02-11, 02:34 PM
here an screenshot about my previous post.


09-02-11, 03:11 PM
Perhaps I'm in the minority but I never give French Toast and I always decline it when someone does gift it to me. It's 200 plates = 200 coins but takes up one of the 20-gift limit allowed per day whereas a gift of Stew is worth 750 coins. I'd rather give and accept gifts of higher value if I'm limited on how many gifts I can accept per day.

No, you're not in the minority. I don't like french toast as gifts either and I don't give them. But its not as bad as being gifted valentine cupcakes in the summer.

09-02-11, 04:50 PM
Another suggestion, we need a dialog confirmation when spend gems.... mostly, we spend the gems by accident or mistakes...

09-03-11, 06:32 PM
How about some fall items for decor? Leaves? Trees? Items that can also be purchased with coins instead of just gems. When your restaurant is large and you have to pay 1-2 gems for one tile it's kinda ridiculous.

09-04-11, 09:33 AM
I thought the last update with the Zen Garden Tiles was pretty neat, but there is something missing!
Instead (or in addition to) the one tiny circle they should have made four tiles, each with one quarter of a raked circle on it (or one single rotatable tile). That way you could really make your restaurant look like a zen garden with different swirly patterns, circles etc. A simple addition but the amount of possible creative patterns would increase drastically.

09-05-11, 06:15 AM
No, you're not in the minority. I don't like french toast as gifts either and I don't give them. But its not as bad as being gifted valentine cupcakes in the summer.

I don't mind any food items. it's Motor and Spring gifts that bug me, since (according to another thread I read on this forum) they currently serve no useful purpose at all!

09-05-11, 05:29 PM
I always think we need more variety of recipes for some of the shorter timeframes
sometimes getting sick of looking at the french toast, omelette, etc haha

anywho for the more concrete food ideas:

I like these:
Mushroom Risotto
Stuffed Pepper
Chicken Parmagiana
Iced Coffee

This has been on my mind for quite some time now and while everything listed so far has been great (new food, decorative items), I for my part would really, really appreciate some racial diversity in the restaurant guests and host in an update in the foreseeable future.

I also agree with this completely.

09-05-11, 07:46 PM
As for personal suggestions, I have these:

fish taco
sweet potato fries
tempura shrimp
lemon pepper chicken
filet mignon
mediterranean chicken
greek pizza
eggplant parmesan
herb crusted tilapia
shepherd's pie
country fried steak
monte cristo
buffalo wings
mozzarella sticks
bbq pulled pork

09-06-11, 03:43 AM
nice suggestions on the two posts above me. Adding Pho would be nice as well =)

09-07-11, 08:12 PM
Lobster rolls
Bar drinks - beer, mixed drinks
Shrimp salad
Cuban sandwiches
Deli sandwiches
Chicken and dumplings
Shrimp and grits
Peach pie
Key lime pie
Stone crab claws
Roast pork
Beans and rice
(lol can you tell I live in Florida)

09-09-11, 05:38 AM
I have a few suggestions I've been thinking about while playing, although I'm not a game designer so I have no idea how difficult it would to program these things in, so don't get all up in my business yelling at me about how difficult it would be, I'm simply stating these would be fun changes.
The plates that customers eat on are always blue, in everyone's restaurant so I thought it might be a fun customization to be able to purchase different colored or different designed plates that the customers would be able to eat on.
The other thing I thought of wouldn't be too hard. In Farm Story when you reach a master rank of a crop you've grown, you receive a garden gnome to proudly display. Following that same concept, once you reach executive chef level of a plate it would be fun to receive a plaque or certificate or something to put on the wall.

09-09-11, 06:36 AM
saffron rice

09-09-11, 06:05 PM
How about a few Mexican themed items. Pots, wall decorations like those lizard things. Wall Plates. The mexican tiles are great.
These items are usually very colorful in mexican styled restaurants.
And the food to make also. Taco's el Carbon etc. yummie
How about a Salsa Bar ? Or a flour tortilla oven.

09-11-11, 12:41 PM
How about a deep fryer! We could have hot wings, mozzerella sticks, mushrooms, etc!

09-11-11, 01:01 PM
Sounds delicious!! A deep fryer would be great for a bunch of new foods. I would like to see a bunch of new foods for the grill (longer than an hour :) ) and drinks for the drink machines. Like strawberry daiquiri or snow cones!!! Lots of exotic foods would be interesting and fun to get!

09-12-11, 04:10 AM
How about some sports decorations for us football/ sports fans we could decorate for a sports bar etc. Menu hot wings, French fries, onion rings,milk shakes...

09-12-11, 07:53 AM
Ribs for the Grill but please make it an 8-hour item
Strawberry daiquiri for the drink machine (12 hours)
Offer another 1-minute item and get rid of French Toast - maybe make it Rice Krispie treats

I would LOVE to see something for the grill that is an 8-hour item...anything!

09-12-11, 08:28 AM
Just seen this thread - copying and pasting some suggestions I added to your 'Feedback' section the other day, people commenting seemed to like the ideas:
1. Create a 'Favourites' tab. In a similar manner to the 'Wall' tab, everyone has a Favourites tab (which is publicly viewable). When a user visits a restaurant and really likes it, they can have the option of adding it to their own Favourites list. (this would be very useful as there are some AMAZING restaurants out there, and obviously they will be maxed out for neighbours most of the time...this gives users a way of linking into those restaurants so that they may tip/admire, without having to go convoluted paths to try find that restaurant again!)...other users can view your Favourites, which would mean that those restaurants that have been favourited lots of times will have more 'publicity' and interest.

- If a user's restaurant is favourited by another user, a notification will appear in their news feed...so they can check out the restaurant that likes them and thank them, etc!

- When you favourite a restaurant, you are given the option whether to subscribe to notifications of updates of that restaurant (a restaurant has overall right to remove particular subscribers though)

- Whenever a user changes their restaurant and fancies sending out a notification to their subscribers to check it out, they click a button which automatically adds a notification to subscribers newsfeeds (e.g. "Restaurant Name"has updated their restaurant (users must also be given the option to remove themselves from notifications to avoid abuse of this function)

2. Another idea I have is a little more complicated, but similar functionality to the Building/Requesting Parts functionality, but with food. Something like 'hosting a party', or 'build a buffet'

Hosting party idea: User hosts a party and invites neighbours (up to a max number allowed) to attend/bring their own food. All must cook a special dish, and when all complete, all of those restaurants get a mega-special dish/spread in their restaurants

Build a buffet idea: User wishes to provide a buffet but needs lots of little bits and bobs which can only be completed by helpful neighbouring restaurants. (Similar to building ovens, etc, but rather than screws, you could have sausage rolls, crisps, etc). Resulting in a special buffet which brings in tonnes of money (got to be worth the effort of building!).

09-12-11, 10:50 AM
Probably already suggested but I'm writing them anyway:
- A 'Send gift to all neighbors' button.
- A 'Refresh' button in the Neighbors tab (i.e. let us decide when to refresh that tab). Currently the tab refreshes every 3 visits to neighbors. It means every 3 visits I have to wait for the tab to refresh, scroll down (or up) to find the neighbor I last tipped, tip the next 3 neighbors and repeat. This is NOT user-friendly at all, especially when you have several hundred neighbors (355 for me).
- A 'Send message' function. No need to explain how useful it could be.
- *Cough* Get rid of gem traps *Cough*

09-12-11, 02:17 PM
- Deep Fried Mars Bar
- Stuffed cheesy Jalape?os
- Whole Hog Roast
- Potato skins
- Buffalo Wings
- Crispy Shredded Chilli Beef
- Caesar Salad
- Popcorn machine/Appliance
- Sushi Appliance
- Historic Theme
- Ice Theme

09-14-11, 05:35 PM
Further expansions would be really good!

I like the idea of Deep Fryers and also a way to change the colour of the drink machine would be great as red really doesn't suit my restaurant.

Finally it would be great to be able to buy more items without risking the magic box... I really want a grand piano!

09-16-11, 07:05 PM
The deep fryer idea seems to be very popular so ill +1 that idea I would also like to see more wall decorations for any theme at a fair price. I think memorabilia would be nice too like you see at a Chili's or an Applebee's such as movie posters sports jerseys etc

09-16-11, 08:11 PM
PLEASE new tables and chairs!!! There's hardly any good ones, there's no variety in color and their just sooooo darn boring!!! I absolutely love the options in bakery story, why can't we get more like that? Not to mention the cost of what we do have. I'm on level 20 and still haven't made enough coins to buy even the pine tables and chairs. It's disappointing and makes me not even want to play cause my restaurant is so ugly :( also more colors of wall paper and floor tiles for coins. We have white, brown, gray and purple. It's SO boring!!!

09-16-11, 08:16 PM
I would LOVE to see something for the grill that is an 8-hour item...anything!

I second these! We desperately need an 8 hour item on the grill! Also more options for shorter time. Like a 30 min item for the grill and oven. You go from 15 min to an hour on the oven. It just stinks that the only good options take forever.

09-18-11, 07:06 PM

Eastern Treasures

Furniture Pieces~
Ornate Cabinets and Hutchs.....Black Laquer with Mother of Pearl Inlays......Hand Carved Teak & Dragon Wedding Chest.....Hand Painted Tibetian Treasure Chests......Mandarin Dowry Trunks......Mongolian & Tansu Chests.....Korean Brass Buffet Cabinets....Brass Indian Tables.....Chinoiserie Tables & Chairs(Please Choose a Pleasing Color Scale,it is Very Important to this Style)......Balinese Bamboo or Rattan Tables with accompanying Chairs.......Zabutons & Kotatsu Tables

RS Decor~
Large,Huge,Enormous Beautiful Blue & White Porcelain Vases(2/3rds the size of pillars pretty please)......
Long Planters(2 tiles-size length of farm hedges) Filled With Lovely Luscious Hues & Colors Of Many Variations of Orchids.......Ba Gau Mirrors....Double New Years Scrolls(Joy & Peace) And Four Wishes Firecrackers.....Thangka Tapestries......Quan Yin & Tara Statuary.......4 Seasons Wall Panels.....Not Wall Pictures Please.......wall panels that depict Long Windows with Contemplative Cherry Blossom Gardens......
Return of a different color shaded Maneki Neko Lucky Cat$$ so as to keep the integrity of the Original one You Designed & it's Rarity intact....

Fried Rice....Shrimp Tempura.....Wontons.....Mochi......Chichi dango........Sushi Roll Platter.......Green Tea

09-18-11, 07:35 PM
Ribs for the grill

09-19-11, 01:03 AM
Pho and more noodle dishes would be nice. Also more dishes with 30 mins-2hrs cooking times.

09-19-11, 05:42 AM
We need more levels!!! After level 96 you can't go any further and then everyone ends up catching you up, which isn't the idea!!!! Come on team lava!!

09-19-11, 02:58 PM
How bout letting us gift gems to our neighbors as well. I can't purchase new appliances now without them as I'm up to my max. Only u can have a limitation either per day or per week of how many you can give and receive.

09-21-11, 03:26 AM
Purple accessories would be nice. I've given up on my purple Walls and tiles as nothing goes with them except white tables and chairs.

09-21-11, 12:52 PM
pls pls bring back the celerbration flowers and balloons i was saving up my gems to buy them why did you take them off the red white and blue colours matched my colour theme !
i know you said you will remove the seasonal items but what season was them from, 

09-21-11, 12:53 PM
Purple accessories would be nice. I've given up on my purple Walls and tiles as nothing goes with them except white tables and chairs.

yes i agree with that too

09-21-11, 02:54 PM
Halloween food, Halloween items, Halloween walls and floors, Halloween everything! SOOO excited about the new Halloween gifts coming out!!!!!!!

09-22-11, 07:28 AM
Pop corn chicken!!!!

09-22-11, 07:53 AM
I agree with the list

09-22-11, 10:37 AM
Really great suggestions listed here...i.e.. Deep Fryer, more grill & drink(non alcoholic please) items, floor tiles for coins,themed decor. ethnic host choices & **** the gem traps!!!!! I'd like to also suggest.....
FOOD: More COLOR!! So tired of brown this & tan that!!! Love the Lobster,
Green Salad,Fruit Salad & Cele.Trifle!!
Add maybe..
Carrot Raisin Salad,
Lemon Meringue Pie,
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus,
Watermelon Fruit "Basket",
Veggie Pizza,
Choco. Dipped Strawberries,
Strawberry Shake,
Strawberry Cheesecake,
Deviled Eggs,
Steamed Broccoli Spears,
Split-Pea Soup,
Orange Juice,
Ruby Red Grapefruit Halves,
Spinach/Artichoke Dip,
Honey Glazed Carrots,
Grilled/Stuffed Tomatoes & Bell Peppers,
Blueberry Muffins,
Tomato Juice,
Chicken Parmesan....
The list is endless & covers all meals plus drinks too! In addition to adding a array of colorfully stunning foods to display, this list also adds veggies & a few other health conscience choices that are a little lacking in the menu so far.
As a side note I'd like to add that although I'm not a teetotaler, adding mixed beverages is not,in my opinion, the best of ideas since there are so many of the MUCH younger set that play this game.
Finally, Thank you for allowing me to share my ideas and for the record.....I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME!!! = )

09-22-11, 10:40 AM
How about a fountain (like the Aquarius fountain in Fashion) that is a free gift with gem purchase? I hate how the fountains are first place gem box prizes because those are so expensive. And I think that 68 gem fountain is kind of ugly. A new one would be nice :)

09-24-11, 02:13 PM
pls pls bring back the celerbration flowers and balloons i was saving up my gems to buy them why did you take them off the red white and blue colours matched my colour theme !
i know you said you will remove the seasonal items but what season was them from, 

Those were from the fourth of July holiday.

09-24-11, 02:16 PM
meanmom3116 has a winner with the deep fryer.

HestonBlumenthal is right on the money about changing the color of the drink machine. It's garish.

I agree with bitty143 that too many of the plain floor tiles cost gems and that the tables and chairs cost too many gems. I disagree about getting more designs though, because I'm afraid it will mean losing the ones we have now.

Kazreema has an excellent point about purple items.

thispe's suggestion of the quarter circle tile of Zen sand is an outstanding idea.

Hawaiianmomma's ideas sound very pretty.

jonnypopins has a nice idea about Mexican themed items.
ditto for mawmaw4's idea about sports themed items.

I did not address any of the suggestions for gameplay changes because I believe they were supposed to be excluded from this thread.

09-24-11, 02:40 PM
You can still suggest game features - they are just not added to the poll. We have a running list of features for TL to see, and we add any new ones suggested to it. So, yes, please keep suggesting features!

This is just me, as a player, not a mod - the new gifting system did at least bring back the option of the neighbor selected was placed at the top of the list. Now, my gifting is all kinds of messed up (I'm not sure how I feel about the new system at all), but at least that feature was brought back. Since I'm not a programmer of any kind, I personally do not know how long it takes do do things like that. Maybe the gifting one was easier, because they had it before.

09-26-11, 09:53 PM
In that case, I want to reiterate my vote for the confirmation window on 1-click gem purchases. That single feature is more important to me than ALL of the others put together. Here are the others in order of importance (to me).

djflea: A select all neighbors button on the gift window.

wardos: Great idea about the favorites. I used to try to get people to post on my wall so I could revisit their places, but then we had the great purge of wall posts ...

thispe: More racial diversity and customizable avatars would be nice.

djflea: I too would like to be able to delete pending invites.

fizzyfluffyfairy: I think it would be kind of cool if we could go up to level 100 and when we got there, we got a special prize.

09-26-11, 10:57 PM
Another idea for a new feature would be the oft-requested notice text that stays at the top of your wall. New posts would go under it. That way people could post notices about when they are on vacation, gift preferences, etc.

09-26-11, 11:35 PM
I forgot to mention increasing the size of the news feed.

09-27-11, 04:38 AM
need to have an edit button to remove pending neighbours

kooky panda
09-29-11, 07:38 AM
chocolate pie!!!!

09-29-11, 04:20 PM
egg nog for restaurant!!

09-29-11, 07:46 PM
I was going to post on more decor to theme truly classy restaurants.
However I had a really FUN I think...(
Hells Kitchen theme? Haha could be fun? No? :)

09-30-11, 07:40 AM
Oh, how about Hot Plate counters. Would be cool to have a hot plated "pass"

09-30-11, 08:40 AM
Stainless steel drinks machine.
I'm trying to make a classy looking place, but that garish diner/fast-food drinks machine is a bit of an eyesore :(

09-30-11, 09:16 AM
Moveable walls so we can build rooms and maybe kitchen items like sinks, blenders etc so you can build a proper kitchen

09-30-11, 03:09 PM
Moveable walls so we can build rooms and maybe kitchen items like sinks, blenders etc so you can build a proper kitchen

I second that!!!!! I think hawaiian punch would really fit the theme right now. 

10-02-11, 09:53 AM
Egg salad sandwich for a sandwich press

10-02-11, 01:04 PM
Meatloaf, stuffed cabbage, chicken parmagiana,spanakopita, fried calamari, how bout a deep frier??? Immediate mousaka, gyros, how bout eggs benedict?? Pancakes, wraps Buffalo wings, mozzerella sticks , hummus, milk shakes, lemonade, orange juice, BBQ ribs for the grill. Short ribs, Lamb shanks, beef stroganoff, tacos, nachos, seafood platter.

Those are just off the top of my head I work at a restaurant and do the menu so I could go on for hours.

10-03-11, 11:55 AM
We need more green food items. My counters have hardly any green at all. How about vegetable stir fry, creamed spinach, or the like?

10-05-11, 09:11 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions! Make sure to vote in the new poll here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?18474-Restaurant-Poll-10-5) and look for a new suggestions thread coming soon!