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08-25-11, 04:09 PM
Batten down the hatches, me matey's!

As if an earthquake wasn't enough, the east coast of the United States is in for a hurricane!

Living at the New Jersey shore, surfers and wind sailors await the storm surge ready to play. After, that is, the windows are boarded, the trash cans are tied down, the evacuation is over, and the flooded homes dry out.

Latest update, storm to hit Exit 0 at the southern end of the Garden State Parkway and travel the entire length to New York City! Horray for New Jersey, giving Hurricane Irene a clear path to New York! I hope she stops and pays her tolls on the Parkway cuz otherwise, the state police will be waiting!!

I am at Exit 74 and making hurricane preparation. My fish are looking forward to meeting their relatives from the Atlantic Ocean....

Sorry, but if I don't make light of the drama, I might go crazy, he he!

08-25-11, 04:13 PM
I was JUST gonna post this ... lol ...

08-25-11, 04:21 PM
Do you want to be a news reporter someday?

08-25-11, 04:28 PM
Why do I have a knack for reporting the news in a colorful way?

08-25-11, 04:33 PM
Oh, yes! The fun! Earthquakes, hurricane.....tornados and flooding to follow! And as an encore.......drum roll, please......no Power or Internet for a week! GASP! NO STORIES! OH! NO!!!!!

08-25-11, 04:55 PM
Why do I have a knack for reporting the news in a colorful way?

Yes, you do! :)

08-25-11, 05:00 PM
I was gonna post this too! The name Irene reminds me of someone... It's supposed to hit us in Connecticut on Sunday! Maybe I won't have to go to work!

08-25-11, 05:02 PM
Lol irene, joyirene i get it :D
I herd it was felt i toronto too, but i felt nothing

08-25-11, 07:41 PM
Ok, joyirene, who pissed you off?

08-25-11, 07:45 PM
Ok, joyirene, who pissed you off?

I think it's all the food joyirene can't sell in her RS and BS. lol

kooky panda
08-25-11, 07:47 PM
I think it's all the food joyirene can't sell in her RS and BS. lol

Oh is she having issues with RS and Bs selling slow??? news to me...lol.... she has been so quiet!!!

08-25-11, 07:52 PM
Shes been quiet up until now. Now, she's blowing 200 mph hurricane winds and my roof is in danger.
On the flip side, she can use all the food to feed the thousands who will be effected by, ah, herself?

08-25-11, 07:59 PM
Her fishy died today

08-25-11, 08:04 PM
Her Fish'ies'

08-25-11, 08:12 PM
Oh no way, watching news, projection is ending in N.Y., you guys never get one since 1851, sounds like vacation time if it doesn't die down to a category 1

08-25-11, 08:37 PM
I'm duck taping my windows tomorrow.

08-25-11, 08:39 PM
And while I am at it, I'm going to use the duct tape to seal my roof, waterproof the sliding glass door, replace the front bumper on the car, make a dress, and wax my legs.

08-25-11, 08:44 PM
And while I am at it, I'm going to use the duct tape to seal my roof, waterproof the sliding glass door, replace the front bumper on the car, make a dress, and wax my legs.

could you also make me a wallet.. if you have time!

08-25-11, 08:45 PM
Shies! Don't forget shoes!

08-25-11, 09:11 PM
Oh is she having issues with RS and Bs selling slow??? news to me...lol.... she has been so quiet!!!

Lol! I couldn't stop laughing reading this thread. I'm glad I got the word out about how mad I am that my food is selling slow :)

08-25-11, 09:16 PM
I'm glad you found the thread amusing! After kooky replied to my post, I was going post more...

08-25-11, 09:18 PM
Like what????

08-25-11, 09:25 PM
since kooky said you've been so quiet.. i was going to add she's only quiet 'cuz she's counting her plates but she'll be blowing here in no time.

08-25-11, 09:27 PM
Hahahaha! That is the only time I'm quiet!

08-25-11, 09:33 PM
well, you have an issue and demands an answer so i guess quiet is not an option!

08-25-11, 09:35 PM
I'll rant about it every day until my counters are cleared.

08-25-11, 09:40 PM
at this rate, your fingers might fall off before your counters are cleared.

08-25-11, 09:41 PM
The closer Hurricane Irene gets, the crazier I go. There must be some link between us...

08-25-11, 09:53 PM
Is the hurricane eventually going to come to California?!?!?!?!????!!?!?!?! LOL!!!

08-25-11, 09:53 PM
so you'll not only be blowing Lanoka's duct taped roof but also this forum

08-25-11, 09:54 PM
Is the hurricane eventually going to come to California?!?!?!?!????!!?!?!?! LOL!!!

only if joyirene move here.

08-25-11, 09:55 PM
The hurricane is blowing worldwide! (or at least to wherever this forums members are)

08-25-11, 09:55 PM
Ohhh!! Joyirene are you gonna move to California???!??
@jovenal you live in California also?

08-25-11, 09:58 PM
Just watch out! It's a strong hurricaneq!

08-25-11, 10:03 PM
Ohhh!! Joyirene are you gonna move to California???!??
@jovenal you live in California also?

yeah! I'm in NorCal

08-25-11, 10:16 PM
We could always duct tape the unsold dishes to the heads of the customers.

08-25-11, 10:20 PM
Oooooooooo...here is team lavas response to joyirene.

08-25-11, 10:27 PM
We could always duct tape the unsold dishes to the heads of the customers.

then she'll have a target! no way!!

08-25-11, 10:44 PM
Well it won't matter, she's gonna blow the roof off of all the restaurants anyway. And my goldfish can't wait form their family reunion.

08-26-11, 06:43 AM
Loll nice LanokaHarbor!!!

08-26-11, 08:39 AM
We don't have to worry about Irene here in Northern Nevada. We enjoy earthquakes, sand storms, sweat contests, dumping snow & out of control snow bunnies :D

08-26-11, 09:57 AM
Hahahaha....I suppose different parts of the country have different ideas of what they consider to be, er, fun!!

08-26-11, 10:03 AM
Oh thisss is just excellent: Obama is calling it a "historic" hurricane.
Sooo glad to be living on the East Coast of Canada. Ugh.

08-26-11, 01:45 PM
Obama needs to do something to bring up his approval rating, so why not make it so memorable that at least he'll go down in history for it, rather than bankrupting the u.s. and failing to stimulate a miserable economy.


So I brought in my trash containers and moved them to the garage. They barely fit! Oh why did I have to buy the humungous size trash cans???

08-26-11, 02:04 PM
In all seriousness if any of you are on the water, get out of there, no fooling around, boulders and trash fly up into houses
Hurricane Iniki flew 6 foot in diameter solid boulders buried in the ocean floor 150 feet inland landing in 2nd story homes across the street from the beach. Pack your backs and go cruising at a motel for the storm duration if it doesn't **** off before it reaches you, you can watch the whole thing on TV from a safe spot.

08-26-11, 03:39 PM
Latest update!

I was outside wind proofing when all of a sudden, a cop car comes trolling down the road. Over the PA, I hear....

"whaaa, whaaa, whaaa, something, something,......evacuation by 10am.......something, something, something, whaaa, whaaaa........"

He drove by so fast I couldn't make out what he was saying!!

I can only think
1. He is thinking, let me get the hell out of here, I'll beat all the traffic! Or
2. His coffee is getting cold and his donut is getting stale.

08-26-11, 03:58 PM
Call the local police stations front desk near you and say you couldn't make out what patrol said over speaker

08-26-11, 04:23 PM
Her fishy died today

Aww im sorry :( I used to have an attachment when i had fishies

08-26-11, 04:24 PM
Latest update!

I was outside wind proofing when all of a sudden, a cop car comes trolling down the road. Over the PA, I hear....

"whaaa, whaaa, whaaa, something, something,......evacuation by 10am.......something, something, something, whaaa, whaaaa........"

He drove by so fast I couldn't make out what he was saying!!

I can only think
1. He is thinking, let me get the hell out of here, I'll beat all the traffic! Or
2. His coffee is getting cold and his donut is getting stale.

And yes you are evacuating, according to CNN. Well... at least NYC is.

08-26-11, 04:31 PM
LanokaHarbor?.Please be safe. Im worried.

Im a safety gal. Im always prepared. So, Im putting this message out there for those in the hurricane zones who might not know what to do and how to prepare?

Remember, besides cell phone towers going out for long periods of time, so does electricity which means grocery stores and gas stations also lose power in your area. You wont be able to use an ATM or credit card machine or pump gas if power goes out.

Get some stuff together now ! Don?t wait till it?s too late. There is often a rush on store items and at gas stations. Long lines. So, do it ASAP.

Here are some items you should have at the ready and what is recommended you do:
1) Non- perishable food and water for you and your pets: paper plates and utensils. If possible, pack some camping gear like a small cooking stove and small propane canisters
2) CASH and a roll of quarters. Get together your credit cards, IDs, and important papers
3) Medications for you and your pets, first aid kit
4) Pet supplies: crate/carriers, blanket, bowls, food, collar with ID info on it, muzzle, leash
5) Charge up your cell phone, pack your charger, car charger
6) Other electronic devices and chargers, a good book
7) Blankets/pillows/towels
8) Clothing, including rain gear and galoshes and sturdy shoes
9) Write down all # from your cell phone just in case it is not usable
10) Gas up your vehicle way before the lines start forming. If possible, fill an extra gas can and put it in the trunk of your car
11) Look around your home, figure out what is the safest room to be in. Let your friends and family know where you plan on being.
12) Know your escape routes out of your house/apt. Know which way to go to escape the area too! Traffic can really get backed up on freeways. Is there a back way?
13) Make plans with a friend or relative in a safe area to come stay with them if necessary. If you can?t do that, then make reservations at a hotel. You?ll be glad you did. It?s definitely worth it. Make sure to call the hotel as soon as you know you are heading that way because the rooms will book up fast. Remember, power could be out or your homes area could be unsafe for up to a week. A little money lost on a reservation not used is much better than not having anywhere to go for a week.
14) Take a shower as close to the time before the storm hits. You never know when you?ll be able to take another shower.
15) Toiletries, toilet paper and moist toweletts just in case you need to disinfect.
16) A small tool kit. Flashlight/batteries, radio/batteries (CB if you have one)
17) Know the local emergency channels on the radio. Know where the nearest shelters are in your area.
18) Take a photo of your pet and print it out. Make copies of it to post up if your pet gets lost. Many pets that were caught off guard or escaped during the storms get lost. Know where your local pet shelters are.
19) Make plans with your family and friends of how you will reach them to let them know your OK. Think of different scenarios?if power is out, if can?t use cell phone, if can?t use computer, if other areas are affected. Etc. Usually people pick an out of town relative that everyone reports to. They can also use this person to give YOU updates on the situation as they are likely watching the news reports and may be able to call around to find out more.
20) Board up your windows and bring all furniture or loose items inside. Mail boxes too. Some people buy sheets of plastic and a staple *** to put over their windows on the inside, just in case they break and you don?t want water streaming in the open windows. Also put duct tape over the window glass (includes sliding glass doors) so that if it breaks it doesn?t do so in a million sharp shards. Buy sand bags to put just outside your door to direct the water away from going under the door and into your home.
21) Put all this stuff in a plastic storage bin. You can buy a rolling cart to it on if you cant carry it. But make it easy enough to escape with. Some people make two bins and store one in their car and one in the house.
22) NOW MOST IMPORTANTLY?your friends here on the forum are going to worry about you. So as soon as you are safe and have contacted your family and friends?log on with you can and let us all know your ok.

08-26-11, 04:34 PM
LanokaHarbor.....they are saying evacuation on news for jersey shore. Get and stay safe!

08-26-11, 04:35 PM
Okay, MWP, you asked for it. I am posting the e-mail I sent out. ;)

Before the storm.

Make sure your windows are protected and your home is secured.
Check your disaster supplies kit. Make sure you have water, non-perishable food, medications and don't forget that non-electric can opener.
Clean containers for cleaning water. Line the bathtub with plastic sheeting or a clean shower curtain, or caulk the drain with silicone caulking — it holds water for weeks and cleans up easily when dry. Plan on three gallons per person, per day for all uses (including flushing the toilet).

During the storm. Howling winds, driving rain and the threat of tornadoes make riding out a hurricane a scary ordeal. Follow these tips for staying safe in your home during a hurricane:

Stay inside and away from windows, skylights and glass doors. Find a safe area in your home (an interior room, a closet or bathroom on the lower level).
If flooding threatens your home, turn off electricity at the main breaker.
If you lose power, turn off major appliances such as the air conditioner and water heater to reduce damage.
Do not use electrical appliances, including your computer.
Do not go outside. If the eye of the storm passes over your area, there will be a short period of calm, but at the other side of the eye, the wind speed rapidly increases to hurricane force and will come from the opposite direction. Also, do not go outside to see "what the wind feels like." It is too easy to be hit by flying debris.
Beware of lightning (http://goflorida.about.com/library/weekly/aa062600a.htm). Stay away from electrical equipment. Don't use the phone or take a bath/shower during the storm.

After the storm. Typically, more deaths occur after a hurricane than during. These deaths come from people being too anxious to get outside and survey the damage where they come into contact with downed power lines or unstable trees, etc. Follow these suggestions for staying safe after the hurricane:

Remain indoors until an official "all clear" is given.
Do not touch fallen or low-hanging wires of any kind under any circumstances. Stay away from puddles with wires in/near them. Do not touch trees or other objects in contact with power lines.
USE PHONES ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES. Call 911 only for life-threatening situations.
Call police or utility companies immediately to report hazards such as downed power lines, broken gas or water mains, overturned gas tanks, etc.
Watch for weakened roads, bridges, tree limbs or porches which could collapse unexpectedly.
After power is restored, check refrigerated food for spoilage. (Spoiled food is the cause of much sickness two days to a week after the storm.)
When reinstalling a CB, TV or satelitte antenna, check in all directions to be sure no power lines are nearby. The same goes for climbing trees to clear debris.
Do not operate charcoal grills, propane camping stoves or generators indoors.

08-26-11, 04:37 PM
and of course...evacuate if told you need to. Dont hold off til the last minute.

08-26-11, 04:40 PM
Thanks Sterling. I think this is important.

One more thing... unplug all appliances and other electrical items

08-26-11, 11:13 PM
Still thinking about you...

FYIs....and an update. *

Shelter list in NJ:
Sun Center in Trenton
Izod Center in East Rutherford
Wall Township high school
Holmdel High school
Colts neck high school
DeHart community center in maplewood

Subway and transit to stop running tomorrow. Jersey transit and PATH trains. Starting at noon.

Mandatory evacuations ordered by Bloomberg in evacuation zones: battery park, coney island, manhattan beach, far rockaway, midland and southland beaches, cape may county, NJ shore, Atlantic county, long beach island, Monmouth county,*

Land fall at worst peak in Wilington in 7 hours...Expected to hit NJ/NY*Saturday afternoon.*

Expect flooding 6-10 feet surges , torrential rains and flooding in *NY city and it's subways too!

Southbound garden gate parkway closes Friday at 8 pm, south of ecit 98 and no tolls!

Happening Now...Power outages in north and south carolinas. Flooding, wind, lightening, flying debris.

To Plan evacuation route out of NJ:
Jere is a website that may help. http://www.nj.gov/njoem/plan/evacuation-routes.html

08-26-11, 11:22 PM
Um, can u put ur goldfish in a tuppaware container or something...poke a whole in top ? Pit them in a bag with air in it like they do a pet shops? I care for goldfish too! They wouldn't fair well in salt water!

08-26-11, 11:30 PM
If it's small fishes try using a sippy cup or big fishy a tall bucket

08-26-11, 11:39 PM
I don't recommend it as I like to be able to run, some people here have hid in their bathtubs with a bed mattress over their heads, it's worked for some, but then again the last hurricane ripped my roof off and chased me down the main street til it got stuck on a bunch of tossed parked cars. But you guys get plenty land to run around on, best get packing and view it all from a TV screen. and Most importantly keep your cellphone on when you return home after the storm, beware of looters, do not confront, call the authorities quickly.

08-26-11, 11:58 PM
Oh no! What if Lanoka parked car in garage. Is there a manual way to open if no power...should car be parked on street if no way to open manually? Then again, car might not get damaged if in garage... I just don't know the best solution?

Look at me, staying up all night worrying. Probably doesn't have a car....

08-27-11, 12:27 AM
I live in NYC and I'm in the Zone C. I hope we don't lose power.

08-27-11, 01:01 AM
I live in NYC and I'm in the Zone C. I hope we don't lose power.

Please read the posts below from myself (myweedpatch), sterlingempire and Hawaiianmomma....advice and updates.

08-27-11, 01:14 AM
News updates....Reports of tornados too associated with hurricane. They said that jersey shore should be able to see what aftermath is for the carolinas and extrapolate tomorrow morning. what to expect there. Expect sudden rainfall of 9-10 inches...so flooding is likely. 4 ft likely water surges in new York city.

08-27-11, 03:41 AM
Wow, I just woke up to read this thread, and I have to say, you guys are the best, especially mwp for all that information. However, I assure you, I've done my research, I know where to go, we've boarded up our windows, secured outdoor decorations, and have made plans to leave sometime today and stay with some relatives. We are packed and prepared!

Our pets are coming with us, we've got water, supplies, batteries, candles, tons of canned food, and enough duct tape to fix the world economy! Actually I was thinking about selling our unused duct tape on the black market. I think I can get like fifty bucks a roll!

I started this thread to try and shine a light on what is dark. It doesn't mean I am not taking this thing seriously. But you are all so wonderful I wish I could kiss and hug you all!

08-27-11, 03:53 AM
NYC is supposed to flood 6-12 feet. If you live near a body of water, better be careful, cause it is most likely to flood.

08-27-11, 04:03 AM
if a hurricane is likely in your area, you should:

Listen to the radio or TV for information.
Secure your home, close storm shutters, and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
Turn off propane tanks.? Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
Moor your boat if time permits.
Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purposes such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other large containers with water.

You should evacuate under the following conditions:

If you are directed by local authorities to do so. Be sure to follow their instructions.
If you live in a mobile home or temporary structure—such shelters are particularly hazardous during hurricanes no matter how well fastened to the ground.
If you live in a high-rise building—hurricane winds are stronger at higher elevations.
If you live on the coast, on a floodplain, near a river, or on an inland waterway.
If you feel you are in danger.

If you are unable to evacuate, go to your safe room. If you do not have one, follow these guidelines:

Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
Close all interior doors—secure and brace external doors.
Keep curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull; it could be the eye of the storm - winds will pick up again.
Take refuge in a small interior room, closet, or hallway on the lowest level.
Lie on the floor under a table or another sturdy object.

08-27-11, 04:04 AM
Stay away from windows and doors. Identify a “safe room” in your home where you can stay during the hurricane. Choose a room with no doors or windows, like a closet. Bring a mattress into the room and use it for additional protection against falling debris.
Expect to lose power. Make sure you have flashlights within reach in your safe room.
Never venture outside during the storm. Flying debris may cause serious injury or death.
Be aware of the hurricane's “eye” passing overhead. A brief period of calm will be followed by winds blowing in the opposite direction and damage may be greater.
Stay away from rising water. Fallen power lines may still be "hot" and electrocution can occur. Water may also contain raw sewage.

08-27-11, 05:04 AM
Good heavens we are all experts on what to do in the event of a hurricane!

I'm tempted to spray paint TL on the plywood that's boarded my windows. I think that should be worth 200 gems? What do you say, Group Magma? I can take the pic and post it to prove I did it!!

Hey anything to get gems, right? Something goods gotta come out of this storm!

Bty, I am right across the street from the lagoon. And a marina is about 500 feet from me. Lanoka Harbor is, literally, situated on the Jersey Shore. Google it!

08-27-11, 05:28 AM
Scary. The Potomac River is less than 3 miles away from me. We live on a hill, so we aren't expecting any flooding. But down in the flat lands, there is supposed to be flooding.

08-27-11, 07:50 AM
Irene is slamming the outer banks at the moment. Next in line is Norfolk, Wilmington, Atlantic Beach, and NYC.

08-27-11, 08:11 AM
Wow, I just woke up to read this thread, and I have to say, you guys are the best, especially mwp for all that information. However, I assure you, I've done my research, I know where to go, we've boarded up our windows, secured outdoor decorations, and have made plans to leave sometime today and stay with some relatives. We are packed and prepared!

Our pets are coming with us, we've got water, supplies, batteries, candles, tons of canned food, and enough duct tape to fix the world economy! Actually I was thinking about selling our unused duct tape on the black market. I think I can get like fifty bucks a roll!

I started this thread to try and shine a light on what is dark. It doesn't mean I am not taking this thing seriously. But you are all so wonderful I wish I could kiss and hug you all!

I know you started this to ease what you are going through. We worry about you and our fellow forum members. Sure. Come and give us a kiss and hug but on the West Coast, OK? Sell all that duct tape and buy some tickets to come visit us.

I think I speak for all of us, Good luck to you and your family and we look forward to hearing from you afterwards.

08-27-11, 08:14 AM
Good heavens we are all experts on what to do in the event of a hurricane!

I'm tempted to spray paint TL on the plywood that's boarded my windows. I think that should be worth 200 gems? What do you say, Group Magma? I can take the pic and post it to prove I did it!!

Hey anything to get gems, right? Something goods gotta come out of this storm!

Bty, I am right across the street from the lagoon. And a marina is about 500 feet from me. Lanoka Harbor is, literally, situated on the Jersey Shore. Google it!

I did. I googled it. Hence, the worry for you. But glad your prepared.

08-27-11, 08:33 AM
Raining in Washington dc area now. Worst here supposed to be 3 am our time tonight. About 14 hours. Thinking of the beautiful beaches of **** Devil Hills, NC I was just at......hope everyone okay!

08-27-11, 08:34 AM
Yeah, were supposed to get it tomorrow. Most things are closed, I know JFK has no incoming flights and Amtrak is going to stop running around the east coast. I think a lot of states are in a State of Emergency. Scary!

08-27-11, 10:28 AM
Some made one final trip to the home depot to get tarp, and go to the bank.

The bank was closed when we got there at 9am (chickens! All that bail out money and they are still cowards!)
Driving on, also closed, the ice cream store, the auto parts supply store, the convenience store, the hairdressers, and the pet shop.

But lo and behold, open for business was the liquor store!!!

WTF? Guess people are substituting vodka for aqua!

Anyway, we will be heading out in about an hour, and don't know if there is wifi where we are going. So, just in case, God speed, be safe, have some vodka and duct tape on me!

08-27-11, 10:55 AM
Please, Lanoka, stay safe!!

08-27-11, 01:11 PM
I had to post this. Got a message from a friend who said

"my plan for the day is to enjoy some Hurricane malt liquor, watch The Perfect Storm as I listen to Rock Ya Like A Hurricane nonstop on my iPad"

08-27-11, 01:20 PM
I had to post this. Got a message from a friend who said

"my plan for the day is to enjoy some Hurricane malt liquor, watch The Perfect Storm as I listen to Rock Ya Like A Hurricane nonstop on my iPad"

Sounds like fun!

Please, Lanoka, stay safe!!

I shall, you too!!

08-27-11, 01:31 PM
We just finished with the tarp, and rain is currently light. Took a ride to the Barnegat Bay and the water is pretty choppy. Many homes did not board their windows. We think after the storm, there will be more boarded up windows than there are now!

Marina down the street did not remove all the boats from the water. Idiots! Hasn't anyone seen The Titanic?

And of course, in Atlantic Highlands, a wedding was NOT cancelled and the happy couple and their entire bridal party, family, and really, really, really, really good friends are ready to drink and do the electric slide all night. Only in New Jersey...!

08-27-11, 02:01 PM
We just finished with the tarp, and rain is currently light. Took a ride to the Barnegat Bay and the water is pretty choppy. Many homes did not board their windows. We think after the storm, there will be more boarded up windows than there are now!

Marina down the street did not remove all the boats from the water. Idiots! Hasn't anyone seen The Titanic?

And of course, in Atlantic Highlands, a wedding was NOT cancelled and the happy couple and their entire bridal party, family, and really, really, really, really good friends are ready to drink and do the electric slide all night. Only in New Jersey...!

Um....was it Snookie?

08-27-11, 03:35 PM
We just finished with the tarp, and rain is currently light. Took a ride to the Barnegat Bay and the water is pretty choppy. Many homes did not board their windows. We think after the storm, there will be more boarded up windows than there are now!

Marina down the street did not remove all the boats from the water. Idiots! Hasn't anyone seen The Titanic?

And of course, in Atlantic Highlands, a wedding was NOT cancelled and the happy couple and their entire bridal party, family, and really, really, really, really good friends are ready to drink and do the electric slide all night. Only in New Jersey...!

Rain is light here in Virginia too. The worst is supposed to be late tonight :(

08-27-11, 04:01 PM
Rain is light here in Virginia too. The worst is supposed to be late tonight :(

Where in Virginia are you. I am compelled to watch the news all night. I need a map.

08-27-11, 04:06 PM
Where in Virginia are you. I am compelled to watch the news all night. I need a map.

I am in Northern Virginia near DC.

08-27-11, 04:20 PM
I am in Northern Virginia near DC.

Me, too. ;)

That's why we talked about earthquakes so much. Now hurricane. Fun, fun, fun!

08-27-11, 05:59 PM
Rain in CT is really light then really heavy. Apparently the eye of the storm is heading straight for us around 2AM. Uh oh!

08-27-11, 06:15 PM
be safe you guys!

08-27-11, 06:15 PM
I hope we don't lose power, how is it everywhere else?

08-27-11, 06:45 PM
My power is excellent! I might jinx that...

08-27-11, 06:59 PM
Where are you? Like is the hurricane coming your way?

08-27-11, 07:00 PM
Hopefully NOT!
I'm in California. WILL IT COME?!?!?

08-27-11, 07:04 PM
It might if food doesn't start selling out of my bakery...

08-27-11, 07:07 PM
I must start to protect my house NOW!!!!!

08-27-11, 07:09 PM
What are you seeing right now in your particular area?

Any reports from local news channels?

Any power outages, tornadoes, lightening, wind, wave sizes, flooding, light or heavy rain?

08-27-11, 07:10 PM
There was an earthquake he a few days ago! Same day when Washington D.C had that earthquake!!!

08-27-11, 07:10 PM
There was an earthquake he a few days ago! Same day when Washington D.C had that earthquake!!!
There was an earthquake here*

08-27-11, 07:24 PM
What are you seeing right now in your particular area?

Any reports from local news channels?

Any power outages, tornadoes, lightening, wind, wave sizes, flooding, light or heavy rain?

Please stick on topic...were talking about East Coast cities in the path of the hurricane. Its nice to know what is happening out there and if there is a lot of other chatter, people wont post whats happening in their area and somebody may be able to use the information.

08-27-11, 07:31 PM
No I'm serious. There were earthquakes here a few days ago.
I'm not sure if hurricanes will come.

08-27-11, 07:40 PM
What are you seeing right now in your particular area?

Any reports from local news channels?

Any power outages, damages, tornadoes, lightening, wind, wave sizes, flooding, light or heavy rain?

Please no off topic (non-hurricane) chatter. We want to keep everyone informed as best we can.

08-27-11, 07:41 PM
We have moved to a safe shelter and believe it or not, we still have power.....but the rains are so abundant, I could water everyone's farm story ten times ten times!!

Glued to the weather channel, we just heard about tornados about 15 miles south of the jersey shore location, Toms River, and *gulp* Lacey Township, which is where Lanoka Harbor is.

Omg, the emergency broadcast system just kicked in!!

Be right back!!

08-27-11, 07:50 PM
I hope everything is ok!!! Still just raining on and off heavy and sprinkling in CT.

08-27-11, 07:52 PM
It's on the news! It's looking bad! Hope you guys are okayy!!

08-27-11, 07:53 PM
Oh, sheesh, it was just a verbalization of the tornado warnings being broadcast on the weather channel. Lanoka Harbor is located in Lacey Township!

Luckily we are NOT in Lanoka Harbor and evacuated. The rains are just unreal. We can hear it pounding on the roof. Because I feel safe, I'm awed by the force of mother nature, humbled by our mere existence. It's both exciting, and scary, at the same time. Sort of like opening one of those magic boxes!!

08-27-11, 07:58 PM
Oh, joyirene, it started off as a mere drizzle and quickly turned ugly! I'm almost scared for my neighbors who stayed behind and did not board up their windows. I'm still trying to find a humorous side, but can only come up with, well, you wanted a home on the water. Guess what? It's on the water. Eww that was bad!

08-27-11, 08:09 PM
LH: I'm glad you are okay! I pray your home is!

MWP: I'll tell you, for sterling empire and I, there are no tornados in our town. They are even saying we lucked out cuz we are on the west side. This side has much less chance of tornados.

My house has power and it is just a strong, steady rain. No lightening. No trees down on my street. But trees are the worry. There are a LOT of 4-5 story high trees within range of my house/cars.

No flooding yet at my house. All in all, we are totally fine! I am worry about a bs neighbor. She is a mile from ocean in va beach. They are saying the slight shift in storm is going to bring a bigger storm surge than they had hoped. Now talking about 6-8 feet. Last two big storms were not that bad. Including a record storm in 1930s.

On an interesting note....my husband works for the City of Alexandria, va. It floods every big rain storm. Expecting quite a bit of flooding with this storm. NBC Nightly News had Luke Russert on a dock in Alexandria, Va to report tonight. My husband will probably be working right there tomorrow. They are making him drive in during the storm tomorrow morning. Silly. He is not necessary.

08-27-11, 08:17 PM
The post office was open today, too. Seriously, a massive storm is about to hit, but there is the mailman, in his light as a feather mail truck!

08-27-11, 08:21 PM
That's awful! I can't believe they'd put people in danger just to go to work.

Supposedly CT governor might issue a statewide ban on driving tomorrow. You'll get a ticket unless you're a cop, nurse, doctor or ambulance. Some kind of emergency vehicle. Lots of parts of towns that are near the water were evacuated here, most hotels are full. I tried to get gas after work at 8pm, and they were open but out of gas.

LanokaHarbor, I hope everything is going ok with you!!! It's good to try to find some humor lol, I hope everyone who stayed behind will be ok as well!

I believe they shut down the bridge to staten island and evacuated long island too, in case anyone didn't hear.

08-27-11, 08:22 PM
The post office was open today, too. Seriously, a massive storm is about to hit, but there is the mailman, in his light as a feather mail truck!

They deliver 6 days a week no matter what's the condition outside!

08-27-11, 08:28 PM
That's crazy! People shouldn't even walk outside to get their mail! I read the biggest cause of death in hurricanes is people walking outside in the eye of the storm because it looks calm, then it changes instantly and they get hit by flying debris! I'll be inside waiting this one Out for sure.

08-27-11, 08:37 PM
That is so sad! He should be home with you :( call out sick!

08-27-11, 08:38 PM
That's terrible! There should be like...
A law enforcing no one being able to be outside or working at bad conditions.

08-27-11, 08:40 PM
That would be nice! Otter than the cops and ambulances...

08-27-11, 08:41 PM
Yah that too. But it would also be risking their lives also! But figures, it's their duty.

08-27-11, 08:42 PM
That is so sad! He should be home with you :( call out sick!

Can't. State of emergency. They were demand doctors/emergency room nite. Sucks, huh?

Oh, even better! The news JUST reported the winds have shifted! Will Not flood city like Isabella did. An intelligent person would cancel the extra people. Won't happen, though. I know better.

08-27-11, 08:45 PM
I meant they would demand a note

08-27-11, 08:48 PM
Yah that too. But it would also be risking their lives also! But figures, it's their duty.

Yes BUT the first rule is no unnecessary risks. For what he would be doing? Not necessary. Just overreaction.

I'm worried about LH. Irene is really heading her way!

08-27-11, 08:49 PM
Yes BUT the first rule is no unnecessary risks. For what he would be doing? Not necessary. Just overreaction.

I'm worried about LH. Irene is really heading her way!

08-27-11, 09:07 PM
No. I PM'd you.

Storm moving up coast. Hitting jersey hard right now

08-27-11, 09:08 PM
Yes. I'm worried. Since some if my family members live there!

08-27-11, 09:17 PM
I'm nervous too! Hopefully LanokaHarbor will post soon!!!

08-27-11, 09:19 PM
LanokaHarbor is online or no?

08-27-11, 09:19 PM
NO! Nevermind!!!!!! Hopefully she logs on!!

08-27-11, 09:20 PM
I haven't heard of any power outages yet, I'm watching the news now. But it's mostly about NY since that's what I'm bordering...

08-27-11, 09:22 PM
I saw. It's looking terrible! There was a live broadcast at around 7:30. I looked at the background of New Jersey! It's HORRIBLE!

08-27-11, 09:23 PM
Im watching now and I wAs just barely raining and now the lady can barely talk because it's raining and windy!!!

08-27-11, 09:28 PM
Oh! Same with that man earlier! He was awkwardly standing there! I feel so bad for everyone there!

08-27-11, 09:34 PM
My brother and sis-in-law in Jerz and have no power.

08-27-11, 09:36 PM
News here showing ocean city, md. Only cat one. Not fun but biggest thing so far seems to be downed trees and no power.

Kid ****ed in southern va. Tree fell on apartment. So very tragic.....

08-27-11, 09:37 PM
aww!!! Little boy!!
This is going ti be terrible!!! My cousins, aunties, and uncles live there!!!

08-27-11, 09:39 PM
Yeah. Downed trees and downed power lines a BIG worry

08-27-11, 09:40 PM
Oh! I wish I could contact them now! I'm so worried!

08-27-11, 09:45 PM
Hey there! I was just getting ready for bed. I'm so exhausted. Spent the last two days preparing. Now all we can do is hope for the best, but we planned for the worst.

At last check, the tornado warnings were removed, and replaced with flash flood warnings. Now, I love my City Story river tiles, but can't I just take the Forked River in Lacey Township and put it in inventory until the storm passes?

Anyway, the worse is yet to come. It seems Irene was NOT a fan of MTV's Jersey Shore, because the eye, with the highest speed winds, is heading straight for us!!

As for safety, my partner and I moved inland and are staying in a relatives home. My partner designed and built this house about three years ago and it's just so well contracted, it's solid. I feel extremely safe here. MY house, on the other hand, was built in the dark ages so we took measures to protect it, but we felt it would be safer here in case the lagoon overflows and we get stuck.

I am trying to get to sleep but I just can't keep my eyes off the weather channel. I anticipate the worst to hit us in a few hours....not really rain but wind wind wind.

Now, as for your husband, it's horrible, yes, that he must report, but, I think about how he might save someones life, or come to someone's aid. If we didn't have heroes like your husband, I'd be even more nervous.

How is my friend sterling holding up?

08-27-11, 09:51 PM
Lanoka! STAY SAFE!!!!!

08-27-11, 09:52 PM
Yes where is sterling? All I can hear right now are our sump pumps going lol

08-27-11, 09:52 PM
Oh, that weather channel guy was in Eatontown, NJ Exit 105 off parkway and inland. I am Exit 74 south of them about thirty miles away. Big difference. The shore is getting pounded. Please, every one, I try to joke with this, but I took safety measures first.

08-27-11, 09:53 PM
I hope sterling is ok. She's in Virginia, I think.

08-27-11, 09:55 PM
I don't really know too much about america and I was wondering what states in america are being affected by this hurricane

08-27-11, 09:56 PM
I hope everyone is ok :( we have these battery lanterns all over our house. And a crazy generator... I'm so afraid if the power goes out my fish tank filter will shut off and they might all die!!!

08-27-11, 09:57 PM
The east coast... New jersey new York north Carolina virgina Connecticut Washington dc, I think there's more...

08-27-11, 09:58 PM
I hope everyone is ok :( we have these battery lanterns all over our house. And a crazy generator... I'm so afraid if the power goes out my fish tank filter will shut off and they might all die!!!

..... Like when you put chicli in it??...................... Did I spell right?
Anyway. I'm worried that it might come to Washington. Because if there is a hurricane in Washington.... My gut is going to die.

08-27-11, 09:58 PM
Maryland. You forgot Maryland, and Delaware, and Philadelphia.

08-27-11, 09:58 PM
Glad you're okay! Hope you get some sleep...it's almost 1 am! Yeah, I'm on my way. Pray you and house will be okay.

About my husband, you are right. If he were on a fire engine or an ambulance tomorrow, I would not complain. I have been there, he has been there and we do what needs to be done. Even served on major holidays, missing Christmas with family or worse, dealing with horrible accidents on such wonderful days. It has to be done and we have done more then our share. My problem is that he won't be on a truck or ambulance tomorrow. Just feels like risk for no ones real benefit. Anyway, I've asked mods to delete my ranting..

The same shift in the storm that is helping us is hurting you, I think! I hope sterling is okay! I worry about trees and power. There are a 100,000 homes in our area out of power.

08-27-11, 09:59 PM
Well I hope everyone stays safe, good luck

08-27-11, 09:59 PM
Washington, DC?

08-27-11, 10:01 PM
Yea. I heard Washington D.C. Is getting affected

08-27-11, 10:01 PM
Washington, DC?
I'm going to be staying in Washington state soon i'm guessing that's different to washington dc, right?

08-27-11, 10:02 PM
Washington, DC?

Yes, sterling and I are both in northern Virginia area. Basically a suburb of Washington, DC.

Storm moving up coast. We will be level with the eye in about 5 hours. For us, we are in the tropical storm part. Hurricane going at new York city still?

08-27-11, 10:02 PM
I'm afraid to lose power... And yeah the cichlids

08-27-11, 10:03 PM
Washington state is on the west coast, nearer to Oregon and california

08-27-11, 10:03 PM
Red bites, Washington state is on pacific, near Canada. Washington dc about half-way down east/Atlantic side of usa

08-27-11, 10:04 PM
And dc is on the easy coat, much smaller and closer to NY.

08-27-11, 10:04 PM
I'm going to be staying in Washington state soon i'm guessing that's different to washington dc, right?

Washington State is just below Vancouver on the West Coast. Washington DC is where the Capital and it's on the East Coast

08-27-11, 10:04 PM
Washington state is on the west coast, nearer to Oregon and california
Thanks for responding :D

08-27-11, 10:05 PM
Washington state is on the west coast, nearer to Oregon and california

And Alberta, Canada = me!

08-27-11, 10:05 PM
I'm just hoping it's not going to go to the south! Too many people will get hurt.

08-27-11, 10:07 PM
It will get better on land though... It's on the water now and that just makes it more dangerous!

08-27-11, 10:08 PM
Thanks for responding :D

It looks like everyone wanted to respond lol!

08-27-11, 10:08 PM
Oh, redbites, there is a difference between Washington State and Washington, DC. DC is on the Atlantic Ocean side. Washington State is on the other side of America, west, on the Pacific Ocean side. You don't have to worry about the hurricane heading to Washington State. I would worry more about earthquakes and volcanos in Washington state. Plus, I hear it's always rainy there!

08-27-11, 10:08 PM
Oh, great. Weather service just extended tropical storm warning for my town for next 24 hours. I thought this would be gone in 12

08-27-11, 10:08 PM
Why does water have to be so dangerous!!! I thought it's healthy for you to drink!!! Why can't we be fishes/humans so we can breathe in air and water!!!!

08-27-11, 10:09 PM
Trivia....Washington DC is NOT a state.

08-27-11, 10:10 PM
Trivia....Washington DC is NOT a state.

But they want to be!

08-27-11, 10:10 PM
Why does water have to be so dangerous!!! I thought it's healthy for you to drink!!! Why can't we be fishes/humans so we can breathe in air and water!!!!

Because then we would be whales and dolphins.

08-27-11, 10:10 PM
Because then we would be whales and dolphins.

LololololOlolo ;) ;)

08-27-11, 10:11 PM
Because then we would be whales and dolphins.

Yes!! Yes!!! I've always wanted to be a dolphin when I was younger!
You seem to getting off topic alot while in danger Lanoka! Your so calm!

08-27-11, 10:13 PM
Well, like I said, I took precautions, I'm in a safe place, I set all my stories games up for two day contracts, I can kick back and relax, and chat with you guys on the forum.

08-27-11, 10:14 PM
It is rainy in washington... That's why Twilight is set there. Because the vampires can walk around...

08-27-11, 10:15 PM
Alright!! Hopefully you'll stay safe until the hurricane passes.

08-27-11, 10:15 PM
It is rainy in washington... That's why Twilight is set there. Because the vampires can walk around...

.................................................. .............................. Nice.....

08-27-11, 10:15 PM
LH , you are a trip. Luv the positive additude. Why worry? Out of your hands now. You r right. Prepared, now relax. You are safe. Things are just things.

08-27-11, 10:16 PM
It is rainy in washington... That's why Twilight is set there. Because the vampires can walk around...

Very nice! ;)

08-27-11, 10:16 PM
Well, like I said, I took precautions, I'm in a safe place, I set all my stories games up for two day contracts, I can kick back and relax, and chat with you guys on the forum.

I told my husband what you said about you got tarp and only the liquor stores were open. He said "well kind of makes sense, I guess." Ha ha. Stay positive

08-27-11, 10:18 PM
Luckily we have a bar in my house, so no liquor store necessary :) but that's probably what people are stocking up on for if they lose power and are stuck with nothing to do!

08-27-11, 10:18 PM
I used to read twilight! Lol. I loved it! Haha. Vampires and Washington barely connected in my head.

08-27-11, 10:19 PM
Oh, one town in jersey told everyone to stop selling liquor! Trying to get them to go home instead of the bars, I guess. All I could think was But what if I want a Hurricane (it's a drink, btw)!

08-27-11, 10:20 PM
LH , you are a trip. Luv the positive additude. Why worry? Out of your hands now. You r right. Prepared, now relax. You are safe. Things are just things.

Well, I took the pictures of my mom and dad, and my grandparents, with me. Something's are just not replaceable. Oh, I also took my pain in the hiney cats. Also not replaceable.

08-27-11, 10:20 PM
Oh, one town in jersey told everyone to stop selling liquor! Trying to get them to go home instead of the bars, I guess. All I could think was But what if I want a Hurricane (it's a drink, btw)!

Haha. People are probably there because they're stressing and need something to calm them down!!! Lol

08-27-11, 10:20 PM
I also read twilight (got to keep up with what my daughter's into ha ha) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be

08-27-11, 10:21 PM
Yah, it's true, can't get a manicure but dag nabbit, I'll be too drunk later on to care!

I can't believe we haven't lost power yet.

08-27-11, 10:22 PM
I also read twilight (got to keep up with what my daughter's into ha ha) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be

Oh, I'm addicted. My daughter is too you g to read it but my son likes the movies, lol

08-27-11, 10:23 PM
By the way, imcan think of way better ways to spend time in the dark other than drinking....*giggle*

08-27-11, 10:23 PM
Well, I took the pictures of my mom and dad, and my grandparents, with me. Something's are just not replaceable. Oh, I also took my pain in the hiney cats. Also not replaceable.

Good for you. So many people leave them behind. It's sad. I spent 5 years working full time at a rescue shelter. It's good to hear good stories like this

08-27-11, 10:23 PM
Yah, it's true, can't get a manicure but dag nabbit, I'll be too drunk later on to care!

I can't believe we haven't lost power yet.

Are your power lines below ground? Mine are. Which makes the fact that i have generator silly, huh?

08-27-11, 10:24 PM
I read them all last year until the 4th one! For some reason I got bored half way through... I still have to finish it!!!

08-27-11, 10:24 PM
Oh, I'm addicted. My daughter is too you g to read it but my son likes the movies, lol

My daughters now got me reading The Hunger Games. Pretty good too

08-27-11, 10:24 PM
What!!! Our power lines are not below ground! That's so smart!!!

08-27-11, 10:25 PM
By the way, imcan think of way better ways to spend time in the dark other than drinking....*giggle*

Oh, here a fact. Birth rates go up 9 months after major storms, snowstorms, ect. I wonder why? Power out, candles lite....what to do?

08-27-11, 10:25 PM
Well, second round of rain is just starting. Had a small break there where no rain fell, just wind, but here we go again!

08-27-11, 10:25 PM
My daughters now got me reading The Hunger Games. Pretty good too

I heard that book was really good!

08-27-11, 10:26 PM
I read them all last year until the 4th one! For some reason I got bored half way through... I still have to finish it!!!

That was EXACTLY what happened to me!! Haha!

08-27-11, 10:27 PM
What!!! Our power lines are not below ground! That's so smart!!!

Yeah, our neighbor builder didn't like them messing up the view. Made them bury them all right after substation. We have lost power but usually less than 12 hours

08-27-11, 10:27 PM
For some reason EVERY TIME I want to click on this thread I click LanokaHarbor instead! I must've viewed your page 100 times lol!

08-27-11, 10:28 PM
All power lines in NYC are below ground, too. But that's a big problem form them this evening. They are shutting off the power as a precaution. Hence, mandatory evac.

08-27-11, 10:28 PM
That was EXACTLY what happened to me!! Haha!

That's so weird!!! I wonder if I'll get bored halfway through the final movie and just walk out lol! But they made it into two parts.... Probably to prevent that! And to try to copy Harry potter...

08-27-11, 10:28 PM
I'm worried, if the hurricanes might come to Washington, they might come to California.
Has anyone ever heard of California getting hurricanes? Sorry don't like history stuff!

08-27-11, 10:29 PM
For some reason EVERY TIME I want to click on this thread I click LanokaHarbor instead! I must've viewed your page 100 times lol!

Cool. Cha-Ching my page views!

08-27-11, 10:29 PM
All power lines in NYC are below ground, too. But that's a big problem form them this evening. They are shutting off the power as a precaution. Hence, mandatory evac.

Yeah. Not good if in flood area.

08-27-11, 10:30 PM
All of nyc is evacuated?

08-27-11, 10:30 PM
That's so weird!!! I wonder if I'll get bored halfway through the final movie and just walk out lol! But they made it into two parts.... Probably to prevent that! And to try to copy Harry potter...

hahahahaha! Just randomly walk out of the movie theatre. And people are asking why are you leaving..
Joyirene- I got bored halfway.

08-27-11, 10:30 PM
I'm worried, if the hurricanes might come to Washington, they might come to California.
Has anyone ever heard of California getting hurricanes? Sorry don't like history stuff!

Not called hurricanes in pacific. Called Cyclones.

08-27-11, 10:31 PM
I'm worried, if the hurricanes might come to Washington, they might come to California.
Has anyone ever heard of California getting hurricanes? Sorry don't like history stuff!

No, there aren't hurricanes there. You guys are prone to volcanos.

08-27-11, 10:31 PM
I'm definitely in flood area! So that's probably why... But at least I'm on the top of a hill! I remember once when at the very low bottom of the back road to my house, cars and half of people's houses were UNDERWATER. that was years ago though!

08-27-11, 10:32 PM
Ug stop,talking about twilight! Lest I take your team Edward and beat him to a pulp!

08-27-11, 10:33 PM
Oh, are there mudslides in Washington?

08-27-11, 10:34 PM
Don't leave out team Jacob!

Sorry,lololol, couldn't resist. Must go to bed now, lol. Tired

08-27-11, 10:34 PM
Ah. Never thought that California would have volcanos!
OH MYGOSH!! Volcanos?!?!?? Volcanos are worse than water!!!

08-27-11, 10:35 PM
Lol. We us girls randomly talking about Twilight. Once a guy comes to this thread and views our conversations!

08-27-11, 10:35 PM
Ug stop,talking about twilight! Lest I take your team Edward and beat him to a pulp!

Oh no. No team anything. My daughter made me! It's not my fault!

08-27-11, 10:35 PM
I'm tired also... But these pumps are so loud! And my fish...

08-27-11, 10:37 PM
Tis manly thread has succumbed to teenage girl talk.

Volcanos....Mount St. Helen's....in Washington State. Erupted in what, 1985 or something?

08-27-11, 10:38 PM
Blew out the entire side of the mountain. The entire side just, poof. Imagine seeing a side of a mountain explode.

08-27-11, 10:43 PM
Ok friends, I am heading for bed...really. I'm sooooooo tired. Hopefully we won't lose power and I can post some tomorrow. Till then, be safe!

08-27-11, 10:44 PM
Okay! Sleep tight Lanoka!! Stay safe!!!

08-28-11, 03:16 AM
So after a few hours of seriously deep sleep, I'm awake, just in time to hear the eye of hurricane Irene made landfall at Little Egg Harbor inlet in New Jersey, the Jersey Shore, of course.

The inlet is about 30 miles south of where I live. The area was evacuated Friday and Saturday.

As for where I am, tons of rain, and a flash flood warning has been issued for Toms River, NJ, located about 10-12 miles north of me.

Actually flash flood warnings been issued for practically every area of New Jersey. There are many waterways, creeks, rivers here.

08-28-11, 04:09 AM
Agh!! I AM SO MAD! :mad: THERE WAS ONLY LIGHT RAIN!!!! No hurricane here!! :mad:

08-28-11, 05:14 AM
Lanoka- is power out every where? We've got family in Philly and northern Jersey and haven't heard from anybody for a few hours...

08-28-11, 05:35 AM
Agh!! I AM SO MAD! :mad: THERE WAS ONLY LIGHT RAIN!!!! No hurricane here!! :mad:
That's a Good thing Honey, You live in a Metropolitan area, 9 months without running water is no fun when you have to stand in line with a bucket and wait your turn. Me thinks not so good for you to experience. You are Blessed.

08-28-11, 05:37 AM
How are you doing Lanoka? I've been watching Anderson Cooper reporting, the water looks rough and bust.

08-28-11, 05:46 AM
That's a Good thing Honey, You live in a Metropolitan area, 9 months without running water is no fun when you have to stand in line with a bucket and wait your turn. Me thinks not so good for you to experience. You are Blessed.

Thank you. It's just that we removed almost EVERYTHING from our backyard...

08-28-11, 06:07 AM
I know but at least you don't have to pull out from someone's tree 10 houses down the road. God Bless You Hon. Cheer Up it's a New Day.

08-28-11, 06:14 AM
I know but at least you don't have to pull out from someone's tree 10 houses down the road. God Bless You Hon. Cheer Up it's a New Day.

Thanks. I guess I should have a better attitude considering others have dies because of this storm.

08-28-11, 08:06 AM
When its safe to go out, when you return home, take some photos and post em here so we can see what happened in your area.

I'm especially concerned about your area Lanoka with the non boarded up windows and boats left in the harbor.

08-28-11, 08:10 AM
NJ: 400,000 without power

08-28-11, 09:17 AM
Total: 4.000.000 without power.

I would post before and after pics of the Potomac River, but there was barely any change at all.

08-28-11, 09:35 AM
It was 3 million this morning though, so it really in't that bad.

08-28-11, 10:16 AM
I'm hoping everything ok, LH!

I'm praying that as the storm went from me to you, the sunshine will also follow!

08-28-11, 10:27 AM
-.-23 pages...excuse me for not reading it all...is everyone alright essentially (essentially means that TeamLava-withdrawal symptoms don't count!)?

08-28-11, 10:28 AM
Everyones OK. :) But some haven't come back from evac yet.

08-28-11, 10:35 AM
Hope you guys are okay. I heard the hurricane is traveling ti New York.

08-28-11, 10:44 AM
Hope you guys are okay. I heard the hurricane is traveling ti New York.

They had a mandatory evacuation, so everyone SHOULD be okay.

08-28-11, 10:52 AM
They had a mandatory evacuation, so everyone SHOULD be okay.

OK physically...but we'll have to prey for only minor damage to be causes to possessions and property. I'm glad I live in Britain right now...
Updates (www.BBC.co.uk/weather)

08-28-11, 11:29 AM
Everything is ok in CT. Some people lost power, TONS of fallen trees, but other than that we were pretty lucky here. Just leaves all over the road and yard and in the pool.

08-28-11, 11:32 AM
I just looked it up and 700,000 lost power. Not bad compared to NJ. Also, a lot of parking lots and roads are half or totally underwater, but I think that didn't reach too many houses or buildings.

08-28-11, 11:33 AM
Everything is ok in CT. Some people lost power, TONS of fallen trees, but other than that we were pretty lucky here. Just leaves all over the road and yard and in the pool.

Irene, so much joy you have for this hurricane :p

08-28-11, 11:34 AM
Of course!!!!!!

08-28-11, 11:37 AM
Well thank you for leaving my home. ;)

08-28-11, 11:42 AM
Irene, so much joy you have for this hurricane :p

Lol, :) cute!

08-28-11, 12:28 PM
No problem :) didn't want to hurt anyone!

08-28-11, 12:31 PM
Ha but you made Lanoka flee from her home! I thought you guys were friends? Well, at least thats what it says on your profile! :p

08-28-11, 12:35 PM
That was meanirene not joyirene :) meanirene is angry because nothing in her bakery sells!

08-28-11, 12:38 PM
That was meanirene not joyirene :) meanirene is angry because nothing in her bakery sells!

Haha lol :D XD :)

08-28-11, 07:23 PM
Hope you r okay, LH!

08-28-11, 07:34 PM
How are you di?! Is everything ok with your family???

08-28-11, 09:09 PM
I lost both trees in front of my house :( Goodbye, beautiful shade.

08-28-11, 09:13 PM
Awwww, God Protect Youand Yours

08-28-11, 09:51 PM
Thanks for all the updates guys. Hope all is ok :)

08-29-11, 01:51 PM
How are you di?! Is everything ok with your family???

Everything is great! Thanks!

PS husband went to work and watched movies for 6 hours. Finally , someone got smart and sent him home early. Silly to make him come in, huh?

08-29-11, 01:56 PM
Anyone hear from Lanoka today?

08-29-11, 01:58 PM
She posted on the ponies game earlier, but I think that's all. From what I saw, she's ok, just without power.

08-29-11, 03:11 PM
She posted on the ponies game earlier, but I think that's all. From what I saw, she's ok, just without power.

As long as everyone's OK, that's fine...

08-29-11, 03:14 PM
For anyone on iDevice, I recommend downloading the BBC News app; it's constantly updated and, in my opinion, the BBC are the best news reporters. Also, it's free and really detailed. It's not looking great to be honest...