View Full Version : Farm weekly Update 8/26 (Adventure Chest)

kooky panda
08-25-11, 07:35 AM
Friday is around the corner.... New crops?? Coin items?? Gem Items??
I cannot wait!!!

08-25-11, 08:20 AM
Crops! Crops! Crops! 

08-25-11, 09:01 AM
Yes, I'm ready for crops - but it might just be one flower, Morning Glory.

kooky panda
08-25-11, 09:08 AM
fingers crossed for coins not gems...I do think we have enough gem crops....

08-25-11, 09:09 AM
Hammock? For coins?

Someone posted they got a notice for it and it was tied to a level change. That usually means coins!

kooky panda
08-25-11, 09:10 AM
I was just heading over here on the hammock(im so excited!!) I hope for coins too...

08-25-11, 09:10 AM
i have to wait at least 10 days:(:(:(:(
so I go to Berlin for a few days:o

08-25-11, 09:14 AM
Gem flowers have all been "rose" so far. Yes, hammock must be for coins if that report was accurate - that said, there was something before like that and it never appeared at all. What was that ? Maybe it was a hoaxer.

Bakery's getting donuts !

kooky panda
08-25-11, 09:17 AM
Gem flowers have all been "rose" so far. Yes, hammock must be for coins if that report was accurate - that said, there was something before like that and it never appeared at all. What was that ? Maybe it was a hoaxer.

Bakery's getting donuts !
Do not forget Primrose for 1 gem.... I think this was a teaser then It turned out to be gem crop...:(

08-25-11, 09:22 AM
I hope it has a trellis with it so the vines climb and adds height

08-25-11, 09:31 AM
i have to wait at least 10 days:(:(:(:(
so I go to Berlin for a few days:o

Berlin, Berlin - haven't been there since I came across Glienicke Bridge under armed guard (Charlie was for the amateurs). It was early November and very, very cold, Sissy.

08-25-11, 09:35 AM
Do not forget Primrose for 1 gem.... I think this was a teaser then It turned out to be gem crop...:(

Yeah ... rose .... primrose, no ?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

08-25-11, 10:32 AM
A primrose is not a rose at all.


They aren't even in the same order.

08-25-11, 10:55 AM
I was going to say tell TL that - but you have. But it is why I wrote "rose" in parenthesis to Mrs Kooky :) Now, a dogrose .......

08-25-11, 11:16 AM
Would you mind posting a picture of your farm?

08-25-11, 11:37 AM
Would you mind posting a picture of your farm?

................... Moi ?

08-25-11, 01:43 PM
Please no more crops for gems, a bit pricey to master!!

08-25-11, 01:48 PM

08-25-11, 02:00 PM
Maybe this update will include a koi pond for Android? Koi pond pour moi!

08-25-11, 03:24 PM
Maybe this update will include a koi pond for Android? Koi pond pour moi!

pour toi, bien sur :)

08-25-11, 03:29 PM

08-25-11, 05:12 PM
The farm I would like to see a picture of is Kooky's.

kooky panda
08-25-11, 05:17 PM
The farm I would like to see a picture of is Kooky's.

I love my farm...


kooky panda
08-25-11, 05:21 PM
A teaser from GM.... Tomorrow or do we have to wait???

08-25-11, 05:36 PM
Um...what is it? We already have a bull and an ox.???

08-25-11, 05:39 PM
Oh! A yak! ....don't talk back.

kooky panda
08-26-11, 10:25 AM
Hey guys, updates will be delayed today. See post from GM


08-26-11, 11:03 AM
Todays update is the Adventure chest

08-26-11, 11:27 AM
Pirates, mermaids, lagoons !

08-26-11, 11:37 AM
Got the pop-up but no chest, morning glory or bull...

08-26-11, 11:37 AM
The bull isn't coming out this week

08-26-11, 11:37 AM
Anyone has pics? Have the notification but no chest yet.

08-26-11, 11:39 AM
BTW, Kooky, that's one good-looking farm... 

kooky panda
08-26-11, 11:39 AM
the advance pop up on chest is here, box not here yet... soon be coming soon...

08-26-11, 11:41 AM
The bull isn't coming out this week

Not?? :( :(

08-26-11, 11:46 AM
No, but you'll get a floating island and a pirate ship instead !

I'm really hoping this is a Treasure Story announcement gone wrong !

kooky panda
08-26-11, 11:49 AM

Here is the pop up... We normally get one that reads updates so maybe this came out first, then updates will come out next...... hoping and waiting....

08-26-11, 11:50 AM

How exciting :)

08-26-11, 11:59 AM
The longer the delay, the more my hopes are up that this is a mistake :)

08-26-11, 12:06 PM
The longer the delay, the more my hopes are up that this is a mistake :)

See what happens when you criticize TL for adding non-farm items to Farm Story? You get MORE non-farm items.

All kidding aside though, you must be right that this is a TS update, which will make those players very happy.

08-26-11, 12:06 PM
Arrr! Just in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

08-26-11, 12:06 PM
It maked more sense that it's a box for Treasure Story, although I never played that game and don't know if it gets updates.

08-26-11, 12:09 PM
Absolutely, Mog. They've been starved of new stuff for ages it would appear.

Now, while we're waiting I'll just have a look and see if I can fit in the Mermaids next to the greenhouse :cool:

08-26-11, 12:12 PM
No, but you'll get a floating island and a pirate ship instead !

I'm really hoping this is a Treasure Story announcement gone wrong !

I'm kinda hoping it was a mistake too! Are they confused about what story we are playing or am I stupid and didn't know a mermaid lives in the swamp out back of my farm!?!?

Personally, I hope the off farm themes stop and they just see the opportunity fir new story games...ka-Ching $$$

08-26-11, 12:14 PM
Arrr! Just in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Arr, arr, me hearties ! It'll be jolly dollars and dubloons all round after we do a bit of digging :) Forget that Morning Glory stuff !

08-26-11, 12:16 PM
Uploading treasure story now to see if there is a diff pop up....

08-26-11, 12:24 PM
This has to be a mistake. I hope.

08-26-11, 12:26 PM
This has to be a mistake. I hope.
Is it really that bad having pirate stuff on your farm?

08-26-11, 12:28 PM
Is it really that bad having pirate stuff on your farm?

I don't know, because I won't have any pirate stuff on my farm ha ha

08-26-11, 12:30 PM
Is it really that bad having pirate stuff on your farm?

Not so much "bad" as "what's the point?"

08-26-11, 12:33 PM
Arrr! Just in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day!


08-26-11, 12:48 PM


08-26-11, 12:59 PM

Well now we know. We might not need pirates for our farms, but pirates need the food from our farrrrms.

08-26-11, 01:22 PM
Brill, Mog :) :)

08-26-11, 01:26 PM
Is it really that bad having pirate stuff on your farm?

Yes - although it's immaterial because it won't be on my farm - point is that if is true, then there is no Update for FS. Waste.

08-26-11, 01:37 PM
I don't know, because I won't have any pirate stuff on my farm ha ha

But you've asking for water items for a long time. They finally give you a whole box of water-related stuff and now you don't want it on your farm? Just see if they give you your koi pond now. I think they switched this box from TS to FS just for you. ;););)

08-26-11, 01:43 PM
But you've asking for water items for a long time. They finally give you a whole box of water-related stuff and now you don't want it on your farm? Just see if they give you your koi pond now. I think they switched this box from TS to FS just for you. ;););)

I do want a pond. Or lake. Or something water. But please with no pirates or mermaids in it. They will scare my chickens! I will just have to keep whining about my koi pond :)

08-26-11, 01:50 PM
The pop up is still popping up on a reset !

08-26-11, 02:15 PM
I do want a pond. Or lake. Or something water. But please with no pirates or mermaids in it. They will scare my chickens! I will just have to keep whining about my koi pond :)

You may get your koi pond this week. I think its coming this week.


08-26-11, 02:19 PM
The pirate theme is cute if you plaster your farm with blue hay for water,lol

08-26-11, 02:29 PM
The pirate theme is cute if you plaster your farm with blue hay for water,lol

Just think...nothing to water! just a sea of blue hay bales!

08-26-11, 02:49 PM
Is it really that bad having pirate stuff on your farm?

Please say you did not suggest this to TL. I don't think you did but somebody needs to walk the plank. Pirates on the farm.................

kooky panda
08-26-11, 02:51 PM
I know pirate was on an old theme suggestion thread for fashion, but I did not see it for farm.

08-26-11, 02:52 PM
Just think...nothing to water! just a sea of blue hay bales!
lol my kinda of Farm, Lol

08-26-11, 02:57 PM
but seriously on a good note, would have been better to put pirates of the sea into treasure story, unless they docked their ship in the bay to raid my gardens cause they like steal all gnomes, coming to think of it are we getting gnomes dressed like wenches and scruffy bearded eye-patched dressed gnomes too?

08-26-11, 04:04 PM
I got the update but there's no koi pond waaaaaa (runs to cry in a corner)

kooky panda
08-26-11, 04:04 PM
I got the update but there's no koi pond waaaaaa (runs to cry in a corner)

did you manually download and update from the marketplace?

08-26-11, 04:08 PM
did you manually download and update from the marketplace?

Oh whoops. (Comes out of corner feeling silly) because I HAVE A KOI POND YAY!!!!

08-26-11, 04:35 PM
Yak - 60 gems - 125 XP - 45 cash
Morning Glory - 80 coins - 36 hours - 2 XP - 85 cash, unlocks at level 27

08-26-11, 04:37 PM
Oh, and it's really the Adventure Chest ....

08-26-11, 04:45 PM
Oh, and it's really the Adventure Chest ....

I got a pug dog wearing a pirate hat and a hammock

08-26-11, 04:46 PM
TeamLARVA wow seriously 60gems for the yak. ::dies::

08-26-11, 04:57 PM
Yay! Downloading from market at this moment! So exited! :D

08-26-11, 04:57 PM
Owwwwww 51%......

kooky panda
08-26-11, 05:06 PM
someone else had an issue with the android update. if you have problems, come let me know here.


08-26-11, 05:10 PM
Mine updated just fine

kooky panda
08-26-11, 05:16 PM
okay so far I have gotten
pirate ship 2nd
Hammock 3rd
Shipmate Pug 3rd
Tent 4th
Telescope 4th
Treasure Map 4th
Buried Treasure 4th
Floating Island 2nd

08-26-11, 05:16 PM
Just saw your farm Kooky. A pirate dog? I guess it wasnt a mistake...It really is a Farm Story chest? aaargh!

So, let see some pictures everyone...whats new and whats in that new surprise chest....

08-26-11, 05:40 PM

08-26-11, 05:43 PM
Mermaid lagoon is the first prize

08-26-11, 05:52 PM
Those are perfect gnome sized tents!

08-26-11, 06:07 PM
Ship (Pirate), Island (floating) and Lagoon (Mermaid) are really nice looking and water related theme. WHERE'S THE WATER!! Isn't time for TL to give us some water tile in FS?

08-26-11, 06:25 PM
Yak - 60 gems - 125 XP - 45 cash
Morning Glory - 80 coins - 36 hours - 2 XP - 85 cash, unlocks at level 27

On the Morning Glory - it costs 80 coins to plant, plus 10 coins to plow, and 36 hrs later I get 85 coins. So I lose 5 coins for each flower? I know this data is what is listed in the game, but is this really what the developers intended?

08-26-11, 06:27 PM
On the Morning Glory - it costs 80 coins to plant, plus 10 coins to plow, and 36 hrs later I get 85 coins. So I lose 5 coins for each flower? I know this data is what is listed in the game, but is this really what the developers intended?

well that doesnt sound right, does it?

08-26-11, 06:46 PM
well that doesnt sound right, does it?

unfortunately, it's true! instead of use earning coin for planting morning glory, we lose 5 coins for every flower.

08-26-11, 08:47 PM
Just saw your farm Kooky. A pirate dog? I guess it wasnt a mistake...It really is a Farm Story chest? aaargh!

you spelled it wrong. It's "arrrr!". ;)

08-26-11, 08:49 PM
The only thing I want from the chest is the telescope and that's only because I'm a geek.

What the heck is the floating island all about? Like an Avatar thing or something?

08-26-11, 08:54 PM
yeahhhhh a Hawaiian Mermaidand I like the metaphysical floating island,lol not feeling the pirate ship but it's sized well within the dimensions of the games other items

08-26-11, 08:55 PM
Pug pug is cute and ready for Halloween

08-26-11, 08:58 PM
You know guys and fellow forum members... Im ***na be honest (as always). I have to say Im a bit dissappointed and under whelmed with this weeks new items.

The yak looks flat and weird, as if it has barbie doll movable legs or something. The morning glories...well, morning glories should have a trellis to climb. Everyone knows that.

The surprise chest....thats a whole other issue. A couple things are usable like the hammock and perhaps the tent.

* Why oh Why did we get a pirate theme in the first place?
* A floating islands that you cant put anything on? If someone puts it in the top corner of their farm...you can only see the bottom of it no matter how much you zoom out or in.
* Tiny tents? great for gnomes but if your not into the gnome world, it doesnt go. I was hoping to create a camping in the woods by the cabin scene. maybe later getting a salmon on a spit over a fire....
* Why couldnt they just give us a pug without the outfit so that we can actually use it on our farm?
* Why give us ships if we dont have water tiles?
* Is that a tiny table?...again...for gnomes?
* Mermaid and dolphins and pirate ships? c'mon. This is Farm Story not Treasure Story.

Maybe they should give us a preview of all the items in the box that we can try for so that we can see whats in there and see if it works with our farm? Just an idea.

And...Im ***na say it....

I sure did get a heck of alot of duplicates in this chest. Spent a small fortune on gems and kinda felt a little ripped off to tell you the truth.

I was told they fixed the duplicate issue. However, if that was the case then how did I end up with so many duplicates: 6 hammocks, 4 tents, 4 dogs, 2 ships, 5 telescopes and 3 treasure chests and NOT get the grand prize? I saw a few of my neighbors farms...looks like they also spent a fortune. Not one I saw with a grand prize.

So, from now on guys...please dont say that TL is a business and needs to make money...blah blah blah. I spend at least $20 every week and I KNOW im not alone guys...this is a VIRTUAL, NON TANGIBLE WORLD. We dont even really own the things in this virtual world. How many of you pay $300+ for a single Guitar Hero or Splinter Cell game? or aby board game or even a membership on a gaming website?

I guess the bottom line is that I really wish they would have either added REAL farm items. It makes me wonder if the developers are even reading the threads/polls to get ideas?

Or I wish they made improvements instead. (congrats to Android users by the way...about time!) We need things like an Edit/Delete button for non responded to invites ( I think its been requested for 8 months now) or An Animation off option for those of us that are getting sick from the water dropplets or more male gnomes mixed in (maybe with different color outfits)... or water tiles....things that has been requested over and over and over.... oh yeah, and a goose for one determined individual.

I have a question for you.... If you could give all the items back from that you got from that new surprise chest, would you? What if TL did make a mistake and it WAS suppose to go to Treasure Story instead of Farm Story? What if TL wanted to take back all the items and give you back your gems and then insert a new surprise box in its place for you...would you be open to it?

08-26-11, 09:23 PM
I would be open about it, it does belong on treasure story which it has been poorly neglected

08-26-11, 09:26 PM
Im just excited to see color in the mermaid and not a standard blonde, no offense, everything else lacks color except for nightclub and fashion, and me being Hawaiian is happy to see something closer to my skin tone

08-26-11, 09:29 PM
The floating island and pug pug also belong on treasure story but for me I like it on my farm
because I stopped playing treasure story a very long time ago, but yes it would have been better to push this to TS

08-26-11, 09:33 PM
And I would be open to receiving my gems back, and not any 1 sparkle missing

08-26-11, 10:13 PM
Floating island


08-26-11, 10:18 PM
On the Morning Glory - it costs 80 coins to plant, plus 10 coins to plow, and 36 hrs later I get 85 coins. So I lose 5 coins for each flower? I know this data is what is listed in the game, but is this really what the developers intended?

Just great! I didn't check and just planted my entire farm with morning glorys...

08-27-11, 05:46 AM
Floating island


Spotted. An unregistered Peacock !

08-27-11, 07:13 AM
replying to myweedpatch post #90, well said I couldn't agree with you more. the only thing I think I would like would be the hammock and the tents. but I'm having to think hard about if I should try to get them because I Definitely do not want the other stuff!!!! this is a farm!!!! if I wanted that stuff I'd be looking for it on treasure story! how many times have we asked for water, and even voted on it in the poll yet nothing. I am disappointed by this weeks update. I have always looked forward to them, and there was always at least one item I liked. now I have to wait another week and hope again for a water item or something else cool.

08-27-11, 08:06 AM
replying to myweedpatch post #90, well said I couldn't agree with you more. the only thing I think I would like would be the hammock and the tents. but I'm having to think hard about if I should try to get them because I Definitely do not want the other stuff!!!! this is a farm!!!! if I wanted that stuff I'd be looking for it on treasure story! how many times have we asked for water, and even voted on it in the poll yet nothing. I am disappointed by this weeks update. I have always looked forward to them, and there was always at least one item I liked. now I have to wait another week and hope again for a water item or something else cool.

........ wait until next week ? Don't hold your breath ! I've heard from a reliable source that the theme next week is ...... yes, Space Stations.

Apollo, Soyuz, Skylab ... they'll all be there with spacemen and floating tomato sandwiches - no, scrub the last, too relevant ! Unfortunately, they will be so high above your Farm you won't be able to see them. But you'll know you've got them ok from the reading on your depleted gem counter :)

08-27-11, 08:24 AM
........ wait until next week ? Don't hold your breath ! I've heard from a reliable source that the theme next week is ...... yes, Space Stations.

Apollo, Soyuz, Skylab ... they'll all be there with spacemen and floating tomato sandwiches - no, scrub the last, too relevant ! Unfortunately, they will be so high above your Farm you won't be able to see them. But you'll know you've got them ok from the reading on your depleted gem counter :)

You make me giggle. Please OH Please dont let that be true.

08-27-11, 08:25 AM
I have a question for you.... If you could give all the items back from that you got from that new surprise chest, would you? What if TL did make a mistake and it WAS suppose to go to Treasure Story instead of Farm Story? What if TL wanted to take back all the items and give you back your gems and then insert a new surprise box in its place for you...would you be open to it?

Would you?

08-27-11, 09:04 AM
Would you?

Yes I would

08-27-11, 11:05 AM
Would you?


08-27-11, 11:33 AM
You make me giggle. Please OH Please dont let that be true.

Well, I truly hope not but if they did, here's what to do - buy none of it. You've heard about the famed and distant "Devs" that GM has so much trouble with and can only be approached on bended knee ? Well these boys are but infants compared to the guys in red braces in Finance. Buy none of it - and I assure you the medieval swords (or whatever they're planning next) will soon be beaten back into ploughshares ! Or even Massey Ferguson tractors :)

08-27-11, 11:38 AM
So the Devs are apart of the original 5?

08-27-11, 12:42 PM
You know guys and fellow forum members... Im ***na be honest (as always). I have to say Im a bit dissappointed and under whelmed with this weeks new items.

The yak looks flat and weird, as if it has barbie doll movable legs or something. The morning glories...well, morning glories should have a trellis to climb. Everyone knows that.

The surprise chest....thats a whole other issue. A couple things are usable like the hammock and perhaps the tent.

* Why oh Why did we get a pirate theme in the first place?
* A floating islands that you cant put anything on? If someone puts it in the top corner of their farm...you can only see the bottom of it no matter how much you zoom out or in.
* Tiny tents? great for gnomes but if your not into the gnome world, it doesnt go. I was hoping to create a camping in the woods by the cabin scene. maybe later getting a salmon on a spit over a fire....
* Why couldnt they just give us a pug without the outfit so that we can actually use it on our farm?
* Why give us ships if we dont have water tiles?
* Is that a tiny table?...again...for gnomes?
* Mermaid and dolphins and pirate ships? c'mon. This is Farm Story not Treasure Story.

Maybe they should give us a preview of all the items in the box that we can try for so that we can see whats in there and see if it works with our farm? Just an idea.

And...Im ***na say it....

I sure did get a heck of alot of duplicates in this chest. Spent a small fortune on gems and kinda felt a little ripped off to tell you the truth.

I was told they fixed the duplicate issue. However, if that was the case then how did I end up with so many duplicates: 6 hammocks, 4 tents, 4 dogs, 2 ships, 5 telescopes and 3 treasure chests and NOT get the grand prize? I saw a few of my neighbors farms...looks like they also spent a fortune. Not one I saw with a grand prize.

So, from now on guys...please dont say that TL is a business and needs to make money...blah blah blah. I spend at least $20 every week and I KNOW im not alone guys...this is a VIRTUAL, NON TANGIBLE WORLD. We dont even really own the things in this virtual world. How many of you pay $300+ for a single Guitar Hero or Splinter Cell game? or aby board game or even a membership on a gaming website?

I guess the bottom line is that I really wish they would have either added REAL farm items. It makes me wonder if the developers are even reading the threads/polls to get ideas?

Or I wish they made improvements instead. (congrats to Android users by the way...about time!) We need things like an Edit/Delete button for non responded to invites ( I think its been requested for 8 months now) or An Animation off option for those of us that are getting sick from the water dropplets or more male gnomes mixed in (maybe with different color outfits)... or water tiles....things that has been requested over and over and over.... oh yeah, and a goose for one determined individual.

I have a question for you.... If you could give all the items back from that you got from that new surprise chest, would you? What if TL did make a mistake and it WAS suppose to go to Treasure Story instead of Farm Story? What if TL wanted to take back all the items and give you back your gems and then insert a new surprise box in its place for you...would you be open to it?

I agree with you completely about the pirate items. When was the last time anyone saw any of this on a farm. Hammock, tents and the telescope are about all that can really fit. Oh, morning Glory is ok. Considering what people are asking for and what they got, I have to say TL has a deaf ear. At no time have I heard someone ask for pirate ships or floating trees. Dumb, really really dumb.

kooky panda
08-27-11, 03:21 PM
I agree with you completely about the pirate items. When was the last time anyone saw any of this on a farm. Hammock, tents and the telescope are about all that can really fit. Oh, morning Glory is ok. Considering what people are asking for and what they got, I have to say TL has a deaf ear. At no time have I heard someone ask for pirate ships or floating trees. Dumb, really really dumb.

I know the items we have been seeing are strange. The problem is before the forum was up and running, TL did not get feedback from players. When designs get created, they are already set and in line to go into the game. (this could of been set months ago). I really do feel we will start seeing more of our suggestions start coming in once the original things come out.
That is why the suggestion threads and polls are really important .. What you all say today, should be the items coming down the line.
If anyone has noticed that the polls we have done recently are also sent over to facebook so they have two areas to look at.

08-27-11, 03:27 PM
There is a new hammock between two trees in the Pirate Chest. But, be prepared to spend a lot of gems there. I am so tired of getting duplicated items and never the best one. I wish Team Lava would let us pay a high price for the whole set rather than spoil the fun by giving us duplicates of the worst items. I am not buying anymore gems for chests after the last two when I overspent trying to get what I really wanted and ended up with things that are okay. I know I sound bitter, but I have 10 Daisy silos in inventory plus one on my farm. And, that is not the worst of my duplicate items for 24 gems. At least it's pretty. Some of the duplicates are so bad, I don't even place one out for viewing lol

08-27-11, 03:33 PM
I always feel ripped off when I spend 200 gems and don't get what I wanted. I wish I could trade you something for a ship. That's what I wanted :/ I would rather pay 200 gems and get the whole set of items than gamble on getting what I want. I don't gamble in real life and don't like it here. The hammock looks nice and peaceful, the tent is okay, but the floating island is way too big. Maybe they should shrink it some.

08-28-11, 02:40 PM
Android users need to download the update from Android Market. It has become a different program. For the first time, I really like it. Good job TL. Many new features, camera, speed farming, ability to send email or text from within the program and of course, animation of the water. I did not think I would like it with all I heard but once used to it, it helps. Pop-ups for downloads and gems every 5 minutes, should go away soon or you could get more gems than intended. Program downloading is poor and slow but that may be just my phone. I like this update for the androids. I could not get the speed farming to work right but my level may have something to do with it. Updated my wife's phone, at a lower level than mine and speed farming does not even show up. Details on the screen seem to show up much better. Clearer, sharper and more colorful.

08-28-11, 02:50 PM
Plowing and planting run quite a bit slower. Easy to outrun the server when doing either. Caused by the animation is my guess. As you plow or plant, the squares get colored so you don't miss one or forget where you are. Color goes away when server does that function. I can't remember what else is new but I am sure I have missed something. Amazon and others have older versions, go to Android Market. Amazon will catch up but not today.

08-28-11, 02:58 PM
Plowing and planting run quite a bit slower. Easy to outrun the server when doing either. Caused by the animation is my guess. As you plow or plant, the squares get colored so you don't miss one or forget where you are. Color goes away when server does that function. I can't remember what else is new but I am sure I have missed something. Amazon and others have older versions, go to Android Market. Amazon will catch up but not today.

I'm glad Android users would appear to be getting a better deal.

Re outrunning the server, what happens on a soft reset ? Does it all instantly catch up ?

08-28-11, 03:57 PM
I'm glad Android users would appear to be getting a better deal.

Re outrunning the server, what happens on a soft reset ? Does it all instantly catch up ?

I'll try it but I think it cancels previous action.

08-28-11, 03:59 PM
 what speed farming? I wanna know

kooky panda
08-28-11, 04:00 PM
I'm glad Android users would appear to be getting a better deal.

Re outrunning the server, what happens on a soft reset ? Does it all instantly catch up ?

when I am clearing crops I hit the home button then the farm icon and it quickly resets and the field is clear. Love it. I also will do this when planting. it is like when a POP up hits your screen and finishes everything quickly. Faster than visiting a nbr then coming back,

08-28-11, 04:01 PM
How does that work on an iPad? The speed farming?

kooky panda
08-28-11, 04:04 PM
How does that work on an iPad? The speed farming?
HM ,, I do not play on Ipad, i am on iphone but should be the same. Hit home button then farm icon. It quickly resets. Let us know.
( I call it my "mini" restart..lol)

08-28-11, 04:07 PM
Oh wow it WorksMahalo Nui Kooky

08-28-11, 08:18 PM
I'm glad Android users would appear to be getting a better deal.

Re outrunning the server, what happens on a soft reset ? Does it all instantly catch up ?

I do the soft reset all the time so my farm catches up with me.

08-28-11, 08:28 PM
I'm on an iPad, I hit the home button 2x as if I'm switching apps, but them tab on the farm again as if I changed my mind about switching apps. Boom! Works like charm!

08-29-11, 12:07 AM
primrose also has rose in it, so all roses are for gems

08-29-11, 12:21 AM
primrose also has rose in it, so all roses are for gems

Hi, that's obviously TL's thinking - although not strictly a rose :)

08-29-11, 11:48 AM
Saw a yak tonight. Was my first. Anyone seen many ? Placed beside the tenacious ox, they're easy to miss though.

08-29-11, 11:53 AM
Saw a yak tonight. Was my first. Anyone seen many ? Placed beside the tenacious ox, they're easy to miss though.

I think kooky has one