View Full Version : Boy/Girl Gnome Crop Mastery List

kooky panda
08-12-11, 07:10 PM
As toasty suggested it would fun discovering which gnome goes with what crop/tree.

when you master please let us know what you mastered and if you got a boy or girl gnome. Also this is the mastery after the gnomes came back.
Please put the day you mastered the item.
Please also list the device you play on.


Tulip GIRL
Yellow Rose
White Rose
Pansy GIRL
Daisy GIRL
Orchid GIRL
Narcissus GIRL
Marigold GIRL
Sunflower GIRL
Gladiolus GIRL
Iris. GIRL
Lavender GIRL
Dahlia GIRL
Chrysanthemum GIRL
Morning Glory GIRL
Forget Me Not GIRL
Aster Girl
Black Rose
Ghost Flower
Allum Fower


Strawberry GIRL
raspberry GIRL
Gr a pe GIRL
Tomato GIRL
Pomegranate GIRL
Cranberry GIRL
Blackcurrant GIRL
Watermelon GIRL
Blackberry GIRL
Cantaloupe GIRL
Pineapple GIRL
Artichoke GIRL
Coffee GIRL
Blueberry GIRL
Eggplant GIRL
Peanut GIRL
Alfalfa GIRL

Turnip GIRL
Carrot GIRL
Bell pepper GIRL
Onion GIRL
Lemon Cucumber GIRL
Cabbage GIRL
potato GIRL
Spinach GIRL
Asparagus GIRL
Yellow squash GIRL
Soy bean GIRL
Mushroom GIRL
Green Bean GIRL
Zucchini GIRL
Chili Pepper


Wheat GIRL
Red Quinoa GIRL
Sugar cane GIRL
Flint Corn GIRL
Candy Corn GIRL


Apple BOY
Coconut BOY
Banana BOY
Orange BOY
Lemon BOY
Cherry BOY
Avocado BOY
Peach BOY
Pear BOY
Acorn BOY
Apricot BOY
Tamarind BOY
Breadfruit BOY
Sugar Apple Tree BOY
Caramal Apple Tree
Cocoa Tree BOY

08-12-11, 07:19 PM
I mastered strawberry today and got a female.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 07:30 PM
okay look like we have our first debate . GRAPES: toasty said it is a BOY, but MrsShrek mastered it and said she got a GIRL. ummmm a unignome right now. Lets leave it open right now until we have a few more.

08-12-11, 08:01 PM
I thought they were all going to be boys for a while now. Did I miss an additional update saying they were different depending on the crop?? It takes forever to master anything in Farm in my opinion, so I doubt I'll be of much help here.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 08:08 PM
I thought they were all going to be boys for a while now. Did I miss an additional update saying they were different depending on the crop?? It takes forever to master anything in Farm in my opinion, so I doubt I'll be of much help here.
yes toasty posted that each crop will either have a boy or girl..lol just trying to get a chart so ppl will know which crops to try for.

08-12-11, 09:08 PM
Strawberries, raspberries, pineapples and cranberries mastered today and yesterday (8/11 and 8/12) all female for me.

08-12-11, 09:19 PM
It's probably way too early, but i'm seeing a trend of old crops being Female, and new crops Male. Which if true, i give a big thumbs up to. :D

On another note, has anyone ever mastered the roses? I doubt that we will ever find out if they are boys or girls. Has anyone done the maths to work out how many gems that would cost, Is it 1334?

08-12-11, 09:19 PM
Mushroom, Alfalfa - Boy
Blackberry, Green Bean, Peanut - Girl

These were mastered yesterday.

08-12-11, 09:22 PM
That was the fast. My theory blown to pieces in under a minute... LOL

08-12-11, 09:25 PM
I'm assuming you're meaning the crops mastered since the recent change. I've mastered over 30 others crops/tree pre-change, and all were girl except the 2 I mastered before it was changed to the girl gnome.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 09:26 PM
Another debate: Alfalfa--- Double Z says boy, and Toasty said girl.ummmmm lets get some more.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 09:27 PM
I'm assuming you're meaning the crops mastered since the recent change. I've mastered over 30 others crops/tree pre-change, and all were girl except the 2 I mastered before it was changed to the girl gnome.
yes crops mastered since the gnomes came back.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 09:28 PM
try to take screenshots if you can... so we can have pics when we are settling any debates...

08-12-11, 09:28 PM
GM said in another thread we were supposed to get boy gnomes now, but I mastered corn and got a girl.

kooky panda
08-12-11, 09:31 PM
yes toasty (another super mod ) posted today that each crop will always have a boy or girl.

08-13-11, 05:05 AM
Got a boy gnome for mastering orange tree yesterday

08-13-11, 05:07 AM
broccoli boy,

08-13-11, 05:24 AM
Am starting to wonder if totally random?
Not sure if screen shots will help. Could be wrong, but don't think it said grapes on the same screen as it showed my female gnome. I think it said Congrats for mastering Grapes, here's your gem. then after clicking ok, the next screen showed me the girl gnome award.

I think I will be mastering something today. How do you do a screen shot on the iPad?

kooky panda
08-13-11, 08:19 AM
Am starting to wonder if totally random?
Not sure if screen shots will help. Could be wrong, but don't think it said grapes on the same screen as it showed my female gnome. I think it said Congrats for mastering Grapes, here's your gem. then after clicking ok, the next screen showed me the girl gnome award.

I think I will be mastering something today. How do you do a screen shot on the iPad?

mrsshrek you are right. gnome shows on another screen... screen shots would not help. I am wondering if toasty's were just examples and not for sure.

08-13-11, 10:32 AM
Mastered strawberries on the day or was it day after GM said the gnomes were back, got a boy. Yesterday mastered apple trees and got a boy again (to go with the 2 girls that I got just before they briefly stopped awarding gnomes and then the girls were from plum trees and raspberries but may not be the case now).

kooky panda
08-13-11, 02:40 PM
oh hh debate on strawberries. one says girl, one boy. anyone else on strawberries?

kooky panda
08-13-11, 02:54 PM
one of my nbrs said she got a girl on lettuce.

08-13-11, 03:25 PM
I just received a girl for mastering watermelon. Will be mastering artichoke's in a few hours

08-13-11, 03:54 PM
Ok kooky... I just mastered mushrooms today (a newer crop) and got another female.

That's 5 in a row.

Can you check with TL experts if this is random at all...? Maybe it's by device. I'm on iPhone 4. Maybe not updated yet?

kooky panda
08-13-11, 04:09 PM
Ok kooky... I just mastered mushrooms today (a newer crop) and got another female.

That's 5 in a row.

Can you check with TL experts if this is random at all...? Maybe it's by device. I'm on iPhone 4. Maybe not updated yet?
I am on Iphone 4 and I personally mastered mushrooms and got a boy.

kooky panda
08-13-11, 04:11 PM
another debate!!! between me and myweedpatch!!! He got girl on mushrooms I got boy.

08-13-11, 04:15 PM
Uh, I'm also female...like all the gnomes I'm getting :-)

08-13-11, 04:19 PM
Got a boy for peanuts

I'm on iPhone 3GS

kooky panda
08-13-11, 04:26 PM
everyone make sure when you tell us what you get, these are items you have mastered since gnomes came back, not items you mastered before we lost gnomes.

kooky panda
08-13-11, 04:27 PM
another debate on peanuts.

08-13-11, 04:40 PM
Start posting which device you are playing on when you get a gnome. That might help clear things up.

I received a female for watermelon on Android.

08-13-11, 04:46 PM
Okra and red quinoa mastered a minute ago- both female

08-13-11, 05:00 PM
female for potatoes iPhone3GS

08-13-11, 08:08 PM
Artichoke = female gnome for Android

08-13-11, 08:27 PM
I got a boy for Cherry Tree and a girl for Strawberry - iPad.

kooky panda
08-13-11, 08:52 PM
oh hh debate on strawberries. one says girl, one boy. anyone else on strawberries?
debate over on strawberries- two ppl say girl.
zoroak was not sure if on the day or after the gnomes came back.
Go with girl unless someone else gets a boy.

08-14-11, 12:12 AM
try to take screenshots if you can... so we can have pics when we are settling any debates...

It doesn't tell you the name of the crop on the gnome award screen.

08-14-11, 12:16 AM
another debate!!! between me and myweedpatch!!! He got girl on mushrooms I got boy.

I know for fact I got a boy with mushrooms because it was the very first crop I mastered when I discovered gnomes were back, then I got even more excited when I saw it was a boy.

Regarding alfalfa, I'm pretty sure it was a boy but not absolutely certain.

08-14-11, 12:43 AM
Kooky, I said boy for strawberries, the day GM said the boy gnomes were back or the day AFTER. Can't be day before because you wouldn't get any gnomes! Mastered strawberries and apple trees and both were boys for me. 

08-14-11, 12:46 AM
Unless there is a change between the day the announcement was made and the day after? My bad, then...

08-14-11, 01:51 AM
I got a boy for cauliflower
but that's the one that got lost.
So Idk if that really counts.

Playing on G2X android.

08-14-11, 01:54 AM
mrsshrek you are right. gnome shows on another screen... screen shots would not help. I am wondering if toasty's were just examples and not for sure.

I did not see any screen saying I got a gnome accidentally found it in the inventory after mastering strawbwrries. By the way, it's a girl

08-14-11, 03:13 AM
It's probably way too early, but i'm seeing a trend of old crops being Female, and new crops Male. Which if true, i give a big thumbs up to. :D

On another note, has anyone ever mastered the roses? I doubt that we will ever find out if they are boys or girls. Has anyone done the maths to work out how many gems that would cost, Is it 1334?

One imagines no one has. Assuming they are the same (re Mastery) as all other non tree crops, it would cost you 2,500 gems to gain your 7,500 Leaf Points - one leaf on planting, two on each cropping.

Some players have planted quite a few and I've asked before if anyone noticed any movement on the leaf indicator - but no reply. For example, suppose they were different (like trees) then anyone who bought, say, 20 roses would see a significant rise in the indicator. On the other hand, if it had barely moved, that would perhaps prove they were the same as other flowers. Anyone ?

08-14-11, 03:32 AM
Peanut - BOY
Bell Peper - Girl
Fig Tree - Girl

08-14-11, 03:34 AM
I play on an iPhone 4

08-14-11, 05:37 AM
Girl for blueberry.

08-14-11, 05:40 AM
Forgot the device.

Girl for blueberry.
iPad 2

08-14-11, 05:56 AM
I got 2 girls yesterday. One for sweet potatoes and one for corn. I got a boy earlier in the week. Playing on an iPad

08-14-11, 07:27 AM
green beans lady Mia on Ipod:rolleyes:

08-14-11, 09:29 AM
Just mastered strawberries and got the girl gnome.

08-14-11, 09:34 AM
I got my first gnome the other day. I'm a bit disappointed though as I mastered strawberrys and raspberries when they weren't giving out gnomes :( So didn't get one for them.

08-14-11, 09:36 AM
I think that one's in but you should report it to this sticky -


kooky panda
08-14-11, 09:38 AM
I am going to merge this thread with the gnome/crop mastery list.


08-14-11, 05:33 PM
Just got a Blue gnome for Orange Trees, confirming whats already on the list.

Ipod Touch

08-15-11, 03:40 AM
jen was born after mastering blackberries, so again a girl:rolleyes::rolleyes:

08-15-11, 08:13 AM
Girl for leeks, today (8/15) on an iPad.

08-15-11, 09:16 AM
Ok Kooky...

Just mastered grapes, guess what? A female AGAIN! That 6 in a row in last 3 days!

Maybe GM could ask what the deal is? I'm getting a tiny bit frustrated....

You know how I feel about all those females dressed in red robes. It's creeping me out. 

08-15-11, 09:17 AM
Oh, and I'm still on iPhone 4

08-15-11, 09:21 AM
Should I continue mastering....?

I'd like some guarantee I'm ***na get some males in there somewhere!

kooky panda
08-15-11, 09:54 AM
Should I continue mastering....?

I'd like some guarantee I'm ***na get some males in there somewhere!
check the list there are some crops bringing in boys. Also looks like alot of trees are also bringing in the boys.

08-15-11, 10:49 AM
another debate!!! between me and myweedpatch!!! He got girl on mushrooms I got boy.

happy with gnome (& gem) but....sigh:( another female for mushrooms. iPhone 3GS

08-15-11, 11:11 AM
Ok. Will try trees next....keeping fingers crossed.

08-15-11, 11:14 AM
Could this be regional or related to which phone company your with?

08-15-11, 12:44 PM
Mastered blueberry and got a boy! I think it was last Saturday. Strange.... Will let you know if I master more.

kooky panda
08-15-11, 12:53 PM
Mastered blueberry and got a boy! I think it was last Saturday. Strange.... Will let you know if I master more.
blueberry has shown a girl... the annoucement of the gnomes back was late Wed on the 10th. Let me ask you when you got the boy did you also get a gem?

08-15-11, 01:20 PM
Instead of getting a Gnome, I got a gem when I master peanuts. Weird. I will post the picture later. Also, I'm on the iPad.

kooky panda
08-15-11, 01:26 PM
Instead of getting a Gnome, I got a gem when I master peanuts. Weird. I will post the picture later. Also, I'm on the iPad.

depends on when you mastered the peanuts. If before August 10th, you would not of gotten the gnome only the gem.
Right now if you master, you will get one screen saying you got the gem, then after you click it another screen comes up saying you received your gnome.

08-15-11, 02:46 PM
Sorry for being nosey Double Z....

GM posted today to Double Z that there are male and female gnomes Assigned to certain crops.

However, this doesn't explain the disputes of late where there is one person getting a male and another, a female for mastering the same crop.

I'd really like someone to look into this if they can???

kooky panda
08-15-11, 02:54 PM
I am trying to get an answer ...I will let you guys know when I get one.

08-15-11, 03:43 PM
Another discrepancy--I got a girl for cauliflower today on my iPad.

kooky panda
08-15-11, 03:51 PM
Since ebranch was not 100% sure on boy, I will put cauliflower as a girl for now.

08-15-11, 04:43 PM
Lavender - as you might easily have guessed - is indeed a girl :)

08-15-11, 06:19 PM
Are they going to fix the popup? I just got a girl gnome for mastering peanut. After clicking the gem popup. This is after they given us the gems.

kooky panda
08-15-11, 06:23 PM
I think that the gnome pop up always came after the mastery pop.

kooky panda
08-15-11, 07:39 PM
Okay I think I have a thought of why we are having some debates. Remember on Wednesday night when we first got the exiciting news that the gnomes were back, GM told us they would be boys right??? Well sometime between that night and Toasty posting they would be specific to each crop... things were changed. So it stands to reason that we really should only only be counting the gnomes that were mastered the day I started this thread. Anyone that mastered between wednesday and this thread starting would of gotten a boy, but that could of been changed???? Any thoughts???

08-15-11, 11:27 PM
Maybe new update (with koi pond) will trigger some of us to start getting males....? We'll see...

08-16-11, 01:54 AM
Lemon tree boy on ipad

08-16-11, 06:01 AM
Blackcurrant - Girl, mastered an hour ago on an iphone4

kooky panda
08-16-11, 06:42 AM
Blackcurrant - Girl, mastered an hour ago on an iphone4

thanks for including the exact time you mastered!!!

08-16-11, 07:49 AM
thanks for including the exact time you mastered!!!

Oh you wanted exact time?

Well, for the two that I posted: I mastered them just minutes before I reported them on this thread. :)

08-16-11, 08:08 AM
More details...I got the gem and the girl gnome when I master the the peanuts. I remember this because I only had 1 gem. Are we getting both now? This was yesterday.

kooky panda
08-16-11, 08:19 AM
yes we are getting both.

good on the debates I am trying to see exactly what day. thanks for the info on peanuts.

08-16-11, 10:14 AM
Got another girl for cantaloupes.

08-16-11, 10:57 AM
Oh Kooky! Im so excited!

Got my first male gnome! Plum trees. iPhone 4, just now. Pacific northwest, AT&T , updated app last night on iTunes.

08-16-11, 11:03 AM
Got a girl gnome for cauliflower this morning - iphone 3GS

08-16-11, 04:29 PM
Let's hope the flowers offer all boys, because from what I see on the list, girls still far out number the boys.

08-16-11, 04:51 PM
Boy gnome - 2 mins ago

08-16-11, 05:23 PM
I mastered broccoli on 8/13 or 8/14, got a girl (above you have boy for that), mastered pomegranate 8/16, got a girl, mastered yellow squash 8/14, got a girl. I play on an iphone, I3.

kooky panda
08-16-11, 05:41 PM
DEBATE ON BROCCOLI. I am leaning towards stahnley's girl since we know the date and it was after Toasty announcement on 8-12.

08-17-11, 01:23 AM
I got a MALE gnome for RAPSBERRYS (it was the day after gnome were back ,don' t know exactly the date, iphone 3Gs)

and a FEMALE gnome for BLUEBERRIES on iPad yesterday

08-17-11, 03:46 AM
Leek defo girl - awarded today - iPad

kooky panda
08-17-11, 04:35 AM
I did get a girl on greenbeans today 8-17 . iphone 4

kooky panda
08-17-11, 04:43 AM
Debate on rasberries.
myweedpatch got a girl on 8-12
lindsayjane got a boy on 8-10.

both in grey area dates. 8-10-to 8-12 Lets see what everyone else gets.

08-17-11, 06:51 AM
Might be good idea to also list what version of Farm Story we are playing on? May be different if some are playing on older versions? I am on 1.7.7 iPad version.

Planning on updating so I can see the koi ponds, but hope the dancing water don't mess with my eyes. ;-) But maybe that will help me get my first boy gnome? ;-)

08-17-11, 07:50 AM
My neighbor got a boy for raspberries the day after gnomes came back

kooky panda
08-17-11, 08:12 AM
My neighbor got a boy for raspberries the day after gnomes came back

I am really thinking that most of the debates are when GM told us all boys,(8-10) and toasty said specific ones(8-12).
I am thinking that everyone that got a boy on 8-10/8-11 and maybe part of 8-12, changed when they started assigning them.
Your friend is another example .. got boy day after GM reported all boys...

08-17-11, 08:24 AM
tomatoes.....female. 3 females & zero males since the resurrection. iPhone 3GS

08-17-11, 08:46 AM
How do you do a screen shot on the iPad?

Third button inward in the top left of your screen is a camera icon. Press. Bottom right says "Take Photo". Then, Mrs Shrek, hold the iPad rigidly still (no, that's just a joke, wave it about if you want). Press "Take Photo". Save to Photos or save to Facebook as you choose. That's the screen shot taken. Do you need instruction to post it here ?

08-17-11, 09:37 AM
You've got a secret editor, Mrs Shrek :)

kooky panda
08-17-11, 12:36 PM
Greygulls son got a girl on strawberries today (android).

kooky panda
08-17-11, 01:54 PM
I am closing debate on Mushrooms. my nbr just mastered today and got a girl.
Me and double Z mastered on 8-10 or 8-11 and got boys but this was before Toastys announcement.

I am also closing debate on Rasberries . Lindayjane got boy on 8-10
myweedpatch got a girl on 8-12(after toasty announcement.)

If someone else get something else let me know(and the day you master).

08-17-11, 03:22 PM
I've fully mastered every tree except the fig tree and received girl gnomes for every one.

08-17-11, 03:33 PM
I am also closing debate on Rasberries . Lindayjane got boy on 8-10
myweedpatch got a girl on 8-12(after toasty announcement.)

If someone else get something else let me know(and the day you master).

I've mastered strawberries yesterday (8/16) and got a girl

08-17-11, 04:38 PM
Flint corn is a girl

kooky panda
08-17-11, 04:40 PM
I've fully mastered every tree except the fig tree and received girl gnomes for every one.
what were the dates you mastered them?

08-17-11, 06:57 PM
Hi Kooky, I play on an Android, FS v. 1.3.0.

8-13: Cantaloupe-red gnome
8-13: Peach Tree-blue gnome
8-14: Carrot-red gnome
8-15: Coffee-red gnome
8-15: Blueberry-red gnome
8-17: Artichoke-red gnome

kooky panda
08-17-11, 07:23 PM
my nbr got a boy gnome today on coconut trees. (idevice)

08-17-11, 07:50 PM
My husband mastered lemon cucumber (I assume that is what you mean, not lemon crusher :), he mastered it today 8/17, got a girl gnome.

08-17-11, 09:20 PM
I know it's been listed already - Rasberry - girl - Android - about 9 pm PST

08-18-11, 01:44 AM
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is the advantage of having a gnome? I always sell them right away and get a pop up asking if I am sure I want to sell it, I get coins but not gems for selling, it seems they do nothing if I keep them. So: would there be any advantage for me if I keep them?


08-18-11, 08:32 AM
I just mastered Iris flower and I got a girl gnome :)

08-18-11, 08:34 AM
Girl for leeks (late last night EST on iPad)

08-18-11, 11:43 AM
Just added another blue gnome for cherry tree and the ladies are mighty happy. :):):):)

08-18-11, 12:06 PM
Certainly there are a few inconsistencies which may be a result of TL changing the rules possibly about the time TR posted. But, leaving them aside for the moment, unless it's variable - personally I think there are too few inconsistencies for that to be the case - it looks as though everything is still girl except possibly trees. The Fig has a girl report, though, which is odd. My figs max out tomorrow evening and I'll report then.

kooky panda
08-18-11, 12:11 PM
Certainly there are a few inconsistencies which may be a result of TL changing the rules possibly about the time TR posted. But, leaving them aside for the moment, unless it's variable - personally I think there are too few inconsistencies for that to be the case - it looks as though everything is still girl except possibly trees. The Fig has a girl report, though, which is odd. My figs max out tomorrow evening and I'll report then.

good need a backup on fig tree.

08-18-11, 02:12 PM
good need a backup on fig tree.

one of my lvl 96 neebors (& yours:cool:) has just received the male gnomie for her figs. iPad user.

female gnome for the Gladiolus. iPhone 3GS. Now 4 females & no males since the resurrection:confused:

08-18-11, 02:14 PM
Surprising to see still only one result for flowers so far. I have rank 3 mastery on most of them. I'm going to work on chrysanthemum over the next few days (dibs!), and i should know by early next week. Hope it's a boy.

Also on my other farm i'll be working on Grapes, so we can settle that debate soon too.

08-18-11, 02:48 PM
Oops, i meant Broccoli, although both are contentious and i could've gone for mastery in either....

kooky panda
08-18-11, 03:37 PM
I have changed fig tree to boy since it was just gotten today. The person that got a girl posted on the 13th, but did not give a date.

08-19-11, 01:58 AM
Fig defo a boy, as you've heard from elsewhere too. Just now. iPad.

So, looks like everything is as it was apart from trees. Pity, I think most of us were hoping to balance up the genders after so many months of the girls. But, on the brighter side, let's not forget we now have gnomes again - not so many days ago, we didn't !

kooky panda
08-19-11, 07:18 AM
Just got boy for Apricot trees. one hour ago. iphone 4

08-19-11, 08:20 AM
I just got a boy for Peach Tree also. I'm glad I've stored all my trees that were rank3 in my inventory when they changed the gnomes for gems only. Now I can get some boys in my farm!

08-19-11, 10:27 AM
Confirming...apple trees...a male gnome

Just now 8/19 iPhone 4

08-19-11, 10:35 AM
girl gnome for iris flower

08-19-11, 10:36 AM
girl gnome for iris flower

8/19 ipod 3rd gen

08-19-11, 10:42 AM
what were the dates you mastered them?

Couldn't tell you exactly but I mastered them all within days of each other approximately a month ago if that helps.

08-19-11, 06:48 PM
I just got a boy for Peach Tree also. I'm glad I've stored all my trees that were rank3 in my inventory when they changed the gnomes for gems only. Now I can get some boys in my farm!

I got a girl gnome for peach trees about a week ago

08-19-11, 06:55 PM
Oops I'm on Android

08-19-11, 09:22 PM
PLEASE, PLEASE make all flowers boy gnomes! It appears both fruits and veggies are going to be 99% girls, and there aren't nearly enough trees, which appear to be 99% boys, to go with all the girls. BEGGING!!

Kooky, if I need to post this some where else for it to be seen, please tell me where.

08-20-11, 04:17 AM
I have just mastered Broccoli and recieved a Red Lady Gnome on ipod touch v1.6.1

I will now set off to master Grapes so we can settle that debate too, and i am still a few days away for Chrysanthemums on my main farm.

08-20-11, 09:22 AM
I got a girl gnome for peach trees about a week ago

Omg I'm embarrassed to say this but it was a boy gnome I received. (Hey I was on post surgery pain****ers when I mastered it)

08-20-11, 06:00 PM
My girlfriend just mastered Grapes and got a red lady Gnome on an iphone. So, in summary...

Broccoli - Red Lady Gnome 19/8 ipod touch
Grapes - Red Lady Gnome 20/8 iphone

I guess theres no point in getting another result for Grapes on an ipod touch now.

Wish there were more Blue gnomes to be won. Flowers better be full of boys!

08-21-11, 04:19 AM
female gnome for flint corn (iPad). Score now female g 5 male g 0 since the resurrection......

08-21-11, 10:05 AM
So it looks like crops = girls and trees = boys. I guess teamlava likes the idea of gnome harems

08-21-11, 10:19 AM
Haha - it's certainly the oddest of results given the girls have been the only award since ... many months ago.

08-21-11, 10:23 AM
..... end January, it was

08-21-11, 11:22 AM
I've only got girls and I am playing since December

08-21-11, 01:25 PM
Confirming...cherry trees, male gnome, mastered just now. iPhone 4

kooky panda
08-21-11, 01:42 PM
debate on grapes and Broccoli solved, Girls(what else).

kooky panda
08-21-11, 01:43 PM
I've only got girls and I am playing since December

May want to for the trees swiep. Unless flowers start coming in as boys.

08-21-11, 05:07 PM
I'm hoping, perhaps naively that Chrysanthemums will result in Boys. Still working on them, plus i am now working on Cabbage on my 2nd farm.

08-21-11, 10:25 PM
Rice = girl gnome

08-22-11, 03:27 AM
Turnip gives a girl gnome

08-22-11, 03:29 AM
I was just checking the list but I got a boy for sugar cane

08-22-11, 04:26 AM
Late last night EST - boy for acorn tree, girl for tomatoes - both on iPhone 3GS

kooky panda
08-22-11, 04:39 AM
I was just checking the list but I got a boy for sugar cane
SWIEP did you get the boy today?

08-22-11, 05:33 AM
SWIEP did you get the boy today?

No I got the boy the day after we got the gnomes back. But told it in another tread.
The turnip girl was a minute before my post.

08-22-11, 06:08 AM
Girl for turnips. Two minutes ago on iPad.

08-22-11, 03:32 PM
Ok today I done cauliflower I got a girl. I done turnip I got a girl. Peanuts was also a girls.
These were all done this evening a boy would have been nice

kooky panda
08-22-11, 03:45 PM
debate over on peanuts. Girl.....

08-22-11, 04:54 PM
I just mastered Chrysanthemum (on iPad), and to nobody's surprise it does indeed result in yet another Red Lady Gnome.

Still working on Cabbage on my other farm, but after that i'm going to resume normal farming operations. I like many others have too many Red gnomes, will hope it changes to Boys soon...

08-23-11, 07:26 AM
Confirming...Orange trees, male gnome, just now, iphone4

08-23-11, 08:59 AM
Girl gnome for sugar canes.. just mastered right now.. 8/23 on ipod 3rd gen.

kooky panda
08-23-11, 09:48 AM
Plum Tree debate solved. You guessed it -BOY..

08-23-11, 12:46 PM
Looking at the updated results and if future results follow the same pattern, it appears the only boy gnomes will be for trees. This means that I will only get 3 more boys...ever. Very, very disappointed.

SUGGESTION: Any new crops offered from here on out should be ALL BOYS.

kooky panda
08-23-11, 12:55 PM
We still have flowers, but my guess -- girls.
It will be interesting to see what the future crops will bring.

08-23-11, 01:19 PM
I got 2 girls yesterday. One for sweet potatoes and one for corn. I got a boy earlier in the week. Playing on an iPad

I don't have sweet potatoes.

kooky panda
08-23-11, 01:21 PM
yams...In texas same thing!

08-23-11, 01:24 PM
Girl gnome for Alfalfa, just mastered now 8/23 around 4pm ET.

08-23-11, 01:55 PM
How many LPs are needed for each level of trees?

kooky panda
08-23-11, 02:18 PM
How many LPs are needed for each level of trees?
I never keep track. Where are the number members???

kooky panda
08-23-11, 02:19 PM
Debate on alfalpha is closed.

08-23-11, 10:00 PM
I just mastered Cabbage and it is indeed a Red Girl Gnome (ipod touch an hour ago)

Thats me done, wont be mastering anything else soon. Considering holding off for more boys, but then i run the risk of gnomes disappearing again.

08-23-11, 10:06 PM
I never keep track. Where are the number members???

I'm not sure what LPs stand for, but:

Level 1 - harvest 20 trees
Level 2 - harvest 100 more trees
Level 3 - harvest 250 more trees
Level 4 - harvest 500 more trees

Total - harvest 870 trees total to master

08-24-11, 10:04 AM
I'm ***na master 2 more trees to even up the boy:girl ratio and then I'm holding out for the possibility of something different coming with new crops or a change in all them females for old crops! since Kooky has been so kind as to pass this list onto the right people, I'm sure something is in the works. Fingers crossed. :-)

kooky panda
08-24-11, 10:10 AM
quick question--- anyone having trouble with Leeks moving up the mastery bar between the 3rd and 4th level?

08-24-11, 01:37 PM
female gnome for lemon cucumber (Touch). female g 6 (SIX) male g 0 (ZERO) since the resurrection......

08-24-11, 01:59 PM
quick question--- anyone having trouble with Leeks moving up the mastery bar between the 3rd and 4th level?

Pinkster is .... but maybe she's the prompt of this ?

08-24-11, 02:03 PM
I'm not sure what LPs stand for, but:

Level 1 - harvest 20 trees
Level 2 - harvest 100 more trees
Level 3 - harvest 250 more trees
Level 4 - harvest 500 more trees

Total - harvest 870 trees total to master

LP's = Leaf Points - normally one for sowing, two for cropping but for obvious reasons trees give no LP on placing, just two on cropping the fruit. So, total LP's for a tree = 1,740

08-24-11, 02:04 PM
Yes pinkster is still having this problem. Only with leeks

kooky panda
08-24-11, 02:08 PM
Yes pinkster is still having this problem. Only with leeks
you are right. my bar has not moved in 4 days. I think I will start a new thread. under farm bugs.

08-24-11, 02:13 PM
you are right. my bar has not moved in 4 days. I think I will start a new thread. under farm bugs.

Thank god someone else has this. I really thought I was losing it

kooky panda
08-24-11, 02:29 PM
Thank god someone else has this. I really thought I was losing it
You are not alone!!! Here is the bug thread


08-26-11, 01:48 AM
Got a girl for onions 5 minutes ago :)

08-26-11, 01:59 AM
... and I confirm a girl for turnips - iPad, last night.

So, with another flower due today - morning glory - some of my boys are going to get lonely :) Someone has made a mistake here - this wasn't intended. Hopefully, it'll be fixed. The grains should all be boys, you would think and the veggies should be half in half. It's pretty obvious which should be which - potato ?

Oh, and the leek is clearly a girl - keeps everyone waiting :):):)

08-26-11, 12:01 PM
Avocado - Boy

kooky panda
08-26-11, 12:19 PM
I got a girl for Flax this morning....

08-26-11, 05:47 PM
Oh, and the leek is clearly a girl - keeps everyone waiting :):):)

I feel discriminated! Lol :rolleyes:

08-27-11, 08:37 AM
female gnome for tomato (Touch). female g 7 (SEVEN) male g 0 (ZERO) since the resurrection......

08-27-11, 07:07 PM
Marigold - girl

08-27-11, 07:27 PM
Confirming...coconut trees. male gnome. just now. iphone 4

08-28-11, 08:42 AM
You can mark the Acorn Tree down as a boy. Just got my first boy gnome with it. ;-)

08-28-11, 08:46 AM
The above post was on the iPad.

08-28-11, 10:50 AM
Lily - girl, 8/28

For avocado and marigold in the last couple of days, dates of mastery were on the dates posted.

Samsung Epic

08-29-11, 09:40 AM
Like we didn't already know. Mastered 2 minutes ago. This appears to be the last boy I'll ever receive. Very sad.

08-29-11, 01:33 PM
Low tech but easy way to solve this problem. Make male gnomes odd numbers and female gnomes even numbers. Then for every crop (flowers, fruits, veggies, trees, everything), roll the die. Comes up odd, it's a male gnome, comes up even, it's a female gnome. That's one way to treat all new crops. And maybe TL could at some new update reset gnome sexuality for all existing crops. I know, unfair to those who already mastered them, but....

And that way it would be purely random and not by category or time or anything measurable. TL wouldn't know what a new crop would be until the die is cast.

And, if more gnomes options came out in the future, also available by mastery, all TL would have to do for new crops is change how many numbers on the die get assigned to each kind of gnome.

Or, since there are only two right now they could flip a coin. I went with dice because it seems more fun. And it would have been really heavy-handed to propose a coin-toss and then say "the die is cast." Now it's only mildly so. But a coin would do in a pinch.

08-29-11, 01:53 PM
I love the roll the dice idea... Would add a little twist and extra activity once in a while. Good idea!

Low tech but easy way to solve this problem. Make male gnomes odd numbers and female gnomes even numbers. Then for every crop (flowers, fruits, veggies, trees, everything), roll the die. Comes up odd, it's a male gnome, comes up even, it's a female gnome. That's one way to treat all new crops. And maybe TL could at some new update reset gnome sexuality for all existing crops. I know, unfair to those who already mastered them, but....

And that way it would be purely random and not by category or time or anything measurable. TL wouldn't know what a new crop would be until the die is cast.

And, if more gnomes options came out in the future, also available by mastery, all TL would have to do for new crops is change how many numbers on the die get assigned to each kind of gnome.

Or, since there are only two right now they could flip a coin. I went with dice because it seems more fun. And it would have been really heavy-handed to propose a coin-toss and then say "the die is cast." Now it's only mildly so. But a coin would do in a pinch.

08-31-11, 12:32 AM
Shocker! Mastered yesterday.

08-31-11, 12:38 AM
I love the roll the dice idea... Would add a little twist and extra activity once in a while. Good idea!

Don't hold your breath. We were very lucky to even get gnomes back at all. I'm disappointed that males are awarded only for trees, being that trees are by far the smallest category, but am happy to get them back. Just wish a little more logic had been applied when the developers were making the decision.

08-31-11, 10:24 PM
I've mastered a few crops and not receved any knomes why not any help? Im at level 31???

kooky panda
09-01-11, 04:51 AM
I've mastered a few crops and not receved any knomes why not any help? Im at level 31???
you receive your gnome after you complete Level 4 on a crop. You should receive a pop up showing you received gnome. The gnome will be put in your inventory.

09-03-11, 09:54 AM
I have a different theory for this. Since I first saw this thread I have mastered about seven crops and have received female gnomes every time. I currently have 30 male gnomes and 15 female gnomes. Im guessing I will get a female gnome until I reach 30 female gnomes. Does anyone else have any numbers to support my theory?

09-03-11, 10:35 AM
I have a different theory for this. Since I first saw this thread I have mastered about seven crops and have received female gnomes every time. I currently have 30 male gnomes and 15 female gnomes. Im guessing I will get a female gnome until I reach 30 female gnomes. Does anyone else have any numbers to support my theory?

Unfortunately, I don't think it's working that way, unless they changed it very recently. If you look at Kooky's first post there is a list. Male gnomes are from the trees. However, perhaps the newest crips will give males also, at least the ones added since getting the gnomes back.

09-03-11, 10:51 AM
Morning Glory is - no surprise - a girl. I think I said that earlier on the wrong thread. Sorry.

09-04-11, 12:41 PM
Mastered 5 minutes ago.

09-04-11, 01:56 PM
girl for leek ( wies):rolleyes:

09-04-11, 06:36 PM
Hi fellow farmers, i'm noticing that all I am getting are girl gnomes. I have or have had other farms on other devices since Farm Story began. In the beginning of the game boy gnomes were what I usually got. Girl gnomes were very rare. Hmm.

09-04-11, 07:39 PM
What if you master a crop or a tree and get no gnome? It's happened to me a few times

kooky panda
09-04-11, 07:58 PM
What if you master a crop or a tree and get no gnome? It's happened to me a few times
You have to complete level 4 to get a gnome. You will get a
Pop up showing your gem then a second pop up showing your gnome
Gnome will be in your inventory

09-05-11, 08:52 PM
Hi fellow farmers, I mastered bananas this afternoon 9/5/11. I got a a boy gnome. Since the reinstatement of giving gnomes, I have only mastered veggies and fruit. I have earned only girl gnomes.

09-05-11, 10:15 PM
I've got female for asparagus and leeks on android... currently all my gnomes has been female ... boo hoo hoo ... have to plant more trees

09-06-11, 12:44 PM
Shocker!! Mastered 2 hours ago.

09-06-11, 06:47 PM
Kooky, any news about adding more males or getting some new options?

09-07-11, 02:44 AM
It would be good if TL change the grains to male gnomes... too many female gnomes. Keeping fingers crossed.

kooky panda
09-07-11, 04:47 AM
Kooky, any news about adding more males or getting some new options?

I have not heard anything on new gnomes or changing any of the gnomes.

09-09-11, 03:16 AM
pansy - girl

today, android

09-10-11, 02:45 PM
I see farms with several hundred of one type of tree. Once mastered, what do you do with them? Some are quite expensive.

kooky panda
09-10-11, 02:55 PM
I see farms with several hundred of one type of tree. Once mastered, what do you do with them? Some are quite expensive.

I store all mine, in case I want to use them later. You can also sell them.(not sure how much they bring in since I am a little farm pack-rat..)

09-10-11, 02:57 PM
My gnomes chop them up for firewood and have a large bonfire. They roast giant marshmallows and the dive into them.

Weird creatures.

09-10-11, 03:07 PM
My gnomes chop them up for firewood and have a large bonfire. They roast giant marshmallows and the dive into them.

Weird creatures. my gnomes want to come and have a tast of that marshmallows;);) wich i supposed for the grill in resto but no response:rolleyes:

09-10-11, 03:27 PM
Your inventory must be quite extensive. Lots of everything.

I store all mine, in case I want to use them later. You can also sell them.(not sure how much they bring in since I am a little farm pack-rat..)

09-10-11, 04:29 PM
They're almost all girls. :( I don't like the girl ones.

09-12-11, 01:24 AM
Here is somebody who has the crop mastery own to a science.

09-12-11, 01:25 AM
That should be 'down' to a science

09-12-11, 02:14 AM
Here is somebody who has the crop mastery own to a science.

I wonder whose farm that is :)

09-12-11, 03:17 AM
Daisy - girl

today on android

09-14-11, 07:47 AM
Here is somebody who has the crop mastery own to a science.

I think our forum friend with all those blue/male gnomes started a very long time ago when they were giving males instead of females. There just isnt enough trees to get that many males, is there? TL switched it at some point to all females. Then recently took gnomes away...then back again with a small mixture ratio of males to females. Is that right o'mighty mod?

09-14-11, 07:49 AM
I store all mine, in case I want to use them later. You can also sell them.(not sure how much they bring in since I am a little farm pack-rat..)

Im calling that TV show...whats the name... Oh yeah, I think its called "Hoaders". :~)

09-14-11, 07:52 AM
Has anyone mastered the two newest flowers yet? morning glories and forget me nots? what they get?

09-14-11, 07:36 PM
Has anyone mastered the two newest flowers yet? morning glories and forget me nots? what they get?

hectorloch posted in another thread that he mastered morning glories and got a girl.

09-15-11, 01:41 PM
orchid - girl

mastered last night on Android

09-16-11, 09:34 PM
Yam - girl
Just now.

09-17-11, 06:12 AM
Well eggplants r definitely girl gnome on Android

09-17-11, 09:38 PM
Narcissus - girl

a few hours ago on Android

09-17-11, 11:33 PM
Tamarind is a boy, KP. Late last week - iPad

Forget me not - girl

09-20-11, 01:54 PM
two trees forgot which one but both males yaaah:rolleyes:

09-21-11, 11:15 PM
I think our forum friend with all those blue/male gnomes started a very long time ago when they were giving males instead of females. There just isnt enough trees to get that many males, is there? TL switched it at some point to all females. Then recently took gnomes away...then back again with a small mixture ratio of males to females. Is that right o'mighty mod?

Or they used gems and bought them!

09-21-11, 11:21 PM
They switched from males to females sometime in the spring.

09-22-11, 12:12 PM
Zucchini girl droid

09-24-11, 06:20 AM
Beets girl ipad

10-04-11, 08:51 AM
sunflower - girl

this morning, android

10-04-11, 09:37 AM
So, basically, all crops- girls, all trees - boys ?

kooky panda
10-04-11, 09:52 AM
So, basically, all crops- girls, all trees - boys ?
It is looking that way.

10-06-11, 01:02 PM
Well i reinstall my farmS yesterday to continue where i left off 8 (maybe more) months ago........... I mastered my orange trees today and got a girl gnome(again)! i already have 11 juliets and still gnomeo is not showing up! *sigh*...... i think once he showed up he will be pampered a lot! Lol!

kooky panda
10-06-11, 01:50 PM
Well i reinstall my farmS yesterday to continue where i left off 8 (maybe more) months ago........... I mastered my orange trees today and got a girl gnome(again)! i already have 11 juliets and still gnomeo is not showing up! *sigh*...... i think once he showed up he will be pampered a lot! Lol!

You got a girl for the orange tree today? Someone else got a boy. Most all trees have been boys. Can you confirm that it was a girl?
What device do you play on?

10-07-11, 04:51 AM
You got a girl for the orange tree today? Someone else got a boy. Most all trees have been boys. Can you confirm that it was a girl?
What device do you play on?

It is a red gnome... As far as i know it is still a girl gnome cos i never have a blue gnome (boy).... Since i mastered some crops, also apple trees and plum trees ( months ago) i never got any different color of gnome except the red one...... :(

Ipod 4 (4.3.5). FarmS (1.3)

10-13-11, 06:40 AM
I'm hoping that if you master a special Halloween crop you get a special Halloween gnome!

10-13-11, 07:55 AM
I'm hoping that if you master a special Halloween crop you get a special Halloween gnome!

That would be awesome

10-14-11, 06:54 AM
Has someone already 'mastered' a collectible? Would be interesting to know if there is a gnome reward attached to it...

10-17-11, 01:23 PM
Sugar Apple Tree = Boy


10-17-11, 05:58 PM
So, basically, all crops- girls, all trees - boys ?

Trees > Male Gnome
Crops > Female Gnome

10-17-11, 06:39 PM
So is this the end of this thread?

Should we stop posting when we master something that hasn't been mastered since they started giving out gnomes?

In case not, I just mastered Dahlia and got a girl on Android.

10-17-11, 07:16 PM
I think its done

10-21-11, 07:30 AM
I was really hoping they'd give gnomenstein or the dracula gnome for mastering the candy corn crop, but i just mastered it today and it is just a girl gnome :(
In the future I think it would be great if TL could create holiday gnomes that matched the mastered holiday crop (gnome with candy corn hat, etc)

10-21-11, 07:33 AM
I was really hoping they'd give gnomenstein or the dracula gnome for mastering the candy corn crop, but i just mastered it today and it is just a girl gnome :(
In the future I think it would be great if TL could create holiday gnomes that matched the mastered holiday crop (gnome with candy corn hat, etc)

Same here...love the idea of special holiday gnomes for mastering special holiday crops!

04-01-12, 01:42 AM
I posted elsewhere on this but I have the final results on my test of crop numbers for tree mastery.

We had always thought Leaf One was 20 crops. It is, however, - or it is now - definitely 25. The other numbers were correct. So, it's -

Leaf One - 25
Leaf Two - 100
Leaf Three - 250
Leaf Four - 500

There's a new 12 hour tree arrived since this first arose. A chance for someone to double-check ?

04-01-12, 02:09 AM
That's weird ! Why did I think this thread had come alive again ? Dunno, but I did.

04-01-12, 02:28 AM
I posted elsewhere on this but I have the final results on my test of crop numbers for tree mastery.

We had always thought Leaf One was 20 crops. It is, however, - or it is now - definitely 25. The other numbers were correct. So, it's -

Leaf One - 25
Leaf Two - 100
Leaf Three - 250
Leaf Four - 500

There's a new 12 hour tree arrived since this first arose. A chance for someone to double-check ?

I noticed this with the Shamrock trees. I'm rechecking with the white peach trees. Level 1 is 25 and Level 2 is 100. I'll hit level 3 on Tuesday. Assume the numbers you posted are correct unless I post something different.

04-01-12, 02:49 AM
I planted 125 trees so not a lot could go wrong with my arithmetic (maths). For sure, it's 875 in total. Not racing ? Want to be a Joint Auditor with Mini to count the "Go" votes ? You'd have to be free for half an hour or so in, say, 15 hours from now :)

04-01-12, 05:21 AM
I noticed this with the Shamrock trees. I'm rechecking with the white peach trees. Level 1 is 25 and Level 2 is 100. I'll hit level 3 on Tuesday. Assume the numbers you posted are correct unless I post something different.

I once calculated (from your numbers above) that I needed 58 trees to master in 15 cycles. I can't remember which was the first tree that proved me wrong, but it was a recently released tree. (pink tree, maybe?) now I'm buying 60 trees.