View Full Version : Only receiving one plate as a gift after the app store update

08-05-11, 04:09 PM
I accidentally accepted a gift of stew after running the update (I say accidentally because I'm only accepting parts) and when I went to serve it there was ONE plate of stew as my gift. I tried it again to test, accepted another gift of stew, and again I received one plate of stew.

Thought you should know.

08-05-11, 04:10 PM
Same thing is happening to me as well.

08-05-11, 04:41 PM
I got only one plate of chicken for a gift in BS. :(

08-05-11, 05:00 PM
I will pass on the info, and get back as soon as I know!

08-05-11, 05:09 PM
updated RS and accepted chicken and I received 50 plates.

Close the app completely and it should fix the problem

08-05-11, 05:52 PM
I closed RS & BS apps completely, then accepted a gift of Stew and I still only received 1 plate of stew. There is something wrong. Can someone please fix this.

08-05-11, 06:34 PM
I closed RS & BS apps completely, then accepted a gift of Stew and I still only received 1 plate of stew. There is something wrong. Can someone please fix this.

I'm using iPhone4 and both RS and BS updated. There's a bug in crediting gift received in BS. Once accepted, the number of gift inside 'my gift' folder does NOT increase BUT if you haven't gifted back and try to use the gift, it will be automatically credited. If you already sent out gifts earlier then you wont get credited at all.

BS is working properly, just delete and reinstall the app. don't worry game is saved in TL server.

08-05-11, 08:09 PM
Reinstalled. It didn't help. This worked before and now it doesn't and I have always gifted everyone as early as I can.

08-06-11, 04:56 AM
Exactly metoo, igotonly 1 plate of chicken, from eachi am really angry now darn cant someone fix this crop? Or how? I regret i did update in app store yesterday really!!!!!!

08-06-11, 05:44 AM
I did reset ipad, and no solution, pls can write here some modeator to tell us what to do?

08-06-11, 05:46 AM
Though can someone tell what eans clse app completelly? In iPad nothigh ad this exist. Apps from TL are not under apps for settings as most apps i ave in iPad, so can someone write here how in iPad close competly TL games? I dunno how.

08-06-11, 06:40 AM
I too have an iPad and did the update from app store. 1plate for gifts. Please fix this!

08-06-11, 07:56 AM
In bakery, a neighbor sent hot choc, but it didn't show up in my gifts!

Yup! No gifts showing in BS, only one plate in RS

08-06-11, 08:16 AM
In bakery, a neighbor sent hot choc, but it didn't show up in my gifts!

Same here, so i am not going to accept gifts in BS and RS till TL fix this. Prolly biggest bug here since i play.

08-06-11, 08:21 AM
I've reported it, TL is looking into it! It's also happening to me, wish I could pass on better news! As soon as there's a fix, I'll let you know!

08-06-11, 12:00 PM
Ok, for me, it seems to have returned the missing gifts. I exited the app, double clicked the home button, closed RS. After I returned, gift count was back to normal.

08-06-11, 12:54 PM
Ok, for me, it seems to have returned the missing gifts. I exited the app, double clicked the home button, closed RS. After I returned, gift count was back to normal.

I tried this....had to wait a few minutes by they are there. Even returned others I think cuz stew count was 150 after one gift. Must have been missing ones too. Thanks!

08-06-11, 01:48 PM
Same here!! And will I ever get the many plates of food reimbursed?

08-06-11, 02:45 PM
Yup, happening to me too, just one plate of French toast from my neighbor. :/

08-06-11, 03:00 PM
This is the first time - I think - that I have gotten an app store update. Is it fixed and ok to update now? I just opened my app store and found it a few minutes ago. Thanks

08-06-11, 03:08 PM
It seems that originally they appear as only one plate under "Gifts". After I exited and closed the app, waited a bit, and returned, they were all there with the correct plate number.

08-06-11, 03:09 PM
Hmm.. thats strange!

08-06-11, 03:11 PM
Well, I guess it didn't matter whether you download update from app store. I had stew out with 10 servings left, received a gift of stew and after putting it out, there were still just 10 plates. It is gone now - did the click out of rest. and didn't bring it back. Guess I will just leave gifts until tomorrow.

08-06-11, 03:56 PM
What does it mean to close the app completely?

08-06-11, 04:12 PM
What does it mean to close the app completely?

Which device are you on?

08-06-11, 05:02 PM
IPhone 3GS

08-06-11, 05:07 PM
IPhone 3GS

Either double tap the home button, which will lift the items on screen a bit, showing you which apps are running. Hold one down, until it starts shaking with a little - sign in the corner, click that to close apps. If you can't do that, press and hold both the power and home buttons, keep holding through the power off option, until the apple icon appears. Let go, allowing the phone to reset (you won't lose anything on your phone, other then if you have any safari pages open).

08-06-11, 07:12 PM
Thanks greygull I just wasn't sure about the tech terms. Grateful for explanation! Will try it!!!!

08-06-11, 07:32 PM
Thanks greygull I just wasn't sure about the tech terms. Grateful for explanation! Will try it!!!!

If you have any problems, let us know!

08-06-11, 07:41 PM
Okay greygull , I can't seem to get these story apps to stop running on my iPad 2. How to you force an app closed on this?I had to walk away for an hour (iPad off) to get RS to reload and fix my dishes. Has to be a faster way, right?

08-06-11, 07:53 PM
Okay greygull , I can't seem to get these story apps to stop running on my iPad 2. How to you force an app closed on this?I had to walk away for an hour (iPad off) to get RS to reload and fix my dishes. Has to be a faster way, right?

Did you try the above (actually last page) things I suggested for gitten?

08-06-11, 08:55 PM
Okay....thanks! Didn't know those would work for iPad! You techy people are so great. This is new (less than month old) so I'm still learning about it. My first I-anything. I love learning more tricks. ;)

08-06-11, 09:06 PM
Trust me, I'm not part of the tech savvy people! Most of what I know I learned from friends or online. I'm glad it worked for you!

08-07-11, 03:58 AM
yeep only 1 plate as well for me

08-07-11, 08:28 AM
I am having the same issue..I am only receiving one plate of stew. Also, I made about 20,000 pork buns and they all disappeared. Thanks for the new items teamlava!! Love your games!!

08-07-11, 08:54 AM
Just read in another forum about gifts disappearing after being accepted. TL was informed by another person and are looking into the problem so hopefully that one will be fixed as well. I'm having the same problem as well as food gifts disappearing after accepting.

08-07-11, 01:32 PM
also only getting 1 plate of any gift i receive

08-07-11, 02:22 PM
I am on an iPhone 4 and just received one plate. This is not happening to dishes I make, only gifts.

08-07-11, 11:59 PM
Today i got three screws from my the help of my neighbors. I accepted them and only two show on the Soda machine i am building. And yes ive tried to restart application,phone and redownload the app for like the 15th time after the recent "great updates" So greygull my question i wrote in another thread (thanks for bringing me here btw) still is unanswered;

Should i wait with accepting gifts until u guys fix whatever u messed up? Losing 1/3 gear of what i get is kinda a bad deal.

And finally, yes i am still waiting for Ramen and news notifications lol

08-08-11, 12:13 AM
Accepting the food gifts should still be ok, just having to do what was listed before. As far as parts, I'm not sure yet. I remember iDevice users had issues like that once in a while, and I don't remember what happened. I can pass this onto GM, maybe he will know. The updates roll out, some people get them Friday, others have to wait until Tuesday at the latest. I've experience both. The notifications TL is aware of, and already looking into what's going on.

08-08-11, 12:38 AM
Huge disappointment with the upgrade of the game in restaurant and bakery story.
After I've upgrade both of the games yesterday. Tons if problems popping out.
Messages popping out when I'm accepting gift.
Either gift expired or
saying that I have accepted the gift already(which I didn't),
it's in the inventory.
Well fine, I went to inventory either it's empty or it only shown 1 plate for each dish.
That's pathetic.
After which I've cleared all the updates.
Yet it still shown there's 1 or 2 new update.
When I clicked onto it, there wasn't anything.
Isn't update supposed to be an improvement to the game?
Hope you guys notice and I'm hoping for a better update the next time
So to solve the problems.

08-08-11, 12:55 AM
Saw that only one plate was displayed, but once served all servings are there on the table.

08-08-11, 02:33 AM
Is this the best that tl can do for bug fixes? Le us all chat about it and the moderator tell us it's been reported. I'm having this problem too and none of the 'solutions' works on restaurant for me. Very frustrating.

08-08-11, 03:14 AM
Is this the best that tl can do for bug fixes? Le us all chat about it and the moderator tell us it's been reported. I'm having this problem too and none of the 'solutions' works on restaurant for me. Very frustrating.

True, True.

08-08-11, 11:19 AM
me to I'm on iPad

08-08-11, 11:45 AM
I had this problem the first day the update came out. took cared of it by downgrading my app back to version (1.2.3) for iOS. so if you still have the older version, just downgrade back to the previous version.

If you need help installing the previous version to your iDevice let me know. Always keep a copy of your older TL games, TL seems to be releasing bug fixes to 'fix" something that isn't broken.

08-08-11, 11:52 AM
To help TL fix this problem, I'm going to need to ask for more info from everyone.

1. Device - iOS or Android, exactly what type, OS Version
2. Game version
3. When it happens (what are you doing in game)
4. If possible, take screenshots and post them here

I know many of you have provided some or all of these, but the more people give the information, the easier it is to track down the problem.

08-08-11, 11:56 AM
To help TL fix this problem, I'm going to need to ask for more info from everyone.

1. Device - iOS or Android, exactly what type, OS Version
2. Game version
3. When it happens (what are you doing in game)
4. If possible, take screenshots and post them here

I know many of you have provided some or all of these, but the more people give the information, the easier it is to track down the problem.

1) iPhine4, iOS 4.3.5
2) version 1.2.5 (both RS and BS)
3) when you accept your gift, only 1 plate is added to the total.

08-08-11, 12:08 PM
1. Ipad2 4.3.5
2.RS 1.2.5
3. When accepting gifts. Will tell me gift has expired, but when I click accept again, only gives me 1plate. After closing app OR after app tells me in was out of synch, refreshing...then the gifts show up correctly in my gifts folder.
4. Screenshots when I can....

08-08-11, 12:35 PM
I'm only getting 1 stew as well, and when I put it into restaurant it's still one plate. BS I keep accepting gifts of cappuccino and they all just disappear dont even show up under my gifts. Then maybe an hour later I check and there'll be 50... Even if I accepted 10 cappuccinos which should be 500. Its very confusing lol

08-08-11, 03:19 PM
I'm having same problem too with all food I've received today. Just updated a couple days ago! What's the deal??

08-09-11, 10:12 AM
I have been getting only one plate on a lot of my gifts too, and i have had gifts disappear completely after I accept them. It has nothing to do with restarting the app because I have had this happen to me for days now (maybe since the update?) and I have restarted lots of times. They are mixed in with full amounts of gifts, I accepted 1 stew and a full plate of chicken before, at the same time.

kooky panda
08-09-11, 11:23 AM
I have been getting only one plate on a lot of my gifts too, and i have had gifts disappear completely after I accept them. It has nothing to do with restarting the app because I have had this happen to me for days now (maybe since the update?) and I have restarted lots of times. They are mixed in with full amounts of gifts, I accepted 1 stew and a full plate of chicken before, at the same time.

Please see Greygulls post(#49). This is a known problem. Please provide the items she needs in her post, so she can send over.

08-09-11, 11:51 AM
ipod touch 4th generation
This has been happening to me

i plate of food as gift,
ALOS I BOUGHT GEMS only when game said no internet message thing when it came back on my 10 gems were gone, I JUST BOUGHT THEM

kooky panda
08-09-11, 12:32 PM
ipod touch 4th generation
This has been happening to me

i plate of food as gift,
ALOS I BOUGHT GEMS only when game said no internet message thing when it came back on my 10 gems were gone, I JUST BOUGHT THEM

Have you updated your ipod to the new version? 4.3.5? We are trying to get all device information to forward to Team Lava for this gift bug.

As for the loss of gems, you will need to contact support@teamlava.com, we are unable to help with gem losses on the forum.

08-09-11, 02:30 PM
Either double tap the home button, which will lift the items on screen a bit, showing you which apps are running. Hold one down, until it starts shaking with a little - sign in the corner, click that to close apps. If you can't do that, press and hold both the power and home buttons, keep holding through the power off option, until the apple icon appears. Let go, allowing the phone to reset (you won't lose anything on your phone, other then if you have any safari pages open).

Greygull... is there something similar for an ipod touch? I tried the home button twice, does nothing. Is there another way without shutting down?
Also, thanks... awesome info for my iphone... when I did this, I found pages of stuff 'still running' I guess... I never knew about his. I thought when you pressed the home button IN an app, it shut it down! So I shut everything down on my iphone... but now I'm wondering about my touch! (PS I don't know what generation it is... it's a couple years old, no camera or anything... I think it was the model right before they did the camera version... not 100% sure tho)

Have you updated your ipod to the new version? 4.3.5?

Is this for ipod?? Nekonight says they have a touch, and theirs is a newer generation than mine, but my ipod touch is 'up to date' and it's version 4.2.1 and my iPhone is 'up to date' at 4.2.10. So should their ipod latest version really 4.3.5 even tho mine is only 4.2.1? Or could that be the ipad that is 4.3.5?

08-09-11, 02:38 PM
It probably won't work with the iPod touch of an older model (I have one as well, it doesn't work). The double tapping the home button works for all the newest models of iDevices, and MAYBE the one before it. For the touch, you would have to the second part, hold both the home and power buttons through the "slide to power off" until the apple symbol shows. Then you can let go - I'd say it takes about 15-20 seconds to get there? This will shut down all aps (including if you have any pages open in Safari), like doing the task ****ing for a new model.

For the versions, it depends on which generation you have. I don't recall what version mine is at, but whenever I looked at what people where posting here and mine, it wasn't the same. The version has to do with iTunes, and any upgrades/updates the device needs. As long as you have recently plugged yours into iTunes on the computer, you should have the most recent version for your generation.

08-10-11, 12:40 AM
I just opened a new thread, sorry! :( didn't see this one until it was too late

08-10-11, 12:42 AM
But when I restarted my iPad, the correct quantities were updated!

08-10-11, 01:02 AM
I just opened a new thread, sorry! :( didn't see this one until it was too late

You have to watch out you can't hide behind your mask anymore! We will have to find you a new identity and send you into witness protection!

08-10-11, 01:17 AM
You have to watch out you can't hide behind your mask anymore! We will have to find you a new identity and send you into witness protection!

You can send me anywhere as long as I have NY restaurant story!

08-10-11, 02:26 AM
That was supposed to be my restaurant story. I hate spellcheck!

08-10-11, 02:50 PM
No matter what all is here told the bug is still not fixed. I am myself getting tired to need still closing and reopen game for to get correct amount of gifts. Hope it will be soon repaired.

08-10-11, 03:37 PM
It probably won't work with the iPod touch of an older model (I have one as well, it doesn't work). The double tapping the home button works for all the newest models of iDevices, and MAYBE the one before it. For the touch, you would have to the second part, hold both the home and power buttons through the "slide to power off" until the apple symbol shows. Then you can let go - I'd say it takes about 15-20 seconds to get there? This will shut down all aps (including if you have any pages open in Safari), like doing the task ****ing for a new model.

For the versions, it depends on which generation you have. I don't recall what version mine is at, but whenever I looked at what people where posting here and mine, it wasn't the same. The version has to do with iTunes, and any upgrades/updates the device needs. As long as you have recently plugged yours into iTunes on the computer, you should have the most recent version for your generation.

Hi greygull, this only for future reference:

only the original iPhone and iPod Touch 1st gen can't take advantage of multitasking so they don't have to double tap the home button to close the app. Closing the app automatically closes the program. you don't need to do a complete power off to close the program. The last available operating system for those two iDevices is iOS 3.1.3
all other iDevices can install iOS4, which has the ability to run multiple app and switch back and forth between apps. The only way to completely close the app is by double tapping the home button and click the red minus sign (as you explained).
iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2nd generation: iOS 4.2.1 is the last available Operating System that can be installed.
iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3rd and 4th generation and both version of iPad: iOS 4.3.5 is currently available for these iDevices. Also the upcoming iOS5 will work with this iDevices.

08-10-11, 06:48 PM
I am not sure if I'm having the same problem or not... Noticed this earlier today. IPad 2 with RS v.1.2.3

I usually save all of my stew gifts... For when I need to be out for a while. Checked the count under "My Gifts" and noticed the number stopped accumulating at 32,767. Weird cause I know I had 30,000 last week... And should definitely had been much more. To test, I accepted another stew gift and sure enough, number was still 32,767. I thought that maybe there was some weird coding bug that was limiting how much I accumulated so I went ahead and put the food out and then the numbers started to accumulate correctly as I accepted more gifts (150 for each stew accepted). Is this a bug or are there limitations as to how many gifts can be accumulated?

08-10-11, 06:50 PM
I am not sure if I'm having the same problem or not... Noticed this earlier today. IPad 2 with RS v.1.2.3

I usually save all of my stew gifts... For when I need to be out for a while. Checked the count under "My Gifts" and noticed the number stopped accumulating at 32,767. Weird cause I know I had 30,000 last week... And should definitely had been much more. To test, I accepted another stew gift and sure enough, number was still 32,767. I thought that maybe there was some weird coding bug that was limiting how much I accumulated so I went ahead and put the food out and then the numbers started to accumulate correctly as I accepted more gifts (150 for each stew accepted). Is this a bug or are there limitations as to how many gifts can be accumulated?

since you still have the RS v. 1.2.3, you don't have this problem. Only for the iOS user that updated to RS v. 1.2.5

08-10-11, 07:15 PM
I am not sure if I'm having the same problem or not... Noticed this earlier today. IPad 2 with RS v.1.2.3

I usually save all of my stew gifts... For when I need to be out for a while. Checked the count under "My Gifts" and noticed the number stopped accumulating at 32,767. Weird cause I know I had 30,000 last week... And should definitely had been much more. To test, I accepted another stew gift and sure enough, number was still 32,767. I thought that maybe there was some weird coding bug that was limiting how much I accumulated so I went ahead and put the food out and then the numbers started to accumulate correctly as I accepted more gifts (150 for each stew accepted). Is this a bug or are there limitations as to how many gifts can be accumulated?

Actually, that is the limit per gift on how many you can receive. Before you accept any more, you should serve those. I think if you continue to accept, the will just disappear.

08-10-11, 11:45 PM
Actually, that is the limit per gift on how many you can receive. Before you accept any more, you should serve those. I think if you continue to accept, the will just disappear.

Thanks for the response! :)

08-11-11, 11:29 AM
Ok, I've heard back from GM. TL is pinpointing the exact problem, and will have it fixed by the next app store update. Until then, we'll all need to continue closing out the app and returning before serving, to see the correct number. (Or whichever method you've been using).

08-11-11, 02:33 PM
I'm not sure you need to close the app. It updates within a few minutes on it's own. At least that's what I experienced. Can anyone else conform this?

08-11-11, 03:11 PM
Mine was too today. I would check my gifts, accept one, check again, accept one. The first would be seen as one, then when I added then next, I would see the correct amount for the first, and one for the second. So maybe they're closer to fixing it!

08-12-11, 08:58 PM
Device: Ipad2
When: Unable to retrieve gifts and/or only get 1 plate!!

08-13-11, 04:47 AM
Also me...I am still getting just 1 Plate ;__; what's going on?

08-13-11, 07:12 AM
I'm not sure you need to close the app. It updates within a few minutes on it's own. At least that's what I experienced. Can anyone else conform this?

I usually get an out of synch message and then the numbers r fixed.

kooky panda
08-13-11, 07:59 AM
Also me...I am still getting just 1 Plate ;__; what's going on?

read post 71 from greygull

08-13-11, 11:44 AM
Same here. Someone fix thissss

08-14-11, 02:10 PM
Am having the same issues, seems to work sometimes and others not, surely they can fix big with an update?

08-14-11, 05:44 PM
I have the same problems in RS and BS after the last update. I turned my iPad completly off. I removed and downloaded again. The problem is still there and is really annoying. Please fixe this TL

08-16-11, 12:43 AM
Hi the same thing is happening to me too. Only getting I one serving. Also the gifts disappear if you gift back then you get nothing!
I have restarted my device, deleted and reinstalled and synced it with my mac -still no joy....

My level is 55 my restaurant is called Lilly

Looking forward to your reply.

08-17-11, 03:57 PM
None of my gifts of gear are showing up, however, I am relatively new and the gear options just recently showed up. I'm not even sure what they do! I also got requests for gear from neighbors, but I'm not sure if they are just asking me to gift them or if it will take away from my gifts if I accept the requests. I was kinda hoping for a user's manual type thing when I signed on to the forum......

08-17-11, 04:03 PM
None of my gifts of gear are showing up, however, I am relatively new and the gear options just recently showed up. I'm not even sure what they do! I also got requests for gear from neighbors, but I'm not sure if they are just asking me to gift them or if it will take away from my gifts if I accept the requests. I was kinda hoping for a user's manual type thing when I signed on to the forum......


This Might Help You

08-17-11, 04:14 PM

this might help you

thank you!!!!!

08-18-11, 08:35 PM
Me too every blue moon I get stew but the vast majority of accepts I only got 1 plate

08-18-11, 08:37 PM
Happens to me too for my roat chicken. I have 51 plates in my inventory when each time it should be 50 plates.

08-19-11, 04:17 PM
Also me -__- it's not fixed

08-23-11, 03:59 PM
Also me -__- it's not fixed

Same here. Gifts aren't showing up and I don't even see Stew in "My Gifts."

By now I've accepted enough that I'm sure I'm over the max, but I can't see what I have...

09-11-11, 12:31 AM
Happened to me as well, so I tried this:
Accept the gift, check if the gift is there, if it shows only 1 plate, I go to several restaurants first (I have to do it anyway to raise my popularity), then get back to check my gifts.
If it shows the right supposed numbers, I put it on counters. If it's not, I go to another restaurants and keep checking my gifts.
As simple as that, always works for me just by visiting a couple of restaurants :D

09-11-11, 01:19 PM
I have the same problem. Hope they fix it soon.

09-11-11, 03:04 PM
ditto. I have the same problem.