View Full Version : iPad Sound levels not changing with volume adjustments

08-05-11, 08:23 AM
I just got an iPad and successfully moved my accont over. I love the big farm ! :o

But, my volume level seems to be stuck in the app. The volume level of watering crops, collecting, etc.. is extremely loud. It is not responding to the volume buttons when I adjust the volume up/down on the side of the iPad. My only option seems ot be to turn off the sound in the settings of the app. I like the sound, just not at full blast...:confused:

Any ideas/suggestions?


Mommy - Level 51

08-07-11, 03:34 PM
Hi, Mommy.
I am also an iPad user. I experienced the same issue. Because of this, I turned off the sounds in all the stories. However, I do not miss them at all. Instead, I listen to Pandora, the TV, or the radio. I enjoy those so much more. ;-)
Sorry, not a solution. But understand what you are going through.

08-17-11, 10:29 PM
I think I have the solution for your problem. It deals with your devices sound settings.
1. Go to Settings
2. General
3. Sounds
4. Make the Ringer and Alerts Change with Buttons ( ON ) ..

And you will be fine with your adjustable device's volume levels .... 

08-18-11, 08:36 PM
This worked ! Thank you so much rashedx 

08-18-11, 08:41 PM
Good job rashedx!