View Full Version : Rip off

07-30-11, 06:42 PM
i have spent over 200 real USD on buying gems in this game. It would be nice if you would let people scroll through the stuff in the special boxes instead of forcing us to buy 3 and 4 of the same objects to try to get to the stuff we want. I feel very ripped off.

Also, then I get what YOU want me to get in say, the Magic box, I have clicked the X to get out of buying AGAIN something else I don't want AGAIN and it has taken my gems 4 times.

Also it takes a ridiculous amount of time to cook things and I feel we don't get our money's worth for the gems we have to spend for the objects.

You would make more money if you let people choose what they want from the boxes, instead of forcing us to buy stuff over and over and over until we get to something we want.:mad:

07-31-11, 02:38 AM
Hmm in some ways choosing what you want could be more effective, cause i WILL NEVER EVER buy any gems with real money, and i don't spend gems them at all, !I KEEP WASTING THEM ON COOKING FOOD FAST LIKE 5 MIN THINGS!, there needs to be a are you sure button

11-24-11, 02:06 PM
I never spend real moneay either, but TL is starting to piss me off with their unannounced increase in cost, i noticed today that it's now 50 gems to buy an extra appliance when it was 24 before.....
They gave me 100 gems for lost decor recently and now they are doubling the cost of items?!!!!!! No wonder they wanna have a gems sale of 40% thsi weekend..... There's the RIP OFF!!!!!!!

11-24-11, 02:29 PM
I never spend real moneay either, but TL is starting to [EDIT R98] me off with their unannounced increase in cost, i noticed today that it's now 50 gems to buy an extra appliance when it was 24 before.....
They gave me 100 gems for lost decor recently and now they are doubling the cost of items?!!!!!! No wonder they wanna have a gems sale of 40% thsi weekend..... There's the [EDIT R98]!!!!!!!

The economy's not exactly in a great state. It's also worth noting that some prices went down, additionally that everything that the price changed on you can still get with in-game currency or xp etc. as opposed to gems.

11-24-11, 02:45 PM
It might take the excitement out of buying the boxes, if we could just choose what we wanted. I quite like getting a surprise, however I do feel sorry for those that get multiples of the same item.
We also have variable times for food/drink, which allows everyone to play as we all have different challenges on our time.
We get lovely updates very often and alot of very nice coin items too. We don't have to purchase gems, to play the game in any way.

11-24-11, 02:46 PM
It might take the excitement out of buying the boxes, if we could just choose what we wanted. I quite like getting a surprise, however I do feel sorry for those that get multiples of the same item.
We also have variable times for food/drink, which allows everyone to play as we all have different challenges on our time.
We get lovely updates very often and alot of very nice coin items too. We don't have to purchase gems, to play the game in any way.

It definitely would, as well as losing TL revenue. A lot.

Definitely agree with everything, especially the latter:).

03-26-12, 04:50 AM
Is there a way to earn gems without spending money? I have reached a point in my game where all the things I wAnt to buy now cost gems but I refuse to pay real money. When I started I got gems and xp for achieving goals /reaching certain levels etc and thats what I used to start myfloored & walls & now Im not getting any? There r no goals anymore. There r collections but I don't know what I need to do to achieve a collection? I finished a collection and was rewarded with a red table worth 4gems. I thought if I sold it I would get ( I know when u sell items u dont get 100% back) but I thought at least 1or2 gems for selling it -but nothing. One thing that really annoys me is sometimes the game is not in sync which means if u spend a gem on an item then lose connection or the game goes out of sync (as it does OFTEN) when the game comes back into sync the gem has been spent but the item is not there! If I had paid for those gems I would more more than furious :/

03-27-12, 03:43 AM
The only ways to earn gems are mastering recipes at levels 2 & 4, mastering Collections levels, and completing Badges. Mastering collections levels means that you collect enough of each collectible *set* to move up a level, such as collected several tables or several golden utensil decorations. That takes a loooong time. You get collectible items randomly through actions like tipping, cooking food, and buying decor. Some collectible items are more rare than others. The easiest way to earn gems is to master recipes.

Selling gem purchased items only returns coins, never gems.

If you lost a purchase then submit a service ticket for it.

04-02-12, 07:26 PM
$200?!? This game doesn't even worth $0.99

Even a well designed PS3/360 games only selling less than $40.

04-02-12, 08:54 PM
$200?!? This game doesn't even worth $0.99

Even a well designed PS3/360 games only selling less than $40.

i agree that ps3/360 might be well designed but, no offence, you can't, for example, bring the whole system(+TV) onto the bus or train!

04-02-12, 09:02 PM
i agree that ps3/360 might be well designed but, no offence, you can't, for example, bring the whole system(+TV) onto the bus or train!

Exactly. I've spent over $200 on just farm. And you're right, my ps3 doesn't fit in my purse. And people would look at me funny if I hooked up my ps3 to play while waiting at the doctors office or something.

04-02-12, 10:18 PM
To me, the money I've spent on my farm is worth the time of entertainment its given me. If it wasn't worth it to me in a time/money ratio I wouldn't spend money on it. But it is, so I do.

04-03-12, 12:00 AM
To me, the money I've spent on my farm is worth the time of entertainment its given me.
I can relate to that. I used to spend money getting a game card walgreens when I used to play a certain MMORPG. It was rather worth it since I didn't spend money on movies or other entertaining things.
But it doesn't seem worth it for me when it comes to TeamLava games because of how easy it is to lose premium currency in the games. It is rather ridiculous the lack of a confirmation button that could save so many users from heartache or annoyance or sheer rage. And while the MMORPG I had played was plagued with their own problems, at least they had a confirmation button when spending premium currency, provided a timeline of when quests and items would be in game, and listed exactly what was in a special box and the odds for those items.