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07-27-11, 02:32 AM
7:00 a.m.

"Of course the dessert wasn't misplaced!" the visibally shaken head waitress tells you, eyes wandering from you to the rest of the chefs filtering in to the restaurant for the upcoming cooking competition. "Somebody stole it!"

"Alright, alright.. just try to calm down and let's sort this out. There must be an explination."

"You bet there is an explination!" the waitress says, talking past you to draw the attention of the rest of the chefs entering the restaurant. "My chef is the best chef in the world, and all you other chefs know it! In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if YOU are the culprit!" she adds, singling you out from the gathering crowd of chefs.

"Whoa, slow down there, that is quite an acqusation to be making", you say, trying not to lose your nerve.

"Yea, you don't even have any proof" quips another chef from the crowd behind you.

"Okay, I'm sorry" the waitress says to you, regaining her composure. "I'm just so upset, as you can see. And the chef stormed out of the restaurant once he found out his dish for the competition was stolen. He's nowhere to be found."

You turn to address the rest of the chefs around you. "Well guys, it sounds like our competition today has taken a back seat to this new mystery." Turning back to the waitress, "We'll help you uncover your chef's missing dish, ma'am, would you start out by telling us what you know?"

"The rest of the waitresses and I were here all night assisting the chef with his preparations. Everything was going fine and we even finished our preparations ahead of schedule, so we all decided to meet back at the chef's mansion to enjoy some music and relax for a while before returning to the restaurant for the competiton today. When we returned, the dish was missing! All of our effort was wasted, and more importantly, the competition was over for us. The chef couldn't bear it, he ran out of the restaurant and hasn't been back since."

"That's very suspicious" you reply. "And you say the entire restaurant staff was at the mansion when the dish went missing?"

"That's right. Though I must admit, some of the waitresses having been acting a little strange lately. I see them mumbling amongst themselves, or exchanging sneaky glances. Frankly I was starting to doubt their loyalty to our chef, and now that this has happened, I can't help but think some of them were in on it."

"Unfortunatly, it certainly sounds like an inside job." you assure the waitress, and then, turning back to the crowd of chefs around you, you say "it's time to face facts guys. It's clear that somebody among us is a thief."

"Hey you can't prove that."
"Yea, you don't even know what the missing dish is."
"Or who took it."
"Or what they did with it."
"For all we know, the chef cooked up this whole story because he wasn't confident in his entry and didn't want to go through with the competition."

"C'mon fellas, we've known the chef a long time, he deserves more credit than that. You all know as well as anyone that he'd never back out of a competition, he has more honor than that. If he says it was stolen, it was stolen. We're the only people who have access to the kitchen besides the restaurant staff, and they were all over at the chef's mansion."

"You're right... but how?"

"I don't know what the dish is, or where it went, or more importantly, who the thief among us is, but I'm going to start searching for clues and see if I can find out. Let's all split up and solve this mystery."

"Thank you for your help, chefs" the waitress chimes in. "I just got off the phone with the chef and have been told to let you all know that he plans to adequatly reward the first of you who can bring the thief to justice and restore peace to the cooking competition."

07-27-11, 02:33 AM
What Are You Playing For: Forum bragging rights.

How Winner Will Be Selected: In the end there can be only one.? (for those of you who get the reference you are awesome!)

1. All TeamLava Rules must be followed.
2. You must post where you are moving to in the thread, but do not post any clues in the thread. Sharing clues amongst yourselves is encouraged, and sharing false information is especially encouraged, after all, win at all costs is the name of the game. But be careful who you counsel, for all you know the person you've entrusted is the person you seek.

I didn't play the first day, can I still participate in this contest?
Unfortunately our detective schedules and duties are set for this mystery, however you're more then welcome to join in the fun and post in the thread. You can also PM (private message) trenae or mogwai4111 to express interest in participating in the next mystery (or similar) forum game.

How Many Can Participate?
For this round we allowed everyone that posted interest to play.

How to play:
1. The restaurant consists of 8 witnesses (each denoted by a different color) and 5 areas with evidence (each denoted by white tiles). You are able to question one witness or investigate one area per round. You do this by simply posting in this thread "I'd like to "question" or "investigate" "the purple witness" or "the fireplace" or what have you.
2. Each round will be on a timer (you must have your move posted by 11am PDT.
3. You may opt to go to any colored area for your clue, but beware - there may be some additional things you want to pay attention to.
4. Once all players have submitted their moves, the clues will be sent via PM to each of those that posted their clues on time.
5. Once all clues have been sent via PM, the next round will be live for moves to be posted.

To keep the game moving and consistent in terms of when updated information will be posted, rounds will be over at 11am PDT every day of the contest. Make sure to have your moves in by then, and keep in mind there can be more then one round per day, this will vary depending on if all players have their moves in.

Goal of game:
In order to win, you must accurately accuse the thief, as well as what dish they stole (not Mango Delight, which was pictured in the recruitment thread), and what they did with the dish (ate it, hid it, or threw it away). The first player to make a correct accusation in this thread will be the winner and will have earned the reward. Double check your clues, because an incorrect accusation eliminates you from the game. Don't take too long though, if the hidden thief among you speaks to enough witnesses and gathers enough evidence, he will be able to cover his tracks and get away with the crime.

07-27-11, 02:33 AM
Here are the players. Snoop around and gather bits of information until you find the one player among you who fits the profile the witnesses illustrate.

Hair: blonde
Eyes: green
Shoes: blue

Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Shoes: black

Hair: pink
Eyes: brown
Shoes: black

Hair: brown
Eyes: black
Shoes: white

Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Shoes: brown

Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Shoes: purple

Hair: blonde
Eyes: black
Shoes: blue

Hair: grey
Eyes: green
Shoes: black

Hair: brown
Eyes: black
Shoes: purple

Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Shoes: green

Hair: black
Eyes: black
Shoes: brown

Hair: brown
Eyes: black
Shoes: brown

kooky panda
Hair: red
Eyes: green
Shoes: black

Hair: purple
Eyes: black
Shoes: black

Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Shoes: brown

Hair: red
Eyes: black
Shoes: brown

Hair: brown
Eyes: black
Shoes: brown

Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Shoes: brown


kooky panda
07-27-11, 04:46 AM
I would like to question the brown witness.


07-27-11, 05:02 AM
I would like to question the brown witness.

I guess there's no time like the present to point out an oversight on my part. The darker brown will be "brown" and the lighter one "yellow".

We'll go with


for the colors of the different witnesses

07-27-11, 05:15 AM
I would like to question... The Checkered Witness!

07-27-11, 08:30 AM
I would like to question the purple witness.

07-27-11, 08:50 AM
I would like to question the red witness. :)

07-27-11, 08:53 AM
P.S. Love that I've had a sexual identity crisis for this game! :D

07-27-11, 10:13 AM
I would like to question the white witness.

07-27-11, 10:16 AM
Trenae is still a little bit tied up at the moment, so I'm getting the event started on her behalf. Begin your investigations immedietly and expect a PM from her regarding the clues you've found shortly.

Thanks for getting us started Mog. I'll be a bit tied up until later tonight - but expect to be seeing a PM from me with your clues later tonight (PDT). :)

07-27-11, 10:42 AM
Am I too late?

I would like to question the gray witness.

07-27-11, 11:51 AM
I would like to question the orange witness.

07-27-11, 12:55 PM
Sorry for showing up late. It's my lunch hour here. I'll be punctual next time!

If I can still make it, I'd like to question the yellow witness. Thanks!

07-27-11, 02:22 PM
I would like to question the red witness!

07-27-11, 05:48 PM
Agh hope I aint late, I would,
Like to question the brown witness.

07-27-11, 10:51 PM
Hey guys, we're going to extend round 1 a day to give the other players a chance to check in and see that the game has started.

07-27-11, 11:34 PM
Why? They're not as addicted to these forums as us? Lol Whenever is fine, just being able to participate is fun!

07-28-11, 07:49 AM
Hey guys, we're going to extend round 1 a day to give the other players a chance to check in and see that the game has started.
Whew! I've been tied up with work, but today is my last day of work before I go on vacation! *does the happy dance*

I would like to investigate the indoor waterfall.

07-28-11, 10:40 AM
Whoops, wanted to edit my response. Can I still do that? I would like to investigate the kitchen area. If that's too general, then I'd like to investigate the cooking appliances if I can. If not, the lobster tank.

07-28-11, 12:38 PM
Whoops, wanted to edit my response. Can I still do that? I would like to investigate the kitchen area. If that's too general, then I'd like to investigate the cooking appliances if I can. If not, the lobster tank.

That's fine, we will use this post to do your turn when I send out the clues. No worries on not being able to edit, we understand some do not have the ability, so will take the last post that the player posts as their turn. :)

07-28-11, 01:29 PM
I think this is marvellous ! I don't understand it - but it's still marvellous.

Is there a butler in the plot ?

07-28-11, 01:48 PM
Is there a butler in the plot ?

lol...that would be too easy, wouldn't it ;)

07-28-11, 03:27 PM
Kitchen area is all you need to say. That covers the entire white tiled area.

07-28-11, 03:28 PM
lol...that would be too easy, wouldn't it ;)

OK, we'll toughen it up. Is there .... let me think ... yes, a Col Mustard ? If there is, he could have fallen on hard times and maybe taken up butlering, no ?

07-28-11, 03:44 PM
I think this is marvellous ! I don't understand it - but it's still marvellous.

Is there a butler in the plot ?

Yes, there is a "butler", but they go by a different name ;)

kooky panda
07-28-11, 03:46 PM
OK, we'll toughen it up. Is there .... let me think ... yes, a Col Mustard ? If there is, he could have fallen on hard times and maybe taken up butlering, no ?
Hey check out det kooky..I think I may be miss Scarlett.

07-28-11, 04:19 PM
We're still waiting on the following people to post their first moves.

cwmw; dragonfruit39; JoJosBakersDelite; luckygirl101; myweedpatch; pete1234; Rachael98;

We'll leave round 1 open until 11am PDT, to give them a chance to see the PM I sent reminding them. Round 2 will go live shortly after 11am PDT, when I've sent you all your clues. Rounds going forward will be run on the timer, so make sure you have your moves posted before the timer is up. :)

07-28-11, 04:22 PM
Hey check out det kooky..I think I may be miss Scarlett.

Yes, you might!

Funny about mine, I actually have a pair of purple boots, almost that color!

07-28-11, 06:40 PM
If anyone gets the reference "I'm going to go home and sleep with my wife!" I will marry them right here and now.

07-28-11, 06:54 PM
I am not sure if Rachael will be able to make it... I haven't seen a few of them lately actually.

07-28-11, 08:14 PM
I am not sure if Rachael will be able to make it... I haven't seen a few of them lately actually.

Should we be worried that she hasn't been on?

kooky panda
07-28-11, 08:16 PM
Should we be worried that she hasn't been on?
I saw somewhere a few days ago that Rachel was having wifi issues or something....

07-28-11, 08:18 PM
Is it the whole country? lol A friend of mine across the pond was having issues too. I'm sure it's random, just happened to both of them at the same time. :)

07-28-11, 08:18 PM
I saw somewhere a few days ago that Rachel was having wifi issues or something....

Maybe misspelling her name will prompt a quick appearance ;)

kooky panda
07-28-11, 08:20 PM
Maybe misspelling her name will prompt a quick appearance ;)

07-28-11, 09:13 PM
If players are not able to post by when the timer is up, the round will be updated and those who are not able to post will miss that round.

But we'll leave this round until 11am PDT.

07-28-11, 10:40 PM
Hi! Hope I'm not late (time stamp on forum is crazy, only 10:40 pm anyway) I didn't realize I would be included as I didn't post an investigative resume. I would like to investigate the firplace please.

07-28-11, 11:46 PM
Should we be worried that she hasn't been on?

I'm sure Rachael is on a holiday tour - in some 2g areas.

Now I think about that, that's going to be some culture shock for our top poster. Anyway, hope that's the reason and nothing is amiss.

07-28-11, 11:49 PM
Hi! Hope I'm not late (time stamp on forum is crazy, only 10:40 pm anyway) I didn't realize I would be included as I didn't post an investigative resume. I would like to investigate the firplace please.

The fireplace ? Well, you're definitely getting warm there :) But do you not think it's a strange place to place flowers in vases ? Why have those chrysanthemums not wilted ?

07-28-11, 11:56 PM
Ah you see, that is why it needs to be checked out! :) Thought I would tiptoe away from where all the other investigators are, find that ellusive clue first! :)

07-29-11, 12:02 AM
Ah you see, that is why it needs to be checked out! :) Thought I would tiptoe away from where all the other investigators are, find that ellusive clue first! :)

Good sleuthing ! Personally, I think the fire's a fake - if you look closely at it, you'll see the flame doesn't flicker at all !

07-29-11, 12:05 AM
Lol! I noticed that too! Maybe it is a secret passage and that could explain how the thief got in and out unnoticed!

07-29-11, 12:48 AM
The fireplace ? Well, you're definitely getting warm there :) But do you not think it's a strange place to place flowers in vases ? Why have those chrysanthemums not wilted ?

I figure they're fake, they've been in my restaurant for months without any upkeep and still look same as when I took 'em out of the box. I'd be more worried about them catching fire... detectives, be very careful not to get *too* close to the fireplace, no matter what you find in there.

07-29-11, 12:52 AM
Hmmmmmm....(I'm thinkin', i'm thinkin...) :)

07-29-11, 12:57 AM
I think I've found the 1st clue, it's right at the base of the lobster tank, it looks like a butterfly or something, I
will need to investagate further.

07-29-11, 01:12 AM
I think I've found the 1st clue, it's right at the base of the lobster tank, it looks like a butterfly or something, I
will need to investagate further.

I think you have. And I think that's the very butterfly that flapped it's wings in Texas ! Expect much of consequence to follow :)

07-29-11, 01:16 AM
Lol! That's only my shadow as I am hunting for clues!

07-29-11, 02:33 AM
Why? They're not as addicted to these forums as us? Lol Whenever is fine, just being able to participate is fun!

Because my WiFi died:(? I'm as (or moreso?) addicted to the Forums as anyone else:D!
I'd go for the grey witness...

07-29-11, 02:40 AM
Because my WiFi died:(? I'm as (or moreso?) addicted to the Forums as anyone else:D!
I'd go for the grey witness...

And, of course, my post means I'm back on WiFi. Short interlude between a few different holidays though. I'll be offline again soon. Mog knows that I was here; I've had a couple of snatched moments using a PC (weird; it looks so different using an iPod!). Thanks for concern:).

07-29-11, 08:06 AM
Glad you're back Rachael!

07-29-11, 08:12 AM
Glad you're back Rachael!

Aww...thanks guys:D.
And for the record people, Rach-=A=-el98:p.

kooky panda
07-29-11, 08:13 AM
Aww...thanks guys:D.
And for the record people, Rach-=A=-el98:p.

I was just seeing if people were paying attention!!! lol

07-29-11, 08:15 AM
I was just seeing if people were paying attention!!! lol

Right...I see:p. And all the other threads too:D?

kooky panda
07-29-11, 08:18 AM
Right...I see:p. And all the other threads too:D?
oops I may have to review an do a little editing. In my defense, one of my best friends spells it this way. Habit.

07-29-11, 08:23 AM
oops I may have to review an do a little editing. In my defense, one of my best friends spells it this way. Habit.

Lol. In your defense, I'm being picky and I spell it the uncommon way. Safest bet is "Rach":p! Most people spell it Rachel. Is your friend a MDD Cow (no offense meant to your friend;))?

07-29-11, 08:33 AM
Hello, Rach-=A=-el (your name is getting longer); hope the sun shines !

You should check out the bookcase. In there is an Apple - quite a big one. Behind it is an Android device. Type into this the secret code "stevejobs". In the aftermath of the explosion that then normally follows such a move, all will be revealed to those who survive and keep a cool head :)

07-29-11, 08:38 AM
Hello, Rach-=A=-el (your name is getting longer); hope the sun shines !

You should check out the bookcase. In there is an Apple - quite a big one. Behind it is an Android device. Type into this the secret code "stevejobs". In the aftermath of the explosion that then normally follows such a move, all will be revealed to those who survive and keep a cool head :)


07-29-11, 10:03 AM
One hour to go - still waiting on:


For the rest of our detectives already on the case and getting their moves in, you can expect to start receiving your clues shortly after 11am PDT (currently 10am PDT).

07-29-11, 10:06 AM
Can't wait!!!

kooky panda
07-29-11, 10:18 AM
Lol. In your defense, I'm being picky and I spell it the uncommon way. Safest bet is "Rach":p! Most people spell it Rachel. Is your friend a MDD Cow (no offense meant to your friend;))?

good I will now use Rach I think I can remember that one!! you know sometimes Kookys elevator does not always go to the top.

07-29-11, 11:02 AM
I can't wait either! Got lots of notes now ready to see if I am headed in the right direction! Did anyone else notice that thing behind the pillar? :)

07-29-11, 11:08 AM
One hour to go - still waiting on:


For the rest of our detectives already on the case and getting their moves in, you can expect to start receiving your clues shortly after 11am PDT (currently 10am PDT).
Oh I'm SOOO LATE !!! SOO SORRY!!! Lol can't wait , wut do I do ?

07-29-11, 11:14 AM
Hi! You need to choose a witness to question or an are to investigate!

07-29-11, 11:18 AM
Wut color am I ?

07-29-11, 11:20 AM
Am I white ?!

07-29-11, 11:21 AM
I would like to investigate the fireplace

07-29-11, 11:25 AM
All clues for the first round have been sent via PM. Check your PM box for your clue, and remember do not post the info you received in the thread.

ROUND 2 IS LIVE - Post your moves. Round 2 will end at 11am PDT tomorrow (July 30th @11am PDT), make sure to have your move in by then.

07-29-11, 11:27 AM
Hi dragonfruit. We are not colors but have avatars located on first page of thread. I hope u got in on time before the round closed!!

07-29-11, 11:28 AM
Well the fireplace was kind of a dud for info, waste of time. :) I would like to question the red witness.

07-29-11, 11:36 AM
I would like to question the chef...as that's not going to happen, let's go for red please.

07-29-11, 11:36 AM
I would like to question the bookcase. :)

07-29-11, 11:41 AM
I would like to question the yellow witness. Please 

07-29-11, 11:43 AM
Well the fireplace was kind of a dud for info, waste of time. :) I would like to question the red witness.

Really ! I could have sworn it was a hot one. Er ... you wouldn't be misleading folk, would you ?

07-29-11, 11:46 AM
I would like to question the white witness , lol

07-29-11, 12:01 PM
Really ! I could have sworn it was a hot one. Er ... you wouldn't be misleading folk, would you ?
It WAS a hot one .......... Lol ........ (6~6)

kooky panda
07-29-11, 12:05 PM
I would like to question the gray witness.


07-29-11, 12:55 PM
Really ! I could have sworn it was a hot one. Er ... you wouldn't be misleading folk, would you ?

It was a hot one, got my fingers burned for my effort. :) Me misleading people? Would I do that?

07-29-11, 12:57 PM
I would like to explore the mexican tiles.

07-29-11, 12:59 PM
It was a hot one, got my fingers burned for my effort. :) Me misleading people? Would I do that?

I kept trying to tell Mog that the fireplace should have a very clear warning label, but he didn't think it was necessary.

However, I thought something like this might come up, so please note there is a clause in invisible print that we can not be held liable or responsible for fingers/other body parts which may/may not get burned in the process of checking out the fireplace. This is an at your own risk adventure. :p

07-29-11, 01:04 PM
Whoo hoo!! Great clues! I think I'm half-way to solving the mystery!!!

Dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~~~~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun ~~~

*X-Files theme playing*

07-29-11, 01:26 PM
I'd like to question the orange witness. Thanks.

Dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~~~~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun ~~~

*X-Files theme playing*

07-29-11, 01:31 PM
I would like to question the fountainy thingy. With the purple wallpaper.

Also, I heard that the orange waitress is very untrustworthy...

07-29-11, 01:34 PM
I would like to question the fountainy thingy. With the purple wallpaper.

Also, I heard that the orange waitress is very untrustworthy...

Might my witness then also be:p?

07-29-11, 01:37 PM

07-29-11, 01:38 PM

We'll see *mystery music plays...*

07-29-11, 01:40 PM
I really wonder... Maybe Treane and Mog should find some mystery music!

07-29-11, 03:36 PM
Dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~~~~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun~dun ~~~ Batman !

07-29-11, 03:49 PM
Ok here you all go! :p



07-29-11, 04:41 PM
Hmmmmm an untrustworthy waitress (or two), no clue at the fireplace, we have our work cut us for us to find who,what and where!

07-29-11, 05:07 PM
After thoroughly inspecting the kitchen area, I discovered... that they really need to clean their lobster tank. :P Anyway, I must start my interrogations. I would like to question the checkered witness.

07-29-11, 05:12 PM
Also, I heard that the orange waitress is very untrustworthy...

I heard that she's dating one of the chefs so she has insider information, chefs' income, restaurant's revenue, secret recipes and things like that.

07-29-11, 05:24 PM
I heard that she's dating one of the chefs so she has insider information, chefs' income, restaurant's revenue, secret recipes and things like that.

Are you sure that was the orange waitress? When I was waist deep examining the fireplace I overheard this conversation. Pretty sure the mentioned the checkered waitress!

07-29-11, 05:41 PM
Are you sure that was the orange waitress? When I was waist deep examining the fireplace I overheard this conversation. Pretty sure the mentioned the checkered waitress!

It's the orange waitress for sure. Did you notice she's nearest to the kitchen?

07-29-11, 05:55 PM
I went in person to investigate. Breaking News: The witnesses have all been tipped! How can we trust any of their information?


07-29-11, 05:58 PM
i went in person to investigate. Breaking news: The witnesses have all been tipped! How can we trust any of their information?



07-29-11, 06:17 PM
Definitely som skullduggery afoot!! (I've been waiting to us that. Lol! )

07-29-11, 06:18 PM
*some* I really need ability to edit! Haha!

07-29-11, 06:30 PM
*some* I really need ability to edit! Haha!

Ooh...mini-contest:p! Fix vBulletin!

07-29-11, 06:32 PM
Ooh...mini-contest:p! Fix vBulletin!

Why don't we leave this to one of the many other threads this has already been mentioned in.


There are so many rumors going on now, unfortunately as much as Mog and myself would love to confirm these for you - we just can not do that. Though we want to hear about anything you all might find out. ;)

07-29-11, 07:00 PM
*whispering* pssst, the blue witness knows exactly what happened *whispering*

07-29-11, 07:19 PM
Tren, Do you and Mog know the final answer and all the clues or are you going step by step?

07-29-11, 07:33 PM
I went in person to investigate. Breaking News: The witnesses have all been tipped! How can we trust any of their information?


Wait - isn't that Gobblies sitting at the orange table?

07-29-11, 07:42 PM
Tren, Do you and Mog know the final answer and all the clues or are you going step by step?

Not really, we were just going to make the first accusation the correct one :rolleyes:

07-29-11, 07:46 PM
I would like to question the orange witness.

07-29-11, 07:50 PM
Not really, we were just going to make the first correct accusation the correct one :rolleyes:

Well if that's the case, I have a great accusation to give right now! :)

07-29-11, 07:52 PM
Wait - isn't that Gobblies sitting at the orange table?

You're right!! I heard rumors she was involved! Now we have proof! :)

07-29-11, 07:53 PM
Well if that's the case, I have a great accusation to give right now! :)

lol, ok - but just make sure it's one we'll like - we are basing it solely on if we like the idea of the accusation being made. :eek:

07-29-11, 09:51 PM
Hmmmm, I think I will wait a bit! LOL!

07-29-11, 10:14 PM
I may or may not be the thief >.>

07-30-11, 08:58 AM
I would like to question the orange witness Please ;D

07-30-11, 12:03 PM
Hi guys -

Since it's the weekend - and we have a couple that have not submitted moves yet, we'll wait a bit longer. I'll check in around 2pm PDT (2 hours from now).

This is who we are waiting for:

GroupMagma (though I'm already aware GM more then likely will not post for the next couple rounds - pretty sure the aliens abducted him). :p

Nlow that I think about it - maybe the aliens have taken them all.

07-30-11, 12:10 PM
Ok! Pretty anxious for next clue! Lol! :-P

07-30-11, 01:33 PM
Gobblies should show up sometime soon...

07-30-11, 02:47 PM
Checking in and it doesn't look like any additional moves have been made. I'll go ahead and get the round 2 info sent out to you all that have posted. Round 3 will start shortly.

07-30-11, 02:56 PM
Checking in and it doesn't look like any additional moves have been made. I'll go ahead and get the round 2 info sent out to you all that have posted. Round 3 will start shortly.

Yur such a nice person trenae, lol :D I'm DYING with DESPERATION to find out my next clue , Btw , wut Witness did I question ? Was it white ? Or Checkered ? Or Orange ?! Lol I'll find out right now .....

07-30-11, 02:58 PM
Yur such a nice person trenae, lol :D I'm DYING with DESPERATION to find out my next clue , Btw , wut Witness did I question ? Was it white ? Or Checkered ? Or Orange ?! Lol I'll find out right now .....

I went with your last post as the witness - which would be orange. :)

07-30-11, 03:00 PM
All clues for the second round have been sent via PM. Check your PM box for your clue, and remember do not post the info you received in the thread.

ROUND 3 IS LIVE - Post your moves. Round 3 will end at 11am PDT tomorrow (July 31st @11am PDT), make sure to have your move in by then.

07-30-11, 03:00 PM
Lol , iasked to investigate TWO witnesses , lol :o:rolleyes::p SO EMBARESSAED LOL , so who is my clue going to ? Lol

07-30-11, 03:02 PM
I went with your last post as the witness - which would be orange. :)

Oh THX !!! :D

07-30-11, 03:03 PM
Lol , iasked to investigate TWO witnesses , lol :o:rolleyes::p SO EMBARESSAED LOL , so who is my clue going to ? Lol

It happens, since some of you are not able to edit your posts, I'm using the last post posted in that round (if more then one posted) as the move for that round.

You should have received one clue sent to you via PM and that would be the orange witness you questioned. White was a bit hurt that you decided to pick orange - leaving white behind, but white said they'd have to figure out a way to move past it. :p

07-30-11, 03:10 PM
It happens, since some of you are not able to edit your posts, I'm using the last post posted in that round (if more then one posted) as the move for that round.

You should have received one clue sent to you via PM and that would be the orange witness you questioned. White was a bit hurt that you decided to pick orange - leaving white behind, but white said they'd have to figure out a way to move past it. :p

Lol , THX !!! um Question ... Which witness is the lighter brown ^~^

07-30-11, 03:15 PM
Lol , THX !!! um Question ... Which witness is the lighter brown ^~^

That would be the yellow witness.

07-30-11, 03:22 PM
That would be the yellow witness.

OK !!! THX!!! THEN....I would like to question the YELLOW WITNESS....... -~-

kooky panda
07-30-11, 03:23 PM
I would like to question yellow witness

07-30-11, 03:41 PM
I would like to question yellow witness

What's that witness scared of ?

Has anyone checked if the spare door key is still in the cash register ?

Does anyone know why there's no more gnomes for Mastery in FS ?

kooky panda
07-30-11, 03:45 PM
What's that witness scared of ?

Has anyone checked if the spare door key is still in the cash register ?

Does anyone know why there's no more gnomes for Mastery in FS ?
:(:(:( my gnomes my gnomes where have you gone?????:(

07-30-11, 03:54 PM
Lolz, Um Question ( again lolz:p ) can TWO people question the SAME witness ???:confused::o:p lolz just askinz ....

07-30-11, 03:59 PM
Why does everybody want to Q the yellow witness? I'm going in the other direction. I'll do red. Thanks.

07-30-11, 04:00 PM
Lolz, Um Question ( again lolz:p ) can TWO people question the SAME witness ???:confused::o:p lolz just askinz ....

I'm one of four recipients of the last PM...lol...

07-30-11, 04:04 PM
Gobblies should show up sometime soon...

Gobbles was last seen sitting at the orange table. Maybe she got too close to the truth?

*X-Files theme playing*

07-30-11, 04:05 PM
Who thinks THEY are getting close to capuring the thief!? hmmmmmmmm!?!?! Lol if u ask me, I think I've got some PRETTY GOOD leads....... Lol......... /(^~^)\

07-30-11, 04:48 PM
Hmm... if we already have detectives that are starting to figure they've got some good leads - we might need to shake things up a bit. :p

07-30-11, 04:58 PM
Hmm... if we already have detectives that are starting to figure they've got some good leads - we might need to shake things up a bit. :p

You might be right ;)

07-30-11, 04:59 PM
I would like to question the red witness please.

07-30-11, 05:03 PM
You might be right ;)

Go AHEAD!!! I am up to it !!! ( tiny little girl detective, pumping out chest ) lolz BUT FUR REALZ..... I... Gotz.... The .... BRAINZ....... Lolz

07-30-11, 05:05 PM
Wait, what? Surely this can not be - or can it be? Man if I could I would totally want to question it. Mog - do you see it too? I can't be the only one seeing this.

What happened to da ponies!?!

Go AHEAD!!! I am up to it !!! ( tiny little girl detective, pumping out chest ) lolz BUT FUR REALZ..... I... Gotz.... The .... BRAINZ....... Lolz

Oh man Mog you see this? We got us a live one here. I wonder if the rest of the group is prepared for what will happen. :p

07-30-11, 05:07 PM
Wait, what? Surely this can not be - or can it be? Man if I could I would totally want to question it. Mog - do you see it too? I can't be the only one seeing this.

Hey I thought we agreed we weren't going to mention that unless the detectives REALLY needed the help?

Can a mod delete tren's post please?

07-30-11, 05:07 PM
You might be right ;)

Go AHEAD!!! I am up to it !!! ( tiny little girl detective, pumping out chest ) lolz BUT FUR REALZ..... I... Gotz.... The .... BRAINZ....... Lolz

07-30-11, 05:11 PM
Who thinks THEY are getting close to capuring the thief!? hmmmmmmmm!?!?! Lol if u ask me, I think I've got some PRETTY GOOD leads....... Lol......... /(^~^)\

Remember we have to identify the dish the chef made, who stole it and what he/she did with it. Lol! I have some good theories but admit I need another clue! :) I'd like to question the purple witness please.

07-30-11, 05:11 PM
Hey I thought we agreed we weren't going to mention that unless the detectives REALLY needed the help?

Can a mod delete tren's post please?

Oh man is that what we agreed on? My bad, I was you know trying to be helpful.

We need a meet ASAP to go over this!

Remember we have to identify the dish the chef made, who stole it and what he/she did with it. Lol! I have some good theories but admit I need another clue! :) I'd like to question the purple witness please.

You sure about that?

Shhhh... this is just between me and you - but I have a feeling (a very strong feeling) there may be some twists coming up in this game - which could potentially change everything. I can't tell you what they are, you'll need to wait and see - but I'm not so sure I'd be making any accusations just yet. ;)

07-30-11, 05:12 PM
Go AHEAD!!! I am up to it !!! ( tiny little girl detective, pumping out chest ) lolz BUT FUR REALZ..... I... Gotz.... The .... BRAINZ....... Lolz

Lolz I srry, bout the second same post , I made mistake , lolz ..............WAT HAPPENED TO THE PONIES !!!!???? THERE IS A MERMAID REPLACING THEM!!!!! I BET ITS FAKE!!!!!!EMERGENCY!!!!!!WE GOT ANOTHER MYSTERY TO SOLVE!!!!!AND I WILL SOLVE IT!!!!!* pink panther theme song *

07-30-11, 05:16 PM
Lolz I srry, bout the second same post , I made mistake , lolz ..............WAT HAPPENED TO THE PONIES !!!!???? THERE IS A MERMAID REPLACING THEM!!!!! I BET ITS FAKE!!!!!!EMERGENCY!!!!!!WE GOT ANOTHER MYSTERY TO SOLVE!!!!!AND I WILL SOLVE IT!!!!!* pink panther theme song *

My first concern is solving this mystery, but there will for sure be a future mystery to solve involving da ponies.

07-30-11, 05:17 PM
Woa you guys are fast wen yu mention that the Mystery needs a twist , well yu got me .... BUT NO MATTER!!!! I WILL SOLVE THIS MYSTERY!!!!!!LOLZ Suggestion, why not add to the reward that the winner gets to join the planning group for the MysteryGames, but only for one Mystery Game, then the next winner gets to help plan and so on !!!

07-30-11, 05:18 PM
Oh man is that what we agreed on? My bad, I was you know trying to be helpful.

We need a meet ASAP to go over this!

You sure you're up for that? The last person I met with ended up swimming with the fishies

[/shady character]

07-30-11, 05:18 PM
Okayz, so the ponies dissapering isn't involved in the mystery ANYMORE?

07-30-11, 05:20 PM
Oh man is that what we agreed on? My bad, I was you know trying to be helpful.

We need a meet ASAP to go over this!

You sure about that?

Shhhh... this is just between me and you - but I have a feeling (a very strong feeling) there may be some twists coming up in this game - which could potentially change everything. I can't tell you what they are, you'll need to wait and see - but I'm not so sure I'd be making any accusations just yet. ;)

Yeah? Well you could be just trying to throw us off. But I'll play it safe.....for now! As we know the thief is among us (and I am hot on your trail) I'll keep what I know under lock and key! ;)

07-30-11, 05:21 PM
Okayz, so the ponies dissapering isn't involved in the mystery ANYMORE?

Da ponies are not involved with this mystery, everything involved with this specific mystery is in the image on page 1 - though have to start teasers about the pony game coming soon! :p

You sure you're up for that? The last person I met with ended up swimming with the fishies

[/shady character]

Is that meant the way I think it was meant?

07-30-11, 05:23 PM
Yeah? Well you could be just trying to throw us off. But I'll play it safe.....for now! As we know the thief is among us (and I am hot on your trail) I'll keep what I know under lock and key! ;)


07-30-11, 05:24 PM

Mog - this sounds like a challenge to me - sound like a challenge to you?

I'll brave da fishies for that meet now.

07-30-11, 05:25 PM
Read my second post from the top to bottom, it's JUST EH SUGGESTIONZ!!!!

07-30-11, 05:25 PM
Read my second post from the top to bottom, it's JUST EH SUGGESTIONZ!!!!

We've seen it - and will give it consideration.

07-30-11, 05:26 PM
mog - this sounds like a challenge to me - sound like a challenge to you?

I'll brave da fishies for that meet now.

of course its gonna be a challenge!!!! Cus its a mystery...... If its a mystery dat meanz noone has solved it !!!! Noeone!!!! Yet........... Muahahahahaha

07-30-11, 05:32 PM
Mog - this sounds like a challenge to me - sound like a challenge to you?

I'll brave da fishies for that meet now.

I'm not even sure what that post said? All I know is now my brain hurts :(

07-30-11, 05:34 PM
I'm not even sure what that post said? All I know is now my brain hurts :(

I'll simplify - we were challenged. CHALLENGED! Fishies be darned now man.

07-30-11, 05:36 PM
I'll simplify - we were challenged. CHALLENGED! Fishies be darned now man.

thanks for the translation!

07-30-11, 05:38 PM
Lolz yu guys if my Complicatecy is TOO MUCHZ for yu brains, Dont WORRYZ!!!! This will all be OVERZ before yu even get a chance to think wut time it WILL be over.... Lolz

07-30-11, 05:40 PM
thanks for the translation!

Before I was a pony researcher, I took classes in the language Zzzz, street speak and half speak. I'm now fluent in all three. :p

Lolz yu guys if my Complicatecy is TOO MUCHZ for yu brains, Dont WORRYZ!!!! This will all be OVERZ before yu even get a chance to think wut time it WILL be over.... Lolz

Nah all good - I got your number. ;)

07-30-11, 05:43 PM
thanks for the translation!

Yeah, thanks! I am having some trouble understanding what's being said too! I guess dragonfruit's Complicatecy? is too much for me! But I am more than capable and ready for this mystery and all the twists and turns ahead!!!!!!

07-30-11, 05:43 PM
:confused:Wut dat mean??? Lolz bows the time my brain SHUTZDOWNZ HUH!!!??? LOLZ

07-30-11, 05:46 PM

07-30-11, 05:49 PM

haha translation: Z is my favorite letter of the alphabet and I add it to almost every word.

#datzcool lulz :p

07-30-11, 05:52 PM
I am SOMEZ detective? Huh GUYZ!? LOLZ

07-30-11, 05:56 PM
I am SOMEZ detective? Huh GUYZ!? LOLZ

Probably won't have to worry too much if a fellow chef detective over hears you discussing the case! may be a good way to throw someone of your trail. Hmmmmmmmm..................

07-30-11, 05:57 PM
Maybez Illz triez itz! Nope doesn't work for me! lol!

07-30-11, 06:01 PM
Lolz ! I WANTZ TO KNOWZ MEHZ CLUEZ ALREADYZ!!!!( this is wut a bystander hears " edfnhjdejjfnjjfdnffncfvnjjfd!!! " )
Then I sayz" dying to know them " they goz like WUTZ!!!!????

07-30-11, 06:08 PM
Yep! That is what I am saying too! :)

07-30-11, 06:09 PM
I Questioned the Yellow Witness , just to remind ALLZ OF YAZ !!!

07-30-11, 06:11 PM
Yeah, yeah barking up the wrong tree there! :)

07-30-11, 06:16 PM

07-30-11, 06:32 PM
I just heard that she didn't have anything to offer the investigation. :)

07-30-11, 06:40 PM
Oh, she DOES!!! Who told YOU THAT!!!:mad: Was it from YOUR CLUE!!!???:confused:

07-30-11, 06:42 PM
I'm almost to the end of this MYSTERY!!!! oh ya oh oh oh ya oh oh oh ya oh oh oh YA!!!!

07-30-11, 07:15 PM
I can't reveal my sources! :)

07-31-11, 12:26 AM
I would like to question the white witness.

Also, I have a question. Is my game avatar male or female? I think it's female, but I'm not quite sure.

07-31-11, 12:55 AM
Also, I have a question. Is my game avatar male or female? I think it's female, but I'm not quite sure.

I know that's a female in the game, but maybe trenae and Mogwai want to change it lol

07-31-11, 01:34 AM
I know that's a female in the game, but maybe trenae and Mogwai want to change it lol

Tren and I went for a near even gender split so as to make narrowing down the suspects based on gender not too easy, and then handed them out randomly. If anybody is unsure of the gender of a specific avatar please ask cause that's obviously important info.

Hope nobody is offended by getting the wrong gender, just think of it as role playing ;)

07-31-11, 05:00 AM
I would like to question the white witness please!

07-31-11, 07:54 AM
That's MEH!!!!! LOLZ Im a Guy for the avatars, But I didn't Have NOTHANGZ wrong with itz lolz though in reality I'm a girl :D just to lets YA KNOWZ AGAINZ..... I wanted to question the Yella Witness ( yellow ) lolz

07-31-11, 09:38 AM
I'd like to question the fireplace :)

07-31-11, 09:43 AM
I would like to question the red witness.

07-31-11, 10:16 AM
I'd like to question the fireplace :)

How do you communicate with a fireplace? Do you log your conversation?

07-31-11, 10:19 AM
No lolz, you ask to Question/Investigate it, then at 11 the next or same day, you get the clue from that Questioning/Investigation! :)

07-31-11, 12:15 PM
Alrighty folks - just checking in. I'm being a lot more lenient on the time frame as it's the weekend. We are still waiting for:


I'll leave it open until 2pm PDT (1 hour 45 minutes from now) and then will check back to see if anyone else has posted moves for round 3 - then I'll be sending out the clues.

Thanks for being so patient about getting your clues. Tomorrow will have a deadline of 11am PDT though. :)


Everybody!!! we can go into groups of two or more detectives!!! I am changing my detective name!!! It will be... Detective Sherly Holmes!!! LOLZ If you want to be my... Well I don't know how to say it! Not accomplice or something like that NO NO NO!!! Too... Self-Absorbed-Like! Lolz well if you want to be i guess accomplice ( i don't know another word sorry :( ) then please post " I want to help you, Sherly Holmes!!! " lolz BTW-Ive got good leads lolz :D

Just remember who you trust though - could be some want to work in groups to throw others off. Trusting another detective could very well cost you the game.


07-31-11, 12:15 PM
Everybody!!! we can go into groups of two or more detectives!!! I am changing my detective name!!! It will be... Detective Sherly Holmes!!! LOLZ If you want to be my... Well I don't know how to say it! Not accomplice or something like that NO NO NO!!! Too... Self-Absorbed-Like! Lolz well if you want to be i guess accomplice ( i don't know another word sorry :( ) then please post " I want to help you, Sherly Holmes!!! " lolz BTW-Ive got good leads lolz :D

07-31-11, 12:20 PM
Alrighty folks - just checking in. I'm being a lot more lenient on the time frame as it's the weekend. We are still waiting for:


I'll leave it open until 2pm PDT (1 hour 45 minutes from now) and then will check back to see if anyone else has posted moves for round 3 - then I'll be sending out the clues.

Thanks for being so patient about getting your clues. Tomorrow will have a deadline of 11am PDT though. :)


Just remember who you trust though - could be some want to work in groups to throw others off. Trusting another detective could very well cost you the game.


Lolz , I am not like that I want a .. A Partner!!! Like Sherlock Holmes lolz question, ithe time right now is 7:15 PDT right!? Cus 1 hr 45 min from now is not 2pm it's around nine pm right!?

07-31-11, 12:36 PM
I know that's a female in the game, but maybe trenae and Mogwai want to change it lol
Haha, actually that would be accurate. I'm female. Made this username for my toddler son, since I didn't think I'd get so into the games that I'd be on the forums with this username! I'd put my name in my signature if I had one. :)

07-31-11, 12:46 PM
GM and Matt won't show up at all - ashamed, fearful of questioning and in hiding re the Gnome Fiasco !

btw the Gnome thing has nothing to do with this game, has it ?

07-31-11, 12:54 PM
Lolz ^^^^^

07-31-11, 01:04 PM
question, ithe time right now is 7:15 PDT right!? Cus 1 hr 45 min from now is not 2pm it's around nine pm right!?

PDT Pacific Daylight Time, it's only 1 pm here (California) so in an hour it will be 2pm.

07-31-11, 01:12 PM
Oh ok, BUT PLEASE , Say it in GMT time, it's too much for me ... Wait nvm lolz

07-31-11, 02:00 PM
Oh ok, BUT PLEASE , Say it in GMT time, it's too much for me ... Wait nvm lolz

Change your forum time zone, its somewhere in the settings.

07-31-11, 02:07 PM
All clues for the third round have been sent via PM. Check your PM box for your clue, and remember do not post the info you received in the thread.

ROUND 4 IS LIVE - Post your moves. Round 4 will end at 11am PDT tomorrow (August 1 @11am PDT), make sure to have your move in by then.

07-31-11, 02:09 PM
*Banging head on table*

I'm pulling my hair out!! the witnesses are giving me contradicting stories. One said it was a guy who did it, another said it was a she. And the white witness swore that she saw the fish eating the appl...um...the dish.... I am this close to giving up! *Bang head on table again*

Oh well, as they say in CSI, people lie, evidence don't. I'm going to investigate one of the area next.

*Retrieve pink wig from floor and reattach*

07-31-11, 02:26 PM
*Banging head on table*

I'm pulling my hair out!! the witnesses are giving me contradicting stories. One said it was a guy who did it, another said it was a she. And the white witness swore that she saw the fish eating the appl...um...the dish.... I am this close to giving up! *Bang head on table again*

Oh well, as they say in CSI, people lie, evidence don't. I'm going to investigate one of the area next.

*Retrieve pink wig from floor and reattach*

Lolz, I'm NOT GIVING UP!!!! NO SHERLY HOLMES WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! ON A MYSTERY CASE!!!! NEVAZ!!!!! Lolz May I please question the White Witness? Lolz I love that POST!!!! ^^^^^

07-31-11, 03:08 PM
I like to question the brown witness.

kooky panda
07-31-11, 03:12 PM
I would like to question the orange witness.

07-31-11, 03:25 PM
I would like to investigate the bookshelf please

07-31-11, 05:33 PM
Hmm... Mog, I'm thinking next week we're going to need to spice up this game. btw... I've yet to see the fishies - I'm just sayin'. :D

07-31-11, 05:46 PM
I know, the witnesses have been very frustrating. I told you, they've all been tipped off! I would like to investigate the bookshelf as well.

07-31-11, 06:16 PM
I am so tempted to partner up with someone, or at least trade information. Not sure if there's anyone I can trust though. *looks from side to side with shifty eyes*

07-31-11, 07:04 PM
I am so tempted to partner up with someone, or at least trade information. Not sure if there's anyone I can trust though. *looks from side to side with shifty eyes*

I want to have a partner too!!! Dylanie, I'm proposing to you, * gets on one knee * would you, want to be ... my partner? * takes out replica donuts from Spongebob Squarepants Episode * lolz

07-31-11, 07:06 PM
I want to have a partner too!!! Dylanie, I'm proposing to you, * gets on one knee * would you, want to be ... my partner? * takes out replica donuts from Spongebob Squarepants Episode * lolz

I promise, that I will not deceive you, we will work together, Day and Night. We will accomplish what others have NEVER accomplished before! Would you join me, Sherly Holmes, as a partner?

07-31-11, 08:17 PM
Next round I'd like to question checkered witness next.

07-31-11, 08:29 PM
I hereby pronounce dragon fruit and Dylanie "Partners-in-Crime".

It's time to move away from the eyewitnesses and examine the physical evidence. I'll investigate the windows area next. Thank you.

*Aseembling my crime scene kit*
*Taking 2 Tylenols as my head still hurts from banging on the table earlier - kids, don't try this at home*

*X-files theme continues*

07-31-11, 11:54 PM
I would like to question the yellow witness please. :)

08-01-11, 05:05 AM
I would like to question the bookshelf please.

08-01-11, 05:05 AM
Sorry, Examine the bookshelf.

08-01-11, 10:20 AM
About 45 minutes left to the round - detectives get those reports in - would be a shame if you missed out on a clue!


I'm so proud to be part of this, we have here our first proposal and union on forum - and it's between two of our detectives. I love being able to bring people together. Mog did this make you tear up too? :*) <<< happy cry.

08-01-11, 10:25 AM
About 45 minutes left to the round - detectives get those reports in - would be a shame if you missed out on a clue!


I'm so proud to be part of this, we have here our first proposal and union on forum - and it's between two of our detectives. I love being able to bring people together. Mog did this make you tear up too? :*) <<< happy cry.

Yay!!! I have a Partner!!! Sherly Holmes and Dylanie!!! Or the other way around :) lolz we are happily Wedded Partners!!! Lolz

08-01-11, 10:28 AM
Yay!!! I have a Partner!!! Sherly Holmes and Dylanie!!! Or the other way around :) lolz we are happily Wedded Partners!!! Lolz

Mog and I would like to present you with the below wedded partner gift.


08-01-11, 10:33 AM
Mog and I would like to present you with the below wedded partner gift.


Oh thank you!!! Lolz I likez horsez !!!! Lolz, ihope someone gets us MATCHING SPYGLASSES!!!!lolz

08-01-11, 11:07 AM
Man, I'm way behind. I'm investigating the bookshelf.

08-01-11, 11:09 AM
Ok detectives and our newly wedded partners - I'll be getting the info updated and your clues sent out to you in just a bit - then we'll be ready for our next round of fun! :)

kooky panda
08-01-11, 11:09 AM
Mog and I would like to present you with the below wedded partner gift.


is the groom calling his racetrack bookie? lol

08-01-11, 11:17 AM
is the groom calling his racetrack bookie? lol

Nah, I think they were playing a TeamLava game. :p Hey it's what brought them together after all.

08-01-11, 11:24 AM
Hmmm, interesting. I think I'd like to investigate the waterfall next please.

08-01-11, 11:32 AM
All clues for the fourth round have been sent via PM. Check your PM box for your clue, and remember do not post the info you received in the thread.

ROUND 5 IS LIVE - Post your moves. Round 5 will end at 11am PDT tomorrow (August 2 @11am PDT), make sure to have your move in by then.

kooky panda
08-01-11, 11:34 AM
I would like to investigate the waterfall

Greygull- I am following you!!

08-01-11, 11:40 AM
Greygull- I am following you!!

Should we team up? If we do, we should probably question/investigate different people/items. Or should I be worried that your trying to steal my clues? lol

08-01-11, 11:41 AM
I'd like to investigate the flower pot next to the white witness.

kooky panda
08-01-11, 11:49 AM
Should we team up? If we do, we should probably question/investigate different people/items. Or should I be worried that your trying to steal my clues? lol

I do not trust anyone at this time. I may stay on my own for now. I am getting very close....

08-01-11, 11:56 AM
I do not trust anyone at this time. I may stay on my own for now. I am getting very close....

Since kooky seems to be following me, I wish to switch to the kitchen area please! Lol

08-01-11, 12:00 PM
Definitely getting contradictory information! I would lik to investigate the kitchen please. :D

08-01-11, 12:06 PM
Ok, I do have a question to trenae/Mog (and feel free to pm me if you'd prefer to keep it quiet. We need to figure out the dish, and the only given info is it's not Mango Delight. So is everything else (including drinks) that are made in game in question? Or is there a specific list (only oven items, no possible drinks but everything else, etc)?

08-01-11, 12:09 PM
Ok, I do have a question to trenae/Mog (and feel free to pm me if you'd prefer to keep it quiet. We need to figure out the dish, and the only given info is it's not Mango Delight. So is everything else (including drinks) that are made in game in question? Or is there a specific list (only oven items, no possible drinks but everything else, etc)?

It can be any item in the game - this is why you need as many clues as possible to figure out the mystery. ;)

08-01-11, 12:14 PM
Haha! Now I know what the dish was and who stole it. All I need is to find out what happened to it. I'll investigate the area with the purple wallpaper please. Thank you.

*patting myself on the shoulder*
*taking two more pain****ers from yesterday's banging head on table*

*X-Files theme song continues*~~~

08-01-11, 12:31 PM
It can be any item in the game - this is why you need as many clues as possible to figure out the mystery. ;)

Thanks! Now just 64 items to sort through lol!

08-01-11, 12:32 PM
Mog and I would like to present you with the below wedded partner gift.


Look @ the size of that ring! It's the size of a Bracelet! And the shape of the stolen dish!!

08-01-11, 12:34 PM
Haha! Now I know what the dish was and who stole it. All I need is to find out what happened to it. I'll investigate the area with the purple wallpaper please. Thank you.

*patting myself on the shoulder*
*taking two more pain****ers from yesterday's banging head on table*

*X-Files theme song continues*~~~

Wow, you've gone from having contradictory info (hence head banging) to now having to parts of mystery solved. ;-) Hmmmmmm.................:confused:

08-01-11, 12:36 PM
It can be any item in the game - this is why you need as many clues as possible to figure out the mystery. ;)

Riiiggghhht! ;-)

08-01-11, 12:39 PM
Definitely getting contradictory information! I would lik to investigate the kitchen please. :D

Now JoJo is following me! lol I'll stick with the kitchen though.

08-01-11, 12:43 PM
Wow, you've gone from having contradictory info (hence head banging) to now having to parts of mystery solved. ;-) Hmmmmmm.................:confused:

Breakthrough, my friend, breakthrough...

Hiring a spy helps ;)

*X-Files theme continues*~~~~~

08-01-11, 12:44 PM
Now JoJo is following me! lol I'll stick with the kitchen though.

Lol! Actually I was typing my request when u posted yours so didn't know you'd switched. But I do have something to discuss with you. Want to meet me in the alley behind the kitchen? Pretty sure we won't be overheard there. It's about pssssst and psssssst.

08-01-11, 12:45 PM
I'm so proud to be part of this, we have here our first proposal and union on forum - and it's between two of our detectives. I love being able to bring people together. Mog did this make you tear up too? :*) <<< happy cry.

Yep, I always cry at weddings

kooky panda
08-01-11, 12:45 PM
Lol! Actually I was typing my request when u posted yours so didn't know you'd switched. But I do have something to discuss with you. Want to meet me in the alley behind the kitchen? Pretty sure we won't be overheard there. It's about pssssst and psssssst.
watch your backs girls... kooky is sneaky and may be behind you.

Oh JOJO congrads on new fashion avatar!

08-01-11, 12:55 PM
watch your backs girls... kooky is sneaky and may be behind you.

Hmmmm I guess we better be! I wonder if you are the spy for casadolce? If so since you are also part of this investigation, can she trust what you share?
Oh JOJO congrads on new fashion avatar!
Thanks! :)

08-01-11, 12:58 PM
[QUOTE=kooky panda;99519]watch your backs girls... kooky is sneaky and may be behind you.

I guess we'd better! I wonder if you are casadolce's spy? If so and you are part of this investigation, can she trusts anything you tell her?

08-01-11, 12:58 PM
Lol! Actually I was typing my request when u posted yours so didn't know you'd switched. But I do have something to discuss with you. Want to meet me in the alley behind the kitchen? Pretty sure we won't be overheard there. It's about pssssst and psssssst.

Be careful, there's banana peels in the alley...ooops...I slipped...

08-01-11, 12:59 PM
Lol! Actually I was typing my request when u posted yours so didn't know you'd switched. But I do have something to discuss with you. Want to meet me in the alley behind the kitchen? Pretty sure we won't be overheard there. It's about pssssst and psssssst.

I'm thinking that might be ok, we're the only ones in the area for the time being.

Of course, we need to keep a close eye on where kooky is though! lol

08-01-11, 01:14 PM
I'm thinking that might be ok, we're the only ones in the area for the time being.

Of course, we need to keep a close eye on where kooky is though! lol

Oh snap! kooky is following me! I'll try and shake her off and meet you back there! :)

08-01-11, 01:16 PM
I want to have a partner too!!! Dylanie, I'm proposing to you, * gets on one knee * would you, want to be ... my partner? * takes out replica donuts from Spongebob Squarepants Episode * lolz

I hereby pronounce dragon fruit and Dylanie "Partners-in-Crime".

Wait, wait, wait!! I've gotten a proposal, but I haven't replied yet! Unfortunately, I've already eloped with somebody else. So sorry to leave you waiting at the altar.

08-01-11, 01:22 PM
Time to investigate the indoor waterfall.

*sneaks away from the aftermath of the canceled wedding ceremony*

08-01-11, 01:23 PM
I would like to question the purple witness.

kooky panda
08-01-11, 01:28 PM
Oh snap! kooky is following me! I'll try and shake her off and meet you back there! :)
darn, I thought I was quiet.... must of the been the apple I was eating that gave me away!!

08-01-11, 01:33 PM
darn, I thought I was quiet.... must of the been the apple I was eating that gave me away!!

I thought I heard crunching!

08-01-11, 01:35 PM
I thought I heard crunching!

As did I! I'll lose her over by the waterfall!!!

kooky panda
08-01-11, 01:39 PM
As did I! I'll lose her over by the waterfall!!!

Hey I carry rainboots in my trench coat...I'm not scared!!

08-01-11, 01:46 PM
Hey I carry rainboots in my trench coat...I'm not scared!!

That's good! You are definitely going to need them!!!

mwahahahahaha :)

08-01-11, 02:58 PM
That's good! You are definitely going to need them!!!

mwahahahahaha :)

Then loop back by the fireplace quickly, she won't have time to change and will pass out from the heat! lol