View Full Version : Group Foods / Tip Chart

07-19-11, 10:49 PM
{I originally posted this in the feedback thread, but after reading through this forum I think maybe this is more appropriate here...?}

I always find it somewhat annoying that I have to stock my free counters in order to get foods to group together. I tend to do this a lot, and I think that many people do, so that it's easier to count how many free counters I have for when I want to make new items.
My point is that I feel there should be a button to automatically group like-foods together. This would work great in Bakery Story as well as in Restaurant Story.

The second idea I had was for a tip-chart for neighbors that works basically like the gift chart. When you have more than a few neighbors it's hard to keep track of whom you have tipped for the day and whom you haven't, so adding an additional screen or even an automatic tip button to view who you need to tip would be great.

07-19-11, 11:12 PM
It would be great if you could choose where to put your items like you can in fashion story.

07-19-11, 11:46 PM
Yeah, I would also love to have that option instead of having to re-arrange the tables based on what's on them... but I'm also just particular about how everything is arranged lol

07-20-11, 12:27 AM
It would be great if you could choose where to put your items like you can in fashion story.

Imagine pulling 18 roast chickens off and having to choose a counter each time. Ouch

07-20-11, 01:44 AM
Well cook something quick like french toast or brownies and it will automatically group all your foods together. It only takes 1 min and costs a few coins so you can always clear that counter without much loss.

Regarding tip-chart... yeah that would be great, especially when you have like 200 neighbors to tip. Even better would be a 'select all' button and press once to tip every neighbor... wishful thinking though :(

07-20-11, 02:34 AM
it depends how much food you have, i play tiny chef as well and sometimes that can take a long time to select wer to put the food on each restaurant, it does take a longish time, i prefer how it is now on RS & BS

07-20-11, 02:43 AM
Imagine pulling 18 roast chickens off and having to choose a counter each time. Ouch

Ouch indeed. Like another gaming company's...not surprisingly I didn't play that game for long! I think that (like in design almost?) a feature to move the food around once it's there might be good.
I also like the idea of something to assist tipping, although I would say that just a dimmed visit button if we've fully tipped would work best.

07-20-11, 11:47 AM
I wholeheartedly agree on these two issues. I'd also like to be able to see the menu even when the appliances are cooking.

07-20-11, 07:04 PM
I agreed too! So troublesome to store the counters to stack the same food and then put back the counters again. And I like the same item food to be in one counter to be neater.

I start doing this because when the chef stack the same food to 1 counter, my food disappear!

I put 10 ovens to cook Strawberry Cake, I should get 10 x 575 = 5750 servings from the 10 ovens. When I serve them, the 10 counters get 575 servings each.
When I start to serve new item: Vanilla Cupcake to the counter, the chef would combine all the Strawberry Cake to one counter when there's no available counter. But ended, I only left with 575 servings on one counter instead of 5750 servings! Wasted my time and $$$!

If the tips can work like the gift, it would be great too. So as I would know who I've tipped.

07-21-11, 12:30 AM
Wow, way more input than I thought I'd get!

Thanks everyone for commenting, you've all raised some definite points I didn't consider -- seeing as I only have five total appliances right now, it wouldn't be a hassle for me to individually choose which counter an item goes to, but with a lot of appliances I can see how this would get incredibly annoying.
Perhaps having just a single "group" button would be of better use / less annoyance.

I also agree that a dimmed "visit" button would be and excellent way to keep track of who you've tipped for the day. Though I understand why TL doesn't have a "tip all" option, as sometimes you can't tip everyone the same amount due to full tables, or not enough free tables to tip a full six coins.

I've never had a loss of food from items being grouped automatically (at least not that I've noticed), so I think you may be experience a glitch. You should bring it up to TL and see if they can work on a fix for this --if it's happening to you, I'm sure it's happening to others as well, and while you may not get refunded for lost food/coins, making TL aware of the issue could possibly solve it.

08-30-11, 05:38 PM
I think the second idea is great sometimes I click people's bakeries twice thinking I've already tipped them arghhh!! 

08-30-11, 08:22 PM
I second this idea. I always store my counters to make sure all the same food get to the the same counter. Because I ever lost many food when the chef groups them together.

I like the tip chart too, I always have to scroll to find the last neighbour that I've tipped. And sometimes I forgot who I tipped.