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View Full Version : Who plays sims 2? If so talk about 'em here

07-17-11, 01:31 AM
I am a bigfan of sims 2 and i would want to see if there are people who play it:). By the way i am scared a bit when one of my sims die they haunt my sims

07-17-11, 03:35 AM
I play it- its awesome

07-17-11, 03:37 AM
Then what do you do there? Gobbs

07-17-11, 03:39 AM
I design houses, get my sims jobs and take care of my mansion:p

07-17-11, 03:41 AM
I might possibly have it somewhere...but all I really play is TeamLava!

07-17-11, 03:54 AM
Got any stuff packs or expansion packs i got all expansion packs and and 2 stuff packs.Stuff packs are rare to find
ExP packs list - university - take your teens to university,nightlife - go downtown and rock!,pets- have pets not really a useful exp pack,Open for business-have legendary entrepeneurs from restaurants,bakeries,toy shop's,flower shops's, bars and more!,bon voyage - your sims can go on vacation from 3 vacation spots,Freetime- have 10. Variety of hobbies and more objects like a repairable junk car,seasons- experience summer,spring,autumn,winter,apartment life - live in apartments all exP packs give new objects and new features

07-17-11, 03:57 AM
Wanna get sims 2 for free go to Pirat****.org then search sims 2 you need something like bitorrent to download it file is 2 gb note- yOu must have the base game before getting the packs!

07-17-11, 04:13 AM
Wanna get sims 2 for free go to Pirat****.org then search sims 2 you need something like bitorrent to download it file is 2 gb note- yOu must have the base game before getting the packs!

I don't like the site...it's not exaxtly...polite?

07-23-11, 10:37 PM
I play! though not as much recently, and usually its only to design homes. Or make 'super sims' by using *****s to up their s****s, make them fall in love& have a family with who I want them to, ect.