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View Full Version : Is it rude to delete neighbors?

07-16-11, 09:59 PM
I find I am getting a little annoyed with people who have asked to be neighbors, and then they don't like or gift at all! I make the effort to gift and like every day to all my neighbors, and once I don't see any effort coming back my way I feel like deleting them, is this ok or just rude? I give the benefit of doubt for a week, then start getting a bit peeved, am I being too sensitive or does this annoy anyone else too?!

07-16-11, 11:19 PM
Go ahead and delete them. No point on keeping neighbors that's not playing anymore unless you need them to expand. Seasoned gamers will normally announce when they going to be away from the game.

07-16-11, 11:56 PM
Its not rude to delete neighbors. I delete a lot of neighbors after the first 2-3 days if they do absolutely nothing. For established neighbors, I'll check for a reason why there hasn't been activity and may ask them if they're still playing. Some neighbors will post on yours and/or their wall that they're going to be done for a while, or some may have phone problems or other emergencies and not be able to access their place so I'll give them time to get through that. But if they're happily playing and ignoring me, I have no problem deleting them.

07-17-11, 12:22 AM
I started doing that recently. I'd visit my 0-star neighbors, if they have like 200 empty tables out to collect tips and have 0-star rating, I have no problem removing them.

07-17-11, 01:21 AM
I started doing that recently. I'd visit my 0-star neighbors, if they have like 200 empty tables out to collect tips and have 0-star rating, I have no problem removing them.

You're kind. On the games that I play I'm a 4* daily water/dance, requested gifts, daily messages, often active...at the moment I've only started FmS and NcS (please add me, anyone above 3*) and I'm still compiling my neighbours. I need more to keep at 4*. But once I get enough, I'll start deleting anyone under 2* who doesn't gift and water/dance daily. I do give a 10 day warning, but I'm pretty strict on my neighbours:p!

07-17-11, 09:10 AM
I don't delete nbrs (cause I need them for expansions) but if they don't post on my wall cleaned, danced etc or full if nothing to water etc then I don't clean, tip etc their place.

07-17-11, 09:11 AM
At least that's what I'm going to strictly start doing as of tomorrow.

07-17-11, 09:15 AM
They wont notice you are deleting :D If they post on your wall and dance often and you suddenly delete them they will notice; Im sure you wont delete people like that :D

07-17-11, 09:53 AM
I don't normally delete neighbours because I like having so many!! I have over 200 neighbours!

07-17-11, 11:32 AM
Thx for the feedback! I feel better now about deleting, I only want to play the game with others who want to play the game!!

07-17-11, 11:34 AM
Thx for the feedback! I feel better now about deleting, I only want to play the game with others who want to play the game!!

Always glad to help :)

07-17-11, 04:13 PM
I deleted people, I don't think it's rude. Some people actually aren't even playing anymore so why should I still bother with them?

07-19-11, 07:51 PM
LOL, actually this was a hot topic in RS. The thread about whether to delete 0 star nbr went on hot for a long time.

In my opinion, don't worry about being rude for deleting nbr who don't respond to u. First place, they're being rude to u first for not responding. Secondly, u are wasting time n energy on them, when u can use all these time to communicate/play with your other 'good' nbr.

Cheer!!! :)

07-22-11, 10:49 AM
I agree. I have a lot of neighbors in various games that have a 0 star rating but they gift me regularly. Same with the other way around. If they tip/water/etc all the time but don't gift I still keep them. If they do neither, off they go.

07-22-11, 11:38 AM
I will delete neighbors now and then if they are 0 star and I don't recognize the name. I tip back everyone on my feed and wall and recognize most of the names. If I don't recognize theirs and they have a zero rating, then I will remove them. If they are someone that used to be active I will leave a note on their wall first. If they are a low level I may keep them for awhile to see if their rating goes up. I get a lot of newbies adding me from my website below and I understand everyone starts out somewhere! :)

Bakery and Restaurant Story id: designsbybriana
Visit my Bakery and Restaurant Story tutorial at http://rbtutorial.blogspot.com

07-23-11, 06:11 PM
Thanks again everyone, I have down some 'culling' now, feel much better!

07-23-11, 06:21 PM
Beauty, love culling.

07-23-11, 06:23 PM
I just purged some 0 rated neighbors today. I was careful, first check their walls to see if they are away. Then if their wall is full of messages that say "tipped you" but none that says "tipped you back" for weeks, I am quite comfortable deleting them.

07-23-11, 06:43 PM
I find I am getting a little annoyed with people who have asked to be neighbors, and then they don't like or gift at all! I make the effort to gift and like every day to all my neighbors, and once I don't see any effort coming back my way I feel like deleting them, is this ok or just rude? I give the benefit of doubt for a week, then start getting a bit peeved, am I being too sensitive or does this annoy anyone else too?!

If it is me, yes it is rude... jk :p:cool:

07-24-11, 07:42 AM
I don't delete nbrs (cause I need them for expansions) but if they don't post on my wall cleaned, danced etc or full if nothing to water etc then I don't clean, tip etc their place.

I don't like when people play this way. It's timely enough to gift and like all my neighbors, I don't have time to add in posting on their wall. I use my newsfeed to see who has visited me.

07-25-11, 02:47 AM
I agree with you. that is the logical way of doing it.

07-25-11, 09:43 AM
It is rude if she asked you to add her and after a day she will delete you and then she will post in her wall that she only accepting neighbor with 3 or 4 star... Duh to this girl...

07-26-11, 07:19 AM
I think there is enough people playing that it doesn't matter if you delete them. One thing about deleting people with less than 3 stars though, I don't have time to visit everyone every day but i do gift every day. Shouldn't that count for something?

07-26-11, 07:23 AM
i delete any neighbor with a 0 rating. i have a 4...i visit and gift every day.

07-26-11, 11:25 AM
I think there is enough people playing that it doesn't matter if you delete them. One thing about deleting people with less than 3 stars though, I don't have time to visit everyone every day but i do gift every day. Shouldn't that count for something?

It should. I have 0-2 star neighbors who gift regularly but may not have the time to tip. Conversely, I have 3-4 star neighbors who tip/water regularly. but I seldom get gifts from them because they can only play in the later part of the Teamlava day or evening and by then most people are maxed out. I have 3-4 star neighbors that will gift but won't tip/water back. I have deleted 3-4 star neighbors who won't gift or tip/water; I figured I was on their "B" list since they were active. So I don't use the "delete 0-2 star neighbors" approach since I could then be deleting a good 0-2 star neighbor and keeping around a deadbeat 3-4 star neighbor.

07-26-11, 08:33 PM
It should. I have 0-2 star neighbors who gift regularly but may not have the time to tip. Conversely, I have 3-4 star neighbors who tip/water regularly. but I seldom get gifts from them because they can only play in the later part of the Teamlava day or evening and by then most people are maxed out. I have 3-4 star neighbors that will gift but won't tip/water back. I have deleted 3-4 star neighbors who won't gift or tip/water; I figured I was on their "B" list since they were active. So I don't use the "delete 0-2 star neighbors" approach since I could then be deleting a good 0-2 star neighbor and keeping around a deadbeat 3-4 star neighbor.

i agree with that....i should clarify...i delete nbrs with a 0 rating who also do not ever gift.

07-30-11, 12:12 AM
If it is me, yes it is rude... jk :p:cool:

Teehee, I agree ;-)

07-30-11, 02:38 AM
I think itis rude if you delete neighbors

07-30-11, 02:41 AM
Only delete if no activity for a while then they probably quit playing

08-05-11, 10:16 PM
I've been watching my neighbors for the past week and out of 73 neighbors, only 12 of them have tipped back. Most seem to be still playing, they are still leveling up, tables clear, different foods cooking. I am starting to clean house! I'm at a level 4 star rating and gift daily, but I can't justify tipping and gifting other players when they can't seem to return the favor. I realize players have lives outside the games but a good rule of thumb would be to tip the players who have tipped you. And while I realize that the newsfeed only holds so many posts but I always write on their wall that I have been there. So if anybody id looking for a good neighbor add cashler87.

08-07-11, 11:28 AM
Only delete if no activity for a while then they probably quit playing

I agree. i do that.

08-26-11, 06:52 PM
confused... im a 4 star rating and some people deleted me! since i have so many neighbors i cant visit them all... i posted on my wall that i was on vacation once and some people deleted me. I dont delete my neighbors.

09-19-11, 11:37 PM
I am considering deleting inactive neighbors too. I try my best to gift everyday and tip every few days (tip almost everyday for 3-4 star neighbors, esp those who regularly tip back). Some of my neighbors have 0-1 star and never gift back, while they receive my Contrast Pumps almost everyday. It's not rude. Active players should be w/ active players. If they just want neighbors to level up, they can find many others. I'll start to observe them from 21/9, after the FS server maintenance is done.

09-19-11, 11:43 PM
Since I've been busy with school and work, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, because I myself am not on everyday like I used to be. But for the most part I do keep track, and if I haven't gotten a gift from you an entire week or more (especially if it's more), you're gone.

09-20-11, 07:47 AM
Ya it is not rude especially because they don't gift/like back or do anything
I delete neighbors who are not active or their boutiques are empty For several weeks
So I think it's fine they don't expect to like/gift them not getting anything in returne

09-20-11, 08:50 AM
I don't like when people play this way. It's timely enough to gift and like all my neighbors, I don't have time to add in posting on their wall. I use my newsfeed to see who has visited me.

Lol I have actually changed the way I play about a week ago thinking about it more . I know tip, dance etc all my nbrs everyday but only leave a message on their wall if theyve left one on mine. I delete nbrs though who don't appear to be returning the favor ie everything's dead and they have been at 0 for a long time. Occasionally a 3 or 4 star player who gifts but then never dances etc. I don't delete though if I never get a gift from them as I may have been maxed out when they were able to gift. Also if a nbr has let me know they can't play often due to work/school then I won't delete cause I at least i know they'll tip etc when they can and that they haven't quit or just collecting tips without returning the favor for no reason.

09-20-11, 10:29 PM
I gave notice to anyone who wants to by my neighbor on my wall. My conditions are written for all to see along with my ID. I do not ask anyone to be my neighbor, they have to ask me. By doing this, they have excepted my term conditions of being my neighbor of daily gifting and visits. I post a notice on their wall when I am about to remove them as my neighbor.

09-21-11, 08:27 AM
It really angers me to so your not alone! I deleted a lot of my nbrs only because they are never on and also because of not liking and leaving messages. I feel bad tho delete people and I am to sensitive about I mean come on its just a game. Add me if you would like my ID: Temis i will like as much as i can. Have a happy day! :)

09-21-11, 10:18 AM
I do the same. I don't think it's rude-- but I feel bad if someone posts on my wall 'why'd you delete me!?!?' (I usually just ignore them lol) I delete once a week anyone 0 && 1 and inactives! So you are not alone, love :)