View Full Version : Buying Decorations EXP:COINS ratio

07-13-11, 06:56 AM
Hi everyone:o

Recently lots of people asked me to work out the exp to coins ratio when buying decorations to work out which is the best one to buy purely for the sake of leveling up, so I did a little investigating, results are as follows:

The EXP:Coins ratio in BS seems to be constant, set at 5:2000 => the exception is for the white table and chair which cost 1000, the exp for this has been rounded up to 3 instead of the 2.5 you would have gotten:D. THEREFORE in theory, if you really need to level up, then buy the white tables and chairs

In RS the coins required are halved, therefore it is 5:1000, again then it would be white chair which gives 3 exp for only using 500 coins, thus making it the best to gain exp.

DISCLAIMER: I have only tested this out on four or five items (as i am sadly very short of coins) so this may not be entirely accurate. Any input would be greatly appreciated :)

07-13-11, 12:38 PM
It seems like in all stories the cheaper it costs the more exp you get

07-15-11, 07:45 AM
Yes, this is pretty much right. Unless you have tons and tons of coins, it is not worthit to buy XP.