View Full Version : Drink Machine Bug

07-09-11, 05:18 PM
I had room to place another appliance in RS, went to build another drink machine, the pop-up comes up instructing you to get materials from neighbours, but it won't let me actually place it. If I click the floor, nothing happens, I click the drink machine again and I get the pop-up! I'm able to place any other appliance down before taking one back to allow me room for the drink machine. Anyone else notice this happening? I force closed it and tried again but had the same issue.

07-09-11, 05:21 PM
These things are more trouble than they're worth...I don't know about it as I haven't used them. But that's not good anyway.

07-09-11, 05:31 PM
You have to click it in a certain spot otherwise the screen "thinks" you are clicking on the hammer icon which brings up the info.

What I do is just click in the very top center and if that doesn't work I'm not sure what will.

07-10-11, 06:40 AM
Well it finally worked. Not sure why but thanks!