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View Full Version : Bugs with the ice cream maker and easy oven

07-06-11, 07:45 PM
Hi! My ice cream maker and easy oven reappear and disappear all the time. I don't visibly see them but when i try to put something else in it's place, it won't let me. I find that they only are visible straight after i receive a request from someone else for materials. After exiting the game and going back in again, they are no longer there. I hope this gets fixed =):):p

07-06-11, 07:53 PM
This is odd, I don't have the problem in my game. What device are you using and what software version?
Have you tried a simple uninstall and reinstall?

08-09-11, 08:53 AM
Hi, I have purchased the gems to finish my easy bake oven, and It doesn't work at all! It just works has a regular oven :(

08-10-11, 11:02 AM
The Easy oven requires no preparation ,meaning you dont have to tap so many times to prepare & serve the food, but the cooking time is the same as any other oven. The Sonic oven cuts doewn the baking time by 20%.