View Full Version : Faster Farm State Updates

09-17-10, 09:46 PM

Not sure if anyone else has seen/noticed this but as of an hour or so ago, the screen updating of the farm seems to be very, very much faster. It used to be that I'd need to do the quick refresh trick of visiting another farm and then quickly hopping back in to see an completely harvested/plowed/planted (HPP) farm, but now, it refreshes when I've HPPed every 20-30 plots. That's really fantastic!

One thing though, I also noticed that when I do any high speed HPPing, a couple of plots would inadvertently revert back to its previous state when the farm refreshes; it's as if during sending of the update details, the server did not receive the updated state of the one or two plots or the device skipped sending it.

Anyone else noticed this?

09-17-10, 10:45 PM
Oh well...

Looks like it's stopped as suddenly as it began. Maybe the team was testing out something new during that time slot. Whatever it was, I liked it :-).