View Full Version : Neighbor List

09-14-10, 07:32 AM
Please make it more intuitive. I have over 600 neighbors and it's a pain to scroll down all the way to the next one. At least make it so it stays where I previously was...

09-15-10, 06:21 PM
Totally agree with this post!

09-20-10, 04:37 AM
I agree, please keep the current position and change the sort algorithm, so that city names with a space in front do not get the first places, this just brings people to fight about who gets the most spaces in front.

09-20-10, 04:38 AM
This applies to City Story too, that's why I wrote about "city" in the posting above :)

09-20-10, 07:51 AM
Hello, when I will have new seeds to plant on my farm, Farm story stops and nothing happened. The whole app will stops. When I started up again and try again the same happens. So there will no new plants growing in my gardens....

Hope you will understand what's happening.
Kind regards