View Full Version : I hope there's a market that we can buy & sell our item! :)

06-27-11, 10:39 PM
I love TeamLava games, I'm playing restaurant, bakery, fashion and club story.

I love new items are keep on coming, I love to collect them!

I buy gems sometimes to support Team Lava and pleasure to myself. :p
I always by mystery boxes to obtain new items, and sometimes I got same item again and I'm really sad! Because I want new one.

I was thinking, it would be awesome if there's a market that we can buy and sell items! (with gems, or with coin.. any way we want.)

I know new items are keep on coming, and sooner or later there will be sooooo much different items out there, and may be some of them will discontinue....

If there is a market, we can sell items that's not useful to me but might be treasure to someone, and with the gem/coin that I earn through selling, I can buy other items.

what do you guys think? :o

06-28-11, 10:59 AM
I agree that would be awsoms! I read a thread once about auctioning your extra stuff but either way just being able to sell your extra stuff to someone else that really wants would be nice

kooky panda
06-28-11, 11:44 AM
I know team lava will not let us gift over our extra box items to nbrs, but how about adding a trading feature to the game.

for example, I could go to a nbr and ask for a certain item(mushroom house). Then in my offer I could list one of my items I would trade for the mushroom house.

If that nbr has the item I want and wants to make the trade, they hit accept. If not decline. There could also be a counteroffer button where they can make a request for another one of my items.

This would add another level to the games.

Just a thought.

06-28-11, 11:54 AM
They've addressed this issue before, and pretty much said it wasn't possible. :( :( :(

kooky panda
06-28-11, 11:56 AM
They've addressed this issue before, and pretty much said it wasn't possible. :( :( :(
I know xokay, but I still try to keep the faith!!! Maybe one day! That is why I have not sold any of my duplicate items yet.

06-28-11, 01:13 PM
They've addressed this issue before, and pretty much said it wasn't possible. :( :( :(

I also at one time asked for some kind of market place to trade or sell items and one of the SuperMods (GM probably) gave a reason that makes a lot of sense to me and I agree with, eventually it WOULD become a support staff nightmare. To me that is a good enough reason not to incorporate the feature.

06-28-11, 03:30 PM
I also at one time asked for some kind of market place to trade or sell items and one of the SuperMods (GM probably) gave a reason that makes a lot of sense to me and I agree with, eventually it WOULD become a support staff nightmare. To me that is a good enough reason not to incorporate the feature.

I think that Support might agree. And not eventually. Inevitably there would be a few kinks to iron out. But when dealing with that sort of thing...:eek: They would have to change their automated message to include:

If you have a problem with trading, that's tough and have a disclaimer at the bottom of the Market:

These are non-refundable even if TeamLava are to blame. No loss shall be covered.
And then nobody would be very happy.