View Full Version : Ooh I won something!

06-19-11, 09:07 PM
Just realised I had 50 gems in RS, and was about to yell at my daughter for playing 'my' games instead of her own and inadvertantly buying gems...when I remembered I'd disabled in-app purchases :-)

Now...what do I want to spend my gems on...LOL

If you suddenly won 50 gems, what would you buy? Or would you save them for the proverbial 'rainy day' (like after a prolonged downtime when all your food has spoiled hehe)

06-19-11, 09:12 PM
If there's nothing you've had your eyes on, I'd say just save them. Never know when one of the friday update gem items is really going to grab you.

06-19-11, 09:44 PM
The indoor waterfall grabs me but not sure I want to 'waste' them on a chance...but then again they are free technically....

06-19-11, 10:13 PM
Well, here's what's in the magic shell, if you can live with what you'd end up with if you miss out on the waterfall, go for it!

Bubble Pillar
Seahorse Statue

Indoor Waterfall
Lobster Tank
Mermaid Statue

Pearl Fountain
Sand Castle
Seahorse Carriage

I'm not exactly sure on the rarities of each, bit I'm pretty sure the first two are common (54%), the next three are uncommon (35%), and the rest are rare (10%) and exceptional (1%). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I can provide pics of the commons/uncommons if you like? And be sure to let us know if you do decide to try your luck.

06-19-11, 10:38 PM
[...]If you suddenly won 50 gems, what would you buy? Or would you save them for the proverbial 'rainy day' (like after a prolonged downtime when all your food has spoiled hehe) I think you should buy something you like (tables, furniture and so on...) rather than spend them in a gamble.
But that's only my thought.
Any case I think it should be better spend them all as soon as possible, because it's too easy to spend them in a thing like recovering French toasts for 'only' five gems...

06-20-11, 08:25 AM
I would wait for a while. (Only if you haven't upgraded your restaurant to max) That way when you are on the last expansion, you don't need to pay any coins!

06-20-11, 08:39 AM
Unless there's some cute furniture/decor you like, I would take the chance and go for it. I'm not much of a gambler, but like you said the gems were free anyway. But that's just me. Let us know what you decided and what the outcome is.

06-20-11, 11:02 AM
I think you must have won the weekly contest - that is 50 gems I believe last I checked.

06-22-11, 05:25 AM
Well, I decided to take the gamble, and got the bubble pillar. Pretty happy with it even though it's common - fits nicely in the spiral I have going on with my tables/chairs.

06-22-11, 09:46 PM
Waiting has always made me nervous because I have bad luck and lose them before I get to use them. haha. Congrats on the gems though. I hope you get something you really like :)

06-22-11, 09:56 PM
Well, I decided to take the gamble, and got the bubble pillar. Pretty happy with it even though it's common - fits nicely in the spiral I have going on with my tables/chairs.

I think the bubble pillar is pretty awesome. Glad you got something you like, even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted.

06-22-11, 11:28 PM
If you plan on playing RS for a while and there's no existing item that you really want, I'd just save those gems and be very careful not to waste them on instantly cooking or restoring bad food, etc. As the list of available items in RS grows longer, TeamLava will definitely aim to come out with more special or flashy items, since new items would have to stand out from the available items in order to boost gem sales. If I had to take a guess, I would say that they have some cool items in mind that they are intentionally staggering in order to boost gem sales later.

Unless you have butterfingers like me, your gems will always have value. I wouldn't buy something just to spend the gems. You might regret it later when they come out with something you actually want.

06-22-11, 11:47 PM
I agree 100% with Dewey