View Full Version : Could i install the bakery story to other device on same level?

06-19-11, 08:03 AM
I installed bakery story on the iPad. But if I go out, I want to do it with my iPhone. So, I tried to install the App to iphone but I had to start the game as it beginning. Is there any solution for that? :) thank u :)

06-19-11, 08:23 AM
As a Story game can only be active on one device at a time, you would need to transfer your Story games from one approved device to another if you want to play it on a different device.

However once you transfer to one device, it will no longer be available on the other.

For information on how to transfer visit the below link.

PLEASE READ: How to Transfer to a New Device (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11887-PLEASE-READ-How-to-Transfer-to-a-New-Device) Using TeamLava's website.

Have a New Device? How To Transfer Your Existing Account (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?347-Have-a-New-Device-How-To-Transfer-Your-Existing-Account) (using Storm8 app to transfer)

You can also email TeamLava Support (support@teamlava.com) for assistance.