View Full Version : Add Me - Dog Bowl Gifting Only

06-17-11, 12:37 PM
After playing awhile, it's possible to have received more trees, animals and crates than can be placed on your farm. Dog bowls can be sold for $400 each and the money spent on what the farmer needs, e.g., expansions that get more expensive each time, buildings, etc. Gifting does not cost the gifter anything, so there is no difference in gifting a $2000 dog bowl vs a $50 chicken.

Please post in this thread if you would like to receive only dog bowls, and you will only gift dog bowls to your neighbors you add from this thread.

In my case, please leave a message on my wall that you got my ID from the dog bowl only thread so that I know to accept you. StormID: nmishii

04-22-12, 03:51 PM
Daily Dog bowls, add me 1Coconut

04-22-12, 04:41 PM
Add us Portia n Luis

04-22-12, 04:55 PM
I opened this thread 10 months ago when I needed neighbors. I currently have enough neighbors now and am not adding more. Thank you.

05-16-12, 04:09 AM
add me monkeymans

05-25-12, 02:41 AM
Dog Bowls rock.
Add me: WillowFlower


05-29-12, 10:57 PM
Please add me I have no neighbors I'll water and send gifts Id: Aboodevil