View Full Version : Request/receive gears? What are they for?

06-15-11, 06:29 AM
How do you request for gears, paint, etc. And hat are thru for?

06-15-11, 08:04 AM
They're for the easy appliances that you can build.

06-15-11, 08:48 AM
If you have an android then the easy appliances aren't available yet which can be annoying when people keep sending you the gifts so try asking them not to if you do have an android until TL makes it available.
Honestly, the easy appliances aren't that fun for most people. Since it appears most of my neighbors are on Androids I only get a material request met ever so often.

06-15-11, 04:15 PM
Oh ic, thanks everyone for their responses and clarifying.

06-15-11, 04:16 PM
Also, Valentine's Day versions don't get updates either. Use the original and check the announcement for more info.

06-16-11, 06:24 AM
Hello everyone, I am using my Ipod for playing TL games. So I loaded the new version of Bakery Story. Now my friends send or request me some new "materials" but I am a bit surprised as I have any of these ones. They don't show up anywhere. Please could let me know why I can't get them and what they are doing for ?

Thanks a lot for your kind reply.

06-16-11, 08:44 AM
Do you mean you can't see them in your gifts? That's not where they are stored, they are "stock-piled" somewhere and I think if you are willing to lose one of your appliances for a time you can buy an easy oven and the materials start going towards that.

The only games I've seen the materials when they aren't being put to use in constructing is in the City, Farm and Zoo because those have a separate storage section.