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View Full Version : New App Obsession - Miiqx

06-14-11, 12:16 PM
While I'm still obsessed with both Storm8 and TeamLava apps, I do occasionally venture out to check out new apps (ok I'll admit it - I'm just game obsessed). But I need to do something while my cakes and burgers cook/bake up in the Story games. :D

I recently started playing Miiqx. Have any of you tried it? Unfortunately it is only being offered for iOS devices (although they do hope to get it on the droid market if the app does well enough).

It's sort of a more complicated version of Bejeweled. I just love this game. You can start a game and come back to it later. Sort of strategic, not hard but makes you think a bit. I'm currently trying to get a higher score. I checked out the leader board and yeah I have a ways to go to get an even close to decent score. :p

My current high score is 10,130 and global high score is in the 70k range. I'm not even sure how players are getting those scores, but I shall get a much higher score eventually.

06-14-11, 12:41 PM
That's what "Shape Shift" is like which is my new Bejeweled-like obsession game! I'm at like 30 000 but I haven't played much so I don't think that's all that impressive.

06-14-11, 12:42 PM
^^ Installing shape shift now. Have to check it out. :D

06-14-11, 12:48 PM
Likewise, I'll have to check out this Miiqx

06-14-11, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=trenae;77243]...(ok I'll admit it - I'm just game obsessed)...QUOTE]

You'll know when it is bad when you are sitting at a desktop or laptop playing a game and gaming on your idevice at the same time! (I really do need to cut back)

06-14-11, 12:54 PM
You'll know when it is bad when you are sitting at a desktop or laptop playing a game and gaming on your idevice at the same time! (I really do need to cut back)

I do it all the time. It's pretty bad. And I've even had a console game on, a game going on the PC and something going on the iPhone. :D Hey, I like to keep busy. lol Oh and I can't even get started on my internet addiction. lol

06-14-11, 12:55 PM
Ahaha we three have much in common.

06-14-11, 10:34 PM
Yay after some game play today I have managed to up my score for Miiqx. I now have a high score of 13,400. This is still laughable compared to those top score-ers. Darn them. lol (yes I might be a bit jealous ok - fine I said it.) :p

06-14-11, 11:11 PM
It's not available for iPad?

06-15-11, 05:02 AM
Really? I only have an iPhone, so I'm not sure.