View Full Version : Caramel Apples?

06-12-11, 07:53 PM
Hi everyone,
I made it to level 15 today and under the new items list, it had caramel apples, but it's not in the cookbook for the oven. Did anyone else have this happen?

06-12-11, 08:01 PM
Yes, people have had that happen, also in Restaurant Story and Farm Story. It happens when TL accidentally puts out the notice before they put out the update with the actual recipe or crop. The other things people reported seeing when they leveled up eventually got added in one of the weekly updates. I'm excited to hear that we'll get caramel apples soon! :o)

06-12-11, 09:28 PM
Most likely you will see this on Friday with the weekly update. Only those who haven't reached the levels required yet and then hit that level will see what is upcoming. I'm above level 15 so I don't see that.

06-12-11, 11:01 PM
YAY ~ Caramel Apples :D

06-13-11, 12:25 AM
Okay, cool, glad to know I'm not crazy for not being able to find it! Haha, sorry to ruin the surprise for you all.

06-13-11, 12:38 AM
you didnt ruin anything :) it gives me something to look forward to on friday :D

06-13-11, 12:42 AM
Caramel apples sounds so yummy!!!, I'm really happy with TL lately :)

06-13-11, 02:45 AM
So, guess some of us won't get this until a week after it's released. Some of us still don't have Fridays update...oh, but I have a flashy pop up about gems on sale. Ya, right. Think I'll be saving my money if I'm always one week behind everyone else in getting updates. ((directed at t.l.))((happy with updates, not happy with t.l. Roll out method of leaving players behind))

caramel apples will be cute. Txs for sharing info ((to poster))

06-13-11, 02:53 AM
Wow I'm kinda excited for that!

06-13-11, 03:10 PM
Ooh, I like the idea of caramel apples!

06-13-11, 03:13 PM
So, guess some of us won't get this until a week after it's released. Some of us still don't have Fridays update...oh, but I have a flashy pop up about gems on sale. Ya, right. Think I'll be saving my money if I'm always one week behind everyone else in getting updates. ((directed at t.l.))((happy with updates, not happy with t.l. Roll out method of leaving players behind))

caramel apples will be cute. Txs for sharing info ((to poster))

:eek: TL don't mean to...as GM posted, it's unavoidable. I don't know how I can help...:mad: I don't like not being able to even attempt at helping! I feel bad now:(

06-13-11, 03:35 PM
Awesome, so happy with Teamlava!!!!!!!

06-13-11, 03:40 PM
Awesome, so happy with Teamlava!!!!!!!

Join the club!!!;):D:):cool::o

06-13-11, 04:33 PM
:eek: TL don't mean to...as GM posted, it's unavoidable. I don't know how I can help...:mad: I don't like not being able to even attempt at helping! I feel bad now:(

If they at least provided a good explanation why, instead of just "updates roll out slowly" maybe I wouldn't feel so put off.

I asked an I.T. Guy at work who said it didn't make sense. Mind you, he programs specific types of programs for windows environment, with a very specific audience and scope. But he says when he 'pushes' updates, its across the board and doesnt see why a game on apple or android platforms would be any different.

Then he gave me some exasperated ribbing over my iPad use because I'll be making his job harder shortly...I use it for work not just play .

So to recap, tell us why this rollout is slow, and we won't be so perturbed. Leave us hanging with what amounts to "just because" and perturbedness continues with paying customers ceasing to pay.

Anyways, at the hospital most of the afternoon. Not caring all too much about it at the mo., but will tomorrow...lol.

Rachael, there will much in life you can't help. On the grand scale, this is probably one of my least important annoyances so no worries. It's not worth your effort, it's just me pouting. But thanks for your willingness to try. have a good night.

06-13-11, 04:36 PM
If they at least provided a good explanation why, instead of just "updates roll out slowly" maybe I wouldn't feel so put off.

I asked an I.T. Guy at work who said it didn't make sense. Mind you, he programs specific types of programs for windows environment, with a very specific audience and scope. But he says when he 'pushes' updates, its across the board and doesnt see why a game on apple or android platforms would be any different.

Then he gave me some exasperated ribbing over my iPad use because I'll be making his job harder shortly...I use it for work not just play .

So to recap, tell us why this rollout is slow, and we won't be so perturbed. Leave us hanging with what amounts to "just because" and perturbedness continues with paying customers ceasing to pay.

Anyways, at the hospital most of the afternoon. Not caring all too much about it at the mo., but will tomorrow...lol.

Rachael, there will much in life you can't help. On the grand scale, this is probably one of my least important annoyances so no worries. It's not worth your effort, it's just me pouting. But thanks for your willingness to try. have a good night.

I like to try though. Goodnight...I'd say "Sweet dreams", but that's more in-game rather than forum I think. I'm shattered...

06-14-11, 05:52 PM
Caramel Apples... YES!! I heard Mango Delight is coming to RS :-) TL is doing great things!!!!

06-14-11, 06:04 PM
If they at least provided a good explanation why, instead of just "updates roll out slowly" maybe I wouldn't feel so put off.

I asked an I.T. Guy at work who said it didn't make sense. Mind you, he programs specific types of programs for windows environment, with a very specific audience and scope. But he says when he 'pushes' updates, its across the board and doesnt see why a game on apple or android platforms would be any different.

Then he gave me some exasperated ribbing over my iPad use because I'll be making his job harder shortly...I use it for work not just play .

So to recap, tell us why this rollout is slow, and we won't be so perturbed. Leave us hanging with what amounts to "just because" and perturbedness continues with paying customers ceasing to pay.

Anyways, at the hospital most of the afternoon. Not caring all too much about it at the mo., but will tomorrow...lol.

Rachael, there will much in life you can't help. On the grand scale, this is probably one of my least important annoyances so no worries. It's not worth your effort, it's just me pouting. But thanks for your willingness to try. have a good night.

Unfortunately, we're not able to disclose our rollout methods. However, we are looking into shortening the amount of time it takes for all users to get the updates each week. Sorry for the hassle. :(

06-14-11, 07:07 PM
Unfortunately, we're not able to disclose our rollout methods. However, we are looking into shortening the amount of time it takes for all users to get the updates each week. Sorry for the hassle. :(

Yes, well, you're forgiven...today. 
Perturbidness and pouting likely to return tho Friday when I get left out...again. 

Really Magma...grand scale...not such a big. But really is my only relax time. You should see my life. That's why I whine when not as relaxing as it usually is. Plus, it's the only place I can get away with whining lmao 

All things considered, team does a good job. Hopefully they can fix the roll out kink, because Im really not spending when it frustrates instead of unwinds. Please ask them to look at the wall/news feed glitch too. Ie. Returns you to the wall every time u come back from tipping someone from your feed. Didn't used to do this before update. Rather time consuming. Thanks for the response.

06-18-11, 07:59 PM
I got the weekly update, but no caramel apples. :( I also hit level 19 and it said I got matcha along with red velvet cake but I didn't see that in the cookbook either. Hopefully my game will be updated eventually!

06-18-11, 08:05 PM
I think the person who created this thread meant to say candy apples

06-18-11, 09:29 PM
I got the update with Tapioca, the new tea and the cupcake chair and table but no candy apple

06-22-11, 06:47 AM
Maybe it will come next week.................

06-22-11, 09:29 AM
It could come anytime this year, there isn't any way of knowing

06-22-11, 10:25 AM
It will most likely come out this week or next. :)

06-22-11, 10:27 AM
It will most likely come out this week or next. :)
I sure hope you're right

06-22-11, 11:51 AM
Sounds yummy :)

06-27-11, 09:08 AM
I still don't have caramel apples or milkshakes. My husband received them a long time ago on his iphone. I have a droid. I thought maybe it was because of that but my friend just told me she has them and she has a droid as well. I am sad :) And suggestions?

07-06-11, 07:04 AM
I still don't have caramel apples or milkshakes. My husband received them a long time ago on his iphone. I have a droid. I thought maybe it was because of that but my friend just told me she has them and she has a droid as well. I am sad :) And suggestions?
Maybe you need to update? Also, they're candy apples rather than caramel apples. :( I would've liked to see caramel apples, though..