View Full Version : Why did the building matierals list change?

06-11-11, 04:27 PM
Yesterday in Bakery Story I asked all my neighbors for easy oven materials. (I had also been building a covered well in Farm Story.) Today, when I tap on the easy oven or covered well to manage, the list of building materials is different!! So my neighbors may have sent stuff, but now it doesn't matter because it says I need different things. And I was 1 item away from completing my covered well, but suddenly I needed several more things.

What happened and why?

06-11-11, 05:01 PM
What happened would be that TL changed it and, as a consequence you sadly lost allyour hard work. As to why, I've not the foggiest.

06-11-11, 08:59 PM
I know, that was really annoying today when I went to look at the Easy Stove in RS and it had all new stuff. It would be nice if they let us know when they do but oh, well.

06-11-11, 11:59 PM
I want my stuff back for real that sucked!!!! All that requesting for nothing!!!!