View Full Version : Cant move it

06-06-11, 09:16 PM
Suddenly got a dressingroom in the middle of my shop which i didnt put there. Cant move it. Any ideas?????????

06-08-11, 03:03 PM
Suddenly got a dressingroom in the middle of my shop which i didnt put there. Cant move it. Any ideas?????????

Suddenly got a dressingroom in the middle of my shop which i didnt put there. Cant move it. Any ideas?????????

That's been happening to my shop since yesterday, first, a rack in the middle of store. It wouldn't budged, I gave up. Then, it disappeared after 30 min.. or so. After an hour, a table w/ old shoes that was already sold out before appeared out of nowhere next to another table.. Oh, well, glitches!!!
Again, it disappeared after a while. Then, a dressing room, now gone again.

Wouldn't it be nice if it were gems or those funky decors, I wouldn't mind it staying...

I hope they fix it...