View Full Version : Massive Gem sale -- one day only! 40% off on all games!

06-04-11, 12:44 AM
For 24 hours, Gems/City Cash/Club Cash in all TeamLava games will be 40% off! If you were looking for a chance to stock up, now would be the time! :cool:

06-04-11, 06:35 AM
Would love to participate, if only the servers were up :-)

06-04-11, 06:37 AM
Would love to participate, if only the servers were up :-)

Same here, all crops probably gone if servers run again, or will crops not get spoiled if servers are down? That would be a nice improvement....

06-04-11, 06:55 AM
Yeah it would be nice if I could get on any of the sites. I've been trying for over three hours now. I got onto bakery for about five mins before it threw me out cause of system Maintenance. So how could anyone stock up and all of my food is gonna spoil soon. Not fair and when I was on for the few minutes I still haven't seen any update

06-04-11, 06:59 AM
i refuse to pay even great discounted prices while i cant get updated content. Also, the server downage is great

06-04-11, 07:08 AM
Any updates when the game will be up again?

06-04-11, 08:11 AM
I paid the great discounted price and then couldn't even see my bakery after I did. I confess, it was obviously me who took down the servers.

06-04-11, 08:11 AM
What!!!! I just paid $5.99 last night to find out there is a sale this morning and i can purchase the same thing for $3.99

06-04-11, 08:13 AM
You're just in wrong timing. Hahaha...
What!!!! I just paid $5.99 last night to find out there is a sale this morning and i can purchase the same thing for $3.99

06-04-11, 08:15 AM
You're just in wrong timing. Hahaha...
Yeah i bet you find that funny being ripped off, isn't that the best thing in the world

06-04-11, 08:18 AM
Redbites, sales happen. I did the same thing you did once. Now, I just suffer until I see a sale...or conserve. You're not getting ripped off if you agreed to pay the price as it was listed.

06-04-11, 10:05 AM
I've restarted my iphone and still can't add city cash. Nothing happened when I tap ADD.
What to do?

06-04-11, 10:07 AM
I've restarted my iphone and still can't add city cash. Nothing happened when I tap ADD.
What to do?

I would try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This may correct the issue.

06-04-11, 10:12 AM
In the game today you have listed 105 gems at 11.99 - 40%= 6.99. Yet I bought 105 gems at 6.99 two weeks ago when there was no amazing discount sale? Is someone in teamlava taking the piss or what, loved this game up until today, now seriously contemplating deleting it from both phone and iPad.

06-04-11, 10:23 AM
Gah! I will admit, the discount is pretty good, so I say cheers for TL! My family got me an iTunes card a little whiles back and I decided to wait for the next discount to invest into some gems...and thank gosh I waited for such a good one xD Now that I've just bought it...I have no idea what to spend it on though O_O'

But yes~ when using an iTune's gift card/credit, then a buy should automatically be taken from the credit rather than the owner's credit/debit card. All purchases are done through apple's store, so it should work - if not, best to contact apple.

06-04-11, 10:37 AM
I bought some on sale for farm....but not for that box. Lol. Only thing I've seen so far I like is the fawn and the chances of getting that....hmmm. Nope, not gonna do it.

The only thing that worries me: I want the bee hive, but if I buyfor gems today, will it be for coin next week? Then I'd be really mad! I'm pretty annoyed they did it with the covered well.

As for buying before sale, red bites, I tend to wait for sales myself. Just like in real life too. I bought an ebike for a grand two months ago, last week...yup, you know it 30% off, the new model with new features too. Oh well, it happens. Not beating myself up over it, nor am I mad at the store. Just now I'm promising myself to sticking to buying stuff only when on sale.....unless I really really need it....or it's an apple product-- because they don't have significant sales 

06-04-11, 11:04 AM
In the game today you have listed 105 gems at 11.99 - 40%= 6.99. Yet I bought 105 gems at 6.99 two weeks ago when there was no amazing discount sale? Is someone in teamlava taking the piss or what, loved this game up until today, now seriously contemplating deleting it from both phone and iPad.

There have been some rotating sales available, including the one you mentioned a few weeks ago, when some some users received discounts in some games, while others received different discounts in others. Today's sale, everyone gets the same 40% deal across all games.

06-04-11, 11:17 AM
I would try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This may correct the issue.

Still doesn't work. I deleted the app via itunes, redownloaded, and still have the same problem.
Tap on add city cash, nothing happens.

06-04-11, 11:46 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have an iDevice on-hand, so I can't test this out myself, but I'll be sure to forward this to engineering. Thanks for letting us know.

06-04-11, 01:11 PM
If I purchase gems in Bakery Story can I elect to have half of them converted to gems for Restaurant Story without buying two separate "sets"?

06-04-11, 01:35 PM
I am having the same problem as yogurtjunkie303. I have had this problem every times gems go on sale. I can never seem to purchase them. I can't even get the gems window to come up. I try to purchase them every 1/2 hour. I have tried to force close the app as well as delete and reinstall the app. This is very frustrating! I have emailed support with the problem in the past, as well as again today and even asked them to help me purchase the gems at the sale price. I have not gotten any response except that they will report the problem to engineering. I have the new iTouch version 4.1 and am working off of WiFi.

If the problem is not fixed before the end of the sale could TL at least honor the sale price for those of us having problems purchasing today? Thank you for your help.

06-04-11, 01:38 PM
If I purchase gems in Bakery Story can I elect to have half of them converted to gems for Restaurant Story without buying two separate "sets"?

Gems are app specific, so when you purchase gems they are all credited to the app you purchased the gems for.

06-04-11, 02:08 PM
This is awesome, thanks! Stocked up in a few games :)

06-04-11, 05:24 PM
I play bakery story -- I would buy gems but the sale price isn't coming up. It shows the regular price. What's wrong? Also, last time you had a sale, I think it was 10% off, I didn't see the discounted rate then, either. I bought 25 gems and was charged full price. I would buy some gems if I got the discounted rate.

06-04-11, 05:39 PM
I play bakery story -- I would buy gems but the sale price isn't coming up. It shows the regular price. What's wrong? Also, last time you had a sale, I think it was 10% off, I didn't see the discounted rate then, either. I bought 25 gems and was charged full price. I would buy some gems if I got the discounted rate.

Not sure why this would be happening. Are you on the most recent version of the app?

06-04-11, 05:39 PM
Me again. Just checked again and the rates that are showing are the normal rates. What is wrong? I am using ipod touch. This is frustrating. Please help.

I play bakery story -- I would buy gems but the sale price isn't coming up. It shows the regular price. What's wrong? Also, last time you had a sale, I think it was 10% off, I didn't see the discounted rate then, either. I bought 25 gems and was charged full price. I would buy some gems if I got the discounted rate.

06-04-11, 05:41 PM
I don't know. I started playing about a month ago. Where would I see what version it is?

06-04-11, 05:44 PM
Not sure why this would be happening. Are you on the most recent version of the app?

Okay, I found it on help/faq ... Bakery Story 1.1

06-04-11, 06:12 PM
It would be nice if I could purchase them on Bakery. It does not work after reinstalling. I have no problems on Farm & Restaurant. This is the second time that I have missed out because I can get no one to help.

06-04-11, 06:13 PM
Finally I was able to do it. I kept restarting my iphone and after several times it worked. Just lucky maybe.

06-04-11, 06:28 PM
GroupMagma - thanks for the speedy responses

06-04-11, 11:36 PM
Thankyou for giving us this 40% off sale on all your games! I hope you guys will offer more sales in the future as well! Also for the BS players who are having a hard time getting the sale price to come up, what I did was: 1.delete the app(s).2.re-install both the regular version and the valentines edition.3.reboot your ipod.When I rebooted I noticed that the Valentines edition was NOT showing the sale price at all.The regular bakery story however was. Buy your gems on the regular version then use whatever version you normally use after that! Also I believe the problem is really simple to fix.When your tech guys implemented the sale you added it to the REGULAR bakery story but NOT to the valentines edition.Since the valentines edition is the most recent thats probably the one most plays have!

06-05-11, 02:06 PM
I bought some gems and really am enjoying the Himilayan cat I bought for my Bakery and Restaurant. Thanks guys!

06-06-11, 11:10 AM
I purchased Gems at $3.99 and just saw that I was billed the full price!! What's up with that and what do I do with it. Not sure who needs this one, Itunes or Lavateam???

06-06-11, 02:35 PM
sorry on a sunday 40 %discount and with out off maintainance. that doesn t work for me

sissy8 because GroupMagma was taken;)