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06-03-11, 03:12 PM
has any seen the easy oven.. or know what it is???:confused:

06-03-11, 03:14 PM
I haven't seen it but I sure am desperate to

06-03-11, 03:35 PM
Easy oven...huh??

06-03-11, 03:36 PM
Easy oven...huh??

yeah its supposed to be someting new that was in the update.. but i cant find it anywhere...

06-03-11, 04:04 PM
It is like...the easy bake oven? >.>' Hope we hear news about it soon~

06-03-11, 04:49 PM
lol me and my boyfriend were wondering the same thing. I had food baking and stored it so i can see all the oven options only to find out there's nothing. Wasted my food :( (android and iphone users here lol)

Realized I could only see it on Restaurant Story! I didn't understand it but I think i do now lol. I guess you build a stove that requires no preparation??? XD Pretty neat stuff..however poorly implemented so far as it doesn't function if the update isn't valid for other users. I sent the request to some, and they mentioned they have no options to do anything despite having the notification. In fact, they can't even see the construct oven in my restaurant :(

I am curious though...do the TL creators test things before hasing out updates? Or does putting out buggy items count for updates every week to "show" they are doing updates? So confused :( Perhaps it's a droid bug? I haven't tried with another iPhone/iPad user :/

Yes...I'm broke in coinse XD



06-03-11, 07:29 PM
Ok so there's a bug :( I sent out the requests for some stuff (first 2), when I got to springs, it stopped letting me "manage" it. A gray box appears and I can't do anything else. Oh well. iPhone 4 user if that makes any difference.


06-03-11, 07:48 PM
Hmmm... Interesting. So is it that u request a gem from your neighbour? Does it cost your neighbour oins r gems to send u the material? Or is it like gfting food which doesn't cost anything?

06-03-11, 08:34 PM
Honestly i have no clue bobbyrae all I know is it says ask ur neighbors to help but I dunno with what they could help with :( I dunno if they sacrifice hefty coins or what lol. I sent out the request for items but no one has responded to it. I'm not sure they even get them at this point lol. It's clearly not fully rid of all the bugs. Too many devices can play the story games now, so I still dunno who and what can do what and where and how lol. I'd LOVE for someone to request something of me so I could have an idea as to what the options are as a "neighbor" helping out.

06-03-11, 09:10 PM
Nope your not requesting any gems from neighbors just the stuff to build it, then gem shown is so u can build it quickly by using your own gems.

06-03-11, 09:11 PM
well....i've gotten parts but dunno from who :( also I dunno if they had to do anything lol. I'll find out in a moment and edit this; a person wrote on my wall saying they'd donate parts so I'll give it a shot and see what I gotta do to share lol.

EDIT: nevermind just saw the post above me lmao! Thanks for the report talyon :)


06-03-11, 09:33 PM
Hmmm I havent seen it in BS or RS though but seems fun to build!

06-04-11, 01:31 PM
aromakiss, have you made sure u have put an oven away prior to being maxed out so u can place the box down? it's listed with appliances, 10,000 coins i believe. (unless it's a droid bug, then sorry :( )

06-04-11, 02:32 PM
well i have yet to see the option for "easy" oven and id really like to try it.. i think team lava is putting a lot of thought into RS and BS.. just wish the updates worked for everybody at one time..

06-04-11, 03:35 PM
well i have yet to see the option for "easy" oven and id really like to try it.. i think team lava is putting a lot of thought into RS and BS.. just wish the updates worked for everybody at one time..

Agree 100%

06-04-11, 05:05 PM
Many of us didn't get the option in the latest update. That's probably part of the reason people aren't responding.

06-04-11, 10:59 PM
aromakiss, have you made sure u have put an oven away prior to being maxed out so u can place the box down? it's listed with appliances, 10,000 coins i believe. (unless it's a droid bug, then sorry :( )

Yeah I did, even sold it off! Then realized I didn't even have the latest update. Sighs...still waiting for this week's updates to come in...

06-05-11, 04:37 AM
The one thing I have to admit is I declined parts thinking it was food :( I didn't realize what it was....i'm so used to declining anything but stew gifts in RS that I didn't know i was declining to help a neighbor with a part. So now when I see waffles I pay more attention LOL I think they should make a different icon for parts requests just like when it does show when a neighbor donated a part to you :( Sorry you lost your food lookin for it aromakiss :( Hope you get the update soon

06-05-11, 10:57 AM
i still don'r get this update on my BS but seen it on RS, i actually bought 1 and when i saw what i have to do to get it build i sold it for 1,000 i thought losing 9.000 coins is so much better than spending 36 gems for instant build or request materials from my friend which can took me days to complete and what i have is 1 oven down on my restaurant. and all that just for a convenience of a 1 click cooking.
the easy appliance is not easy at all :s

06-05-11, 11:07 AM
A easy bake oven. Sounds neat. I'd love to see it on BS, but haven't. I only have time for one game and BS is it!

06-05-11, 04:31 PM
but these pictures are from restaurant story... i dont have the easy appliances on my BS.
only on RS

06-05-11, 10:07 PM
Yes hopefully they do get this on BS, it's neat! One tap is strange feeling when you're used to tapping 100 times hahaha



06-06-11, 08:57 PM
Oh sheesh, I've been wondering what the easy appliances were.and.how to get them. I stored an appliance to see, and nothing shows up in bakery or restaurant. I even sold one and bought it back to see if it was just a.new and improved replacement but no dice. I don't understand why I get the message every time I log in but don't see any of the new things.

06-07-11, 08:13 AM
I was running all the Valentine versions, RS/CS/BS/FS.

These versions are not updated or partially updated. I've uninstalled all the Valentine versions and reinstalled all the regular ones and then you get all the new updates.

It's possible if you wait the Valentine versions will update fully at some point. But I don't see a need to run those anymore myself.

PS. Bakery Story is the only one that didn't give me any new updates with regards to contructable items, easy oven, materials for gifts, etc

06-07-11, 11:26 AM
I was running all the Valentine versions, RS/CS/BS/FS.

These versions are not updated or partially updated. I've uninstalled all the Valentine versions and reinstalled all the regular ones and then you get all the new updates.

It's possible if you wait the Valentine versions will update fully at some point. But I don't see a need to run those anymore myself

this has been my experience as well. Also,i purchased an easy oven in regular rs, switched to the valentine version and, though, while in the valentine version i cdnt see the easy stove i also was not able to place anything onto the tile on which the stove had been placed.

06-08-11, 01:44 PM
Some silly questions...
What is the purpose of the easy oven?
What is the difference between the basic oven n the easy oven?
Is it worth to buy?

06-08-11, 08:02 PM
Some silly questions...
What is the purpose of the easy oven?
What is the difference between the basic oven n the easy oven?
Is it worth to buy?

I want to know this too :o

06-09-11, 01:00 AM
I'm annoyed with this whole easy oven stuff. I sent 1 request for a knob and when I tried to request a motor it said I had already maxed out my request for the day. Ughhh!!! wth

06-09-11, 03:37 AM
Okay. Here it is.

Easy Oven: There is no prep. It saves you about 15 seconds, that's it. Besides that, it is the same as normal oven.
In my opinion, it is not worth it to buy, but if you have loads of coins and gems, this would be the thing to get.

06-09-11, 11:02 AM
So does anybody know if ANDROIDS will be able to get Easy Ovens??

06-09-11, 11:03 AM
So does anybody know if ANDROIDS will be able to get Easy Ovens??

At the moment, I'm not sure if/when this feature will make it to Android, but we will post an update in the forums when we learn more information. Thanks!

06-09-11, 06:44 PM
Huh...I'm just wondering, if everyone's gotten the easy oven option already? I remember seeing a post somewhere that the updates should have all rolled out by now, but even though re-installed the newest version, I still don't have that option O_O''

06-10-11, 04:30 AM
When you send a request for parts , you get a neighbour list like you get when you send gifts. neighbours receive a separate box to tick under the accept gift box , its a request gift box , so tick and send ...thats it,your neighbour has requestd a bit ,you tick the box and send ....simple .
so buy your oven and place it. then tap on it to get the tap again to manage box. keep tapping till you get the menu up ....its fussy about where you tap and is tricky at first. From the manage menu, send out your requests for parts. your neighbours tick and send .... like gifts ,no cost.
its a pity there wasnt another announcement page or something to act as a guide, but we will get there eventually.

06-14-11, 03:24 PM
but these pictures are from restaurant story... i dont have the easy appliances on my BS.
only on RS

It's available in the regular version of bakery story, not the valentine version

06-14-11, 04:12 PM
It's available in the regular version of bakery story, not the valentine version

As goes for all other games with all other updates

06-19-11, 08:14 AM
Hi All, I bought the easy oven, but the game won't let me do anymore than that. The manage button doesn't come up. I just have boxes sitting on the floor. I can't even move or store them. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm an iPad user. Thanks.

06-19-11, 10:21 AM
Did you try double tapping on the box? This is how you open the options....

06-19-11, 05:18 PM
Hi All, I bought the easy oven, but the game won't let me do anymore than that. The manage button doesn't come up. I just have boxes sitting on the floor. I can't even move or store them. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm an iPad user. Thanks.

You can't store it until you've finished building it. I'm on my iPod Touch and I can move it, just tap and drag it. Sometimes you just have to hit the item in the right spot to bring up the manage popup.

06-19-11, 09:43 PM
Thanks xSnowyOwlx....I got it! Darn box is pretty finicky about where it's tapped! Thanks!! 

06-20-11, 01:40 AM
Does anyone have the "easy" option for the drink mixers?
If they don't exist, does anyone think they'll come in an update soon?

feel free to add me if you like :)

06-20-11, 02:14 AM
Ive finished the build oven but now no customers can enter shop. They stand at door and leave??!!

06-23-11, 09:02 AM
When I reached level 41 and was able to purchase another cooking device, I clicked on "easy oven." It didn't highlight, waiting for placement, just got a dialogue box saying the oven can be built with the help of friends. I wasn't able to place the oven. Several of my neighbors have gifted me with tools to build an oven but they don't show up in "my gifts." Where are they? And is it even a good idea to have an easy oven? What is the appeal of using one?

06-23-11, 09:03 AM
How did you build the oven?

06-23-11, 11:07 AM
How did you build the oven?

Go to the appliances in the design bar, drag an easy stove out to the floor and you will see a box with gadgets in it where the stove should be. To build you have to have to either use gems or ask neighbors for materials. You can ask neighbors by tapping on the box to manage and you'll see what you need. If you've already received some materials they will count towards this stove. That's why when you get a bunch of materials you already have completed for one stove they get saved up for the next stove as I'm already building my 4th.

10-03-11, 01:10 PM
does anyone know whatthe easy oven is in bakery story?

kooky panda
10-03-11, 01:14 PM
The easy oven is a constructible appliance you can build. The advantage of this over the regular oven you only have to click once to prepare your food.

10-05-11, 12:38 AM
How can I get the tools to build an easy oven? Bought one without knowing I needed tools, so am stuck now...

10-05-11, 12:43 AM
Ai think this is the most helpful....hope it answers all of your questions dear

10-17-11, 06:57 PM
Hi !
I have bought a easy oven that says that it does not require preparation. But after
building it, it still needs the same time as normal oven. Why is it so? Do any of you have the same problem?
Pls advise.

10-17-11, 07:04 PM
Easy oven doesn't decrease the time required to make the food, however it gives more xp and a one click to prepare food

kooky panda
10-17-11, 07:04 PM
Hi !
I have bought a easy oven that says that it does not require preparation. But after
building it, it still needs the same time as normal oven. Why is it so? Do any of you have the same problem?
Pls advise.
the easy oven takes one tap to prepare food instead of two taps on the regular oven

02-16-12, 06:29 AM
Anyone know how I could update this for my iPad. Have loads of stuff people have sent me, but no way to build with them?..

02-16-12, 06:32 AM
Anyone know how I could update this for my iPad. Have loads of stuff people have sent me, but no way to build with them?..
Did you buy the appliance you wish to build?