View Full Version : Harrassment,Profanity No Block Option

06-01-11, 01:51 PM
:mad:Ok .. im tired of my wall getting spammed with harrassment and profanity. They even go to point of posting about me on other peoples walls even my neighbors wall. They get their friends involved too... Yes I been sending in reports photos. But nothing is being done.. Why? Its been weeks of abuse. Do I need to post the names here.. Sigh
Sign the Petition Below started by a loyal Bakery Story Player

06-01-11, 01:56 PM
Hi Nekonight,

Are you providing Support with screens and the Storm8 IDs of the users in question, or the ID of the walls on which the comments are posted (presumably yours)? If so, Support should be able to assist in this matter.

06-01-11, 01:58 PM
I have Provided Screens of abusers , My storm8 ID. How am i to Get Random Harrassers Storm8 ID unless they provide it..

06-01-11, 02:00 PM
They would need to provide it, but if the comments were posted on your wall, this should be enough for Support to investigate.

06-01-11, 02:11 PM
They would need to provide it, but if the comments were posted on your wall, this should be enough for Support to investigate.

You want me to ask the Person Cussing for them to give me their Storm8 Id so they can be Banned..!!!!! Yeah like they are gonna do that.. This is Absurd.. You need a better system..

06-01-11, 02:15 PM
OH wow i didn't know we could post this here otherwise i'da done it LOL. Yea I explained to GroupMagma we do all of that and nothing happens. It's why I had to give us all a way to show Lava we need more help controlling this. I was banned over "spamming" someones wall, using NO profanity. I asked my harasser of almost 11 days to leave me alone amost 60 times in a row and they reported me for it and Lava banned me May 24th-27th. I was upset, but I learned how the system truly works. Enough to want to do this. I'm thankful for the over 50 signatures we have. I truly hope this gets noticed and helped :( I don't need to be banned again for asking someone over and over to leave me and my neighbors alone.

I mean I sent over 47 images of what happened on my wall, from A-Z, and got banned. I could show you the images of the cursing right here but that's still a form of cursing so I don't want to do that lol. I'll private message link you if you need it. But to ban people for asking someone over and over leave one alone, that's a bit messed up in my opinion.

06-01-11, 02:19 PM
OH wow i didn't know we could post this here otherwise i'da done it LOL. Yea I explained to GroupMagma we do all of that and nothing happens. It's why I had to give us all a way to show Lava we need more help controlling this. I was banned over "spamming" someones wall, using NO profanity. I asked my harasser of almost 11 days to leave me alone amost 60 times in a row and they reported me for it and Lava banned me May 24th-27th. I was upset, but I learned how the system truly works. Enough to want to do this. I'm thankful for the over 50 signatures we have. I truly hope this gets noticed and helped :( I don't need to be banned again for asking someone over and over to leave me and my neighbors alone.

ITS SAD we get reported for trying to get are harrassrs to stop..

06-01-11, 02:20 PM
You want me to ask the Person Cussing for them to give me their Storm8 Id so they can be Banned..!!!!! Yeah like they are gonna do that.. This is Absurd.. You need a better system..

By that, I mean if the comments were posted on your wall, then providing your Storm8 ID should be enough to look up the comments.

06-01-11, 02:23 PM
I hope and Pray your right GroupMagma
Just seems like the good people get squashed :/
and the abusers walk away happy.
I will wait and see. I truely hope for a positive outcome, Because my patience is running short and my temper
is starting to flare. I am starting to reply to the harrassment and tell them to mind their own business or follow the rules..
I hope i dont blow this has been over a week straight, My friends are Tired of it too. A Few have stopped playing :(

06-01-11, 02:26 PM
GroupMagma we did all the things we were supposed to do :( It didn't work. I got an email, as I wrote in the petition header, saying they saw nothing wrong. I wrote 6 emails begging them to stop sending me generic replies and tell me what i did wrong, and they showed me exactly what i said, which was leave me and my friends alone already. I understand entirely what nekonight is saying. I don't get how we can't get away with cursing, but can get away with cursing in bakery names. I've seen one with the F bomb in it lol. Sure it's funny to them, but not to the parent of a 12 year old or younger. It's all getting out of control. Such names promote foul language use. Spacing out words to get away with cursing, as I call it stutter-cursing, is insulting. The person that got me banned cursed me out in spaces, and wrote backwards. They travelled wall to wall, neighbor to neighbor and prides themselves in not being banned. It's disgusting.

06-01-11, 02:29 PM
I hate those generic e-mails

06-02-11, 11:41 AM
I really would like to Clean up my wall too.. But I need to keep the evidence up Till Team Lava Takes action... Maybe add a report button to posts that conain profanity, since some younger ones do not have e-mail .. Hey you can Report posts on forums why not a button in the game. It would Help Teamlava And players. Just an Idea

06-02-11, 11:47 AM
Hey sweet How did you edit post i cant find an edit button....

Sign Below Show your Support

I believe we do matter: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/lavagameblock/

06-03-11, 08:15 AM
To me this whole thing is quite bizarre. Lavateam creates a system which disallows 'inappropriate' words, at least nominally in some languages. Spacing between letters makes that completely useless. The bullying and objectionable language used by idiotic mischiefmakers is growing in leaps and bounds. Complaints to Lavateam via email are treated with disdain, if not completely ignored. Why would the developers of these very clever games treat their own product and their customers with such disrespect? Perhaps they need to be reminded of a very simple fact: Fashion in ... Fashion out. Just around the corner there is another game-developer with a recipe for a new and more successful/popular game idea who responds to customer's requests which will leave Lavateam 'dead in the water'.
I believe we do matter: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/lavagameblock/

06-03-11, 10:26 PM
Bumps post up after reading Child Banned because parent reported profanity.

We really need the block option..

06-04-11, 08:37 AM
I saw nothing about having to be 14 to play this game when i went to app to download on my IPOD I does say 4+
But what i do see is most of the profanity and spam is from yoing kids. Im sadded a mom got banned because she reported profanity for her daughter.
All the more reason to add a block button.
I believe if they took a poll 80 % of players are under 14. seroiusly I own IPOD theres nothing stated about age. It does say rated 4+ So its ok for 4 yr old to play?? but in TOS they cant Im confused on this.. But A block Button woul slow allot of reports and spam for sure...

06-04-11, 08:56 AM
I believe we do matter: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/lavagameblock/

06-04-11, 12:27 PM
I'm getting rather annoyed with this "I believe we do matter" nonsense. It sounds like a strapline for a charity.

06-04-11, 01:25 PM
lol at cubbish. Yea, it's been up since midnight May 31st. 120 people are more "annoyed" at the way they and others have been treated. Like you, they have given their opinion in a way that represents who they are. Perhaps it does bother you...but clearly every day more and more people are expressing how they feel about what's going on these days and how they'd like to see things change for the better. I wonder if you'd be so annoyed if you were banned for sticking up for yourself without the use of foul language when those who do use it don't get banned ;) To each his own cubbish :) Happy Baking ^_^

06-05-11, 03:54 PM
cubbish your entitled to your opion but we are not looking for charity. we are a group of moms trying to get user block button on a game. what else should we say since many kids are getting banned unjustly on the game and teamlava turns and looks away.. we do matter.. and if it annoys you than dont read it. It annoys me when people post without knowing facts, I choose to ignore.. This is a Just cause and It does matter to many Parents. Like the mom who was banned for reporting profanity on her daughters bakery wall. Unfair and we just want to be heard.. We feel what we have to say is important and we have a Right to voice our opinion and free speech.. Thank you

06-05-11, 04:55 PM
still no edit button

06-05-11, 07:11 PM
Bump Up Post,, Still No edit option

06-06-11, 09:37 AM
Still no reply from harrassment report i sent in 2 weeks ago...

06-07-11, 06:31 PM
I hope that waka person isn't waka waka.he deleted me I think.im not sure but be careful around people who's names or storm8id's are similar to the names a few posts back

06-08-11, 02:15 PM
I hope that waka person isn't waka waka.he deleted me I think.im not sure but be careful around people who's names or storm8id's are similar to the names a few posts back

Oh my. I hope you don't mean me. I actually have three cats, and therefore I'm lovely.

06-09-11, 12:11 PM
Oh my. I hope you don't mean me. I actually have three cats, and therefore I'm lovely.

Lol i got ya beat I have 5 cats :) all my lil babies .....=^-_-^=

07-23-11, 12:59 AM
My neighbor and a few of others are being spam by a kid who thinks that it's alright to spam and snoop in people conversation. How do I report this? It's getting out of control!

07-23-11, 09:15 AM
do we need to keep the comments on the wall or just screenshots?

kooky panda
07-23-11, 10:01 AM
[QUOTE=FireBoltI;95216]do we need to keep the comments on the wall or just screenshots?[/QUOTE

you can keep on your wall, but I would keep screenshots to email to support. I think they like the screenshots in your first email to see how serious the comments are.
PLus I think keeping the remarks on your wall will create other players to go the other persons wall and make comments to them which in turn creates even more drama.
Just my thoughts on it.

Keep in mind when you report a person team lava will investigate your wall and the other persons wall.
So make sure you have not said anything bad on their wall back to them.
I have a nbr that made rude comments back to a "stalker" and my nbr reported this and both people were suspended.

07-23-11, 08:56 PM
I think that you should definitely put screenshots in the support emails, but never post profanity on the forums. Also, don't post the response on the forums.

kooky panda
07-23-11, 09:11 PM
I think that you should definitely put screenshots in the support emails, but never post profanity on the forums. Also, don't post the response on the forums.

good point on reminding not to post support emails!!!

07-23-11, 09:22 PM
When reporting a harassing and/or vulgar user, you have to send a screenshot of the offending post, as well as the Storm8 ID of either the offender or the recipient of these comments. Without Storm8 ID of either one, makes it difficult for support to investigate.

07-25-11, 03:19 PM
None of this will matter if a BLOCK feature is implemented.

The BLOCK feature would simply prevent users from posting on your wall.

I dont think the BLOCK button should be in the wall of the person requesting the block. It would be too easy to make a mistake. Instead, when you tap the VISIT button and you go to that persons restaurant, a block button will be available on their wall or maybe in the upper right corner of their restaurant.

I've had problems with visitors who ask me to add them and I don't. They constantly visit my wall, sometimes pleading forgiveness, other times cursing me. It definitely takes away from the game.

07-26-11, 01:43 PM
I'm surprised that there is no block feature. It only makes sense considering that the developers designed the game with social sharing features. Asking users to contact support when there is a problem doesn't make sense either. Users should have enough control over their accounts to prevent harassment at the very least. I'm disappointed that TeamLava has not provided the tools to do this. I would go a step further and suggest that TeamLava has left itself vulnerable to an open ended civil liability. I'm surprised no one has filed a class action lawsuit against them. Of course, that could happen at any time.

07-26-11, 02:02 PM
A class action lawsuit because of no block option on a social game that you choose to play? That's taking it a bit far I think.

07-26-11, 02:38 PM
You may think so, but our legal system is not always rational in the conventional sense. Think about the McDonald's lawsuit in which a customer sued after being burned by their coffee. In finding for the plaintiff, it was noted that McDonald's had received numerous complaints about the coffee being too hot. McDonald's took no action. The rest is history.

You must also remember that the rules are different for civil trials (as opposed to criminal).

07-26-11, 02:56 PM
The plaintiff in that action suffered physical injury. Spam or profanity on the wall of a game you choose to play has no comparison to 2nd degree burns on your thighs.

Teamlava does take action by suspending those players proven to be harassing.

07-26-11, 03:03 PM
So basically, don't take it on yourself by responding to the offender, take screenshots of the offense, email them to support with your storm8 id. Repeat if necessary.

07-26-11, 03:35 PM
I play farm story on Android and cannot take screenshots. What should people do if they are in that position?

kooky panda
07-26-11, 03:41 PM
I play farm story on Android and cannot take screenshots. What should people do if they are in that position?

You can try using a digital camera to take a picture of your wall. Upload to computer . Then attach to your email.

07-26-11, 04:05 PM
Good idea. I'm not being harassed myself but thought it would be good for people to know what they could do :)

07-26-11, 05:21 PM
There is no requirement for physical injury. While I'm not completely up to speed on cyber bullying statutes, I will take a look to see what the provisions are. The basis I see is that reporting harassment to customer support does not guarantee a timely resolution to the complaint. The user may continue to be harassed while the complaint is under investigation. If the complaint results in a suspension, that implies that the harasser can return at a later time to continue the treatment.

I realize that TeamLava develops games for entertainment. But people shouldn't be turned away from enjoying a publicly available game because of cyber bullying. Adding a blocking feature seems to be a simple way to manage the issue in an expedient fashion. Some or many of you don't agree that a lawsuit is appropriate. That's fine.

From a risk management perspective, I have to wonder what TeamLava's lawyers think about the potential cost of a lawsuit (with the accompanying publicity) versus adding additional features to the software.

03-04-12, 08:09 PM
I think there should be one button on every message someone sends, maybe under the delete, but 1 button on a message could actually save peoples life..suicidal people! That are offended and hurt emotionally on something that someone on the other side of the world might not know about! There could be a skinny 20 year old model ur talking too and u offend her..she might have a wealthy life in front of her, but after you offend her, she quits modeling and might end up working in the shops for $20 an hour! It could be under the cross to delete the button and if you could click a red circle button or something and that person is reported and blocked(or just blocked) TL had to think about it! Cyber-bullying is actually deadly..

03-16-12, 09:09 AM
I would like to know where to send the post on my wall of these people using vulgarity and racist slurs along with threats! Also how did they block me in a matter of seconds! I have young children as neighbors and I for sure do not want them exposed to that!

03-16-12, 09:23 AM
I would like to know where to send the post on my wall of these people using vulgarity and racist slurs along with threats! Also how did they block me in a matter of seconds! I have young children as neighbors and I for sure do not want them exposed to that!

They didn't block you. It's a glitch. There's no option to block.

03-16-12, 10:53 AM
I clicked on the link to sign the petition but only saw five petitions to sign but not the one for the block button.

I cant believe TL would ban someone for telling the person spamming her wall with rude words to leave her alone yet let's the one posting the bad words off Scott free. Shame on TL.

Guess if I'm ever unlucky enough to get continuously spammed, I may as well not waste my time reporting them.

I vote yes for a block button. I can't sign the petition though since it didn't pop up when I clicked the link.

kooky panda
03-16-12, 11:00 AM
I would like to know where to send the post on my wall of these people using vulgarity and racist slurs along with threats! Also how did they block me in a matter of seconds! I have young children as neighbors and I for sure do not want them exposed to that!

There is not a block button. If you received this message, it means you went offline in the game. Hit home then you should be able to post.

You will need to take screenshots of your wall, and send an email to support@teamlava.com Give them your storm ID, your game name, and the storm ID of the offender if you know it, and their game name.
Once you get the screenshots, you can delete the message.
I also would strongly advise you NOT to post back on their walls at all.
Support may take a few days to get back to you with the weekend coming up.

03-16-12, 02:58 PM
Interesting how this subject has come up again recently ... Must be Spring Fever? I posted this in another thread and hope it can help here, too.

I agree that a block button would be great. I mean, all social networking apps have it. I think the logistics of it may be difficult for tl to develop. But that can all be irrelevant if you follow a few basic rules.

I've been actively playing BS and RS for almost a year. There have been some abusive juvenile posts on my wall.

Basically, in most cases (granted, not all) if you have someone harassing you continuously, it might be because you responded inappropriately or in a way to encourage them to continue, leaving both parties at fault. Other times it can be because of an invite not accepted/received.

Here are some tips to keep the game a happy place:

1. Delete the post as soon as you see it
2. Do not post back anything, no matter what
3. Do not post anything on your wall about it, no matter what
4. Do not post about it on anyone else's walls, no matter what
5. If you share common neighbors, do not post anything on their walls either

This has been a very successful technique, passive and effective.

Seriously, when these idiots run around looking for trouble, and yes, they are trying to piss you off, they'll say stuff to push your buttons. HOWEVER ... If they don't receive any response or reaction, eventually they'll just get bored and leave you alone.

If theyre really hunting you down, and if they have your storm8 ID, it might be easier to ask TL to change it. (not 100% sure about that but I think I've seen that posted in the past) - DaojinWildfire, can you confirm that this is an option?

03-16-12, 04:58 PM
:mad:Ok .. im tired of my wall getting spammed with harrassment and profanity. They even go to point of posting about me on other peoples walls even my neighbors wall. They get their friends involved too... Yes I been sending in reports photos. But nothing is being done.. Why? Its been weeks of abuse. Do I need to post the names here.. Sigh
Sign the Petition Below started by a loyal Bakery Story Player

Wow. idk why ppl do stuff like that :(

03-16-12, 05:01 PM
Interesting how this subject has come up again recently ... Must be Spring Fever? I posted this in another thread and hope it can help here, too.

I agree that a block button would be great. I mean, all social networking apps have it. I think the logistics of it may be difficult for tl to develop. But that can all be irrelevant if you follow a few basic rules.

I've been actively playing BS and RS for almost a year. There have been some abusive juvenile posts on my wall.

Basically, in most cases (granted, not all) if you have someone harassing you continuously, it might be because you responded inappropriately or in a way to encourage them to continue, leaving both parties at fault. Other times it can be because of an invite not accepted/received.

Here are some tips to keep the game a happy place:

1. Delete the post as soon as you see it
2. Do not post back anything, no matter what
3. Do not post anything on your wall about it, no matter what
4. Do not post about it on anyone else's walls, no matter what
5. If you share common neighbors, do not post anything on their walls either

This has been a very successful technique, passive and effective.

Seriously, when these idiots run around looking for trouble, and yes, they are trying to piss you off, they'll say stuff to push your buttons. HOWEVER ... If they don't receive any response or reaction, eventually they'll just get bored and leave you alone.

If theyre really hunting you down, and if they have your storm8 ID, it might be easier to ask TL to change it. (not 100% sure about that but I think I've seen that posted in the past) - DaojinWildfire, can you confirm that this is an option?

Well can you infest their place with rats? I have only declined a couple of invites and it was because of being snotty when they asked me to add. lol. I can't believe a person would take the time to harass a player because they declined an invite. Just makes me wonder about society as a whole. People are mean and these games can be an escape why make your play world a place of fear and being mean too?

03-16-12, 05:04 PM
I would like to know where to send the post on my wall of these people using vulgarity and racist slurs along with threats! Also how did they block me in a matter of seconds! I have young children as neighbors and I for sure do not want them exposed to that!

People are stupid. They just are. You have no idea who you are talking to and people need to remember that. But most who would be mean to a random stranger wouldn't care anyway. :(

03-17-12, 07:50 AM
If you decline someone's request to add you, how could they get to your wall, considering that once their pending invite to you is gone, they have no link to visit your place anymore?

I've declined many (unsolicited) requests because I don't want any more neighbors. I've never been harassed, but I can't figure out how they would harass me in the first place.

03-17-12, 08:23 AM
If you decline someone's request to add you, how could they get to your wall, considering that once their pending invite to you is gone, they have no link to visit your place anymore?

I've declined many (unsolicited) requests because I don't want any more neighbors. I've never been harassed, but I can't figure out how they would harass me in the first place.

A few ways:
If they have your storm8ID, they can just invite you again and get back to you.
They can also check to see who your neighbors are and find their way to you.
And if you're active, you'll probably pop up on the social community tab.

But your method is the best. Just delete the post and give no response anywhere. they won't bother you again.

And your question "why?" Excellent question. There are just some idiotic people out there.

kooky panda
03-17-12, 08:26 AM
I think someone asked earlier, but if you feel a need, you can email support@teamlava.com and tell them you are having issues with a player that keeps posting on your wall, and finding you by sending you invites, and you can request a change in your storm ID.

03-17-12, 09:05 AM
When I played World of Warcraft we called that keyboard courage. Its when people say things things that are rude or mean on a keyboard that they would never say to yourface. But just try to be the better person. You can't make people have manners. if you are like me you expect that everyone is kind .until you face the real world. Its sad really you can't just enjoy your game .block button would be nice .maybe they will add one to the game and the forum

03-17-12, 08:29 PM
How would they know who my neighbors are?

03-17-12, 08:44 PM
How would they know who my neighbors are?

There are many players out there that don't delete their wall messages. So if someone adds someone, then goes to their place before the person could decline the request, they can check their wall and then start harassing their neighbors as well. It has happened, too many times to count, to many players. This is why I delete my wall messages, so that nobody can get to my neighbors through me. Plus I just like my message to my neighbors to be as near to the top as possible, so they don't have to try to scan 25+ messages to find out what I might need on a particular day. :)

03-19-12, 08:02 AM
I would post these peoples names on this forum....who cares about forum policies! Let all see who these Mormons are! TL can just lump it if they don't like it! :p

03-19-12, 08:04 AM
I would post these peoples names on this forum....who cares about forum policies! Let all see who these Mormons are! TL can just lump it if they don't like it! :p

Oops I meant morons....not Mormons.....stupid, stupid spell correct! So sorry!

03-19-12, 08:31 AM
If you decline someone's request to add you, how could they get to your wall, considering that once their pending invite to you is gone, they have no link to visit your place anymore?

I've declined many (unsolicited) requests because I don't want any more neighbors. I've never been harassed, but I can't figure out how they would harass me in the first place.

How would they know who my neighbors are?

Seriously? At least I know you haven't been harassed and that you haven't figured out how to harass people...so it wasn't you;)
You should feel lucky and stop suggesting that the rest of us are crazy.

03-19-12, 08:33 AM
You might want to consider editing your post instead of posting another one to draw attention;)

03-19-12, 08:38 AM
You might want to consider editing your post instead of posting another one to draw attention;)

People who joined after April 12 2011 cannot edit their posts.

03-19-12, 08:39 AM
I would post these peoples names on this forum....who cares about forum policies! Let all see who these Mormons are! TL can just lump it if they don't like it! :p

This is not a good idea.

03-19-12, 08:47 AM
People who joined after April 12 2011 cannot edit their posts.
Ah, didn't know that....it's good that I have a bunch of those abandoned IDs from a long time ago. I didn't start playing BS and RS until last thanksgiving. I was about to stop and move to FS. Now that we have new expansions, I have new goals....make more gold and buy more stuff!

03-19-12, 08:54 AM
Ah, didn't know that....it's good that I have a bunch of those abandoned IDs from a long time ago. I didn't start playing BS and RS until last thanksgiving. I was about to stop and move to FS. Now that we have new expansions, I have new goals....make more gold and buy more stuff!

We can't have a signature either. It's allegedly an error, but its been almost a year and no fix.

03-19-12, 10:22 AM
We can't have a signature either. It's allegedly an error, but its been almost a year and no fix.

Wait, I can have a signature? hm...does this work?

The IMG tag didn't work:(

03-19-12, 10:29 AM
Wait, I can have a signature? hm...does this work?

The IMG tag didn't work:(

I think you have to wrap it in the link or something, like in the "go advanced" area. I can't really help since I can't have a signature, but I may just start making my own to post on every post. Something like this:

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Don't send me an invite, I'm not taking on new neighbors.

kooky panda
03-19-12, 10:34 AM
Wait, I can have a signature? hm...does this work?

The IMG tag didn't work:(

Just right click and hit copy mr piggy, then when you go to edit your signature, right click and paste the picture.

03-19-12, 10:35 AM
I think you have to wrap it in the link or something, like in the "go advanced" area. I can't really help since I can't have a signature, but I may just start making my own to post on every post. Something like this:

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Don't send me an invite, I'm not taking on new neighbors.
Works in the body of the message I think?

kooky panda
03-19-12, 10:38 AM
Works in the body of the message I think?
should work in you siggy. I will try to put in mine. be back.

kooky panda
03-19-12, 10:39 AM
should work in you siggy. I will try to put in mine. be back.

yup got him into my siggy.

03-19-12, 10:44 AM
yup got him into my siggy.

I can see that:D How did you do that? The IMG tag worked fine in the body of the message, but it showed up like an url inside the signature.


kooky panda
03-19-12, 10:49 AM
I can see that:D How did you do that? The IMG tag worked fine in the body of the message, but it showed up like an url inside the signature.
okay go to above and hit forum actions, then edit profile. scroll down on left hand side of screen until you see edit signature. YOU will have two boxes the top box shows what you signature looks like, the bottom box is where you edit your signature.
I have already embeded your pig picture to the forum so on this thread just right click the picture and hit copy, then go to your edit signature box and right click and hit paste.
scroll down to preview and make sure it took, then hit submit.

since you registered in April, you should be able to edit and have permanent siggy.

you do not need to use IMG tags.

03-19-12, 10:56 AM

I wish I could have a signature too. :(

03-19-12, 11:08 AM
okay go to above and hit forum actions, then edit profile. scroll down on left hand side of screen until you see edit signature. YOU will have two boxes the top box shows what you signature looks like, the bottom box is where you edit your signature.
I have already embeded your pig picture to the forum so on this thread just right click the picture and hit copy, then go to your edit signature box and right click and hit paste.
scroll down to preview and make sure it took, then hit submit.

since you registered in April, you should be able to edit and have permanent siggy.

you do not need to use IMG tags.

No dice, I tried it on 2 different browsers:(
If I copy and paste the url, it adds url add and turns it into a link. If I copy and paste the actual image, it does nothing.

kooky panda
03-19-12, 11:15 AM
No dice, I tried it on 2 different browsers:(
If I copy and paste the url, it adds url add and turns it into a link. If I copy and paste the actual image, it does nothing.

Are you copying the picture from this thread? Right click this pic in my post .


03-19-12, 11:18 AM
BTW, sorry for hijacking the thread....I blame pinkstar:-D

03-19-12, 11:19 AM
Are you copying the picture from this thread? Right click this pic in my post .


Yup, when I right click, I can copy image url or copy image, I tried both. Which one did you do?

03-19-12, 11:25 AM
Im in complete agreement with all of the above. Im sorry but i think TL have got to big for their own boots. They have so many players now of their games and they are hugely successful yet dont seem to have the customer service or complaints protocol, system or support needed to go with the growing number of players!

Without going into detail i am shocked, appalled and upset at the momant with my recent dealings with TL ( or the lack of dealings should i say). My complaint is relating to potential criminal acts and could be seen as a danger and i get a generic email reply from TL and a ticket ref telling me to wait for somene to get back me! Still nothing and its been 24 hrs!

Im not trying to belittle your horrible experiences of harrassement but i do feel my complaint should be dealt with NOW! Not stuck in a line of complaints about loss of gems. But noooooo! While the person in question is still actively out there and could be dangerous Sorry im being vague!

kooky panda
03-19-12, 11:28 AM
Yup, when I right click, I can copy image url or copy image, I tried both. Which one did you do?

I will PM you so we can finish.

06-18-12, 11:35 PM
Ok, now I know that i can capture the screen and report to TeamLava.
Too bad I did not read this post yesterday before I deleted those messages on my wall.

kooky panda
06-19-12, 04:55 AM
Ok, now I know that i can capture the screen and report to TeamLava.
Too bad I did not read this post yesterday before I deleted those messages on my wall.

The forum cannot help with in game harrassment. As stated on this thread, send email to support@teamlava.com with your storm ID , game name, game name and storm ID(if you know it ) of any offenders.
Sending screen shots of your wall does help speed up the process, but support can investigate without them.