View Full Version : reporting people

06-01-11, 12:36 PM
How do i report someone on bakery story?????????? They keep on anoying me and they always curse on
my wall. Can anyone please tell me how to report that person!!!!

06-01-11, 12:38 PM
You can report it by sending the information into TeamLava Support (support@teamlava.com). Include a screen shot if possible, if you're not able to provide a screen shot try to give details on who it is leaving the comments. Make sure to include your Storm8 ID as well.

06-01-11, 01:46 PM
A memper hat a Petition going here ---> http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/lavagameblock/

I Too am very upset at the profanity and Harrassment. It takes me a while to take a pic of my ipod with my phone than e-mail from phone to pc. Just to report a player who laughs and thinks its funny to cuss and get his friends to harrass you too. I have sent in pics only to see the player weeks later playing and laughing.. I pay for Gems to help support this game. Today im reporting a Group of harrassing children.. TeamLava Better Ban this Time.

06-01-11, 01:47 PM
sorry keeyboars old, bad typos my keys are sticking :(